
From All The Fallen Stories
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In the heart of Tokyo, beneath the neon glow of midnight, the city buzzed with life while a dimly lit apartment of stood as a quiet refuge. Takahiro Kinoshita, a jaded salaryman in his mid-twenties, lay slumped on his bed, eyes glazed over as he mindlessly scrolled through his phone.

His monotonous routine was suddenly interrupted by a vibrant ad that seemed to shimmer with life: "Rent-A-Snugglebuddy." Curiosity piqued, Takahiro tapped the link and was greeted by a homepage filled with pictures of irresistibly cute boys, each radiating warmth and charm. Could this whimsical service be the antidote to his lonely nights and endless drudgery? He couldn't resist diving deeper, feeling a flicker of excitement in his otherwise dull existence. "Hmm, they've got a wide range of types. Maybe it wouldn't be so hard to find a good match after all. And...what? They have my address already?"

Takahiro stared in disbelief at his phone. There, above the numerous profiles, was his address. Apartment number, building name, even the prefecture. And, from the looks of it, all the boys listed on the page were near the local area. And these were some cute boys, at that. Some were dressed in their school uniforms, some were sporting speedos, and some where even baring a bit of skin for the camera. But every single one was irresistibly cute and just his type.

"How'd they get my address? It's a little creepy, but I guess there's nothing I can do. They probably got it from somewhere." He reasoned to himself, scrolling the options of snugglebuddies the site had to offer before one took his fancy.

"Oh, he's perfect. The cutest guy here." The profile Takahiro had come across was named Shota. A soft, almost effeminate boy with big brown eyes, and a smile that could melt hearts. The boy was dressed in naught but a red speedo, reclining on a beach towel, with his tongue teasing the tip of an ice cream cone. Takahiro's pulse raced, his imagination running wild. Was this really his only chance to experience the affection he craved so badly? The chance to finally get his hands on an adorable young twink?

Opening the profile, Takahiro was greeted by the boy’s bio; Shota, Age: 10, Birthday: 12th March, Height: 125cm, Weight: 25kg, Blood type: B+, Likes: Cuddles with nii-chan, candy, boba and movies, Dislikes: Being ignored, sports and peppers.


Takahiro had assumed the term was some sort of endearing term. Now he realised, however, that the boy was actually younger than he had initially thought. Backing up to the browsing page, he started to realise that all these boys were of a similar age to Shota. Some were 8, 9, 10 years old, while the oldest he could find was 15 years old.

"This is some kinda fetish thing, right? I've never heard of something like this before, but they must be popular if they have an app." As if reading his mind, the homepage shifted, and the top three most popular models appeared: Shota, Kouta and a pretty young boy named Touya. Takahiro found himself captivated, his eyes hungrily taking in the details. All these boys were absolutely adorable, and each had a different feel about them. Shota seemed the most feminine, Kouta had a certain boyish charm, and Touya radiated an innocent cuteness.

Curiosity piqued, Takahiro looked at the prices each boy had listed for his services. Shota was asking for 4500 yen per hour. Kouta, 13, was listed at 6000 yen per hour. And Touya asked for a modest 3000 yen per hour. This all felt a bit expensive, especially when compared to his usual nightly expenses.

"What the hell? Are they for real?"

Despite his shock, however, Takahiro knew he was going to take the plunge. He was simply too curious to back out by this point. As long as he stuck to one night, he could easily afford to spend the extra cash. After a few more moments of hesitation, he decided to bite the bullet and click Shota's name.

He was instantly redirected to a booking form, the screen filled with fields where he could enter his personal information, when and for how long he intended to rent Shota, and what he intended to to during his time with the boy. Looking at the section for what he intended for his time with his rented boy, Takahiro was surprised to see options for cuddles, play dates and days out to the mall… followed quickly by options for sex, bondage, and other extreme practices listed.

"This seems...weird. Why are they offering stuff like that with kids? They'd need permission for that, right?"

Despite the warning signs, however, Takahiro didn't back down. He punched in his card details, selected the option to rent Shota for an hour, and confirmed his order. He didn't have time to second guess himself before the app gave a cheery jingle and closed itself, the notification popping up: "Thank you for renting a snugglebuddy! Your rental will arrive shortly!"

All Takahiro could do now was simply lay in bed and wait to see what would come from this strange set of circumstances. Had he really just rented a 10 year old boy for tonight? Would he come? How did this whole thing work, anyway?

He didn't have to wait long to find out. Less than 5 minutes after placing his order, he heard a knock on his door. He rolled himself out of bed and answered the door. Sure enough, standing there at the door to his apartment, was a stunningly beautiful young boy with big brown eyes, smiling up at him wearing a cute crop top and shorts.

"I'm Shota. You must be my nii-chan!" The boy said, stepping forward and throwing his arms around the older man.

"Y-yeah. It's nice to meet you." Takahiro replied, gingerly wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. "So, um… I’ve never done anything like this before, so I don’t really know what I’m doing."

"It's okay, nii-chan. I'll take good care of you. Just come sit down on your bed and tell me what you wanna do. We can watch a movie, or play games, or cuddle, or do whatever you want."

The boy took his rented nii-chan by the hand and gently pulled him into the apartment. Takahiro guided him to the bedroom and the two of them sat together on the bed. Shota smiled and snuggled up to the older man’s side, resting his head against his shoulder. "What would you like to do, nii-chan?" "Well, we have an hour together, right? We could watch a movie. Is there a movie you'd like to watch?"

"I’m OK to watch anything you want, nii-chan." Shota simply replied, nuzzling his cheek sweetly into the older man’s shoulder. Takahiro swallowed thickly and scrolled through the movies on his TV program schedule for something to watch. To his surprise, there seemed to be an unusual amount of BL movies coming up. Some from Taiwan, some South Korean, and even a few from Thailand and Indonesia. He selected a random film about two high school boys and let it play as he absorbed his current situation.

He was renting a child. For an hour. And he was just going to watch a movie with him. He was already starting to feel a bit uncomfortable. The way Shota was looking at him, the way the boy clung to him and snuggled against his shoulder.He gently wrapped an arm around the boy, his fingers softly resting on the soft, warm skin of his side.

"You're very handsome, nii-chan." Shota smiled and leaned up, gently pressing a small kiss to his jaw. "You said this is your first time?"

"Y-Yeah." Takahiro replied, averting his gaze as a blush dusted across his cheeks. "I-I don’t even know what I was thinking, even clicking on the ad."

"Mmm, well if it makes you feel any better, I like that I'm your first. I love new nii-chans. I'll show you how good I can make you feel." The boy purred, his voice so innocent, yet his words so suggestive.

Shota moved his nii-chan’s hand to rest soft over his exposed midriff, slowly rolling the palm of the older man’s hand in slow circles over his tummy as the film played in the background. As the movie reached a rather steamy scene between the two boys, Shota slid his nii-chan's hand up his crop top, letting his hand roam over his chest, the smooth softness of his body.

Takahiro, for his part, tried his hardest to not show any reaction to the child’s bold advances, though it was hard when his face was starting to get warm from a combination of Shota’s teasing and the rather raunchy nature of the film they were watching.

"Does that feel nice, nii-chan?" The boy asked softly, leaning in and softly pressing a tender kiss to the older man's cheek. "Do you like how my body feels?"

Takahiro bit his lip, staying quiet as he tried desperately to rationalise the unusual situation in which he found himself.Shota seemed to know exactly how to push his buttons, the boy's fingers moving his nii-chan's hand back and forth on his flat tummy, his warm skin tingling under the touch of the older man's fingers. The feeling of the boy’s pert nipples under the stretchy fabric of his crop top sending jolts of forbidden pleasure through the man’s arm, making him experience a euphoria he’d never known before.

"I-It does. It feels nice." Takahiro said, his voice trembling. "B-But we can't do this. I shouldn't be doing this with you. This is wrong." Shota giggled at his nii-chan’s words, smoothly swinging a leg over the older man’s leg and straddling his thigh, sitting his soft behind on Takahiro’s leg with surprising grace.

"But you’re the one who rented me, nii-chan." He mewled softly, pushing the man’s hand under his top so far that his soft, boyish chest popped from the fabric. "Don't worry, I'm all yours. I'm your little toy for the night, and I wanna make you happy. Please don't be scared, nii-chan. I promise I'm good."

Takahiro’s eyes instinctively pulled themselves away from the film to focus squarely on Shota’s warm, inviting body. "Besides… if you really don’t want to touch me like this, you can always tell me, and I’ll stop for you, nii-chan. This is your time, after all. I don’t want to make my nii-chan uncomfy." It was starting to appear that, to Shota, “nii-chan” was more than a fetish thing that came with his line of work… it was also his word for “client”.

Takahiro couldn’t resist. He didn't want to give the boy the satisfaction, but he wanted this, and he wanted it badly. He let his hands glide across Shota's exposed torso, his fingers exploring every inch of soft skin. The boy giggled as nii-chan’s fingers gently tickled his torso, and he leaned into the touch eagerly.

"I love it when shy nii-chans get bold and needy." He giggled, gently rocking his hips back and forth, his crotch rubbing up and down his nii-chan's leg. He slowly started to pull his crop top up and over his head, allowing Takahiro full, unobstructed access to his body.

"Y-You're really soft." The older man breathed, his hands roaming the boy's torso, gently tweaking the pink, erect nipples he found there. Shota moaned and writhed under the touch, the feeling of the older man's hands on his body sending him into ecstasy.

Takahiro breathed deeply as he teased the rented boy sat in his lap. His mind raced as his fingers explored the forbidden fruit, the feeling of his small, warm body making his dick twitch in his pants.

"I-Is it okay if I…?" Takahiro asked, his hands lingering on the hem of the boy's shorts. Shota smiled sweetly and nodded.

"Of course, nii-chan. I’m all yours to play with. Please do everything you want to me."

Shota's words were all Takahiro needed. He slowly eased the boy's shorts down, his breath catching as his cute little dick came into view. The boy's penis was tiny, even when erect, and Takahiro couldn't help but find it endearing. Working such an antisocial job as he did, Takahiro never had time to explore relationships beyond work related ones, and so seeing a child's naked body in front of him, even the genitals, was a sight to behold.

"I want you, nii-chan. Please use me." Shota whimpered, his voice trembling with a mixture of lust and desire. Feeling more empowered than he’d ever felt in his life, Takahiro gently took Shota’s dick between his thumb and forefinger and started to gently stroke his boyish cock. The boy squeaked and squirmed, the pleasure overwhelming him, as his nii-chan expertly teased his little shaft.

"Nii-channnn!" He mewled, his small penis already twitching wildly from the stimulation. The older man pressed his lips against the boy’s neck and peppered his soft skin with kisses and licks. Takahiro's other hand slid around the boy's hips and down to his soft behind.

"A-Ah, N-Nii-chan. Please be gentle." Shota panted as the man's fingers started to explore his most sensitive place. The way the boy puckered and twitched against his nii-chan’s finger let Takahiro know that, despite his words, this was far from his first rodeo. He was probably playing the role of a little brother playing grown-up games with nii-chan for the first time as a way to make his client feel more at ease.

"You're so loose here." He murmured against the boy's neck, his middle finger gently massaging the puckering opening. "Are you really this excited to be with nii-chan?"

"I-It feels nice, nii-chan." Shota mewled, cupping the man’s cheeks in his hands and pressing his soft lips against the other’s. Takahiro was shocked by the bold move, but was too enraptured in the boy to stop him. He parted his lips and let Shota's tongue enter his mouth, their tongues dancing together as his hand worked the boy's stiff penis.

As the two of them made out, Takahiro slid a middle finger inside the boy, eliciting the cutest squeal of lustful pleasure he’d ever heard. It was like he’d died and been isekai’d into a hentai.

"Does this feel good, Shota? Do you like being penetrated like this?"

"M-Mmm. It feels amazing, nii-chan."

His own excitement building, Takahiro slid his tongue deep into Shota’s mouth, who eagerly sucked his tongue like it was the biggest, juiciest dick he’d seen. Just as Takahiro was getting into his stride, the sound of an alarm caught his attention, and Shota pulled away from the kiss, panting heavily with a string of spittle bridging their lips.

"Aww, time's up already?"

The boy sighed, looking genuinely disappointed. "But this was a fun first date, nii-chan." He smiles as he pulled off of Takahiro’s finger and started getting his clothes back on.

"I'm so happy you decided to take a chance and rent me, and I hope we can do it again soon. But if not, then thank you for giving me a chance."

With a smile and a wave, the boy opened the door and was gone, leaving Takahiro alone with the movie still playing in the background, his dick stiff and throbbing with need, and his mind racing.

"Fuck, that was hot." He breathed, falling back onto his bed, his eyes glued to the ceiling. He had no idea what had possessed him to click that link. But, looking back at the events it led to… he couldn’t honestly say he regretted it. He'd never had so much fun before, and he had Shota to thank for that. And, despite how wrong he knew this whole thing was, he found himself craving the boy's company once more. Pulling his gaze from the ceiling to once again watch the movie, he found it was on a scene where the boys were sharing a shower. A shower that was getting incredibly steamy. His erection throbbed painfully.

"Maybe next time, we can have some more fun together."

With the taste of the boy still lingering on his lips, and his fingers still tingling from the contact with the boy's soft skin, he reached a hand down and started to rub his frustrated dick.