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It’s six A.M. in the morning and Karibu gets up and ready, then heads to the training field a small section of the Rain Village that's really more of a large concrete area with four pillars making up the Rain Village’s symbol with a strange blue statue behind it.

Karibu- Sorry I’m late guys.

Jakku- Actually you’re pretty early, but Sensei is nowhere to be seen.

Natsuki- So much for being a role model, I can’t believe that he didn’t let us eat breakfast. What could be so important that we can’t eat?

Shen- Ah, now I see you are all here finally, now we can begin.

The three glare at him with icy eyes.

Shen- Hehe, right well anyway the Survival Exercise will test your abilities in and around an actual mission. You will be facing off against… Me.

Natsuki Karibu - ! Jakku

Shen- If you don’t come at me as if you want to kill me you won’t win. Your goal: Take these bells from me.

Shen holds up two small bells and ties them to his belt.

Shen- In addition to testing you abilities this also i a way to thin the heard there are only a select number of Genin that can pass this year, so if you don't want to go back to the Academy I suggest you take one of these bells. Now then... 3… 2… 1… Scatter!!

The three of the Ninja go off in different directions quickly away from Shen.

Shen- Hidden, where will they attack first?

Karibu- I’m not afraid of you or this test I’m fighting you right here!

Shen- You don’t like to follow the rules of being a Genin do you, ever heard of watch and wait?

Karibu- Hmph, sounds like someone just doesn’t wanna fight me.

Shen- Well then, if you can take these bells before noon maybe you can prove that you can win against me.

Shen pulls out his Kunai that are shaped like D’s.

Karibu- ! Ninja Art: Speeding Jutsu!

Karibu and Shen rush towards each other as Karibu throws a punch that Shen dodges and counters with a hard right, which would knock anyone down, however Karibu reacts faster in this state and dodges, while throwing a kick. Shen blocks it and the two clash and jump back apart from each other.

Shen- What the hell Jutsu is that?

Karibu- It’s a Jutsu that was left with me since I was a kid, the Third said it was a secret Jutsu left from my family.

Shen recognizes the Jutsu now from Karibu’s father, he knows that this Jutsu isn’t something to mess with.

Shen- Well then I guess I’m gonna have to slow you down. Water Style: Hardened Oil Slick!!

Shen releases a flood of oil as Karibu runs into it and slips then as the oil hardens Karibu’s feet stick to the oil and is embedded into it.

Karibu- ! Hey no fair!

Natsuki- Byakugan!!

Natsuki starts using her family's secret Taijutsu known as the Gentle Fist to move Shen away from Karibu as Jakku starts taking Karibu out of the oil.

Jakku- Karibu we need more leverage you are pretty deep in there I have a anchor point but we need some wire for you to hold onto or something.

Karibu- I got it hold on… Water Style: Water Whip!

Karibu hooks the water into the anchor point and pulls himself out.

Karibu- Thanks man I owe you one.

Jakku- Don’t mention it, but right now Natsuki is in trouble let's get in there.

Karibu- Right!

Karibu and Jakku rush towards Shen and Natsuki who are fighting with Natsuki on the Defensive at the moment. Jakku throws Trip wire Kunai to wrap around Shen.

Jakku- Now Karibu!

Karibu- Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!!

Karibu fires mini fireballs at Shen.

Shen- ! What the-

Shen lites on fire.

Natsuki- Karibu! You weren’t actually supposed to kill him!!

Karibu- But he... He said…

Shen- Substitution Jutsu!

Shen appears behind them smirking slightly.

Karibu- You… You’re alive?!

Shen- You did good Karibu, at least now you are fighting as if you want to kill.

Karibu blushes.

Shen- To have at least three different Chakra Natures… Interesting Karibu. But… Times up.

The time sounds and it is now noon.

Shen- Now that we are taking a break you can eat, but you better come at me serious next time if you wanna take these bells.

Karibu- That doesn’t make sense.

Natsuki- What doesn’t?

Karibu- This test. How are we all supposed to pass this test if there is only two bells?

Jakku- Yeah, that’s been bugging me since we started this thing.

Shen- I said before, we can only accept a short number of Applicants to the rank of Genin, so the one of you who doesn’t get one of the bells is going back to the Academy.

Karibu- That’s dirty Sensei, so you were pitting us against each other from the very start.

Shen- In the Ninja world you have to make sacrifices for the good of one’s team to do what’s necessary to complete the mission, even at the cost of one’s life.

Karibu- I just started. I’m not about to fail now!

Shen- Then I suggest you grab one of these bells.

Karibu drops a smoke bomb and the three Ninja disappear leaving their master in the middle.

Natsuki- What are we gonna do… None of us want to go back to the Academy.

Karibu- Don’t worry Natsuki, I’ll make sure you get one of those bells.

Jakku- And, what about me? Are you just gonna leave me to save your girlfriend?!

Karibu- Jakku, please you need to trust me, right now the most important thing is to make sure Natsuki gets a bell.

Jakku- So you are just gonna leave me.

Karibu- I said trust me dammit. I have a plan…

Several minutes later… Karibu jumps from the trees and dashes at Shen with a Kunai in hand.

Shen- A lone attack, pretty predictable, you were better off fighting as a team.

Shen blocks the Kunai and grabs Karibu and puts his arm behind his back.

Shen- You lose.

Karibu- One thing you should learn Sensei. Never underestimate me! Water Clone Jutsu!!

Karibu’s clone latches onto Shen and Natsuki jumps in.

Natsuki- Gentle Step: Palm Strike!

Natsuki hits shen in the back right at his spine and grabs one of the bells.

Shen- Agh!

Karibu- Water Style: Water Whip!

Karibu wraps Shen up in his whip and suddenly Shen is unable to move as if he were frozen.

Shen- W What?

Jakku- Shadow Possesion jutsu Complete.

Jakku takes Natsuki’s bell and Karibu grabs the other from Shen, while Natsuki connects the two and holds the strings together.

Karibu- I told you not to underestimate me!

Shen- So the clone was just to make me lose my guard and put me in a position where I couldn’t move as fast. Then when Natsuki grabbed the bell Jakku put the Shadow possession on Karibu and sent it down the water whips shadow. Pretty impressive.

Karibu- Hehe.

Karibu and Jakku let Shen go.

Shen- Well it looks like you all pass. I was impressed with how well you all worked together. Right of the bat you knew the most important rule… One of my friends once told me this, and it’s been true ever since… In the Ninja world those who don’t follow the rules and fail the mission are scum… However, those who don’t protect, and help their comrades are even worse than scum… Good job everyone you pass!

Karibu- Yesss we did itt!!!

Shen- *Smiles* Alright everyone tomorrow will be our first mission see you then!

Shen disappears.

Natsuki- Let’s go out and celebrate guys.

Karibu- I’m game.

Jakku- Nah, I think I’m gonna head home. You guys take it easy okay.

Karibu- You too man later.

Jakku leaves.

Karibu- Let me buy you dinner.

Natsuki- Well if you’re paying I guess so. Giggle.

Karibu- *Groan* Of course.

Karibu gives a warm smile and he walks to a restaurant with Natsuki, holding hands with her.

Chapter 5