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Revision as of 03:32, 24 October 2015

"Fine! I'll just go somewhere else!" You shout angrily, putting on a show of being upset by stomping your foot. And with a quick pivot you're out the door and back into the parking lot.

'Now that he thinks I'm gone, I'll just sneak in while he's not paying attention. This'll be easy.' You think.

You duck behind a bush and proceed to keep watch on the ticket counter, waiting until he's busy with another customer. Any moment now.

Surprisingly, a nude girl crouching down behind a bush doesn't attract any attention.

There! Now he's busy talking with a man and women who just walked in. Time to sneak! Crouching low to the ground, you sneak forward and silently open the door.

"Thank you. Enjoy your movie." You hear the attendant say. The couple begins moving away, and you stick close to the counter, crawling on your hands and knees. Man this tile floor is cold!

You can see the door now. Almost there! And just when you almost reach the door, you feel two hands grab onto your hips and pull you into the ticket booth while you give a squeak of surprise. You find yourself on your knees with your ass on the floor and the ticket attendant standing over you with his arms crossed.

"Did you really think that was going to work?" He asks with a smirk.

"Ehehe." You laugh softly, embarrassed at being caught so easily. "You're a lot sharper than you look."

"Miss, I've worked here for two years now. I've seen a lot of ways of people trying to sneak past me. Although none of them have tried sneaking past naked before. Guess you would be the first to do that."

"I guess I should be proud then." You say.

He sighs. "Now what should I do with a troublemaker like you?"

He decides to let you in in exchange for some sexy pictures

He decides to let you in in exchange for a blowjob

He kicks you out and adds your picture to the "Not Allowed Entry" board