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For the first few weeks, it seemed the two five year olds were starting off school rather well. They did what they were told and liked that they were in the same class together. Their teacher, Mrs. Trinity, enjoyed Kayla’s outgoing attitude and Emily’s more reserved curiosity. Though she did have to remind Kayla not to talk back on occasion.
For the first few weeks, it seemed the two five year olds were starting off school rather well. They did what they were told and liked that they were in the same class together. Their teacher, Mrs. Trinity, enjoyed Kayla’s outgoing attitude and Emily’s more reserved curiosity. Though she did have to remind Kayla not to talk back on occasion.

All in all, Kindergarteners at their school were typically allowed quite a bit more leeway than the older kids. They were largely observers, developing an understanding of the rules and they odd punishments the older kids that broke them had to endure. But in rare cases, even the youngest children were treated with the fullest extent of the school’s discipline if the principal deemed it necessary.  
All in all, Kindergarteners at their school were typically allowed quite a bit more leeway than the older kids. They were largely observers, developing an understanding of the rules and the odd punishments the older kids that broke them had to endure. But in rare cases, even the youngest children were treated with the fullest extent of the school’s discipline if the principal deemed it necessary.  

While Kayla and Emily were both enjoying school so far, there was one particular student that had begun to cause them a bit of trouble. The culprit was a boy named, Jake.  
While Kayla and Emily were both enjoying school so far, there was one particular student that had begun to cause them a bit of trouble. The culprit was a boy named, Jake.  

Latest revision as of 18:38, 22 May 2024

Chapter 1

Kayla waded in the warm water as she waited her turn to have her hair washed. At five years old, she was the youngest; but only by a few minutes. Her twin sister, Emily was technically older, though they shared the same birthday. Older still was, Nick. He was nearly two full years older than his little sisters.

All three children shared the same light blonde hair and bright blue eyes. And Emily and Kayla shared quite a bit more than that. Indeed, the two girls were hard to tell apart by anyone outside of their family. Though Kayla was typically the more adventurous of the two and could often be found reeking havoc somewhere. While Emily was much more calm and reserved.

Recently however, Kayla had been asking for a haircut and since the girls were just about to start kindergarden, their mother finally obliged. How else was their new teacher supposed to tell the girls apart?

“Alright Kayla, your turn,” their mother squeezed out more shampoo. She had just finished washing Nick and Emily’s hair and Kayla was up.

“What if we don’t like Kindergarten?” Kayla asked as her mother began to run her hands through her wet hair.

“I’m sure you’ll have fun, you liked your teacher, didn’t you?” Mrs. Edman reminded her.

“She was nice, but we barely even met her!” Kayla reasoned. “What if she’s like one of those adults you always tell us about that pretend to be nice but are actually really mean!?”

“Your teacher will not be like one of them,” her mother assured.

“But what if they are!?” Emily joined in.

“Girls, bad people like that don’t work for elementary schools,” Mrs. Edman started to sound annoyed. Of course, she’d warned all her children incessantly about such shady characters, just as she had warned them how bad it was for them show their privates to anyone.

Mrs. Edman was quite zealous about such things. She even worried that about bathing all three of her children together as the twins had started noticing that their older brother’s body was just a bit different than theirs. As for Nick, he too had such things drilled into him from an early age. All three kids were warned that having someone other than a parent or a doctor touch their privates meant that they would become impure. And she always followed that up by reminding them that it was just as bad for them to touch someone else's, too.

The woman was always eager to stress to her children how bad such a thing would be and how much trouble they would be in if they did in fact become “impure.”

While still very conservative, their father didn’t share his wife’s more radical views on the issue of sex. But he was far too busy to concern himself with it and trusted her to handle such matters regarding their children.

He had just been promoted and was happy to pick up and move his family to Marin Valley with a nice pay raise to boot. In kind, Mrs. Edman was glad to move to such a beautiful place by the ocean, even if it was a little remote. The city had everything one could need, though, including a bustling downtown and of course, a highly rated school system.

While all of the locals and most of the new residents knew about the typically unspoken rules of the city—and those of the school in particular. Mrs. Edman wasn’t the most perceptive, particularly if it had anything to do with sex; for which she would always turn a blind eye.

But what rules are these you may ask? Well, Marin Valley was known for accepting those with a proclivity toward young children. And what’s more, the local schools were notorious for punishing kids by very unconventional means. And anyone who knew the elementary school’s Principal, Mr. Richter, could tell you that he enjoyed punishing little girls the most.

All this to say, Mrs. Edman was most definitely incorrect in her assumption, bad people (as she would call them) do work for elementary schools; especially if said elementary school is located in Marin Valley.

This was usually very tongue in cheek, of course. Only on rare occasions did anyone in the city spell out just what sorts of punishments the school engaged in, or how open and accepting the city as a whole was to anyone with a sexual interest in children. So all of these underhanded sexual references where quick to go right over Mrs. Edman’s head.

It was the beginning of the school year and the twins would be starting Kindergarten while their brother Nick was moving on to second grade. They were all nervous, but Nick never had an issue making friends and Kayla and Emily had each other.

As their mother finished their bath and dried them off that evening, neither her nor the kids would have any idea just what the school year would have in store.

“Emily, come on!” Kayla grabbed her twin sisters hand excitedly. “Let’s get to class.” It seemed that Kayla’s reservations from the night before had been completely forgotten. Emily followed her sister’s lead and two girls broke out into a run, outpacing their mother by several yards in the school’s main hallway.

“No running inside girls!” A man looked down at the girls. He noted the two blonde girls looked to be twins and were wearing matching blue dresses for their first day.

“Oh, sorry,” Emily apologized. “See, you got us in trouble!” The five year old complained to her twin.

“You girls aren’t in trouble,” the man smiled kneeled closer to their level. “I’m just reminding you of the rules so you know better for next time.”

“That’s a dumb rule!” Kayla replied, never afraid to speak her mind.

“Well, we made it that way so kids don’t fall and get hurt,” Principal Richter replied. “Running is only for recess, okay?”

“Okay, we won’t do it again,” Emily blurted out quickly and glared at her sister. Just then, their mother caught up with them.

“Oh, hello,” he looked up at her. “I’m Principal Richter, you have a couple of lovely daughters!” He shook Mrs. Edman’s hand.

“Thank you, they can be a handful sometimes, I have a son in second grade, too but he wanted to go to class on his own,” she replied.

“Well, I’m sure I’ll be seeing more of you girls,” Principal Richter looked down at the twins once more. “Have a good first day!”

“Thanks,” Mrs. Edman spoke for her girls who had already become bored with the principal and weren’t paying much attention. By the time they got to their classroom, they had forgotten their warning and were almost at a full-blown run again with their mother calling after them. She knew that her girls might be a handful, but hoped this wasn’t a sign of more to come. But after greeting their teacher and seeing the girls blend in with the rest of their class, she left feeling confident that they would adjust well.

For the first few weeks, it seemed the two five year olds were starting off school rather well. They did what they were told and liked that they were in the same class together. Their teacher, Mrs. Trinity, enjoyed Kayla’s outgoing attitude and Emily’s more reserved curiosity. Though she did have to remind Kayla not to talk back on occasion.

All in all, Kindergarteners at their school were typically allowed quite a bit more leeway than the older kids. They were largely observers, developing an understanding of the rules and the odd punishments the older kids that broke them had to endure. But in rare cases, even the youngest children were treated with the fullest extent of the school’s discipline if the principal deemed it necessary.

While Kayla and Emily were both enjoying school so far, there was one particular student that had begun to cause them a bit of trouble. The culprit was a boy named, Jake.

For whatever reason, the kid seemed to like to tease the twins. He would make fun of them when they often wore matching clothes or would make otherwise rude comments. Most of this was directed at Emily as she sat closest to him in class. She usually brushed things off and tried to ignore him. But Kayla would occasionally be more confrontational.

One day in particular, Mrs. Trinity’s back was turned and he pulled one of Emily’s pigtails.

“Ow, stop it!” Emily whined. But Kayla was already in front of the boy and shoved him to the ground. At the exact moment, Mrs. Trinity had turned around just in time to witness Kayla’s forceful shove. The boy fell back and hit his head on the edge of the school desk. He immediately started crying.

“Young lady, what do you think you’re doing?” Mrs. Trinity quickly glided over to the scene. All the other students were watching now.

“He pulled Emily’s pigtails!” Kayla said defiantly.

“That’s no reason for you to go pushing your fellow students,” the teacher replied. “You’re okay, Jake.” She saw that he was bleeding and carried him over to her desk to get her first aid kit.

“Kayla, go sit at your desk,” Mrs. Trinity instructed as she tended to his head. She knew he would need to go to the nurse, though. Kayla went to sit down while her teacher reached for the phone on her desk.

With one hand holding pressure on Jake’s head with, dialed the front office and informed them of the situation. Minutes later, a woman came in to take Jake to the nurse. Kayla was instructed to go with her, too.

The woman first led Jake the the nurse, keeping pressure on his wound. Fortunately, it seemed the cut wasn’t too bad. Kayla followed behind them and once Jake was dropped off, she was ultimately taken to the front office and told to sit in a chair just outside the principal’s office. As she sat there, the woman went into Principal Richter’s office and briefed him on the situation.

Kayla swung her feet back and forth nervously, listening to the faint voices of the two adults talking in the office. But she couldn’t make out a word. When the woman left the principal’s office, she paid Kayla no attention as she passed. She sat there nervously for several minutes before Principal Richter finally emerged to deal with her.

“Well, Miss Kayla,” he peered down at her and she looked up at him wearily. “I sounds like you’ve had an interesting afternoon so far.” He motioned for her to join him in his office and she followed.

Principal Richter shut the door behind her and ushered the girl to the sofa in front of his desk. He then walked around and sat in his tall leather chair to address the disobedient girl.

"So, Ms. Kat tells me you pushed a boy and made him hit his head on the desk," he began. "Surely you understand this kind of thing is not acceptable."

"It's not my fault," Kayla protested. "He pulled my sister's pigtails!"

"I see," the principal thought for a moment. "That certainly wasn't very nice of him, but that doesn't mean it's okay to push him into a desk." Though Kayla's behavior was certainly worthy of one of the principal's more sever punishments, younger kids like Kayla usually got off easy in that regard. And since it was only a few weeks into the school year, Principal Richter had every intention of coming up with a fair and more reasonable form on discipline than what he was otherwise infamous for. Indeed, a warning and a light spanking would surely suffice.

"It's not fair that I'm in trouble and he isn't!" Kayla pouted with a bit more attitude than she aught to have.

"Kayla, I must warn you that talking back to me, or any other teacher for that matter, is not acceptable," he added.

"But he started it!" She continued her outburst, eager to plead her case. “He’s been making fun of me and my sister for weeks!”

"Young lady," the principal replied more calmly. "I am not worried about his behavior right now and he is not your concern. But if you're going to be successful here, you need to learn that it's not okay to hurt other students."

"He hurt my..."

"Quiet." Principal Richter's stern voice hung in the air and the five year old was immediately silent, hands folded in her lap. He looked at her small frame. She was wearing a light blue shirt with blue overalls. Indeed, she was quite cute and quite a mouthy little slut, it seems.

Without speaking, the principal stood from his desk and carefully made his way over to where Kayla was seated. She watched him approach anxiously. When he stopped in front of her, Principal Richter looked down and began to unzip his pants.

“What are you doing?” Kayla’s eyes grew wide and she shifted nervously on the sofa when he pulled out his cock. The principal loved seeing the kid’s reactions when they saw his cock for the first time. Some were curious while others were in various stages of shock.

“M-mommy says girls shouldn’t look at boys wieners,” Kayla added, leaning away from the man.

“Does she now…” he replied placing his hand on the girl’s head.

“Yeah, um…” Kayla looked away. “You should put that away.”

“Have you ever seen one before?” He asked, unfazed by her reply.

“I’ve seem my brother’s,” Kayla answered. “We take baths together.”

“Have you ever touched it?” Mr. Richter leaned in closer.

“Um, no. . .maybe on accident,” Kayla thought, trying her hardest to ignore the cock near her face. “But I would never do it on purpose!”

“Of course not,” he laughed to himself. “But, when you get in trouble at my school, you have to do whatever I say!” the principal asserted, brushing a strand of hair over her shoulder.

“Even if your mommy tells you not to…” Kayla’s discomfort was growing more evident as he spoke. “And you understand that hurting another student is a very serious offense.” He lifted her chin with his finger.

“Ye-yes,” she replied, still trying not to look as his cock.

“Good, then reach up and touch my cock,” Principal Richter instructed.

“Your what?” Kayla looked at him.

“It’s called a cock!” He informed her, shaking it in front of her face. Kayla let out a soft whine in protest and put a hand in her mouth, them hugged herself with her free arm.

“It’s not a choice, Kayla,” the principal went on.

“Well, I’m not doing it,” Kayla stated, putting her hands in her lap. “That’s gross and mommy says not to.” Kayla didn’t always listen to her mother, but this time obeying her felt right.

“You can’t refuse a punishment, little girl,” he stated. “Get your hand on my fucking cock!”

“No!” She raised her voice to match his. “I’m not going to!”

“Fine, have it your way,” Principal Richter hadn’t intended to go this far, but Kayla was making it east for him—and he found her rather cute. “Can you read yet?”

“A little,” Kayla answered, surprised by the question.

“Very good,” the principal‘s cock was still hanging in front of her. “Do you know a word that starts with the letter A?”

Kayla thought for a moment, “Aaao—ughk!” Taking advantage of her open mouth, the principal had grabbed her head and shoved his cock into her mouth with one swift motion. The girl was caught completely off guard and whined as his intrusion.

She ferruled her brow as he began moving his pelvis, feeling his fingers grasp her head. She made a concerned noise and tried to pull away in a state if panic, but the principal’s hands ensured that the girl’s mouth stayed fixed on his cock.

“Yeah, fucking naughty slut!” Principal Richter moaned and seemed to enjoy the feel of the young girl’s mouth, despite her obvious repulsion. Her continued efforts to get away were easily thwarted by the school administrator and he seemed to enjoy her hesitation as he ran his hands through her shoulder length, blonde hair.

Eventually, Kayla let out a final soft whine and simply gave in. She sat there looking largely uninterested while the principal drove his cock in and out of her mouth. Her hands were folded lazily in her lap until the man was began to climax.

He let out another moan, much louder this time. Then his jizz began to shoot into the five year old’s mouth. She squealed and gagged, suddenly alarmed once again with no clue what was happening. The girl tried to pull away with greater effort this time, but she was still no match for the adult who held her head firmly in place.

“Dugguahdg!” Kayla sputtered, dripping cum from her mouth while the cock remained in between her lips. The principal laughed at her predicament, but did finally pull his cock away after giving her the bulk of his load.

He shot one last squirt on the front of her overalls before she turned to spit the vile liquid onto the sofa in the principal’s office.

“Wha is dah stuff?” She managed as she spit globs of the strange goo from her mouth. Her eyes watered and she was nearly in tears.

“It’s called, cum,” he answered.

“It tastes nasty!” Kayla complained, more the dangling off her chin as it made its way slowly to the sofa.

“Well that’s what little girls have to drink at my school when they’re naughty,” he reached for a strand of her hair and wiped off the remaining semen from his cock. “It wouldn’t be a punishment if it tasted good.”

“Plegh,” Kayla made an audible sound as she spit out more.

“Here you go,” the principal had pulled his pants back on and grabbed a rag off of his wall for the girl. She took it and wiped her face, but he grabbed it to help her out.

“Now, you’re not going to push little boys anymore are you?” He inquired, wiping his jizz off of her overalls and then her cheek.

“No,” she said nervously, squishing her arms tightly to her side.

“Okay,” Principal Richter gave her a gentle pat on the head. “You can go back to class. Be good now okay?”

“Okay,” Kayla stood up as soon as the man stepped back. She said nothing, trying to keep her distance while she headed for the door.

The girl walked down the hall feeling ashamed, not for pushing her fellow student, but for what the principal had made her do. Was something bad going to happen to her now? Was she really “impure” like her mother always warned? She hoped not.

And what would her mother or even her twin sister say if they found out what she’d done? There was no way she could tell them! Surely neither of them would ever speak to her again if they knew she’d not actually touched a man’s privates, and even had it in her mouth. And then there was that gooey cum he’d made her taste!

So many questions and concerns swirled through her head. Passing the kindergarden bathrooms, she stopped at the drinking fountain to get the taste of the principal’s cum out of her mouth. By the time she made it back to class, she was certain she she would tell no one what had happened in the principal’s office.

Chapter 2