Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJs: Difference between revisions

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"Umm... no, I think I'll be Ok... Sir." She says, looking away and folding an arm across her body, just under her breasts in an attempt to conceal them as she nervously grabs her other arm. It seems the experience of having to change in front of you may have been a pretty big issue for her, she doesn't seem to want to go through it again even in order to get a larger outfit despite the fact that this one simply cannot be comfortable on her with how small it is and how much it clearly rides up in the crotch.
"Umm... no, I think I'll be Ok... Sir." She says, looking away and folding an arm across her body, just under her breasts in an attempt to conceal them as she nervously grabs her other arm. It seems the experience of having to change in front of you may have been a pretty big issue for her, she doesn't seem to want to go through it again even in order to get a larger outfit despite the fact that this one simply cannot be comfortable on her with how small it is and how much it clearly rides up in the crotch.

* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJ/Change|Order her to change them for a larger pair]]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJ/Change|Order her to change them for a larger outfit]]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJ/Bra|Make her remove her bra]]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJ/Bra|Make her remove her bra]]
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJ/Panties|Make her remove her bra and panties]] '''Request''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 06:10, 17 October 2017 (CEST)
* [[Disciplinary Action/Disciplinary Office/First Week/Perl/PJ/Panties|Make her remove her bra and panties]] '''Request''' --[[User:Notsooldpervert|Notsooldpervert]] ([[User talk:Notsooldpervert|talk]]) 06:10, 17 October 2017 (CEST)

Revision as of 04:32, 17 October 2017

Make her wear PJs

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“… what would you think if a classmate came to school in their pajamas?” you asked the girl, deciding to go with a small punishment and trying to gauge which one would be best.

Perl frowned her face in a mature way, “That would be against the dress code, Sir.” she answered without hesitation, then giving you a lingering strange look as though she didn't know where this was going. Maybe she thought you were making some sort of analogy to her behavior and didn't think it was an appropriate one, at the very least she didn't seem to suspect what your real intentions were.

“Well, yes…” you admitted, taken aback by her confident answer, “but would you want to interact with such a classmate?”

“Of course not, Sir. I have the utmost regard for the school rules, Sir.” Came her dry answer.

This was not the direction you imagined for the conversation, “Forget the rules for a bit,” you started, “on a personal level, would you lose respect for a classmate if they were to come to class in their pajamas?”

Perl blinked twice before answering, but that was all the sign she gave of uncertainty, “Yes, Sir, if someone cannot be bothered to dress up in the morning, I would not trust them to apply to their studies, so I wouldn’t want to associate with them.”

“I’m glad to hear that,” you said, pleased to at last receive the answer you were expecting, “since your punishment will be to wear only a set of pajamas for a day.” you finished, smiling at her.

“Excuse me!… Sir?” she said, for once really thrown off-center, “but wouldn’t that be against the dress code, Sir?” she recovered her center quickly, holding to her knowledge of the school rules.

“Since this is a punishment, no.” you explained, “As you know your public image is very important, so I’m hoping this will teach you that your actions have far-reaching consequences.”

“I have to come to school wearing pajamas… for not paying attention in class?” she said, almost to herself, she then looked you directly in the eyes with intensity, “Sir, I don’t want to question you; but I feel this might not be the best action to make me atone for my mistake. If detention is not allowed, perhaps extra homework on the subject, or even increasing my hours helping other students might be a better—”

You raised you hand, and she immediately stopped, lowering her eyes and recovering her submissive attitude. “You are a bright girl, Perl,” you started, “so the fact that you’re trying to get out of this punishment tells me it will really stick with you,” you then continued with a serious tone, “I know you enjoy studying, so extra homework or tutoring your classmates cannot be considered a punishment for you. I don’t like that you’re trying to influence me, young lady.”

You smiled when your words made Perl’s cheeks turned pink, she clearly didn’t like you catching on her game.

“What do you have to say now, Perl?” you continued, when she remained quiet, her eyes down.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” she started, “If that’s my punishment, I will come wearing my pajamas tomorrow. It wasn’t my place to try and change your decision, Sir. I’m really sorry.”

“Glad we agree on that,” you said with a smile. It was a weird feeling, but you felt like you had won a battle, taking the bright girl down a peg, so it was hard to stop smiling, “but you cannot bring your own pajamas, you will have to wear an outfit approved by the school. I trust your pajamas are not in any way inappropriate, but I can't go making exceptions on this matter. You will have an outfig asigned to you.” you expanded, getting up and opening your cabinet, the right side filled with a selection of special uniforms and pajamas of different sizes.

You quickly selected one of your favorites that might fit the girl. It was a full body, white and grey front-zip pair of footie pajamas with a hoodie adorned with long floppy ears and a white cotton tail down on the butt just above the detatchable flap meant for easy bathroom use when needed. While not a playboy bunny uniform, it should look good on the girl. When you turned back, the pajama on your hands, you’re pleased to find Perl looking at it with real concern in her eyes. Her mouth opened and closed like she caught herself just before speaking out of turn.

“We’ve used up enough time as it is, so you better get changed,” you said to her, signaling for her to stand. The girl obeyed and got up from the chair, looking around your office, perhaps searching for a place to change, until her eyes found your private bathroom door, “you have to change right here, that is also part of your punishment,” you explained before she even asks to use the bathroom.

Again her mouth opened, and it looked like she was really going to argue, but once again she swallowed her response and simply nodded. She extending her hand to grab the footie pajamas. For some reason you were really enjoying her change in attitude. Even though on the surface she maintained herself as a submissive girl, keeping in line with this town's expectations of how a girl should behave, there was still a fire and attitude beneath that she was in control of the situation even when obediently taking orders. Now, however, that sense of control had clearly been beaten out of her and there was a genuine look of shame and real submission in every fiber of her body language.

You took the pajamas away from her, pulling them out of her reach. You were not willing to give her anything extra to cover herself before you could get a good look at her. “Get out of your clothes first,” you instruct her.

To your delight, she doesn’t argue anymore. She simply starts to fidget with the buttons of her blazer, getting it off and carefully folding it down on your desk. She then hesitates a bit, but finally decides to get out of her shoes and starts to unbutton her skirt, letting it drop down her legs and again folds it neatly. With that, you can see her panties. They are chaste white panties with a small decorative pink ribbon on the front, nothing exciting, except for belonging to a 14-year-old girl undressing in front of you. She keeps her legs tightly closed, so there is really nothing else you could see.

She finally unbuttons her blouse, once more catching it and carefully folding it over the rest of her clothes. You are delighted to see she’s already got a very nice pair of small breasts, covered by a simple white bra, their size could probably fit nicely in the palm of your hand. She stands there a bit crouched over, trying to cover her underwear with a hand, while the other is again extended, asking for the pajamas.

You relent, handing the garment to her, and continue to enjoy the show as she starts getting dressed. She quickly puts one leg in the in-tact leg of the pajamas and pulls it on with a bit of difficulty about the time she gets to her thigh. She then puts her foot into the slipper of the open-leg and, with a bit of difficulty, manages to work her arms into the sleeves. She then bends down and zips up the open leg, then manages to pull the single long zipper up the front of her body and has a bit of trouble getting it up and over her breasts. It’s clear now that the outfit is a bit small for her. The arms are about an inch shorter than they should be, and while the zipper does manage to close, the material is tight against her body, leaving little to the imagination. Perl then fights a bit more with the backside of the pajamas, where the flop of cloth meant to allow for the use of the bathroom without taking off the entire outfit is hanging open and leaves the back of her panties on full display. She manages to get the snaps that hold it in position in place, but looking at the way the outfit rides up in the crotch you are made to wonder if she will even be able to pull down her panties from inside that tight outfit in order to urinate without soaking her panties and the suit in the process. At any rate, she is finally decent, and you can see a bit of mistiness in her eyes as she is trying to hold back a tear.

You signal for her to also pull up the hoody, and take a moment to admire the sexy bunny in front of you. While the pajama might have been an innocent disguise in a younger girl, the way it fits Perl it really makes her figure stand out.

“That wasn’t so bad, right?” you asked, sitting back, both to write up her report, and to allow your member more space to move.

“Yes, Sir.” answers Perl with a defeated tone.

“You will have to wear that the rest of the day and all of tomorrow,” you inform the girl as you write the report, “I’ll give back your uniform tomorrow after classes.”

You can’t see the face Perl makes when you convey this information, but from her body language it’s clear the punishment is really getting to her. You finish to write up the report and hand it to her:

St. Andre Truitt Academe: Office of Disciplinary Actions.

This letter is in concerns to the parents and teachers of Perl Accardi. Today Miss Accardi failed to devote her attention fully to the class in progress to an extent that it was determined disciplinary actions were appropriate. While this is a fairly minor infraction, it was determined that she should be sent to the office of disciplinary actions for a punishment appropriate to her behavior.

For this infraction, the punishment that has been determined to be appropriate is as follows.

For the remainder of the day this punishment was issued, and continuing on until the end of classes the next day, Perl Accardi is to wear a set of pajamas that have been issued to her by the schools and her school uniform is to be confiscated until the time at which she exchanges her pajamas back for the return of her uniform. She is to wear the uniform at all times, including at home and to sleep until she has exchanged them back for her uniform, an exception made only for the occasion if she is to take a bath or a shower.

While dressed in the pajama outfit, Pearl Accardi may not wear anything over her pajamas with the exception of her school bag and may not obscure it in any way except at night when she is sleeping under the covers of her bed. She must also attend all personal and extracurricular activities while wearing this outfit assigned to her by the school. On the occasion that the outfit is soiled in some manner, she will have to either continue to wear the outfit or appear before the Director of Disciplinary Actions and request a new outfit.

Perl read the note and give you one last begging stare, again clearly shallowing whatever complaint was on the tip of her lips. You just smiled at her. It occurs to you once again that the pajamas she is wearing are too small on her, and you find it odd that she has not made mention of this to request a new pair already. For that matter, a somewhat more inappropriate thought also occurs to you in regards to whether or not she really wears her underwear to bed.

"Umm... Ms. Accardi," you say, wondering a bit at this.

"Yes!" She responds, jumping and looking up at you with fear in her eyes.

"I think that outfit may be a little small on you. You know you could ask to exchange it for a larger one."

"Umm... no, I think I'll be Ok... Sir." She says, looking away and folding an arm across her body, just under her breasts in an attempt to conceal them as she nervously grabs her other arm. It seems the experience of having to change in front of you may have been a pretty big issue for her, she doesn't seem to want to go through it again even in order to get a larger outfit despite the fact that this one simply cannot be comfortable on her with how small it is and how much it clearly rides up in the crotch.