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Involve their moms

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You stood there, thinking for a moment, marveled at this new face of Mrs. Varano. You’ve seen her angry, serious and even a bit flirty, but now she looked really worried, and not about herself, but about her child.

“I guess I can work with that,” you agreed at last, and almost immediately the secretary’s shoulders relaxed, “fighting is still a grave offense, but if the family is involved in the punishment, I might be willing to settle it in private,” you finished.

“Thanks you,” expressed Mrs. Varano, hugging her son to her side.

“There is no need to interrupt classes for this,” you continued, “so please make sure both boys return, with their mothers, at the end of the day.” you looked at the offenders, who appeared to have calmed down a lot. “For now you two go back to class, and no more fighting, understood?”

“I know we’re not technically bending any rules,” said Mrs. Varano once the boys were gone, “but I still feel I owe you one for this.”

“You do realize this means you will also be subject to the punishment, right?”

“… Yes, and… even the worst you could force us to do… well, that’s better than what would happen if Chester were forced to do something… gay in public,” she explained, the color filling her cheeks.

You decided to just go back to your office before saying something uncouth. Mrs. Varano appeared to be quite a free woman, according to the town’s standards, but bigotry was deeply embedded here.

Between the rest of your responsibilities, you almost forgot the fighting boys, until Mrs. Varano called you over the intercom: “Chester Varano, Marcus Walton and their… mothers, are her to see you.”

It was a bit unnerving having Mrs. Varano in your office, along with her son, especially since all other times she’s entered she’s been there to chastise you or give you instructions. Right then, though, she looked worried, almost vulnerable, and her makeup couldn’t hide the color of her cheeks.

Mrs. Walton, the 7th grade teacher, on the other hand, didn’t looked too nervous, she was looking at your office with curiosity, paying especial attention at the low changing table and locket cabinet behind you.

The two boys were still anxious, they had clearly been told to keep their faces down, but were unable to stop glancing around your office.

“We discussed what happened,” started Mrs. Walton, and gave an encouraging look to her son.

“I’m sorry,” started the boy, “I told Chester bad things about her mom, I shouldn’t have,” said the kid without looking at you.

“And I over… oven…” tried to continue Mrs. Varano’s son, after her mom put her hand on his shoulder.

Overreacted,” helped the secretary.

“I overreacted and punched Marcus, I’m really sorry.”

“I’m also really sorry, I won’t again… badmouth things about Mrs. Varano.” finished the shorter boy, failing to hide the pride of delivering the prepared apology without help.

“I’m glad you’ve come to an understanding, but the fact remains that you did something wrong, right?” you asked.

Both boys turned to look at their mothers, and with a signal of them, nodded back to you.

“It’s not only that you fought, it’s also the example you put for your younger classmates. You are supposed to be guides for the younger students, showing them how to behave.”

Your speech apparently struck a cord in the taller boy, Chester, who visibly flinched at your words. Marcus, for his part, only lowered his head once more.

“Do you know why you moms are here?” you finally asked.

“To… to punish us?” replied Marcus, turning to look at his mom.

“No,” you assured him, “I’m the only one allowed to punish you while in school, and what you did was a very bad thing. So bad, that in order to protect you, your mothers agreed to take on part of the punishment.”

Both boys turned to their mothers with wide eyes. Mrs. Varano just closed hers and exhaled, trying to relax; while Mrs. Walton looked back at his son with sad eyes and offered him a small smile.

“Do you know what incest is?” you asked, thinking where to take this punishment.

You should focus on the boys, so make then strip and:
Or you could place the burden on the mothers:
This was a severe infraction: