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*[[Life Hacks/Distract Roni and check the cheats|Try to distract Roni by telling her to be quiet and getting her to listen to the boys while you check the cheats for something that could help]]
*[[Life Hacks/Distract Roni and check the cheats|Try to distract Roni by telling her to be quiet and getting her to listen to the boys while you check the cheats for something that could help]]

WIP profiles
|mods=Lifie Mod
|equip=Nerdy cloths, smartwatch, pocket protector
|items=Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
*'''Sex with Roni (repeat)
Family and younger = X2
Bare back = X1.5
*(10 X 2 X 1.5= 30)
*'''Fucked''' (5)
*'''Incest''' (15)
*'''Pedophilia''' (20)
*(5 + 15 + 20 = 40)
*'''(6915 + 30 + 40 = 6985)
|notes=20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything
|name=Veronica "Roni" Cole
|relation=Sister 8 years old
|notes=*Dismissable count X3
*Mild count X1
*Moderate count X1
*Hard core count X1
*WIP (above count not accurate)
|name=Ingrid "Inga" Cole
|relation=Mother 37 years old
|name=Brittany Cole
|relation=Sister 19 years old
|name=Charity Cole
|relation=Twin Sister 15 years old
|name=Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
|relation=Brother 12 years old
|name=Angelica "Angel" Cole
|relation=Sister 10 years old
|name=Richard "Rich" Cole
|relation=Father 38 years old
|name=Shauna Lovett
|relation=Father's GF 25 years old
|name=Rahne Lovett
|relation=Half-sister 10 years old
|name=Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
|relation=Half-sister 2 years old
|name=Loki (Player:<span style="color: red;">Loki</span>)
|relation=Benefactor ???? years old

[[Category:Life Hacks|Lower her for a hand-stand on the floor]]
[[Category:Life Hacks|Lower her for a hand-stand on the floor]]

Latest revision as of 10:54, 5 May 2017

You incline your body forward and squat down a little, allowing your little sister the ability to lower her hands to the ground and support herself upside-down like that. Suddenly, you get an idea. You remove your penis from her and lift her up into something of an air-splits position, and then you immediately step your agile leg over her upside-down body to where you are straddling her in a scissor position. You wrap one arm around her skinny 8 year old leg, and you look down to see her distraught and confused face as you use the other hand to line yourself up once again and enter her sopping wet and slimy used hole that is already slick with your very thick sex juices.

She does not seem too sure of this position. You suppose though that has more to do with her still feeling rather unsteady having to support herself with her hands. You slowly lower her even more, squatting down while keeping your dick in her as you bring her down to where her head touches the ground, mopping the dirty concrete bathroom floor with her hair. Roni folds her arms as she feels you lowering her, and then folds her neck down to lean on her shoulders until you now have her forced into a position where she has to look up at you as your enlarged balls flop about on her naked crotch, left completely bare by her upside down skirt having fallen with the reversed gravity to cover her navel instead of her pantiless privates which you are currently having your way with.

You reach one arm behind you and one arm in front in order to take ahold of her thighs, and you begin bouncing up and down on her as you pull her thighs up to meet yours. Now that you have gotten her to stop supporting herself with her hands, this causes her head to drag around on the floor of the public bathroom, and her short red hair to fly around just as though you were using her as a human mop. In all of this degrading ways that you are using her body, the 2nd grader just laughs and giggles as she wraps her now freed up arms around your calf, stopping herself from flopping around all over the floor by attaching herself firmly to you with a goofy grin on her face. And now, with the threat of her hitting her head gone, this just allows you to be even rougher with her lower body.

You begin yanking her thighs in front and behind you in this incredibly unnatural position fiercely up into your body to match every down thrust. You can’t afford to really put your weight behind each thrust in this position as your bent legs are now providing 100% of the support for both of you. The only way you can get any kind of hard thrust into her is by pulling her up into you at this point. Even so, you would say this is actually very gentle in terms of how hard your pelvises are colliding. Despite that fact, this incredibly weird position is actually quite thrilling, and you can feel your orgasm building fast, a WHOLE lot faster than you expected. At this rate, you’ll be giving her immature pussy its second helping of teenage semen in a matter of seconds. The only issue is that you just can’t seem to get the last little bit of stimulation you need in this position. You’re gonna have to change positions one more time in order to cum.

You fold her left leg, the leg that you are holding behind you, and tuck it under as you lift the leg you brought around behind her in order to bring her in front of you. Your 4 inch cock is not quite long enough to stay inside her through this maneuver, but now that she is in position and you are in such a mood, you do not even use your hands to ram yourself back into her. With your increased skills and precision, you are able to target her sloppy little 8 year old vagina accurately with your dick and it splits her right back open and you slide it all the way home.

You can feel yourself getting very close now. Roni gives a yipe as you force her pelvis to tilt toward you, putting her back into a hunched-over curve as she attempts to cling to the top of your calf for dear life. With the position right for you to easily increase your speed, you don’t even wind up going all that hard. Your orgasm just about catches you by surprise. Last time, your orgasm hit you like an explosion. It fired out like a gunshot that shook your entire body as blast after powerful blast filled your kid sister’s pussy. This time however, as you have already put in a lot more physical exertion, there is not much higher of a gear your orgasm can set you to. You simply feel the warm thick fluid pulsing out of your cock, and while you know you are filling her with your jiz it somehow feels more like a really good and really revealing pee that you have been holding in for a long time. It is not even till you hear a distressed sounding “Oh!” From Roni that you even realize this is every bit of an abnormally large ejaculation as your last one. It is definitely smaller for certain, but for your second ejaculation of the day, in the space of less than 15 minutes at that, this is absolutely gigantic. And the thing that brings this to your attention is nothing more or less than a huge wet glob of your semen having fallen and hit your upside-down sister right on the center of her breast bone where it subsequently ran down her chin and into her hairline. This was not the last of it even, as this was very quickly followed by an almost constant stream of drippings from her pussy splattering all over her inside-out clothing, as well as her chest. Her top is the first victim, followed quickly by the skirt as you try to move so it is no longer getting that dirty, and in short order you discover there is no good place on her front side for it to land as you attempt to reposition yourself while your dick still continues to pump more baby-badder into her immature womb.

Not really knowing what to do, you slowly lower her down to the floor before your ejaculation even stops. She obediently complies by releasing your leg and going into a hand-stand as you crouch over her. You hold onto her thighs for about a second longer as you let out your last few spurts and then pull out as the last few drizzles of cum are still coming out, hitting her right between the eyes as she looks up at you from her hand-stand. “Ahh!” She yelps, quickly lowering her legs to the ground so that she can free up her hands and rub her face.

You find yourself light-headed and stagger backward against the wall before finally lowering yourself to the toilet seat for support. That was incredible. Easily the best cum of your life, hands down. However, you most certainly made a mess of your sister. You look over and survey the damage as the 2nd grader looks about in a half daze between you and her body. Rivers of thick semen are already running down her legs and into her socks, and large drops fall from her vagina to plop on the floor between her legs. As she feels this, she lets out a concerned yelp as though suddenly remembering she wanted to save some of it, and she thrusts her hands down to her crotch to collect some of your slimy drippings in her hand. As though just realizing how little that matters in the face of everything else though, she just holds her crotch with both hands with a goofy smile on her face as she looks up at you.

“You peed semen all over me.” She says, her smile suddenly fading in an instant as the implications of this are clearly springing to her mind.

“Yeah…” You say.

“Wh… what are we going to do?” She seems genuinely worried. She doesn’t seem at all concerned for herself. Rather, the thing instantly on her mind first and foremost before even whether she liked or disliked you taking advantage of her in order to get your jollies off into her immature pussy is whether or not you are going to get into trouble for the obvious evidence you left on her cloths.

That is a good question though. What ARE you going to do? And suddenly on top of everything else, you start to hear a lot of voices coming from the direction of the boys bathroom. It seems like a bunch of Roni’s soft-ball friends must have just broken out of their amazement at the goings on of just a bit ago, and now they have realized the needs of their bodies.

So, what DO you do?

Alexander "Xander" Cole
Life Hacks Xander.png
Ethnicity: Scandinavian / Anglo-Saxon
Sex: Male
Age: 15
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 lbs.
Build: Athletic
Measurements: 36/30/35
Penis: 4 inches - cut
Eyes: gray
Hair: blond
Physical: 200
Mental: 200
Social: 200
Appearance: 200
Health: 100%
Energy: 77%
Focus: 19%
Stress: 87%
Arousal: 98%
Life Hacks
Life Controller Modules: Lifie Mod
Nerdy cloths, smartwatch, pocket protector
Other Items
Life Controller Duck, assorted pencils and pens, smartphone, wallet, learner's permit, $35 US Currency
Page Tally:


  • Sex with Roni (repeat)

(10) Family and younger = X2 Bare back = X1.5

  • (10 X 2 X 1.5= 30)


  • Fucked (5)
  • Incest (15)
  • Pedophilia (20)
  • (5 + 15 + 20 = 40)
  • (6915 + 30 + 40 = 6985)
20/8 vision, improved night vision, skilled in almost everything
Veronica "Roni" Cole
Sister 8 years old
Life Hacks Roni.png

Notes: *Dismissable count X3

  • Mild count X1
  • Moderate count X1
  • Hard core count X1
  • WIP (above count not accurate)

Ingrid "Inga" Cole
Mother 37 years old
Life Hacks Ingrid.png

Notes: '

Brittany Cole
Sister 19 years old
Life Hacks Brittany.png

Notes: '

Charity Cole
Twin Sister 15 years old
Life Hacks Charity.png

Notes: '

Sebastian "Bastian" Cole
Brother 12 years old
Life Hacks Bastian.png

Notes: '

Angelica "Angel" Cole
Sister 10 years old
Life Hacks Angel.png

Notes: '

Richard "Rich" Cole
Father 38 years old
Life Hacks Richard.png

Notes: '

Shauna Lovett
Father's GF 25 years old
Life Hacks Shauna.png

Notes: '

Rahne Lovett
Half-sister 10 years old
Life Hacks Rahne.png

Notes: '

Mackinsey "Kizzie" Lovett
Half-sister 2 years old
Life Hacks Kizzie.png

Notes: '

Loki (Player:Loki)
Benefactor ???? years old
Life Hacks Loki.png

Notes: '