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(The first chapter of Sex Positive)
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Latest revision as of 18:05, 15 October 2017

You might think, given Garren's story that he was a pedophile. While by the end of it (or even the beginning) that much will not be in dispute, it was for him, for a time... Or rather, the idea of it is something that would not have occurred to him. He never spent his time ogling young children. He never examined their young bodies, or lusted after them. He wasn't uncomfortable around them, he never touched himself while around them, wondering what they looked like naked, or have any desire to, and he knew he would never hurt one. At most he thought of them as any person might deem acceptable. Some kids are cuter than others. "She's very pretty" things like that.

Which is exactly why he thought nothing of it and accepted amicably when he was asked to watch his niece's best friend Allie. He was taking some time away from college, and very little of that time was dedicated to anything besides masturbating. To his surprise he was excited to take a break from it. He thought he was good enough around kids. He knew he liked them, in the usual ways, and wanted some of his own someday; but he wasn't sure how good he'd be at it, and reasoned that this was an opportunity to find out. The irony is not lost on anybody, least of all Garren.

His niece, Etta, was 10, and her friend, the one he was babysitting, was 8. He'd never met her before, but Etta never shut up about Allie. It was always "Allie slices pears the wrong way!" -- "Allie's backpack has unicorns on it." "Allie cuts the crust off my sandwiches when I'm not looking." That did seem weird, maybe she was going to steal them? Like it mattered. All he knew right now was that he was getting paid for doing basically nothing. Weirdly he had heard from Etta that Allie had like six other sisters, of varying ages who weren't home at the moment. Apparently they had gone up to some nudist compound with their father, while Allie stayed behind with her mother, partially because she was afraid to take her clothes off in front of strange people, and partially because it wasn't her father, he guessed.

When he arrived the place smelled, all kinds of candles and hippy shit, incense and lavender soap, and a thousand other things that seemed to exist to cover up the putrid stench of Mary Jane. Whether it was truly intended to or not, it was the only smell that would be unwelcome if not for the overpowering quality they all possessed separately, so you can imagine what they were like swirling together. He thought he caught his eyes watering a little. Dimly lit, and flickering lightly, like candlelight, the room was extremely comfortable to look at, and only half a mess. Garren couldn't believe so many kids lived here. They obviously had some decent money. The living room was smaller than he'd imagined, all white with lots of arched doorways. Tan and brown furniture. There were sleeping bags on the floor, like someone had been camping out. An impressive sound system, and a nice big 4k TV. Condoms on the coffee table, he smirked.

Thumping footsteps plodded down the stairs toward him, and Allie's mom Amy crouched into his line of sight before she'd normally have broken below the roofline. "Oh, hi, you're here already. Great! Allie... is upstairs..." she said adjusting her skirt. "You'll get to meet her in just a second... -- Shit I forgot something." she rushed up the stairs again, in her stripper heels, that would have clomped if the place wasn't so heavily carpeted. She came back down holding a diaphragm, which she shot into her purse. "Can't forget that." She smiled and a nice glance of the head. He didn't think about it, but he'd never met her before either, the smile was something else, really she was so -- so, HOT! Some of her hair was in braids, long and black with pink highlights, she wore a black tube top, and those cat's eye glasses, the ones that used to be for grandmothers, and she had a smattering of tattoos. Plus a nose stud, a tongue stud, and a belly ring, because of course. He wondered what else was pierced. Her nipples poked out of her top, unfiltered to show off those impressive double D breasts. No surgery, obviously. He stared at them, all he could do to keep from biting his fist in front of her. Her newest smile said Yeah, I know. The words "Sexy punk librarian" came to mind, actually she looked like some of his porn favorites. Maybe she is an adult actress. He thought stupidly. She gave him a coy, "suspicious" glance, "What are you looking at?"

He didn't know what to say "Uh..." he tried to look at her face, but his eyes always fell back on her titties. He couldn't look away, and tried not to be nervous, but the question got him excited.

She gave him the limp-wristed mother's-ease touch. "Relax hon, I'm only teasing you."

Now he looked away, smiling. But his eyes met hers again soon after. "Thank you Mrs..."

She picked a drink off the side table and finished it "We're not doing that shit, trust me."

He nodded. "Sorry."

"What for?" her phone rang, she must be used to it, because she answered in an instant. "Yeah... Yah... I'm on my way right now. Okay. Okay, see ya there, bye."

"I'll let you go."

"Fuck them, I'm almost there, I'll be ready when I'm ready." she put away her phone, "Have you babysat before? Wait, you babysat for us before -- didn't you? Or, no?"

"No, I've never done this before."

"New frontier, huh. You must be scared shitless."

Now she'd made him a little nervous, "No. Why? Should I be?"

"Not at all, Allie's a very well behaved kid, she does basically whatever you tell her to, so I can't imagine you'll have any problems. Still it's looking after a kid, so."

"I have a niece"

"Etta, I know. -- You babysat for her?"


Facescrunch: she obviously wasn't sure why he'd bring it up then, "I'm sure you'll be fine. You look like a responsible young man."

Wondering how old she was now, she didn't look like she could be older than 35, but that didn't seem possible. He figured he'd take in the view regardless, what difference did the actual number make anyway?

"Allie get down here!" Amy yelled upstairs. She turned to ask him, "Have we met before?"

"We talked on the phone."

She nodded "Well, my name's Amy" she shook his hand, softer than he expected somehow.

"Yeah, I know."

"... My daugher's name is Allie..."

He laughed "Yeah, I know."

"Just makin' sure." She cocked her head back again, "Allie get down here, right now, I'm leaving!" "She does what you tell her to, but on her own time."

"I know, I know I'm coming..." Came a distant reply.

"Anything I need to know," Garren asked "anything that's off limits, or..."

"No. No allergies or anything like that."

He kind of awkwardly half-smiled "Do I have to watch Frozen or...?"

"You watch Frozen if she wants to watch Frozen, you can watch whatever you want, as long as it doesn't bore her to death. You'll have to let her decide that. You have to remember, I'm paying you for your time, and it is yours, but you have to take care of her. If she doesn't like you I'm not asking you back here again. It's nothing personal, you understand."

"Sure, of course. So if I wanted to play Grand Theft Auto or...?"

"Did you bring it with you?" She asked.

"Well no, but I'm saying, If it was here..."

"Yeah, I don't care." she said casually.

"Cool. I guess..."

"We don't have any video games" she interjected -- "I try to prepare my kids for the real world, you know? There's nothing I can protect them from they won't find out on their own. At least I can manage it, to an extent, within the bounds of reason."

"I think I get it. I'm just happy I don't have to watch Dora the Explorer."

"Yeah, like I said, you do if she wants to."

"Aye-aye captain." he said with a loose salute.

"What the hell's taking so long? -- ALLIE!" she screamed, "This kid, I swear."

"Geez, hold your horses." Allie said coming down the stairs. She was wearing "work" boots, bootie shorts, and an Iron Man tank top. The Tony Stark Ark reactor in the middle, type of deal. Garren expects kids to be kind of fat, or excessively thin. She was neither. She was a bit tall for a girl her age, though he didn't know that at the time. When her face broke below the surface of stairs it was obvious she inherited her mother's looks. She had that quality that some girls have where when you look at them you can only see the woman they'll be, not as obviously the girl they are. Her eyes and eyebrows are made up of sharp lines, but the rest of her is soft, save for her nose, which doesn't go much either way.

She finishes the trek downstairs and seems subtly struck by Garren, "He's the babysitter?" she asked with exaggerated query. When her mother said "Yep" she said "Huh..." and nothing else about it.

"She's very pretty" Garren thought.

"Aw, well thank you." Amy said opening the door. -- He didn't realize he'd said it out loud. "You're pretty handsome, too. Think you can handle it?"

"I think we're ready." he said, confidently.

"Okay, call me if you need anything, I'll be back by 11."

"Hey!" he screamed as she ran toward the car, and the setting sun, "What time does she go to bed?"

She twirled around "It's Friday, don't worry about it!" she smiled, then twirled back before hobbling into the car.

Garren shut the door. "So you're Allie."

"Yeah, what's your name?"

"Did your mom not tell you who I am?"

She leaned on the couch at the TV, slightly away from him, still looking in his direction "No."


"Etta's uncle?"

"That's right."

"She never said you were..."


"...I don't know... -- wanna watch TV?"

"Sure." he drifted to their sound system, opening a cabinet to reveal their selection. "Your mom says you can watch whatever you want. Can I pick it though?"

"Of course!" she said in what's starting to seem like a typically over-animated voice.

He tried to get her to help him choose, but she seemed low-key interested in everything he suggested. He expected more fighting from and 8-year-old. Her mom did say she was permissive.

"Why are you babysitting?" she asked.

"Your mom asked me to."

"Are you and mom like a thing?"

Shocked, he didn't know kids talked the same way adults do, "I thought your dad was out of town, he said fingering through their selection again. "They're not divorced, are they?"

"He doesn't care. Her either. At least, I don't think so, there's always people coming around, and leaving. Etta said mom is her dad's girlfriend. Weird, right?"

"So weird..." he admitted half-dismissively "I can't seem to find anything worth watching, you have Netflix?"

She shook her head, "Duh. Doesn't everybody?" as he waits for the TV to power on she awaits her response... "So..."

"So what?"

"Are you like mom's boyfriend, right now?"

"If I was, I would be there with her, instead of here with you."

"Oh..." gears seem to be turning in her head, what about, he can't imagine. She plunked herself down on one of the seats, despite her being a lightweight it slides, while she belts out a sigh. "What do you do?"

"I don't really do anything. I'm a student."

"Adults go to school?" She said in shock.


"What do you learn about?..."

"Nothing worth talking to some kid about." it sounded rude to him, after he said it.

Apparently not minding, she simply said "I understand" in a proto-grown-up voice.

"Right now I'm studying advanced math, because that's what my dad wants me to do, but I think, if I stay in school I might try to get a law degree."

"What's that?" she leaned over to take an M&M out of a candy bowl on the coffee table.

"You know what a lawyer is?"

"Uh-huh." she crunched on the candy.

"You do?"


"Well, you study Law to become a lawyer."

"Sounds interesting..." she said tapping her chin.

He visibly could not believe what he was hearing "No it doesn't."

"Oh, okay." she said shooting another candy into her mouth. She picked a book up off the coffee table. "50 Shades of Grey"

Garren looks over, "Don't read that."

"I'm not."

"Who's is it, anyway, your mom's, right?"

"My sisters."

"How old is your sister?"

"15." She drops the book back on the table.

He talked her into watching Goodfellas, naturally it didn't take much convincing, for whatever reason. She seemed as invested as you could ever expect a kid her age to be, at first, but she fell asleep on the couch partway through. Good thing he had talked her into putting her pajamas on before it started. Her feet were in his lap.

After a few hours in. Through the dark, out of his peripheral vision, he saw head lift during a pre-blowjob shot, the main guy's wife is getting on her knees to unzip his pants. When it cut away Allie blurted out "She's really going to swallow that guy's cum!?"

Garren shot up with the remote and hit pause, "What did you just say?"


"Did you just say what I think you said? -- Say that again."

"What? I just asked if she's going to suck his dick. -- Why!? He's ugly."

"Ah-No, I don't think you're supposed to talk like that." he said like an authority figure, for the first time of the night.

"I know I'm not supposed to say mean things about people, but it's just TV and plus... I think he's ugly"

"No, Allie, that's not the point, I don't think you're supposed to talk about sex. Not with me -- with strangers, with anybody -- at all, that's something you should talk to your mom about.

She slowly moved her feet from his lap and got up to turn on the light, her eyes were in a squinted fog. she glided back down into the seat next to him. "I do." her hands clenched the couch cushions as she sat up straight, "Blegh, I think I need water."

When he brought her some she said "Thanks" in a raspy voice. Scrunching her eyes. She drank half the glass. "Ahhh---" a thunderous belch for a kid her size slipped out. "Excuse me."

She taught her manners he thought half surprised, "Does your mom know you say things like that?"

She set the water down, "She doesn't care. She wants us to talk about it."

"For some reason I doubt your mom wants you to even say the word 'dick' in front of me. Let alone me say it back to you."

"I don't know... She says it's fine when we talk about sex. We live in a 'sex positive household.' Or whatever. They all walk around naked!"

"Of course they do, they're nudists -- Allie, this is different." he finally sat down.

She shrugged, "How?" to her it seemed like a perfectly normal question. No pretense.

Utterly astounded, he decided to ask "Do you even know what you're saying?"

"About what?" very confused.

"About sex!" he had to kick himself for screaming it so loud.

"Oh," she said biting halfway into another M&M "Sometimes I do."

He got up and knocked the piece of candy from her hand, "Stop putting that in your mouth! How many of those have you eaten anyway? You know what. It doesn't matter, your mother can't want me talking to you about any of this..." he said nervously "I think I could get in trouble just because you brought it up. I don't know."

"So call her."


"She gave you a number, right? Call her up and ask."

"What am I supposed to say? Am I allowed to talk to your daughter about sex? She'll f-- she'll hang me."

"Here, I'll do it." she pulled out her cellphone and hit speed dial. He realizes that he should stop her, that he should say something, mitigate the situation, give in, or try to get her to keep it a secret, he knows that what she says next could get him branded for life as some kind of pervert in his hometown, and while he's not exactly frozen, he finds himself curiously unmoved until she says "Mom. Hi it's me, Allie" even the room noise seemed to cut out, it was uncanny how ruthless the silence was, "Garren says I shouldn't talk to him about sex." she smiled and looked up, the way you do when you don't actually "who's Garren?... The babysitter, mom." this time she actually did look up at him, shaking her head. "I know, I told him..." she held the phone over, and above with her left hand, "she wants to talk to you"

Gently he took it and pressed it against his hear, as his chest sunk he held a hand to his head and with a grimace said "Hello?"

"Hi, Garren?"

"Hi, yeah, what's up"

"I was kinda hoping you could tell me."

He launched into desperation mode "I didn't do anything right, we were watching a TV -- movie, and she said something, and I thought it was something she shouldn't say to me, or to anyone, frankly, and I was afraid that since she said it, maybe she'd say it again and you'd think I told it to her or, something... and I really don't want to get in trouble, so I asked her to call you, and talk to you about it."

Allie flinched under the weight of his false claims.

"What like a punishment... or...?" her mom wondered.

"No, no, not as like a punishment, I would think you would do that, if that's something you think is necessary, but you wouldn't believe what she told me, she said you let her say things like that."

"Well, what did she say?"

"First she said. -- Allie cover your ears."

"No." Allie said firmly.

"It's okay." Her mom said, "she already said it once, what does it matter if you say it?"

"Okay, she said -- first she said, we were at this part, in Goodfellas, and she said like, 'Is she going to swallow that guys cum?'" there's a long uncomfortable pause, "Hello?" to his surprise she starts laughing, since he couldn't believe it, he had to ask: "Oh, are you drunk, right now?"

"No, no son, I don't drink."

"Sorry it's just, I thought -- doesn't matter, so then I asked her what she said, and she said 'I just wanted to know if she's going to suck his dick, because that guy's ugly.'"

"Oh wow," she said, clearly still amused, "I had no idea she talked like that."

"Y-Yeah, I know!" he said feeling vindicated, like a weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"You must have felt really awkward!"

"Oh my god, yes! So, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh, I mean -- don't do anything, it's fine, it's harmless. I'll talk to her about it, when I get home."

"Yeah?..." not exactly the answer he was expecting.

"She's not really supposed to say the thing about him being ugly either."

"Well, you know what she said to me? She said it was fine because you live in a 'sex positive' household..." Another extremely deafening silence. "Hello?"

"Why? Does that make you uncomfortable?"

"...No." he said. "It's fine, I just figure, you know, you don't want her talking about that stuff. -- Not with me anyway."

"Is there something wrong with you?"

"Uh.. no.." he said confused.

"She can talk about it with whoever she wants, whenever she wants, except school, cuz they wouldn't understand. I can't be called into meetings over stupid shit all the time."

"Oh?..." he realized then that this entire time Allie has been looking for something else to watch. "Wait, I don't understand, I thought you said that you were going to talk to Allie; she's not allowed to say that stuff."

"I never said she wasn't allowed to say anything of the sort, I have to talk to Allie because she made you uncomfortable. I'm trying to make her understand when and where it's appropriate to talk about, in life."

"Well... is it ever appropriate, or...?"

"Are you trying to tell me how to raise my kids?"

"No, not at all, I'm just wondering, right, like what your thought process is, or whatever? How does she... even know about this stuff?"

"Come on. She doesn't really know anything, she learns about it in school, and through her friends, and the TV -- I don't shelter her. No mother can. I'm not like, putting up porn on the TV, or fucking guys in front of her, but she knows as much as you expect kids to know, in the age of the internet. I didn't know she'd gotten that far with the language though, so, I'll talk to her about it. Don't worry."

"So... she can talk to me about it, if she wants to?"

"Told you." Allie said.

"If she wants to."

"And you don't mind?"

"Not at all."

Allie shook the remote, then beat on it "Shit" she said quietly, "stupid batteries..."

"Okay. As long as we're not doing anything?" he knew it the minute he said it, what a fucking idiot.

"What do you mean?"

Allie left the room.

"I said" -- No! You fucking idiot, are you actually saying it again -- Why would you ask her that!? You know what she'll think! "It's fine if we talk about it as long as we're not doing anything?" Dead man

"Yeah, that would be illegal so... I trust you not to do that"

"Okay, well, thanks for clearing that up. -- The whole thing, thanks for clearing that whole thing up."

By coincidence the new batteries roll under the coffee table, and Allie, in her loose fitting pajamas goes to retrieve them. Even before she kneeled down, it first occurred to him that she had an unusually large butt for a girl her age. He didn't think anything sexual of it, then her mother said one thing that immediately changed the course of his life, "It's not like I'm going to ask you about it though."

He had been ready to hang up, instead he twisted over to one direction, "Wait, what did you say?"

"I said, I trust you won't do anything illegal, but if the two of you decided to do something, it's not like I'm going to ask you about it when I get back."

He felt his jeans tighten.' "Why--Why--Why--Why wouldn't you?" he wondered in a semi-crazed state. pulling at the front of his pants. He looked at Allie's ass still sticking up in the air, head down on the floor. Why was he suddenly aroused?

"Why? Should I?"

"No! Of course not..." he said. Awkwardly he asked, "You're not worried are you?"

"Is she happy?"

"Yes!" Allie picked up the batteries up off the floor and places them in the remote control.

"Seems like it." Garren says nodding at her.

"Keep it that way. As long as she's happy with you, I won't worry about it. Okay?"

"Okay, thanks."

"I've got to get back to my friends, I'll see you tonight." They both said goodbye.

"Told you." Allie aid again, this time with something flaky in her mouth.

Garren's heart started going again, but it's less pronounced than the rush he felt in the rest of his body, the kind of rush you get when you're a kid and you sneak through someone's yard. A rush he's not sure he'd felt as an adult. "Allie." he said "come over here."

"What?" she asked putting down what he now saw was a sandwich -- with the crust cut off.

"Has your mom's boyfriends, your dad, or your mom, have they ever done anything to you?"

"Like what?"

"Like, touched you?"

"Everybody touches me. Except you, I don't think you have yet, but I just met you today."

"Show me how..." he realized in that moment that he was not sexually attracted to this young girl until her mother mentioned it, until it was opened up as a possibility, when he suddenly saw her like that: as someone who could be, her natural, indisputable attractiveness became very sexual to him. Almost more sexual than a real woman. The only way it could increase, he presumed, was if she demonstrated any amount of it herself. If she suddenly behaved like a sexual being, then he didn't know if he'd ever be able to stop himself. Would he want to?

She stood in front of him, looked him up and down Oh my god, she looked at my dick!! then she reached, put her hand gently on his shoulder and said "Allie, your mom and I are going to her room now, you stay out here and watch TV with your sisters, call to us if there's an emergency!" He laughed, it was more of a snort, really. "Your breath smells bad" Allie said. "But I like it, I don't know why." she took her hand off his shoulder, but she didn't move any further away. Leaning in he pressed his lips against hers, they were soft and slight, and after some mutual warmth, colder than he expected. His tongue slid into her mouth and she pulled away, licking her lips aggressively and frowning, "Ew, what kind of kiss was that?"

"It's called a french kiss" he said holding her against his torso, her head went up to where his stomach met his chest. She rested her chin there, "It's weird."

"Do you like it?"

"Maybe..." she said looking into his eyes. She yanked herself around quickly, her long hair flew up into his chin, and she seemed to intentionally flick at his crotch with her butt. "I do this one thing sometimes..." she got on her knees on the couch, and took one of the pillows. "I take one of these, I put it here... and you know," she put the pillow between her legs. "It feels good. Sometimes. if I move around"

He thought he knew where this was going "...And..."

"Kissing makes me want to do it a little bit..."

"You know it's masturbation, right?" he informed her "That's one of the ways girls do it."

"Yeah, that's what I figured. Mom told me some."

"That good feeling, that's what sex is about, for grown-ups... having kids is secondary. She must be an early bloomer, he didn't know, when does it start?

"What's secondary?"

"It means it's not as important... Show me."

"I have to like... dance -- or something... I don't know. It's weird."

"It's okay. Show me."

"I can't with you watching, it's weird, I don't know." she said retreating inward.

"You don't have to be scared." he walked over to her, the couch wasn't low enough for her face to be at his crotch, obviously, but he could feel the closeness.

She looked very intently up at him and said "I'm not scared."

I'm gonna fuck this kid he thought, now would be the point where most semi-normal people would snap out of it, instead he unzipped his pants, and gently put a hand along the side of her unusually soft face as he used the other to pull out his throbbing penis.

She looked up at him, "Dad's is bigger."

"Just put it in your mouth."

It's true he was not very big, she had no problem taking the tip into her mouth "Oh my God!" the warmth, he didn't know anything could be that warm without burning, she closed her lips around him, and slid away. A cold chill lingered where her mouth was. Licking her lips she asked "Like that?"

"Yeah. Don't use your teeth, never bite it, unless they ask you to, and try to keep them away from the guy's dick. You should try to get as much of it in your mouth as you can at one time, you might gag on it, but eventually you'll maybe get used to it.


"It depends on how good you want to get at it."

"What does it do for me?"

Let's see, mouth sores, throat sores, cancer. "It doesn't really do anything for the girl, I'll show you that stuff later, you're trying to make me feel good right now."

"You said, 'how good I want to get?' So it's like a game?"

"Sort of..."

"How do I know if I'm winning?"

"You're probably always winning, but I'll let you know."

"Do I get a prize, or something?"

"You get to feel good when it's my turn, and you have to tell me if I'm winning or not."

"Okay... Hey, wait a minute, what if you lose, then I don't get anything, right?"

Smart kid, kinda sexy... he thought wryly.

"We'll try to work at it until you feel good too."

"No fair, why can't I feel good first!?"

Progressive women, huh? "I asked you to show me how you do it. Women are more complicated than guys, so we need to know how you touch yourselves before we can touch you right."

"Oh... I think if you touched me any way it would pro'lly feel good."

"Really?" He wondered, "I'm gonna do something, I don't want you to freak out. Okay, so try not to freak out..." She agreed and he gently took the back of his hair into his hands, and gently stroked it back, then he pulled on it, lightly, continuously, "Does that hurt."


He pulled harder "That?"


Damn he thought, while the pattern continued this kid must have a breaking point, right? She's never done this before.

"None of it hurts." she finally said.

"Please tell me you're not lying to make me happy..."

"No, I'm not lying, I'm alright. You could maybe pick me up like this."

He wouldn't dare, but he had all of it, maybe she was right, hair is strong. This time he yanked on it quickly, she let out a yip, and then started laughing... and laughing, and laughing. Without thinking he stuck his finger inside her mouth and down her throat. She hacked, exhaled, shot backwards, and suddenly started convulsing... "Oh my God. Oh my God, holy shit!" Her back arched, her eyes nailed shut, her pelvis shot up in the air, as her legs seemed to almost walk to nowhere erratically. Garren didn't know what to do. Could he call the hospital? What would he say -- you have to you idiot, what's worse than a child dying because you've discovered you're a fucking pedophile finally, before he could reach for the phone, she seemed to stop, her eyes looked weird, he peeled them back: whites. "Sweetheart." he tapped her face gently. They had rolled back into her head. When she was back to normal it seemed like breath came into her, her eyes and mouth got big, and she said "What -- what-- what was that!?" hyperventilating.

"I don't know what that was." he admitted, "seemed like a seizure."

"I can't remember where I am, am I at home?" she tried to get up, "Is my mom here?"

"Your mom's on a date, you're with me, remember Garren, I'm the babysitter" you're fucking.

"Oh right," she smiled "that felt good, that felt really, really good," she started laughing again, and again, and again, hysterically. As before. Dying down she said "Ah...So good..."

"Can you recall what happened?"

"You were teaching me how to like suck your dick, and then, and then, you pulled my hair, and you put your fingers in my mouth, and my whole body went like whump" she scrunched herself up "and then it was like, kaboom and I felt so good, and then I like forgot what was happening, because of how good it was." she giggled.

He glared at her skeptically, "So you liked all of it?"

"Are you kidding ME!!? That was like the best thing ever!"

"Shhhh, keep your voice down."

"It felt like I was flying or sinking, but soft and warm, and... tingly and, ugh!" she shivered.

I have taken her innocence. How is that even possible, grown women don't cum from their mouths, do they? "Allie... Can you tell me, this tight feeling, did you feel it, down here?" he put his hand there.

She gave him the kind of bedroom eyes he thought you could only get from a real woman "Yes." she said leaning her head in. Then she bit her lower lip and fell backward, tiredly. "Ugh. So amazing." Considering the circumstances, her vaginal muscles constricting must have lead her to her first real orgasm. A full body orgasm. He didn't know whether to feel excited or bad for her. And on top of everything else, it must be all downhill from here. Likely one of the many reasons not to do it, he thought.

She scared him so bad he wasn't hard anymore. "Why isn't it normal?" she asked pressing the side of her nose and the lower half of her face against it.

"It is normal" he told her "hard is not normal."

"I want to finish what I was doing. Could I win? -- Could I make you feel that way!!?" She seemed very excited by the idea. He was hard again soon after. "Whoa, it just went like ffffffff" mimicking the sound of an inflating balloon.

"I can't believe how badly I want to fuck you." he confessed, putting a hand on her head

"Is that good?" she asked, hers on his thigh.

"Oh my God, it's amazing."

She smiled, and jostled merrily on the pillow between her legs, "Now what?"

"You didn't finish sucking me off, so you can finish that, but instead of just putting your mouth on it -- "

"I know how to do it." she said.

"I know but, you've never seen any porn, right, do you know to lick it?"

She cocked her head, and blinked repeatedly playing up her surprise "Lick it!?"

"Some people say, like a popcicle, or a lollipop, or an ice cream cone. Probably makes it sound like it tastes better than it does."

"I'll say!" she said picking lint off her tongue.

"But, the best way to do it really would be to lick the whole thing, and the balls, like they're ice cream -- that's melting." he added "So it's like ice cream, it's really hot out, and if you don't lick it all up soon, it's going to melt.

"Like this!?" she pushed her head to his crotch, resting her tongue at the base, and slid along it to the tip, then she did the same from the bottom, and then she close her lips around the tip again, and wriggled her little tongue around, and went to the top using both lips, "Oh my god, it's melting!" She said "It's melting!" making slurping noises.

"Holy shit! YES!" he said, How the fuck am I supposed to last? She's so fucking adorable. "Pull your pants down"

"All the way?" She asked with her fingers on the band.

"Doesn't matter, just enough."

"Enough for what?"

"So I can see your ass."

She did as she was told. "Will that be better?"

He grabbed at it Unbelievable! So huge, and yet so tiny "Yes." She kept sucking, and licking, once she used her chin, lower lip, and tongue together along the top. It felt so fucking amazing. She seemed so pure and sanitized, in every way, her saliva had a different quality to it. It slipped from her mouth and dribbled onto the floor. "That's some messy ice cream eating."

"Is it bad?" she asked licking his balls.

"No, it's good."

She smiled and continued. "I like the look on your face." she admitted.

"Try to see how far you can put it in your mouth."

She took it s a dare, "Watch this!" she jammed it down her throat. Without much hesitation, or obvious effort. it slid in cleanly, and he could feel at the back end, the softer tissue, near her throat but it was lumpier, in a way, than the rest of a person's mouth usually is. He expected that, but there might have been some food particles back there. Her tongue scraped helplessly along the bottom, her breath warmed him, and her throat opened up. Despite what he'd told her, he felt the gentle pressure of her smooth teeth on the bottom of his member. He realized something in that moment, one of her teeth off to the right side of her mouth, was missing, he could feel its absence along with the others. As the anti-friction of her slobber smooth lower lips started to slide away from him, he grabbed a hold of her head, moved onto the couch, and pushed deeper into her, he pressed the back of her head against the backrest of the couch, he unloaded down her throat. He hoped he wasn't hurting her, but he thought he could feel her touching herself, beneath her jammies. Maybe it was wishful thinking.

He pulled his dick out and a stream of crystal clear saliva spewed out of her mouth. She hacked and coughed a lot, but she never threw up. She wretched. "Is it.." spit "supposed to be like that?" she asked.

"Not unless you want to get good at it." he said collapsing onto the floor. "Are you in pain, was I too rough with you?" "No" was the answer both times. "Do you need to throw up? You can tell me sweetheart. I could get in a lot of trouble, and especially if you're feeling miserable, I probably should."

"You could get in trouble?"

"What we're doing right now is illegal."

"Is it bad?"

"Can't tell anybody about it, that's for sure..."

"What'll happen?"

"I'll go to jail, everyone will hate me." He looked in her direction, but she couldn't be seen on the couch where he was on the floor. "I can't stress this enough, my whole life will be ruined, nobody will love me, even my mom. The reverse is true if you don't say anything -- if you don't say anything, not that we had sex, not that you blew me, I pulled your hair, that I'm your boyfriend, any of it - all it takes for everyone to still love me, and to be totally normal, is that you - not - say - anything. Don't even say you have a boyfriend."

"Will we get to do this again?"

"If you say anything I'll never be allowed near you again -- or any other kid."

"Mom said sometimes there's a difference between what's bad, and what people say is bad, and illegal. In school I heard black people and white people couldn't marry each other, is this like that?"

He couldn't figure out how much to manipulate her, he never thought of himself as that kind of person. "A little bit."

"Can I get in trouble?"

"You can get me in trouble. No one will blame you."

"Why? I get in trouble all the time for stuff I do."

"They won't see it that way. To them you didn't do it, I did, they'll see it as I wanted you to make me feel good, and I didn't care how you felt." Or physically were.

"That's crazy!"

He wasn't as sure, but he guessed she made him feel a bit better about it. "That's how it is."

"But it felt good!"

He sat up, "And I'm really, really glad you liked it, but it's only a game while it's happening, after, it's my life. You don't want to see me get hurt do you?"

"Nooo." she said worried about him. "I like you for making me feel good, it make me feel good, like... ME! Ya know? What's the word...? Like sometimes I feel stupid, or whatever, but right now I don't"

"What makes you feel stupid?"

"Some of the other girls were making fun of me, because I don't know how to ride a bike."

Oh my God, she's really a kid, I'm such a stupid fucking idiot "Are your pants still down?"

She looked down, and then she twisted around, onto her knees and mooned him, "Yep!" Then she sat back down with her pajamas around her shins.

"Bring that ass over here."

"Okay!" she put her buns into her hands as she walked, as if it was a melon she was holding onto. "Where should I put this, sir!"

He's tempted to have her slide it right down his dick, but he'd gotten lucky with her so many times tonight, it seemed like taking her vaginal virginity at this stage, through any means but painfully, and traumatically must be an impossibility. There must be some physical damage he could do to her. Women's pussies are very elastic, maybe girls are too. he'd reason -- It doesn't matter, she's never put anything in there, at all. This girl is not bleeding today.

It was never really in dispute, he said "On my face."

"On your face!?" Her eyebrow went up. "Why on your face?"

"It's my turn to make you feel good."

"I thought you already did?"

"We can do it as many times as we have time alone together. Besides, that one was kind of an accident, this one will be on for real."

"What should I do?" She squatted, turned toward his forehead, her strangely clean looking, alabaster ass in his face. I always thought there was something disgusting about kids, the fact that something this obviously dirty can seem so clean is odd. It's soft and round, gentle, like a marshmallow, I actually want to lick it.

He taps her ankle. "You won't be able to stay like that sweetheart, you'll have to get on your knees."

"Like this" she shifted into place, her pussy fell right onto his noes, and slid over his lips. She let's out a soft moan. Pleasure? he wondered.

He gently tapped her ass cheeks with his hand "Up a little."


"Because I want you to do it yourself, I'm going to lick your butthole!"

"E-w-w-w" she said laughing, "Are you serious!? You're serious!"

"I'm very serious. I'm starting to pick up on what you like, you're going to like it, watch."

"Really?" she took much less convincing, all of a sudden.

"Stick your ass where it seems like you're trying to poop into my mouth."

"You want me to what!?"

"Don't actually do it! If you have to go, do not wait until the last minute to tell me."


"Do you have to go?"


"Okay, fine."

She slid her butt down on top of his mouth, and he immediately tongued her angel silk openings. At first he's pretty sure he gets her pussy, then her taint then her asshole. No, since you ask, it did not taste as clean as it looked, but he got over it fast, and it quickly subsided. She started grinding, back and forth, back and forth. "Oh," she said quietly "that's pretty good, right there. Hmmm!" the "hmm" is let out like a high pitched cry.

"Does it feel good?" He asked as she ground against his nose and most of the top half of his face

"Don't talk, don't talk, just do it!"

He couldn't help but laugh, hearing this come out of this little kid's mouth What is wrong with me. He tried jamming it with the tip, whenever the anus slid his way. This time he really could feel her fingers on her pussy, he could see them too. Garren grabbed her thighs and forced her down onto his tongue and started rocking her gently, her pussy juices slipped out and streamed onto his cheeks and his nose, and some into his eyes. He kept licking, for as long as she let him

"F-F-FUCK!" she screamed, and she fell over, across the other side of the coffee table. No epic convulsions, just, a typical clitoral orgasm. So now they're resting in a kind of L, shape on the floor. Her pajama bottoms still down around her thighs.

Garren wipes his face, and licks his hand with his tongue in one stroke.

She exhaled "Who won?" She asked,

"I think you did kiddo." He crawled over, and looming above her little body, he admired her gently, then, pulled up her bottoms, not before kissing the little bare spot above her pussy. He couldn't believe the reaction he got, with no hair down there. Then he kissed her on the cheek and said "Go upstairs to bed, your mom will be home in less than an hour."

She smiled tiredly, blissfully. "Can't we do it? I've seen how it's done."

"You have?"

"She nodded. In school they said, and on TV I've seen how they put it together, she said pawing at his dick."

"It has to go in, and it won't fit." He zipped up his jeans and buckled his pants.

"It'll fit."

"No, it won't."

"Why can't we just do it?"

"Because I'm not going to hurt you okay!" He said sitting against the couch. "I probably did already."

"No, you didn't."

"Yeah? I'm not so sure."

"Are you my regular babysitter?"

"As long as you don't say anything, probably."

"We can do it next time, then?"

"Maybe," he half leaned over her, looking into her eyes. "I need to know you can take me. You might be able to stretch it out yourself."

"What do I do?"

"You find things to put in it -- clean things, but not like obsessive clean, hand soap, at best, and nothing electric, at least not plugged in. You see the spoon to your cereal bowl, on the table here," he picked it up and showed it to her, it's got an unusually think handle, for a girl her size it's probably around "beginner."


"Okay, things shaped like this."

"Like a dick." she laughed covering her face coyly.

"Right, but smaller than mine. Start with your fingers, and work your way up to something about this big, and keep going, it shouldn't hurt, if it does you're changing it up too fast -- maybe not the first time, start with your pinky and work towards your thumb though. Okay?"


"Can you actually remember all that?"

She nodded "It's like homework."

"We'll never even be able to try, if you don't do it." he kissed her little pink lips.

"I get it."

"Should feel good too, so you have that to look forward to." he kissed her nipple through her shirt.

The door opened and her mother walked through. "Hey you guys." she said with a sigh, "Have fun?"

"Mh-mm" Allie said, as they both got up. Their faces were red, and Allie tried not to walk funny getting up the stairs.

"Hello Amy" Garren said approaching her.

Her head cocked to one side "Did you have a girl over?"

"Uh... yeah..." He said giving in -- playing along? He wasn't sure which "Why?"

"Your face smells like pussy."

"You caught me!" he said as casually as possible "After you said 'sex positive house' I thought you wouldn't mind if I brought a girl over, for a little while."

"Well I hoped you practiced... safe sex."

"Not to worry, Amy. Allie and I played tag after, and she, you know, petered out..."

"Okay... Well, you come back again sometime, I'll pay you the usual rate."

"Is this weird?..."

"No not at all." she said counting his money out, "nothing happened right?"

"Right." he crumpled it into his fist. "Should I really come back here?"

"As long as she doesn't complain to me about you, I don't see why not. Stop being so paranoid. We'll see you later, and when summer's up my other daughters will be back, and who knows maybe you can watch them too."

"Is that an offer?" he unintentionally wondered out loud.

"It's an offer to babysit." she said without irony. "Don't get too eager, you'll start to make me wonder."

"Okay..." He nodded, suspicious.

To be continued...