Part 2: Reckoning

From All The Fallen Stories
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With the guards leading the way out, All the prisoners followed. Except for Arrabelle who was keeping up with the guards carefully carrying the elder scroll tightly. Its golden outer case highly visible against her spotted leopard like fur. Her tail was also wrapped protectively around the scroll as well. When the first guard of the rescue team showed up they shouted at her,"Drop the case and get on the ground prisoner." To which Arrabelle shouted," You would DARE harm an Elder Scroll, Legionnaire?" She took 1 hand off of the casing and charged a spell that the guard had never seen, It appeared to be a lightning made sword. She then said coldly,"Legionnaire, consider your words with utmost care."
The guard quickly dropped to the ground and then said,"Princess Arrabelle, we apologize for the confusion. Please accept our sincerest apologies." Arrabelle said,"Technically speaking there hasn't been, and yet to exist a claim on the white gold throne Legionnaire. Remember that. Calling me Princess is not yet, even though I "might" very well turn out to have that claim. Akatosh Has almost made it clear I am. BUT, he has declared 1 does exist that shall relight the temple of the 9 divines. The Altmer shall so be informed along with this scroll by me personally. Fuck those high and might mage bound faggots!"
The guards nodded and said,"You are correct, Princess. We will inform the Altmer of your presence in the city." Arrabelle smiled and said,"Good, now let's get out of here. I have a general to be reckoned with. General Tulius has committed treason and his head shall be MINE!" The guards nodded again and said,"We will escort you to your destination."
They led her away and she watched them go, feeling proud of herself.