Disciplinary Action/Characters/Orphans/Micaela

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Sixth Grade
A slutty young girl who was sexually molested by her father and dumped at the orphanage to cover up his crime.


WIP Suggestions accepted.


Micaela was not raised in Mahogany Hills. Instead, she was brought here just to be dumped at the orphanage by her father.

She has been sexually abused by her father since an early age. She lived out of town with a single father, who had taught her to sexually pleasure him in every way, from blow jobs and hand jobs to taking his inscestuous load inside her unprotected under-age pussy.

She has been taught not to talk about the activities between her and her father, but she has actually grown to somewhat like pleasuring male cocks and being fucked. To her, it is an expression of her father's love, as that is what she has been taught to think. He would always tell her this is something that husbands and wives who love each other do, and she had to fill in this role for her mommy since she wasn't around.

Even though he did all of those things with her, he has never actually educated her on how what they were doing made babies. In fact, he specifically hid that information in order to reduce the risk of her getting upset and possibly saying something about how he was molesting her.

Over the summer, she began throwing up day after day, but only in the mornings. She would be fine by the evenings. Suspecting something was wrong and realizing this was the appropriate age, her father bought a pregnancy test and had her pee on it. It turned up positive.

Her father pulled her out of her school, and announced that they were moving to everyone who knew them. He drove through Mahogany Hills along their way, and dumped her at the orphanage while they were there in order to cover up his crime. He knew about Mahogany Hills, and knew they wouldn't look into the father much if a kid turned up pregnant.

She is the newest kid at the orphanage, and is having a very hard time adjusting. She is punished very frequently due to both her unfamiliarity with Mahogany Hills' way of doing things and also due to acting out as a result of her abandonment by her father.

The Orphanage Director is not aware that she is pregnant.