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Interesting: a virgin adult parent. Donated sperm in college, death of the mother they tracked him down and now he has a daughter he never expected lol --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 01:41, 13 June 2017 (UTC)
Interesting: a virgin adult parent. Donated sperm in college, death of the mother they tracked him down and now he has a daughter he never expected lol --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 01:41, 13 June 2017 (UTC)
They would if there were no other family. They go to pretty great lengths to not have to pay for the raising of the kid. If there's a genetic link willing to take the kid, it's less paperwork, and less stress on an already overburdened system. --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 02:32, 13 June 2017 (UTC)

'''Life Hacks Discussion'''
'''Life Hacks Discussion'''

Revision as of 02:32, 13 June 2017

So, since I have opened this up to be a place to make requests to my stories, I am going to implement a system of placing all conversations with a specific person under the same heading with their name. I will request that you put up your material under your own heading witch can be done by placing two equals signs "==" to either side of your name witch you username after writing that in. If you forget to do so, it is Ok, I ought to be able to correct that myself. However, it will be helpful if you can either sign your name to your comments or put the heading in yourself.

Update to the policy on making requests

There is no actual rule restricting the number of requests you can make at any one time, but the priority with witch I will get to filling requests is the inverse of the number of requests being made by the same person. In other words, if you make less requests I will get to you sooner. I will recommend 3 as the go-to default, with 2, 3, and 4 being treated essentially the same if it is a one-odd thing, but it will affect the priority if you make a habit of always requesting 2 or 4 every round. If you make only 1 request, I will probably move you to the front of the line. If you make 5 or more, you will probably be back-burnered until I feel like processing you sometime a fair bit later.

Also, multiple people requesting the same option is another thing that raises priority.

Stories I will accept requests for

I am currently accepting requests for Hot Summer Job, witch was started by Villenia. It should be noted that Villenia is still the primary on this story, and I may very well reject requests for this story if I do not feel I can complete it to Villenia's standards.

I am also accepting requests for God's Compensation. This is a story I started myself. It is currently a closed story until it reaches the conclusion of the introductory portion of the story is reached. Despite being a chose-your-own-adventure format, this story has a semi chapter format where each chapter has different rules for contributing. The rules for the introductory chapter is that I am the only one allowed to write for it. (NOTE: I am currently placing requests for this story on a back-burner until I write up a lore section for the story. The lore section will be the primary focus with story requests being a lower priority.)

2T4U is the first story I started seriously writing for on this site, but I have suffered from a little bit of burn-out on that story. I have now recovered somewhat and will accept requests for it again, but they will be placed at a lower priority than requests for other stories.

I just recently opened up a new story I will accept requests for, Universal Acceptance. However, I will only accept requests for Jerry, the 12 year old male character.

I am currently obsessed with writing for Elerneron's new story Life Hacks. I will probably wind up spending too much energy writing for that story to get to any other requests, but might look back here if I get burned out. If you would like to make a request in life hacks, please follow Elerneron's request policy witch includes making the request on the page with the option you want. Requests for Life Hacks on this page will be ignored.


To make a category page into a subcategory, instead of giving it the story type as the category [[Category:Meta Stories]] use the category that you want it to be a subcategory of [[Category:God's Compensation]] --Elerneron (talk) 06:53, 10 April 2016 (CEST)

Okay, if you want to make a page part of more than one category just type in more than one category on that page. For instance if a page is in the story God's Compensation but also part of chapter one you would put something like this when you put the category on the page [[Category:God's Compensation]][[Category:God's Compensation/Chapter One]]. Now when you go to that page it will show two categories. Now for the category page for God's Compensation you have:

You can always check out how I made the subcategories for Generations Here is the Category Page Category:Generations If you go into one of the subcategories, you can see how I made them into subcategories. --Elerneron (talk) 10:56, 10 April 2016 (CEST)

You did it in the exact opposite way from how you need to do it. You need to put the name of the Main Category as the Category of the Sub-Category. I fixed the category pages, so you can see how I did it. --Elerneron (talk) 00:04, 13 April 2016 (CEST)

There is a page in the format rules telling you how to upload and use image files Format Rules/Pictures. --Elerneron (talk) 15:02, 18 April 2016 (CEST)

I fixed the problem you had with your template display. You had just closed the template after P1, so it didn't include P2. I just move the closing brackets to after the P2 entry. It's usually little things like that which trip one up . . . happens to me all the time. Putting the closing brackets on their own line will probably help, so I did that. --Elerneron (talk) 11:42, 15 September 2016 (CEST)

Someone was busy yesterday! Sorry I didn't work on the story. I just got a new video card and monitors (which I ordered so I could play No Man's Sky before I found out that it is apparently very boring after only a few hours of play). After setting up my new equipment I had to deal with the fall slaughter (last year of that at least, no more raising goats for me), so I really haven't been in the mood to work on the story. I'll try to get some of the inactive requests taken care of after I get some sleep. --Elerneron (talk) 09:46, 28 October 2016 (CEST)

I added a link to your Guide on the Main Page under Writer's tools (it used to just contain my average measurements chart). You can remove the link in Meta Stories if you wish; or you can leave it, as Meta-stories is a catch all. There is always the as yet unused Non-Adult Stories as a possible location. I'm good with any of these. You do need to add a category to the page though. --Elerneron (talk) 22:14, 28 October 2016 (CEST)

Thanks for the write-up on the Holidays. I thought you were leaving that to me, LOL. I originally planned for them to be in a Catholic School (with uniforms and the whole lot), so it is likely that March would have to have met Xander through some type of function for kids when they were younger . . . maybe a summer program of some kind? I know that it's hard to write personalities for toddlers and babies, I'll get something basic written up for them soon. (I have to process the meat from yesterday today so I will be here sporadically.) I also edited to Holiday History a bit in relation to the library/house. It should make more sense now, and have more character as an old building surrounded by new buildings. --Elerneron (talk) 22:59, 28 October 2016 (CEST)

Hmmm, I could actually build their library/house in the Sims, then get screenshots of the floorplan with markers for notations, and use that to make a page with any notes one needs on each page. Making houses is easier in The Sims 4, but there is more content in The Sims 3 (making for a more realistically furnished and decorated home) . . . I'll have to think about which one to use. Depending on the size of the library it wouldn't be outside of the realm of possibility for each child to have their own room, even with the size of the family, but it might be better story-wise to have a smaller library, with the children sharing rooms . . . logically in pairs. --Elerneron (talk) 00:21, 29 October 2016 (CEST)

I tried making the Holiday's house in The Sims 4, but there just isn't enough content to make a believable home for them. It will take longer in The Sims 3, and TS3 doesn't support my new monitor resolution, but I think it's the best option to make the house. I'm figuring that the kids are paired up in rooms, and each pair of rooms shares a bathroom (which they would have had to have installed when they refurbished). That means that four kid will share one bathroom. So:

  • Summer and Winny share a room, with an "guest" room connected to their bathroom. (There was discussion as to whether to give each of them their own room, moving them in case of company, but the way you wrote them I don't see that having panned out.)
  • Autumn and Spring share a room, Jan and Febby share a room, and the four of them share a bathroom between their rooms.
  • March and August share a room, Lloyd and Octo share a room, and the four of them share a bathroom between their rooms.
  • April and May share a room, June and July share a room, and the four of them share a bathroom between their rooms.
  • Nove, Decy, and Hally are in the nursery off of the parent's room. The master bath is, of course, connected to the parent's room. (When Decy is old enough he will move in with one of the pairs of boys, When Nove and Hally are old enough they will share a room.)
  • There is a bathroom/laundry room on the first floor.
  • There is a boiler room turned basement under the house/library.
  • Chris is going to have a den.
  • Lynn is going to have a home office, where she has been working on a novel for years, but is never satisfied with it.

Anyway, that's the plan. There is likely to be too much room as I build the house/library, and I am likely to need to shrink the house (maybe a few times) until I get the right balance between library and home. As I said before, a library is probably realistically large enough for each kid to have there own room, but where's the conflict there? --Elerneron (talk) 17:04, 29 October 2016 (CEST)

Four people sharing a bathroom in the morning is enough of a headache already. If we reduce the number of bathrooms too much more some of the kids may not even be able to make it to the bathroom before school, unless they start keeping "farmer's hours" . . . which also wouldn't go over well. If one does the plumbing oneself, it actually isn't as much of a big deal as most people think it is (with the use of PVC pipes). It also isn't as expensive as most people think it is because the majority of the price you are paying when installing a bathroom goes into the plumber's pocket. The public restrooms in a library tend to be low occupancy (maybe one or two toilets) . . . at least the one's that I remember. A larger library might have bigger bathrooms, but then there would be plenty of room for each kid to have their own room with rooms to spare. If you think it would be better for the story to have fewer bathrooms (or expanded public restrooms). I will accommodate. --Elerneron (talk) 20:14, 29 October 2016 (CEST)

LOL, I just got done redesigning things to put the seven kids bedrooms on the second story with three, non-attached bathrooms . . . now I have to find some space on the bottom floor (having filled it up with live in stuff) so I can put bathrooms between the rooms again. Hilarious. At least I haven't furnished them yet. --Elerneron (talk) 22:44, 29 October 2016 (CEST)

The house is almost done. I couldn't really revert it back to the connected bathroom thing without rebuilding a lot of the house. So now the kids have three bathrooms, attached to no one's rooms. They are right next to one another. The outside bathrooms are reserved for girls while the inside bathroom is reserved for boys (allowing for a bit of peep-hole construction perhaps). Each bathroom has the sink area (wash room) separated from the shower/toilet area via a swinging door (for the sake of hygiene), so that kids can brush their teeth, do their makeup, etc. without occupying the facilities. I just need to add some flavor to the rooms to make them look lived in, then select the textures for everything, then I can make the floor plan and get the page about the house written up. --Elerneron (talk) 03:24, 30 October 2016 (CET)

Sorry, getting the house in was taking all my energy. Now that it's done, I hit a technical wall trying to add an image of the house to the top of the page that scales with a div. While I was finding a solution to that and telling Iratu about it, I also found a different scripting extension that seems to be the one used on MediaWiki as preferred scripting so I let Iratu know about it. So, basically, we may soon have a scripting solution. It uses the Lua Scripting Language, which I knew nothing about this morning; so there will be a learning curve, but hopefully we will be able to have stories with variables, and possibly true games on the site soon. I'll try to get back onboard and get some scenes written. I was just very excited at the prospects of scripting on the stories here. --Elerneron (talk) 21:35, 31 October 2016 (CET)

I was fixing pages without categories, and I couldn't figure out the proper category configuration for your page God's Compensation/Lore/Abrahamic/Additional details since you use a sub-category system on that story. Could you give it the proper categories please. --Elerneron (talk) 16:50, 4 November 2016 (CET)

Also the page Universal Acceptance/Good, she’s gone. Now you can keep having sex with Katie is orphaned, nothing links to it. Does it need to be deleted, or did someone rename the link without moving the page? --Elerneron (talk) 17:02, 4 November 2016 (CET)

Sorry about the lack of work on Life Hacks the last two days. An old (female) friend came by, and the last couple of days have been us exploring the possibility of moving from friendship to romance. It's a very exciting and scary time for me right now. I am hopeful that I may be on the path to not only finally loosing my virginity (at the age of 44) but also the possibility of my first serious relationship despite my social problems . . . possibly even a family (she's 10 years younger than me). (I almost got more personal, but since this is publicly visible, I'll leave it at that.) I've got something else going on tonight, but I should be able to get back to the story and finish the Loki routes tomorrow (at least one path). Oh, and she also expressed a degree of interest in writing for the site, so we'll see about that. --Elerneron (talk) 19:17, 5 November 2016 (CET)

I check both this site and the ATF forums at least once a day (frequently more often for this site since I have administrative duties). --Elerneron (talk) 16:28, 10 November 2016 (CET)

Sorry that I haven't been contributing much recently. I just got back into playing Fallout 4, having stopped to let modding catch up. I hadn't played since before any of the DLC came out, so now I have all this new DLC to play with (I bought the season pass shortly after the game came out because I loved it so much), so I've gotten a little carried away. I still want to dedicate a bit more time in my Fallout drive, then I'll get back to work.

I also came up with another idea for a story for the site. I don't think it is necessarily up your alley . . . but I could be wrong. Basically it involves the collapse of society where the reader takes the role of a rich survivalist/prepper (or one of his family) that owns an amazing bunker. I thought that each TYPE of apocalypse (nuclear war, zombie apocalypse, global economic collapse, alien invasion, etc.) could be a different story with different characters, but they would all be held together with the same mechanics. The game mechanics part of the story would involve maintaining and directing the bunker and its residents; providing for the residents needs, making and enforcing the rules, protection from external threats, etc.

Anyway I thought I should give you a status update since it's been a few days since I did anything. I know you were getting a little bored with the story so I thought that I would let you know that I hadn't abandoned you. --Elerneron (talk) 17:33, 19 November 2016 (CET)

I was fixing the Holiday name in the Templates (It's Holiday like the word, not Holliday like Doc Holliday) I was almost done when I noticed that many of the first names were also misspelled (full Month Names). I fixed the ones after I realized, but the earlier ones are still messed up. I'll fix the others later, but I just went through a lot of pages already, and don't feel like going back right now. If you want to help out by fixing them before that, so much the better for me . . . otherwise I'll get to it later. I should have caught it when they were first added. It would have been a lot less trouble if I had. --Elerneron (talk) 19:02, 22 December 2016 (CET)

I'm not totally satisfied with Life Hacks/Hallomod(tod-pre-Cora)/This is too weird, better check with Loki, I think I was so focused on the rooms that I may have neglected Xander's reaction to them to some degree. If you'd be willing to do so, I would like it if you could go over it and add some emotional flavor to the passage, as you are much better than that than am I and it is a rather important passage. --Elerneron (talk) 13:06, 27 December 2016 (CET)

Sorry I went off track, but I need to get this idea (the story Yes) firmly cemented before it evaporates away into the ether. I'll be back on Life Hacks in a day or two once Yes is better fleshed out. --Elerneron (talk) 13:12, 6 January 2017 (CET)

Thanks for understanding. I know what you mean about the whole ADD link thing. I have that problem myself . . . big time. It's especially problematic at times like now when I come up with a concept I like a whole lot more than what I am currently working on. I like the premise of Yes much better than any of my other stories. --Elerneron (talk) 22:19, 6 January 2017 (CET)

I can't find an error on any of the Life Hacks Templates. Only the Charge template (Used for Cora's Charge) uses any actual conditional statements, all the others directly convert the data input into the display. Which Template is having issues for you? --Elerneron (talk) 11:51, 2 February 2017 (CET)

There were a couple of issues on the page. The first was that you used a colon instead of an equal sign. It needs to use an equal sign to assign the value to the property. The second was that the value names were capitalized. The system is case sensitive, so health and Health are treated as two different properties. It is set to a value of 100% by default, so by not assigning a value (due to the aforementioned errors) it displayed 100%. I fixed the ones on the page you linked to. Things like this are one of the reasons I just copy the page before and edit the values myself. --Elerneron (talk) 21:47, 2 February 2017 (CET)

I contacted Iratu about your account issues on the main site. --Elerneron (talk) 17:43, 9 February 2017 (CET)

No Problem, I'm here to help . . . but Iratu might use his Story Site account that he seldom uses as well. --Elerneron (talk) 20:50, 9 February 2017 (CET)

Iratu gave me the email address on your account. I won't post it unless you tell me to . . . maybe you want to do it another, more secure way? Anyway, this is what he said specifically (minus the actual email address):

I've checked his email is:, I wont give him a temp password or anything because of security reasons

Maybe the email host is enough? --Elerneron (talk) 23:53, 9 February 2017 (CET)

Okay, the email is --Elerneron (talk) 13:14, 10 February 2017 (CET)

Yeah, I kind of hit a wall on writing the latest scene for Yes, and it has put me into a pretty strong state of ennui induced writer's block. Whenever I try to write anything I just get bored, tired and depressed, and end up doing nothing at all. I blame it on biting off more than I can chew on the last passage. It also doesn't help that there are expectations about the passage. If anyone ever wants to prevent me from doing something all they have to do is express a desire for it to be more than I can make it, and it risks this state. I suck at sex scenes, and a tender, slow, romantic sex scene is so far out of my wheelhouse I might as well be trying to write the whole thing in Ancient Egyptian. Sometimes when you push yourself, you find that you are, in fact, not up to the task. When I hit that kind of wall it usually takes me a while to shake it off and get back to creating again. --Elerneron (talk) 00:16, 12 February 2017 (CET)

I chose option 4 . . . put it off indefinitely with something I had planned for after the sex. LOL. --Elerneron (talk) 21:05, 12 February 2017 (CET)

I'll be getting back to the Black Rose encounter of Life Hacks in the next few days. I will be following the "best path" rather than filling Notsooldpervert's request. I'm giving you this heads up because of my plan for that particular storyline. In it, Xander will get the option to gain access to all of Rose's hacks, even her own Black Hack as well as giving him all rewards and abilities in the "game". This will effectively make almost all of the game-like elements of the story meaningless. He would basically be a god with no-one equal to him in power, not even Rose or the Admin (after all he is part of the server, allowing him access to all admin functions). I thought about it for a while, but I think this could be a fun path. If things get too easy, I plan to have an option for Xander to "go up a level" in the multiverse of simulations, entering Loki's universe by some method. This can bring back the challenge if things get boring. Before I proceed, however, I would like your feedback on the idea. So . . . what do you think? --Elerneron (talk) 11:17, 19 February 2017 (CET)

A thought just occurred to me. With the abilities that Rose just gave Xander, it is entirely possible that he could affect the server he is on to do more than change things in the game. He could actually affect anything tied to that server, thereby affecting Loki's universe. He could boot every player, mod, and admin out of the server; then employ building security to protect the server itself, declaring his universe independent from the originating universe.

I've actually thought what might happen if something happened to the server, and see one of two possibilities: 1) The universe only exists because of the simulation, in which case his universe is destroyed, or 2) The simulation created the universe, but it will continue to exist even if the server is destroyed because it has already been created (insert quantum mechanical magical explanation). If the second possibility is the accurate one, the destruction of the server would promote the virtual reality into an actual reality. Food for thought. --Elerneron (talk) 23:02, 22 February 2017 (CET)

Submission and Dominance aren't designed to overlap. The ones that are designed to overlap are translucent so they lower one shows through the upper one to some degree. I didn't see D/S working at all with overlapping, so I didn't set them up that way. I can fix it if you need it. --Elerneron (talk) 13:17, 25 February 2017 (CET)

Okay, I made all of them do an overlap. Not that friend/enemy or dom/sub make any sense. --Elerneron (talk) 13:25, 25 February 2017 (CET)


Time to advance more plots. (pounce back on her and continuing wrestling) (have your own bit of fun with Kylie)

Suspended:Not planning to work on these any time in the near future

COMPLETED (grab her and toss her on the bed) Hot Summer Job request: (Go see what Kylie the Nudist is doing) (Be bold (Ask if she likes that) (it would be a shame to waste such an amazing erection) (offer Rissa an orgasm) (fuck her properly as soon as you get hard again) (Bree’s been literally begging for it, go give her what she wants) (Hold her up: apologize to her) (wait here for a bit,who cares if the girls catch you now) (stop and find some reason to remove your clothes) (take Bree's dress all the way off) (slide down between Kylie's legs and give her a tasre of her own medicine) (This is all Kiley’s fault, throw her over the table and nail her hard)

Additional completed requests


--Notsooldpervert (talk) 21:29, 24 August 2016 (CEST)

FYI I list my requests first by the date I've requested them, then in order of my preference of story lines. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 00:13, 19 July 2016 (CEST)

Oops! Lol, I'll go back to the first page and start making choices from there in the options. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 05:41, 12 June 2017 (UTC)

You guessed it, I'm aiming for parent child. Probably with her knowing nothing, setting up "the talk" kinda scenario. Might adjust some other settings like near future timeline or something. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 22:49, 12 June 2017 (UTC)

Interesting: a virgin adult parent. Donated sperm in college, death of the mother they tracked him down and now he has a daughter he never expected lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 01:41, 13 June 2017 (UTC)

They would if there were no other family. They go to pretty great lengths to not have to pay for the raising of the kid. If there's a genetic link willing to take the kid, it's less paperwork, and less stress on an already overburdened system. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 02:32, 13 June 2017 (UTC)

Life Hacks Discussion I'll keep making requests the way Elerneron prefers and using the discussion pages for suggestions/claeifications.

Which request got deleted? I've made a few already lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 21:08, 16 October 2016 (CEST) Edit: Nevermind, I found it. No worries on waiting for the "no panties" to catch up first. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 21:17, 16 October 2016 (CEST)

Lol it's like watching you develop an RPG! --Notsooldpervert (talk) 20:15, 19 October 2016 (CEST)

I like where you're going with Ronnie's backstory. I suggest that Brittany be the one to tattle to mom. It makes more sense than absentee mom doing it, and leaves it open for Xander to play (which wouldn't make sense if he ratted them out). If Angel comes across as younger, is that a choice on her part or a developmental issue? If it's just the way she is, wouldn't her stats be more in line with Bastion's? --Notsooldpervert (talk) 16:59, 20 October 2016 (CEST)

I can see how Ronnie would be hard to approach sexually with her being a tomboy and all, but her brother has an "in" so he could slip right in there (pun intended).

Saving Xander's "first time" bonus is the right call. He should get that the first time vaginal sex brings him to orgasm. Hmmm... I'll have to check now, does he have enough points for infinite deathless egg-seeking sperm yet? Where's that pool full of lolies? Lol --Notsooldpervert (talk) 15:50, 24 October 2016 (CEST)

I know of an auxillary branch of the main library in a large city, surrounded by residential neighborhood. It was shut down and sits abbandoned. It's in an older area that's rather run down, but it fits the premise. --Notsooldpervert (talk) 22:55, 28 October 2016 (CEST)

Yup, changed my request --Notsooldpervert (talk) 16:50, 29 November 2016 (CET)

2T4U Requests New story line!

HSJ Requests If you want me to do this differently, let me know.

God's Compensation Interesting premise.

Universal Acceptance That would be a fun power!

Suspended:Not planning to work on these any time in the near future



God's Compensation

Universal Acceptance

Additional completed requests


BakaG's Talk Page

How's it going? I just added a page to 2T4U. Please tell me what you think of it. Especially whether it fits the characters properly.

10/15 - Thanks for looking it over. I plan to add a few more pages to one of the "find some clothes" path in the next few days, inspiration willing.

Also, yeah. I did get a bit ahead of myself there. I was in a groove and couldn't stop. Thanks also for dividing the page up. Lots of interesting options just waiting to be filled out now. :P

10/23 - This was both easier and harder than the last one. Enjoy my latest addition! I was going to do more but I figured that was a fine place to stop for a choice.

1/5/16 - Sorry for acting more like an editor than a writer. I keep asking my muse for inspiration but every time she throws a keyboard at me, yells "PTFO YOU FUCKING NOOB!", then slams the door in my face. :P

1/22/16 - And it's done. Went in a slightly different direction than I planned but I'm satisfied with it for now. Hopefully the next part won't take as long.

5/30/16 - Even as another project has distracted me, I find myself bored with Aaron/Anna. Perhaps another character would be more interesting. Perhaps Jack's girlfriend, and how Jack stumbled into their incestuous carpet munching, or perhaps a teammate of Jack's who has a younger brother he can sissy up. Any suggestions?


Thank you for filling out my requests so far and thanks in advance for any more you do.

Suspended:Not planning to work on these any time in the near future


Additional completed requests




Suspended:Not planning to work on these any time in the near future


Additional completed requests


I do have my heart set on making something happen between Missy and Bandit but I am not that good of a writer. Also sorry if this isn't how Im meant to use the talk feature I've never used a system like it before so yeah.

26/11/15: Ok i will get round to that at some point. Sorry for any inconvenience

19/12/15: Sorry it took me so long. Life hit hard but I changed it a bit. I hope the changes are ok. I just wanted to get bandit involved with the action and I SHOULD have made it so he can get involved with any of the other characters.

22/12/15: I suck at writing so sorry for that. Any advice on changes for the better and how I could write future chapters without fucking up?

I'll agree with that. I eventually want to see all the girls become cum hungry sluts eagerly spreading their legs for cock: Man or boy's, human or not. ~~Notsooldpervert


Feel free to contribute however you like. I find collaborative writing inspiring. No sense stifling anyone's creativity. But I'll try to inch that branch along if that will help you out.

Feel free to go nuts. It's a totally blank slate story-wise. Feel free to add options as well, don't feel restricted to what I've laid down. I envision Kylie as bi although leaning towards girls. She's just fallen into that hormone avalanche making her obsess about sex, but she's still a virgin making her inexperienced and basically lying/faking her confidence.

Been busy lately, but I'm still around. That exact scene I hadn't planned out at all. I know you thought this of Kylie before, but I had pegged Larissa as the one with the proper crush on Riley. Rissa is trying to get Riley to like her, to be interested in her. She's a bit of a smart aleck but equally as bubbly. Getting Riley alone in her room would be an excuse to show off how cool she is and get closer to him, both touchy-feelie and pushy-shovie.


I want to do something else, but it should have the option of matching up, how would you word it?

You can go ahead and change it, no problem. I guess it just didn't come off to me as how the curse worked, from previous entries, but change what ever you need to. Hopefully, the Ellen/Tiffany bit isn't too bad though

Define the licking okay if that is all it is? --SkankWriter (talk) 11:12, 15 January 2016 (CET)



  • I really like the work you've done for Hot Summer Job. Could you continue with Bree and give her what she wants? Standing and on the couch are both good, but I'd also like to go up into her room and take her on her bed. Thanks!,_you_want_to_actually_hear_her_say_it (Hot Summer Job/Take Bree to the couch)

Gisèle de Rais

Alexander's lack of interest in that scene is not so much an important character point as it is an excuse for me to diverge the characters from each other a little bit. I will probably end up doing some of the same scenes with Alexander as I have set up for Alexis in that situation, just at a different stage.

I will say that Alexander/Alexis do not have the same files on their devices. The file that Lacey is listening to at the moment is a different one in Alexander's branch. The explosion is important, though probably not for any reason anybody could have guessed at this point.

Also, Alexander's alone time is a more important point than it seems, and points like it will be found throughout the story on both sides. I don't care if that makes the story more widespread and varied than I have any right to make it when combined with the main plot threads, I have ideas and I'd like to explore them. This will all make more sense to you once I've actually implemented one of those branches.

Feel free to send me your theories, however. You may trick me into revealing more than I plan to. That being said, this story may progress much more slowly than I would prefer due to a lot of real life factors, so I apologize in advance for any lingering suspense that may cause. Gisèle de Rais (talk) 07:28, 5 June 2016 (CEST)


In order of preference:

I honestly don't even know what happened with that last change I made. I didn't delete *any* of that stuff. Didn't *touch* it. I adjusted my request, and crazy fuckery ensued. Sorry.


-- Yeah, I completely agree. Knowing that people read your work and anticipate for you to write content that they'll love is one of the best motivators I know. When I write something just for me, I don't see a reason of finishing it before a certain point in time, but when someone else wants me to write something because they love the story and want to see what else I'll do with it, I can't help but want to write more than ever -- Kitkatevermore (talk) 00:30, 25 October 2016 (CEST)

-- I've been meaning to get to that part, but I can't decide what to write first. I can assure you, that there's going to be a lot of pages for the twins, though -- Kitkatevermore (talk) 05:58, 26 October 2016 (CEST)

-- Oh wow, I swear I knew that before but I guess being off the site for so long I ended up forgetting how it worked. Thank you so much for reminding me so I could fix it Kitkatevermore (talk) 02:49, 9 April 2017 (CEST)


I'm glad you like my writing, Jemini. I'm a fan of your stuff as well, and really appreciate the compliment. If there's any page I've written in which you feel like there could be room for a loli route - feel free to add an option to get to that kind of path.

And yes, by focusing on Fiona's character in my particular story arch, I might end up setting the pace for her personality. You've already included her in the Samantha route, and her personality definitely shines through in your descriptions. I assume you already have a clear idea of how you imagine her to be like; and I'd hate to write her in a way that contradicts those ideas.

I personally want to portray her as someone weird, unpredictable and borderline unlikeable. My idea is that she's this terribly superficial gossip that constantly talks shit about people behind their backs to make herself seem like a more upstanding person - when in fact she's incredibly perverse and sexually messed up. The idea of her imagining Samantha to be a shameless slut is therefore very plausible. --ArthurKung (talk) 02:17, 3 January 2017 (CET)

I can get behind that enchantment; it sounds like it could be pretty fun to write out. However, I personally picture infinite semen and sexual exhaustion as two different things. When I wrote that Jack was feeling "completely drained", I was more referring to his physical/mental energy as opposed to the contents of his ballsack. Re-reading it, I don't think I really managed to convey what I wanted to.

I like your idea of Maria having taken an interest in the Gundersons. I've been toying with similar ideas. After having read up on the curse, I took some creative liberties writing up Fiona's background in my latest post ( My idea is to have Fiona - despite her perverse nature - actually be a virgin; which would at some point attract Maria's immediate attention, since she would also become a key to ending the curse. My idea is that the spirit will contact Jack and try to strike a deal with him at some point; giving him the option of either taking Fiona's virginity to end Maria's spell, or kill Fiona and become the ghost's favored or something. It's just a vague concept so far, and would doubtlessly make for a pretty linear story path (in that it gives the player an option to destroy the curse and create some kind of "Happy Ending"-deal).

By the way, feel free to claim the "Refuse to spend the night at Fiona's"- path if you want to bring Samantha into it all. I'm probably going to continue with the route I've chosen. --ArthurKung (talk) 14:52, 5 January 2017 (CET)


Hey, just wanna thank you for your kind words, and that I'd be happy to take any tips you got any tips for me, that would help me a lot. :) Wrongness (talk) 12:18, 20 April 2017 (CET)

Thank you for your advices. As I take another look at my chapters, I can definitely see how I can improve them. I'll try to follow your tips over my next chapters Wrongness (talk) 15:16, 20 May 2017 (CEST)

Yes, it makes sense. I'll need to learn lots of things, since I chose such a hard scenario for my story ( It's not easy to write a story about kidnapping lol)

From now on I'll try to gather as much information as I can. Wrongness (talk) 14:29, 22 May 2017 (UTC)