I Was Abducted by a Sex-Crazed Alien!

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This is an entry to the Story Contest 2024-III. Contest prompt is "The Great Escape." I encourage all to read the other contest stories also, and if possible, comment.

A small, dark container. Just enough room to crouch uncomfortably. Or lie down curled into a ball. I felt it accelerate to faster speed than I had imagined possible. My ears rang with noise from a loud machine, and I smelled my own urine. I had wet myself when the creature, five times taller than me, had appeared out of nowhere and taken me from my family and crammed me into this box.

I woke up from agonized stupor when the vessel’s movement slowed down and became unsteady. Finally, it stopped, and the hatch was opened. As much as I hated the smelly box, now I was afraid to get out of it. Nothing happened outside. After a while I decided that I couldn’t crouch there forever, so I crawled cautiously out.

I tried to examine the vessel, see if I could make it take me back home. I found no controls of any kind. Behind it, there stood the being that had taken me. It was a huge, bipod life form, covered by a protective suit.

The creature reached down and picked me effortlessly up. Its hands were warm, and despite this display of overwhelming strength, their careful caress calmed my panic a little. I was taken to a bowl that contained some kind of food. I had never seen anything like it. Looked like there were bits of meat in it. What meat, I had no idea. Despite my hunger, I decided to pass. Perhaps I could find something more familiar to eat later.

The habitat was split in two; an area for sleeping with a bed higher than my head, and a bigger room. I could see outside, a barren landscape of unnatural, sharp forms, but some force stopped me from going there.

The creature followed me with its gaze, making sounds that I could not decipher. It was a female of whatever species it represented. It had undressed the suit, and I could now see that it had no male parts hanging from its crotch. From my low vantage point, I even observed a slit between its legs, and there were tits protruding from its chest. Apparently, this was a mammal species. Its pale skin reflected eerily the light emanating from somewhere I could not see. Some hair grew on seemingly random places of its body. As I observed the creature, it stared back at me. It got me nervous and I had to look away. I found myself by the food again. I really was hungry.

By the time I had eaten the same stuff seven times, I was all used to it. I even liked it and emptied the plate whenever the creature gave it to me. Having noticed the appetite I had developed for the food, it, or she, started to feed me bits of it from her hand. It was weird and a little humiliating, but I decided to comply. No use angering the supreme being for so little.

When I was used to eating from her hand, she held a particularly juicy bit of meat between her spread legs. Eating it, my lips brushed her private parts, and she made a noise that I thought sounded pleased. She held my head pressed to her crotch. It smelled strange, but I could handle it. I licked it and was rewarded with another encouraging sound and stroking of my hair. I continued licking. Some slightly sweet fluid came out from a hole there. Like the food, it was strange but something that I could get used to.

After a while of lapping her slit to her increasing vocal satisfaction, I was lifted up and pressed against her chest. She held and caressed me, and it felt good. I had no one else, so best be friendly with her. If I could learn to communicate with her, perhaps I could get some things I wanted. Best would be if she took me back home, but I doubted that befriending her would get me that far.


I didn’t know how long I had been kept there. I was still a small boy, every time I tried to keep track of the days, I lost count. The creature did not seem quite as enormous anymore, so I suppose that I had grown. She had me lick her often, and it made her seem happy and affectionate toward me.

She had started to take me outside. She covered herself with the protective suit and dressed me in something similar. It felt weird and confining the first time, but what concerned me the most was that my mouth and nose were left uncovered. What if the air out there wouldn’t suit me? The creature left her face bare too, so maybe it was safe.

Right before opening the door, she attached a collar around my neck, connected with a wire to her hand. It shocked me. I stopped by the open hatch. It was difficult to breathe. The creature lifted me up and carried me outside.

The air was ok after all. When she put me to the ground, it felt cold and rough on my bare feet, but I walked with her. There was nothing interesting in the desolate terrain, and I got very much aware of my full bladder. It got worse as the creature led me even further among formations of stone and metal. Did she do it just to tease me? About to burst, I stopped in the shadow of a huge rock and relieved myself. She waited for me and looked away. I saw some similar creatures from afar. We did not go close to them, or anywhere special for that matter, but returned to the habitat. It seemed that walking outside was just to keep me healthy. She operated a little box on the hatch before taking the suit off me.

Indoors, she had us both stay naked. After having me lick her, she embraced and fondled me. I was getting used to life there; the good food, the trips outside, the closeness to her. I relaxed to her touch and sighed contently. I had tried to mimic the sounds she made, but they seemed impossible for my vocal cords. Likewise, her attempts to speak like me had resulted in no identifiable words. Still, we had learned to interpret the tone of each other’s voice.

Enjoying her caresses, I lazily wondered, why she had taken me. And why just me? Back home I used to dream of giants, and sometimes I imagined that I saw one in the bright light of day, towering right next to our home and looking at me. Was there something about me that differed from everyone else, that fit some purpose she had? Living here was not too bad, just a little frustrating at times.

My pondering was interrupted when her hand found a way between my legs. Looking down, I saw her fondling the part that I used to pee. Her touch got it to grow and get harder, like it sometimes did. She stroked it gently and the new sensation caused my body to paralyze. It was both pleasant and uncomfortable at the same time, but really it was neither. When she stopped and retreated her hand, I would have wanted it to go on. I groaned my disappointment, and the creature ruffled my hair. Then she crouched toward my still hard thing and enveloped it in her mouth. It was warm and moist and delightfully slippery as she moved her lips up and down my boyhood. The nice feeling grew, and I started squirming and moaning. She slipped it out of her mouth to look at me. I could feel it throbbing, and looking at it I saw that it pulsed like it had a mind of its own. She stroked me with her hand, and it became so intense that I had to squeal and pull away from her. My lower body spasmed uncontrollably, it was a little scary. Soon it stopped and some drops of clear fluid came out from the tip. She licked them into her mouth. It felt a little bad on my now sensitive organ, but she seemed to like the taste. Soon my hardness lowered, and I got very tired. She embraced me and I fell asleep in her arms trying to understand what had just happened to me.

She did it to me many more times. It felt better each time. The clear drops started to come out earlier and a little more viscous fluid spurted from my piss hole when the spasms came. Often she kept it in her mouth and drank all that stuff. It still made me drowsy, and after I once fell asleep while licking her, she had me do it to her first.


The hatch to the outside opened. Another creature, even bigger than her, entered. She ran to embrace it, pressing her naked body against its protective suit. Their mouths connected for a long time. They went to the sleeping area and closed the doorway. I hadn’t even known that there was a hatch there.

I was left alone. I heard my creature make sounds like the ones she made with me. The other one had a lower voice. The two giant beings moved a lot, making many strange sounds. I listened for a while, but soon I grew bored.

I went to look for something to eat. The bowl was empty, like I already remembered. Feeling lonely, I walked around and prodded everything I could reach. The hatch to the outside opened at my touch. The bigger creature had not closed it properly.

I could run away. I did not like it here, not if I was to be just kept imprisoned alone. But where could I go? There was no way home, and I did not have the protective gear that the creature had dressed on me for the outside. Did I need it though? The air was breathable, and it did not bother my bare head and feet.

I stood undecided by the doorway when the hatch to the sleeping quarters opened. The creature stood there, beckoning me in. I was glad to see her again. She smelled strongly like the fluid from between her legs, and something other too. There was some stuff running down her legs.

The other creature lied naked on the bed. It was a male; the tell-tale limp organ glistened with moisture on his stomach. The female got on the bed and spread her legs. I jumped after her and dived in to lick her already swollen slit. This was my job, not the male creature’s.

It tasted different. In addition to her fluids there was another, saltier stuff. It did not bother me, and as she started making her satisfied sounds again, I kept slurping and swallowing everything.

I could feel giant hands exploring my body. It was the male creature. The touch reached my privates. This could become even better; being fondled while pleasuring the female creature. My fear of being supplanted gave way to pleasure on my hardening rod.

Suddenly something was pushed against my poop hole. I tried to scurry away, but the creatures held me in place. The female pushed my head against her hole, and the other one grabbed my midriff and pulled me against the intruding thing. It spread everything back there painfully and forced into my little body. It hurt as if I was torn to pieces. The gigantic hands of the two did not leave me any chance of escape. I felt my insides move unnaturally as my bowel was filled with monster meat. The female moaned as my pained sobs and pantings heightened her pleasure.

I took a fold of flesh inside her slit between my teeth and bit hard. My eyetooth went through the tender flesh and met the teeth on my lower jaw. The female creature shrieked and let go of me. Coppery taste in my mouth, I turned around and bit the arm of the male. The giant yelled and threw me away. I flew through the chamber and hit a wall, falling hard on the floor. Wind blown out of my lungs and aching all over, I tried to get up. The creatures made their alien sounds, and the male approached me. I forgot all my pains and dashed away through both hatches and out into the foreign night.


I ran instinctively to the direction of the rock and metal formations, where the creature had been taking me. Realising that they would look for me there, I made a quick turn and continued to unknown areas. It was dark there but the soil underneath my feet was a little softer. There was some vegetation to hide underneath. No trees like back home, but lower thicket. It could have been red or green for all I knew, at night everything was black and pointy and sticky. I crisscrossed wildly to make myself harder to track. Soon I was completely lost.

I got a feeling that I was being watched. Something told me that it was not safe to move forward. But if I was followed, there was no turning back either. I hid underneath a shrubbery. The shadows around me took alien forms in my imagination. Nothing moved, but every time I turned my head, the scenery appeared to have changed. I noticed a silent whining somewhere close. Realizing that it was my own voice, I forced myself to stop. How long had I done it, and had someone or something heard?

There was movement beside an ominous looking bush. I pressed myself flat on the ground and froze to observe it, holding my breath. The shadow moved like it was looking for something. As more light reached it, it appeared a lot smaller than I had thought. It was not one of the giant alien creatures, but someone like me, only adult. Perhaps I was saved. At least I could ask for some help. Relieved, I stood up and approached the figure.

“Hello?” “Go away!”

Even in the murk I could see the unpleasant grimace. Still I tried to plead.

“Can’t you help me please, mister? I’m all alone.” “I’m gonna rip your throat open and drink your blood, you useless little shit.”

Furious yelling ringing in my ears, I ran in blind panic. Every shadow could be a savage beast, every breath could be my last. Spiky growths hurt me all over as I stumbled in the dark. It didn’t matter, I had to get far away. When all my strength was spent and I had to stop to catch my breath, I saw some light behind the bushes. I headed for it.

Back on hard ground, I could finally see that no threat was following me. I knew that I was very visible there, but I was so exhausted that I just had to lie down. As my pulse slowly returned to normal, I tried to evaluate the situation.

I was not the only one that the creatures had taken. At least one other had also escaped, but he had not got far. Perhaps there were others, hopefully not that crazy and hostile.

Now that there was no imminent danger, I got aware of the cold and hunger. The only food and shelter I knew was with the female creature. I was not quite ready to return there. Besides, I did not know the way.

A ball of unnatural light in the distance caught my eye. If it was as far as I thought, it moved at enormous speed. Three more appeared behind it, forming an array like a string of pearls. I followed the lights’ hypnotic movement until it dawned on me that they had merged into a singular blaze that swiftly drew near. I got on my feet and barely managed to dodge a line of unknown machines that roared past me and disappeared into the distance. Air flow from them blasted me off my feet and sent me rolling on the ground. No more willing to stay on the hard, illuminated surface, I made my way under a fence and into a sandy field. There I found a little construction and decided to hide there. At least I had a roof over my head.


During the night I heard many machines zoom past. Still, I managed to fall asleep, and when I woke up, it was daytime. Now I was really hungry. Determined to find something to eat, I peeked out of the structure, only to find a crowd of creatures standing around. I took cover.

It became a long day for me. They were there every time I tried to get out. Hunger and frustration mounted in me until I thought that things couldn’t possibly get any worse. That’s when one of them entered the construction.

It was much smaller than the ones I had seen so far, still huge compared to me. Coming closer, it blocked my way out. I shivered as it crouched down in front of me, making sounds that I could not understand. It extended its hand and brushed my cheek. I stood like paralyzed. It caressed my hair and moved its hands to my sides. It picked me up and carried me out.

Outside there were more creatures, some of them smaller like this one, some bigger. Almost all came to look at me. They made voices at each other, then I was carried through a little gate. The speed of the creature carrying me got gradually slower, and soon it lowered me to the ground. Taking a few more steps, it turned to me and made some sounds. I assumed that it wanted me to follow. I could have run away then but decided to comply. I did not want to spend another hungry night alone out in the open.

The creature kept making sounds at me as we walked on. When we reached a big habitat, it looked at my face and got all quiet. We got in. The creature took off some of its protective gear, but not all of it. It led me to a room and closed the hatch behind us. Then it got down on the floor with me and caressed me with its hands. It made voices in a very low volume. It seemed happy to have me there. I let it touch me for a while, then looked around the room. On the floor there were some balls, a little like the toys I had had back home. I kicked one and it rolled away. The creature ran after it and rolled it back to me. It wanted to play with me, but I was hungry. I tried to ask for food, but the creature did not understand me. When I got frustrated and raised my voice, it looked scared. It pressed its hand against my mouth. I looked into its eyes and licked its palm. Finally it seemed to get it. It pressed my mouth shut one more time and left the room.

This seemed to be a sleeping area. There was a bed and some strange constructions. The hatch was securely closed. I played with the ball for a while. She was soon back. As she opened the hatch, I heard alien voices from other parts of the habitat. The creature answered loudly something, left a plate on the floor and disappeared again.

There was some kind of food on the plate. It was not anything that I had eaten before, but this time I did not hesitate. It was fantastic to get my belly full at last. The plate was empty when the creature came back. It had changed into another kind of suit, that left its feet bare. It took the plate from the floor and put it on top of a large construction. Then it sat on the bed and tapped it, looking at me. I jumped on the bed next to it. It caressed me and made some happy sounds. Then it lied down on the bed hugging me. I moved away from its arms and looked under the hem of its garment. There was a slit between its legs. I was grateful for the food and a place to stay, and I knew how to repay it to a female alien life form.

When I started licking her slit, the creature jumped and moved away from me. I followed her and did it again. She let out a surprised sound but stayed in place this time. After a while she slowly spread her legs, and I got access deeper between her folds. The familiar, tasty fluid started flowing from a little hole in there. The creature kept quiet, but her breathing got heavier, and she moved her groin up and down.

The other female had been loud. She had taken me from my home, given me food and made me lick her when she wanted. She had been in charge, at least until the male appeared. What he had done to me, and probably to her before me, left no questions about who called the shots. It had hurt me, but judging by the noise they made, she had enjoyed it. Now I had told the smaller female to get the food, and I had taken the initiative in pleasuring her. Perhaps I could take a higher place in the hierarchy here.

I stopped licking her. She was panting now and tried to push her groin to my mouth. I nudged her hips repeatedly until she understood what I wanted and rolled over. I pressed my face on her backside, and she obediently lifted it up. I licked her poop hole, making her freeze in place surprised. That got me a chance to mount her and start poking at her with my hardness. It kept sliding in the moist groove between her legs and she seemed to like it. I wanted something else. I wanted to take her as my own like the male creature had done to me. So I kept poking and when I felt my tip catch on something, I pushed into her.

There was a short high-pitched voice from the creature. We both remained still. I felt her warm insides gripping me tight. This felt like the right thing to do, but it had sounded like I had hurt the creature. Reluctantly I started pulling out of her. The feeling of her tightness sliding over my sensitive skin was so good, a lot like being stroked with a hand, only ten times more intensive. She sighed loudly. It sounded almost like pleasure. I tried pushing back in. She bucked her backside to meet me and buried me completely into her silky embrace. I continued the gentle, slow movement, and she resumed her urgent panting, pushing eagerly back to amplify my thrusts. I felt the familiar tingling in my balls and sped up. Ramming into the alien flesh, my consciousness concentrated to my hard, throbbing rod, as if all my nerve ends were stimulated by the smooth, tight, delicious body. I could almost smell and taste her with the head of my hardness. It was not just that small bit of me that was inside her, I had completely conquered that strange, wonderful being. Soon I was filled to the brim with pleasure. I would erupt now. I pushed deep into the creature and felt myself swelling even bigger, forcing the femininity around me to stretch and make room for all of me. Then, the climax. A white-hot force burst through me, obliterating all thought, giving me pure physical bliss in return. A rush of pleasure forced its way out of me and even deeper inside her, leaving me in a state of triumph, lightness, emptiness.

Sound of the creature made me regain my senses. I was still on top of her, and the hole between her legs still squeezed my boyhood. She had turned to me, making urgent hissing voices. I heard another alien voice from somewhere in the habitat. It was getting closer. I might have been a little loud a minute ago, and I had noticed earlier that she wanted to keep me secret. I decided to pull out of her and find a place to hide. But as I tried to uncouple us, something stopped me. I was stuck inside her.

The hatch behind me opened. I attempted yanking myself off the creature, but we remained attached. It apparently hurt her, because she whined loudly. A hand grabbed my neck. There was a giant creature next to me, shouting something incomprehensible at me and shaking me violently. My whole body moved along, and the smaller female creature screamed in pain. A sharp command from the giant made her shut up. Then it took hold of my scrotum and pulled hard. The skin around the female’s hole extended out before it stretched wide and let go of me. I was dragged by my neck away from the wailing creature.

The giant locked me into a small, dark room. I heard the crying of the smaller creature and the furious shouts from the big one. It went on for a long time. I fell asleep with angry voices ringing in my ears.


I woke up to silence. I was hungry and I needed to pee. Not at all sure that I wanted the alien life forms to pay attention to me, I still called out. No response. If they had left me alone, now would be the time to get out. I could see a locking mechanism high above my reach.

There was a box on the floor in the back of the room. I went to look at it. Maybe there would be something to eat, or something to help me through the hatch. It opened on its side, and inside there were some liquid containers. I couldn’t open them, but the acrid smell told me that it was not edible. I emptied the box on the floor and tried moving it. It was still heavy, but I managed to push it to the entryway. Climbing on top of it, I still couldn’t reach the locking mechanism. I concentrated hard, then jumped as high as I could. I could barely touch the lock, and falling I slid off the box and landed heavily on the floor. But whatever I had hit up there, it had moved. I climbed up to try again. With the fourth attempt I managed to hang on to the mechanism for a few seconds, and as I hit the ground, there was a narrow gap on the side of the hatch. I pushed it, and it opened.

The habitat was empty. It was much bigger than the one where I had been brought first. There were many closed entryways, but I could tell which one led outside. The locking mechanism was high up, otherwise it did not look at all like the previous one. Nevertheless, I scoured the area for anything that I could move to build a platform and work on the lock. I pushed the box from the little room there, then kicked the smelly containers that way for good measure. I found some soft objects, probably pillows for the creatures to sit on, but most of the stuff was too big or heavy for me. In one box that I could not move, I found a huge piece of meat. I could hardly drag it to the door, it was that big. And it tasted the best that I had ever eaten. If I could get out and take that with me, I would be set for a few days if not a week.

The pillows on top of the box were not quite high enough. And I could not jump properly from the soft surface. The best I could do was to stack all the little objects between the pillows. Some of the liquid containers leaked, and it really reeked. I climbed very carefully on top of the shaky construction.

However long I stared at the lock, I could not figure out how it worked. If it even was mechanical. I did not dare apply force on any of the parts, because every movement threatened to topple my impromptu scaffold. Still, blind fumbling had got me through one locked hatch already. I decided to risk it and try something that looked a little like a knob. As I reached for it, it rotated on its own and the entryway opened. The pillows, having leaned against it, fell outside and everything underneath them clattered to the floor, taking me with them. I saw the big alien creature standing at the entrance. About to dash past it before it recovered from its surprise, I remembered the piece of meat and turned to retrieve it. When I found it, a giant hand locked around my neck.

The creature did not look happy. It stuffed me into another small container that it had outside and carried it into a streamlined metallic machine. After a while of loud noise and gravitational forces pulling me this way and that, I was carried into another building. There were more giant creatures there, and many had with them containers like the one that I was in. I could hear voices from the nearest ones. Finally, someone to talk to.

“Hey, you there. What is this place?”

All I got for an answer was that the others were not feeling well. I was not sure if they had even listened to my question, they just kept whining about where they hurt.

The container, with me inside, was carried to another room. I was taken out of the box and placed on a brightly lit platform. There were three creatures around me. Two held me in place as the third approached me with a big, scary needle. A tray of other sharp metallic instruments caught my attention, and I started shaking with fear. There was pressure and pain on my neck and suddenly I couldn’t move a limb. A creature held my mouth open, and another stuffed a long tube into my throat. My mind reeling with panic, I felt my bladder let go a stream of piss as I succumbed into unconsciousness.


Back home. I couldn’t understand a thing, but I sure was glad to be back. I greeted my brother and two sisters happily, but they cowered away in fear. Mother looked at me.

“My poor baby. What have they done to you?”

I had never seen my father. Still, I recognised the shadow of a grown-up looking at me from bright light.

“A pity.”

He turned away and walked into the light. I tried to follow him. It hurt my eyes. As I blinked, there were alien lifeforms all around me.


I was weak and nauseous, and I knew that something was wrong with me. One creature stroked my back. The nausea subsided slowly, replaced by pain between my legs. It was not intolerable, just a dull ache and a beginning of an itch right below my piss-organ.

The creature stopped stroking me and put a collar around my neck. Then it lifted me to the floor. I could barely stand. The creature attached something else around my neck. It was another, bigger collar, like a cone that enveloped my head. Then I was pulled by a wire held by the creature that had brought me there. Walking felt strange between my legs. There was the pain and the itching, and a feeling that something was missing.

I was taken back to the big habitat. The smaller female creature crouched on the floor to embrace me. There was fluid running from her eyes and she made noises that reminded me of how my mother had talked to me in my dream. Maybe she liked me and felt sorry for me. Her touch felt good. I would happily lick her between her legs to make her feel better. I could smell that she wanted it. As for the other thing, mounting and entering her – I couldn’t quite remember why I had wanted to do it. Now I felt no need for something like that.