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Latest revision as of 06:40, 14 February 2017

You decide they're not worth the time and effort so you'll just dispose of them quick so you can REALLY get to enjoying this wish.

You walk into your little brothers room to find him napping. This little runt has gotten your arm broken, your tv broken, even almost gotten you arrested. He's taken so much joy in the pain he causes you and now you're about to feel how he does. You sneak and kneel next to the bed and grab his sleeping head. He slowly comes to as you begin turning his head. And turning. And turning. By now hes awake and suddenly aware but before he can even start flailing and shouting, CRACK. His shocked expression freezes and sort of relaxes as his entire body spasms for a millisecond before slumping. His head almost turned all the way around you let go of it and watch it thump onto the pillow. You realize you havent been breathing the whole time and let out a relaxed sigh. You stare a few extra seconds at his body, his head contorted and disconnected from his spine. You tuck him in and before leaving the room you grab his swiss army knife he used to cut your chargers and such.

You head downstairs and spot your dad in his chair watching some judge ramble about laws which have no affect to you anymore. This man is responsible for 90% of the scars on your body. What he calls discipline you know is just a joy for him. Belts, spanks, punches, even chokes have been done to you by your so called dad. You sneak up behind him as you open the knife part of the swiss army knife. And without him even realizing you JAM it straight into his ear. You can see his brain slowly fading as he tries to put together a sentence and remove the knife. "Hey! Who...who did....what the fuc--" he mumbles as he lifts his hand up to his ear...the wrong ear. And suddenly he slumps in his chair and is gone. Blood running down his ear down his shoulder and belly, pooling on his lap. You decide to leave the knife in there so more blood doesnt cause a mess. This time your breathing is just fine.

As you walk towards the kitchen your little sister walks out the bathroom. The same little sister who told your neighbors you touched her when you didnt. The same one who took your phone and texted your private pics to everyone in your contacts. The same one who punches your nuts every time you walk past her. But not today. As soon as she goes for it you catch her hand. She looks past you and sees dads body slowly drooping forward and leaking more blood. As her mouth opens to scream you grab her by the neck and drag her back into the bathroom. You close the door and slam her face into the unflushed toilet bowl (she never flushed and always blamed you). Since shes smaller than you, you put your weight on her body to stop her from squirming too much and with the other hand you hold her arms back. You hear her muffled bubbly screams and they sound like music to you. You feel her swallowing and vomiting back out her pisswater as she tries to get any air she can. Eventually her squirms get less frantic, her screams stop and the bubbles stop rising. You let go of her head and watch it bob around the water. You decide not to flush.

You know your mom is in the basement doing laundry. You grab the baseball bat from your dads high school heyday and make your way there. You see her putting clothes into the dryer. This is the same basement she locked you in any time you did anything she deemed wrong which was everything. You were never good enough for her. You wind up the bat and WACK right on her back. You hear the air leave her body as she flops to the floor. She's still alive. Screaming bloody murder but as she knows from drowning out your cries, this basement is practically soundproof. "MY LEGS! I CANT MOVE THEM! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" You position yourself at her head as if its a golfball and your bat the club. "WAIT NO! PLE--" CRAAACK as her head practically comes flying off. Its still attached, just dented and at a 90 degree angle is all. Her arms fall limp and since you're not even out of breath you decide to do one more stike on the chest. BAM. There. Problems solved.

You walk up the stairs a new man. A free one.

What Now?

To School

To Work

To a random neighbors