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[[Futa Skyrim/Part 1.3 | Continue to The Escape2 ]]
[[Futa Skyrim/Part 1.3 |Continue to The Escape]]

Latest revision as of 16:22, 11 December 2017


It wasn't much as fortresses go. It did have the advantage of sitting squarely on the road in the only valley giving easy access to the South. Or, more properly stated, easy access to the North. It was filled mostly with Imperial soldiers with only a few civilians. Those were mostly hanging back to see what happened.

At least it was cobbled in the courtyard. The cart settled down to an almost comfortable ride. From the looks of it, this was going to only be a minute before our journey ended. Small comfort.

My arm twitched from a prickling sensation, like a bug crawling on skin. When I looked, I saw nothing but a few beads of sweat. Once noticed, the sensation faded to a barely noticeable tingle. Like the pulsing in lips after a long, passionate kiss. It wasn't just my arm, I realized. I could feel it in other places as well.

It was then I realized I'd felt the odd itch for a while. The motion of the cart and my urgent need to orgasm had covering it. I couldn't be sure when it started, but surly sometime after being tossed in the cart.

There was something about it, though, which led me to believe it was neither an effect of the horse-curse or bugs from the cart. This was new. Perhaps it was something to do with the priestess' talk of prophecy.

It would be my luck my destiny was a form of the hives.

I was so distracted that I almost missed the order to get out of the cart. The Imperial from before helped me down, which I needed at the moment. My legs were more wobbly than I expected.

Now that I was standing, everyone in the courtyard towered over me. Most of the people were Nords and Nord women are tall. My eyes were level with the underside of the helpful guard's breasts.

"I'm going to try and talk again to the Captain." Her voice was kept low, a murmur. "Maybe get you out of this. Just don't do anything stupid." I gave her a helpless shrug. If I were capable of avoiding stupid, I wouldn't be in this mess.

She walked over to a woman that must be the Captain. If rank hath its privileges, in Skyrim it meant armor that looked more like a bikini. Well, sans bottoms. I could easily see her toned body, more accented by the sections of metal and leather than protected. Her dick was rather nice, I noticed. I had the feeling I'd be seeing a lot of them. Further south, people tended to wear very short skirts, but the fashion was to keep them a length which barely covered ones schlong. It was a form of advertising. The longer the skirt, the bigger the dick. Looking around, it was easily the opposite here: show it all.

The tentacles in my belly swirled around, restless. One of them went so far as to slither several inches out of my bottom, as if testing the air. With a faint slurping noise it slid back in, my ass flexing around it. My dick jerked a couple times as I felt a little shiver run through me. My nipples, which had relaxed a little after the orgasm earlier, perked back up like eager thumbs. I had the feeling that they weren't going down any time soon.

I caught my lip in my teeth, chewing nervously. I was on edge and didn't know why. Sure, I was going to be executed. But that should be depressing me, not leaving me in a heightened state of arousal. The tingling sensation pulsed, suddenly so strong it almost caused me to fall to my knees. I barely suppressed a gasp. My lower lips flushed with my sudden arousal.

Then after a few moments it rapidly faded away, leaving little but a new surge of wetness in my panties.

Distracted, I missed the conversation between the soldier and the Captain. It didn't bode well for me since I did hear her say, "Just call out their names, Hadvar."

The shoulder turned to the rest of us. She held up a page of parchment.

"Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm. Ralof." The two women walked to stand in a line with the others near the chopping block.

"Lokir of Fal—" not surprisingly, Lokir tried to make a run for it. The soldiers didn't even try to catch her.

"Archers!" The Captain called out. A few seconds later, Lokir was laying on the ground with an arrow through her neck.

I whimpered. Those around me probably thought it was in fear. I wished it was. Instead, I was thinking of how much I wanted to plunge my cock deep into that woman. What was wrong with me? Sure, I was usually pretty eager for sex. But since the morning, I was almost mad with it.

Even diving on Ralof's dick earlier wasn't like me. Sure I had found a reason, but that was almost after the fact.

"So, anyone else want to protest?" The Captain mocked us with her politeness. "No? Good. Next!"

Hadvar gestured me closer. "She isn't on the list, Captain." She gestured at warrants she was holding. "No teenage girls, pregnant or otherwise."

"Not much choice," she said. "General Tullius—you remember her?—was very clear—" her voice trailed off. I could smell her dick rising. I'm not sure how, and am not sure if smell was the right word, but I knew it was. And I knew it was because of me.

I didn't dare look down, instead I kept my gaze on her, licking my lips. I realized the only people paying attention to me at the moment were the Captain and Hadvar, with everyone else staring at the General and Ulrick—errr, Ulfric. The General was busy reading out a list of crimes and grievances. I could feel a surging pressure inside me. It was similar to a growing erection, but it wasn't blood moving inside me. It was something else. I lowered my hands, my fingers inside my panties to gather up the copious wetness there. Still looking into her eyes, I slid my fingers over her cock. I could feel it throbbing in my grasp.

"How about executing me later," I whispered. "in the morning."

Hadvar had frozen, being careful not to look at the two of us. She was giving me a chance to save my life. The Captain moved her hand, started to push me away, but her gesture slowed.

"You smell like horses." Her voice was low, with a hint of arousal.

"It's their cum." I told her softly. "The bandits that kept me prisoner tied me in a stall and made me suck off their horses. At first." As I talked, I continued to rub her dick, massaging it with slightly stronger pressure with each stroke. Somehow I knew what to tell her. No, not quite. I knew what she would like to hear. What would make me more attractive to her. If her dick's reaction was an indicator, she really liked to hear this.

"Then they started putting their dicks in me," I continued. "I'm not pregnant. I'm just so… completely… stuffed with their cum." As if helping, a tentacle pushed a glob of horse cum out my ass. The scent of it grew stronger around us as it drooled down to the ground between my legs.

The tingling had grown into a throbbing. It rose and tapered every few seconds, like my balance if I walked really slow. Something was close. I was sure of it. Like an orgasm, but different. At the same time, I could tell just a touch or two would be enough to cause me to climax.

"I don't want to die full of horse cum," I told her. "I need someone to… get it out… So much hot, thick, horse cum." My hands were moving a little faster. She was breathing harder and her skin was starting to bead with sweat. She was close. My hands slowed down. I didn't want her to come, I wanted her to want to.

"Yes… Yes, I think we can… wait for—"

"What was that?" Hadvar interrupted. She wasn't looking at us, she was looking up past the tower.

Damn it! I started stroking the Captain's cock again, trying to get her to focus on me. It was too late, though. Whatever delicate spell of lust was forming was already broken. She stepped away, keeping herself turned so the rest of the courtyard wouldn't notice her raging shaft.

"Never mind." She gave a cough, clearing her voice. "Hadvar, find out her name then send her to the—"

"There it is again," Hadvar stepped to one side, raising the papers to shield her eyes as she looked upwards. I realized, right before Hadvar asked about the noise the throbbing sensation was strongest.

By the Eight! The throbbing was coming from outside me. I was reacting to something!

A something that was getting closer.

The Captain was walking away now. Her dick was already drooping and her bearing just dared anyone to comment. No one did.

"What's your name, girl?" Hadvar asked me.

We were both looking at the sky. The throbbing was growing stronger, clouding my hearing as my lips, nipples, and other places began to tingle.

"Ginger," I replied absently.

"Huh. You're named after the spice? What kind of name is that?" Her voice wasn't unkind, but showed curiosity.

"My Grandmum's." I had heard the question, or a variation, often. The response was automatic. Even so my reply was half a moan as the throbbing surged within me. I felt myself lifted to my tiptoes by it, close to hovering in the air as something swept through me from deep within the ground to the clouds above. There was an intense sensation, something snapping inside me, and I felt an intense relief. As I half floated back to solid ground, I realized I was in the throws of an orgasm—a silent but still intense one. My cock was emptying out a load between my tits, my pussy and ass were spasming and throbbing, and the tentacles were churning. More horse jism slithered out my ass to slowly drool down my legs.

It felt like it took minutes but must have only been a pair of seconds. Hadvar was continuing her questions. "Age?"

"Twelve." My voice was breathless.


"I'm tall for my age." Another rote response. One that usually left people puzzled.

"Um. Okay. Did those bandits really?"

"Are you going to write that down too?"

"No. Okay. Place of origin?"


"I've never heard of it," she said. Her quill scratched as she noted it down.

"Most people haven't."

While we talked, the other rebels were processed by another of the Imperials. The throbbing decreased. Whatever causing it moved away… but I could tell it wasn't gone. I could feel the tug of sensation flowing. Was it circling? I glanced at Hadvar. She was still alert, but hadn't said anything about a noise.

"You have to get in line." She said. A little sadly. "Ginger from Fatewind."

I never really thought I was very convincing in my disguised pregnancy, but I was so wobbly for the few steps to my place in line that I think I nailed it. Maybe they'd give me an ovation after my head was lopped off.

"Oh, get it on with already, ye bloody Imperial bastards!" One of the Stormcloak rebels marched to the chopping block. "Getting me head lopped off is better than listening to that windbag flap her lips!"

She shrugged off the offer of benediction from the priestess. Oh. I just now noticed her. She was gorgeous. So beautiful I at first thought she was a follower of Dibella. But no, the symbol on her pendant was Arkay. Watching her graceful sway as she walked away was almost enough to let me forget my immanent doom. Almost.

The Captain pushed the kneeling woman down with one foot, holding her still as the headswoman swung the ax. Well, if she was going to do that for everyone, maybe I had a last, remote chance.

A head rolled into the basket. I wondered about the lack of blood, then realized the ax had a fire enchantment to cauterize the cut. How tidy. The guard behind me, I noticed it wasn't Hadvar, gave me a little push. I was next? What the fuck? Kill the important people first, you bastards! I sighed and wobbled forward. My fingers were busy at the edge of my panties… it took some work, but I managed to loosen them, then snap the little string. I really liked those panties, they were so sexy. But they needed to be sacrificed for the cause.

Oh. The throbbing was growing again. Its cause was coming closer.

"There's that noise again," Hadvar exclaimed.

"Ignore it and carry on," the General responded laconically. I noticed she was glancing at some Thalmor to one side. They were dressed in pristine robes and shining armor. Nobility to watch the executions, I guessed.

They had pushed the first body out of the way by the time I got there. I eyed the flagstone before the chopping block. "Least you could do is put a pillow there," I heard myself grouse.

So much for a sexy presentation.

"Get down," the Captain stated, her strong hand at my shoulder. I realized she was both pushing me down and keeping me from falling over. I also sensed her penis was filling again as she breathed in the scents wreathed about me. Horses and strength… she might have been fun if she weren't intending to kill me.

"Could you move my hair around?" I asked her quietly as I knelt before the block. "I don't want my hair cut…" I was grasping for time, but it was also true. I might have my hair in a rough pony tail, but I was really proud of it. It was a rare color and thick and luxur—yeah, grasping for time.

She roughly pushed my hair over one shoulder. At least she did it. A glimmer of hope. She then stepped back and placed one knee on my back and put her weight behind it, shoving me down. I moaned as the position forced my engorged balls to push into my bloated belly. And moaned again as the pressure forced a long, slimy drool of horse jizz out my ass. I had taken careful note earlier when the first prisoner was executed. The only person with a clear view was the Captain, she was actually blocking the view of my spurting ass from the General, dignitaries, and most of the prisoners.

I panted softly as I counted my breaths. The headswoman was ready but hadn't swung yet. I could feel the Captain staring at the jism that was sliding down my crack. I could also feel the surging throb of sensation rising.

"General… it occurs to me this girl isn't wanted for any crimes." Yes! Hope!

"She was found at the border, Captain."

"True. But for the sake of accurate records, we could throw her in a cell while we write up the papers." Her foot pushed at me again, causing another moan to accompany another spurt of goo from my butt. I had a chance!

"Speak plainly, Captain." I could tell the General was closer. So was… whatever it was. My body was about to throb its way to another climax soon. "Are you arguing with me over a piece of tail?"

"An exceptionally fine tail, sir. But if you look, you'll see its been well used. I'd rather not stick my dick in her." Err—what?

"Hey!" I moaned.

She pushed harder with her boot. Out came more jism.

"Is that… never mind," said the General.

"She claims she spent the last week being horse raped by some bandits," the Captain told her. "I doubt they were proper Skyim stallions, though. I'm pretty sure mine would split her in half. I'd really like to see it, General. And it would satisfy her death sentence."

"You… and your hobbies, Captain." She was silent a moment. "Very well."

I barely heard them speaking. The peculiar sensation was so strong I could feel my entire body humming with its presence. It spoiled the pleasure of that my plan, sort of, worked. Not that I would ever know for sure.

Because then the fucking dragon arrived.

It blew into the little keep like rage incarnate. A roaring sound flattened me to the ground. Heat blasted over the courtyard and the screaming started. There was a sound like metal being ripped apart.

I was screaming too, but not from pain. I was barely aware of what was happening… only that my body was somehow pressed completely flat on the ground and at the same time jerking and shuddering through the air. I was flying and still. I was water and rock. I was sated. And empty.

I was alive.

The dragon beat its wings, flowing into the air like solid smoke. Each slam of air from its wings caused my cunt to spasm. Each roar from its throat forced a gob of sperm from my dick. Each blast of fire pinched my nipples and clitoris like an enthusiastic lover.

One of the Stormcloaks was yelling at me. The others were running for cover. The Imperials were firing bows and yelling orders to each other. The place as a mess. Perfect time to stand up and run away.

Perfect time.

I couldn't move.

Fucking dragon.

Continue to The Escape