7 Days of Incest/Day 1/Try to Reason with Rose First

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Knowing it was probably futile, you decide to try and reason with her. Taking a deep breath you close your eyes, trying to focus and calm your mind. After a couple of seconds you open them again to find that Rose is standing a lot closer to you, her eyes smoldering and her foot tapping impatiently against the floor.

"Well?" She asks, flipping her crimson bangs out of her eyes.

"That music was way too damn loud," You say, trying to mimic the tone of authority your dad often used.

"Does it look like I care...?" She retorts, "You're not dad; turn it back on!" Rose reached over and pressed the button, releasing a wave of skull splitting music to pound insistently against your eardrums.

Glaring at your sister, you smash the button much harder than need be, and the music shuts off again.

"Dude, what the hell?" She wails, making another attempt for the button.

"I may not be dad," You respond, managing to slap her hand away long enough for you to get a word in edgewise, "But he left me in charge for the break. And I said that the music was way too loud!"

Words were going no where right now, you realized. The teenager wanted her music on and nothing was going to change her mind nothing was going to stop her from trying again. Rose would just continue to push boundaries and run roughshod over the rest of your family until someone put her in her place. You had to assert yourself and reign her in. The only question was... how? Maybe you could just continue to fight over the boom box. You were confident that you could gain control over the situation if things got more physical, but you also didn't want to risk hurting her. Or perhaps A good slap across her face might shock her into backing down. It might be harsh, but it'd bring a swift end to the confrontation. Maybe you could do something else instead...

Do you:

In either case, you need to do something fast or else you will lose control of the situation...