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Latest revision as of 01:31, 23 January 2017

You decide since it doesnt matter and you'll get away with it regardless, you'll finish em off as messy as you want.

You head down to the living room and wait. First one to fuck with you is going down. And that's when your little sister Mandy stomps down the steps. That little cunt has been nothing but mean to you for 9 years. She even got you arrested when she threw a fit and the neighbors thought you were abusing her. Well wait till they hear about this.

"Why are you just sitting there? Oh yeah you have no life." She says skipping past you purposefully stomping your foot as she passes. This is it. Hopefully that wish worked. She opens the freezer and grabs a popsicle and starts slobbering all over it like the fucking piglet she is. You slowly sneak up behind her and wait till she has it a good way in her mouth. Before she even has a chance to close the freezer you slam her face against the fridge door jamming the popsicle and its stick down her throat with a loud thump. She falls back onto the floor gasping and choking for air. You stand over her as she comes to and realizes what happened. Her screams are nothing but gargles as her nose bleeds and her mouth fills with melted Popsicle and blood. She starts twitching and kicking so you sit on her with your full weight while she struggles to breathe. "Did you really think id let you get away with all the shit you've pulled? You had this coming bitch." You now sit on her chest and feel her lungs struggle to get air and suddenly. CRACK. Her ribs break under your weight and she lets out a final whimper before going limp. You stay there for a few more seconds to take in the moment and get up. She looks pathetic, her body splayed out under a puddle of popsicle, blood, and piss. One down three to go.

You grab her by the hair and drag her body into the bathroom tub. Before you leave you yank the stick out her mouth and it stays open. "Lets see how you like the taste of this." you say as you unzip your pants and release a good steady stream of hot piss into her slack jawed mouth. Once her mouths full you focus the stream on the rest of her face washing off some of the blood and even getting some on her wide opened lifeless eyes. You zip up, spit on her face and leave.

Who's next?


