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===The Escape===
===The Escape===

"Girl! Lass! Get up!"
I looked at the Stormcloak blankly. Plastered across the chopping block, I couldn't see above her waist. I recognized the dick though. It was the one I had sucked like a crazed animal earlier. She was trying to save my life. How nice.
The dragon soared into the air, as it lifted off it felt like a vast pressure released me. I barely felt like I was moving, but I was suddenly off the block. As I rose, I felt like the pinnacle of grace and beauty.
I'm sure anyone else saw a drunken sot wobbling to her feet.
I realized I would have to time my movements with the dragon's. This was going to be interesting.
It was only a dozen yards to the tower where the Stormcloaks were sheltering but it felt like a mile. And like a single step. This was surreal and confusing. I was both stumbling deliriously and skipping carelessly. During a skip and a turn I saw the Captain. One side of her body was covered with the slimy jizz that had been blasted from my guts when the dragon arrived. She was spinning in a circle, struggling with a snake-like tentacle that was forcing itself into her ass. Guess the dragon's overwhelming arrival forced more than semen out of me.
I was giggling so hard I when ran into the tower I forgot to slow down and almost slammed into the opposite wall. The surrounding stone seemed to insulate me from the dragon's presence a little. Or maybe it was just on the other side of the mountain. There were a few moments of coherency.
My whole body ached, like I had just ran a marathon or fallen off a cliff. The tentacles filling me were almost still—barely moving inside my guts. Maybe they were as surprised as I to still be alive. I was covered in cum, both my own and from my now empty guts, with gobs and runnels of it flowing down my legs. There was a trail of it from the tower back to the block, though most of it was burnt and dried by the blasts of fire.
Still, I was a mess. But at least my balls were back to normal size. My tits had expressed their mixture of milkjizz as well. I stood there dripping and gave a weak smile to the room.
I suddenly realized I had walked—danced?—through fire at least twice. I turned and twisted, looking for burns, but found only dried patches of fluids flaking off my skin. My tunic was scorched in places, but there were clear areas under the flakes of dried cum. What the heck?
Some kind of protection magic?
Ulfric was in the little room, talking to Rolof. As I looked up from examining myself, I met Ulfric's eyes. She noticed as well. Hell, she probably saw me skip through the fire. "...don't burn down villages," she replied to Rolof.
"We need to get out of here," someone was saying. "Head up the tower, find a way to the back wall."
I glanced at the stairs. Well, up was better than the courtyard, I guess. I started climbing. I could still feel the dragon, but the throbbing was less urgent. Was the last day of strangeness caused by it? I was beginning to suspect so.
"Stairs are blocked," a Stormcloak in front of me reported. There was a pile of rubble beyond her. I was about to turn back when the tower shook, a minor orgasm tickled my senses, and the wall burst apart. The Stormcloak flew off the stairs and tumbled to the ground. I could see the dragon's head through the hole. I realized it said something, a pair of words, and fire burst into the tower. One of its eyes was staring at me as flames wreathed around my legs. The slick jizz dried and flaked, leaving my legs bare and unharmed.
The dragon was testing me. I was sure of it. It saw me earlier in the courtyard and realized its words effected me strangely. Its lips curled back, showing fangs as long as my arms. The warning was clear. There was more than one way it could kill me.
The tower shook as its wings beat air against the walls. It was gone.
"Well... fuck." My voice was a whisper.
Rolof squeezed past me. Her bulk cast a shadow into the room as she cautiously peeked out the hole. "Looks like it's circling again. Now's your chance." She pointed to one side. "Make for the roof over there, then across. We'll meet you once we get the wounded situated."
"Uh? okay?" I was a bit dazed. She grabbed me by the shoulders, effortlessly lifting me into the edge of the hole.
"There," she pointed.
Without thinking I jumped. I soared through the air at least three times further than I should. While in the air I felt so… light. As soon as I landed my weight was normal again and I scrambled for purchase on the thatch. I caught my bearings then scrambled across the roof to the edge. I was at the very top of the roof, with a drop of at least twenty feet.
I sucked in my breath and hopped off.
I didn't exactly float down. I didn't land gracefully. But I did land easily. Nothing broke, anyway.
I broke into a smile which was quickly squashed by a roar. The dragon was still here. In fact it was… right over there. I could feel its presence as a second pulse in my body, causing various parts of me to throb out of sync with my heart beat.
I glanced around. The initial shock of the dragon's arrival was fading. The Imperials were starting to organize. I could see arrows flying towards the dragon as well as magic fire and ice bolts. It was mostly ignoring them. In fact, it seemed more intent on leveling Helgen to the ground.
"Hey girl! This way!" I blinked and looked toward the voice. It was Hadvar. She was shouting at a young girl who was trying to move a fallen woman. I vaguely recalled the two from when we first entered the keep. "Go!" cried the woman, pushing the girl, "do what the guard says!"
The girl stumbled and ran to Hadvar. She grabbed the girl then turned and ran to one side just as the dragon arrived. Again I heard words that caused a tremor in my bones and fire blew through the area. The woman was killed but at least the girl didn't see it.
Hadvar handed the girl over to another woman, telling her something, before looking at me. She seemed surprised for a moment, then shook her head. I shrugged. Nothing much to say.
"Ginger! Better follow me if you want to live."
Well, I did. So I did.
We dashed across the courtyard heading to a gap between two walls. "Stay close to the wall," she yelled at me.
What about those two? I thought, glancing behind. Looked like they were sheltering in an already-wrecked part of the keep. Maybe the dragon would leave them alone. It seemed like a good tactic. Why weren't we doing it?
I barely stopped in time as the dragon slammed into the top of the wall, spun about, and hurled fire and stone through the air. Then a slam of air from its wings and it was gone again. I saw a couple arrows and a few scorch marks on its flanks but they seemed pitifully few compared to its size.
I wasn't sure what was going on with Hadvar. She seemed intent on rescuing me rather than helping fight the dragon. Maybe she was trying to make up for that whole "get you executed" thing. Or maybe she figured fighting the dragon was suicide so she might as well rescue people. Probably made her the smartest Legionnaire in the bunch.
We passed through the outer courtyard and I got to see the Imperial mages being ineffective. The General and a bunch of guards were there as well. I'm sure if she saw my rude gesture she would have stopped shouting at the Imperials long enough to order my re-execution.
"General!" Hadvar called out.
"Retreat to the keep," the General ordered. "Tell everyone you see…. The keep was built back when dragons were around. Maybe it's strong enough!"
Huh. Maybe that was why the dragon was attacking. It might remember this place.
We ducked through an archway and into the inner courtyard. The double doors to the keep were to one side. The other had a high wall with brave or suicidal archers trying to shoot holes in the dragon. Hadvar ran past the doors toward a corner, gesturing at me to follow. Rolof was there too—how the heck did she get there first?—gesturing at me as well.
The two stopped a moment, glaring at each other, before something passed between them. I had the sense they were putting survival above a futile fight.
"Follow me, girl," shouted Hadvar.
"This way, I can get those ropes off you!" yelled Rolof.
Well. I was tired of having my arms tied. And I could feel the dragon flying in Hadvar's direction. I ran to Rolof simply because she was pushing open the keep doors.
There was more to it though. I could feel a hunger growing in me. It wasn't from my stomach, it was something new. I just had the feeling that it could be quenched inside the keep.


[[Futa Skyrim/Part 1.4|The Keep]]
[[Futa Skyrim/Part 1.4|Continue to "The Keep"]]

Latest revision as of 17:03, 11 December 2017

The Escape

"Girl! Lass! Get up!"

I looked at the Stormcloak blankly. Plastered across the chopping block, I couldn't see above her waist. I recognized the dick though. It was the one I had sucked like a crazed animal earlier. She was trying to save my life. How nice.

The dragon soared into the air, as it lifted off it felt like a vast pressure released me. I barely felt like I was moving, but I was suddenly off the block. As I rose, I felt like the pinnacle of grace and beauty.

I'm sure anyone else saw a drunken sot wobbling to her feet.

I realized I would have to time my movements with the dragon's. This was going to be interesting.

It was only a dozen yards to the tower where the Stormcloaks were sheltering but it felt like a mile. And like a single step. This was surreal and confusing. I was both stumbling deliriously and skipping carelessly. During a skip and a turn I saw the Captain. One side of her body was covered with the slimy jizz that had been blasted from my guts when the dragon arrived. She was spinning in a circle, struggling with a snake-like tentacle that was forcing itself into her ass. Guess the dragon's overwhelming arrival forced more than semen out of me.

I was giggling so hard I when ran into the tower I forgot to slow down and almost slammed into the opposite wall. The surrounding stone seemed to insulate me from the dragon's presence a little. Or maybe it was just on the other side of the mountain. There were a few moments of coherency.

My whole body ached, like I had just ran a marathon or fallen off a cliff. The tentacles filling me were almost still—barely moving inside my guts. Maybe they were as surprised as I to still be alive. I was covered in cum, both my own and from my now empty guts, with gobs and runnels of it flowing down my legs. There was a trail of it from the tower back to the block, though most of it was burnt and dried by the blasts of fire.

Still, I was a mess. But at least my balls were back to normal size. My tits had expressed their mixture of milkjizz as well. I stood there dripping and gave a weak smile to the room.

I suddenly realized I had walked—danced?—through fire at least twice. I turned and twisted, looking for burns, but found only dried patches of fluids flaking off my skin. My tunic was scorched in places, but there were clear areas under the flakes of dried cum. What the heck?

Some kind of protection magic?

Ulfric was in the little room, talking to Rolof. As I looked up from examining myself, I met Ulfric's eyes. She noticed as well. Hell, she probably saw me skip through the fire. "...don't burn down villages," she replied to Rolof.

"We need to get out of here," someone was saying. "Head up the tower, find a way to the back wall."

I glanced at the stairs. Well, up was better than the courtyard, I guess. I started climbing. I could still feel the dragon, but the throbbing was less urgent. Was the last day of strangeness caused by it? I was beginning to suspect so.

"Stairs are blocked," a Stormcloak in front of me reported. There was a pile of rubble beyond her. I was about to turn back when the tower shook, a minor orgasm tickled my senses, and the wall burst apart. The Stormcloak flew off the stairs and tumbled to the ground. I could see the dragon's head through the hole. I realized it said something, a pair of words, and fire burst into the tower. One of its eyes was staring at me as flames wreathed around my legs. The slick jizz dried and flaked, leaving my legs bare and unharmed.

The dragon was testing me. I was sure of it. It saw me earlier in the courtyard and realized its words effected me strangely. Its lips curled back, showing fangs as long as my arms. The warning was clear. There was more than one way it could kill me.

The tower shook as its wings beat air against the walls. It was gone.

"Well... fuck." My voice was a whisper.

Rolof squeezed past me. Her bulk cast a shadow into the room as she cautiously peeked out the hole. "Looks like it's circling again. Now's your chance." She pointed to one side. "Make for the roof over there, then across. We'll meet you once we get the wounded situated."

"Uh? okay?" I was a bit dazed. She grabbed me by the shoulders, effortlessly lifting me into the edge of the hole.

"There," she pointed.

Without thinking I jumped. I soared through the air at least three times further than I should. While in the air I felt so… light. As soon as I landed my weight was normal again and I scrambled for purchase on the thatch. I caught my bearings then scrambled across the roof to the edge. I was at the very top of the roof, with a drop of at least twenty feet.

I sucked in my breath and hopped off.

I didn't exactly float down. I didn't land gracefully. But I did land easily. Nothing broke, anyway.

I broke into a smile which was quickly squashed by a roar. The dragon was still here. In fact it was… right over there. I could feel its presence as a second pulse in my body, causing various parts of me to throb out of sync with my heart beat.

I glanced around. The initial shock of the dragon's arrival was fading. The Imperials were starting to organize. I could see arrows flying towards the dragon as well as magic fire and ice bolts. It was mostly ignoring them. In fact, it seemed more intent on leveling Helgen to the ground.

"Hey girl! This way!" I blinked and looked toward the voice. It was Hadvar. She was shouting at a young girl who was trying to move a fallen woman. I vaguely recalled the two from when we first entered the keep. "Go!" cried the woman, pushing the girl, "do what the guard says!"

The girl stumbled and ran to Hadvar. She grabbed the girl then turned and ran to one side just as the dragon arrived. Again I heard words that caused a tremor in my bones and fire blew through the area. The woman was killed but at least the girl didn't see it.

Hadvar handed the girl over to another woman, telling her something, before looking at me. She seemed surprised for a moment, then shook her head. I shrugged. Nothing much to say.

"Ginger! Better follow me if you want to live."

Well, I did. So I did.

We dashed across the courtyard heading to a gap between two walls. "Stay close to the wall," she yelled at me.

What about those two? I thought, glancing behind. Looked like they were sheltering in an already-wrecked part of the keep. Maybe the dragon would leave them alone. It seemed like a good tactic. Why weren't we doing it?

I barely stopped in time as the dragon slammed into the top of the wall, spun about, and hurled fire and stone through the air. Then a slam of air from its wings and it was gone again. I saw a couple arrows and a few scorch marks on its flanks but they seemed pitifully few compared to its size.

I wasn't sure what was going on with Hadvar. She seemed intent on rescuing me rather than helping fight the dragon. Maybe she was trying to make up for that whole "get you executed" thing. Or maybe she figured fighting the dragon was suicide so she might as well rescue people. Probably made her the smartest Legionnaire in the bunch.

We passed through the outer courtyard and I got to see the Imperial mages being ineffective. The General and a bunch of guards were there as well. I'm sure if she saw my rude gesture she would have stopped shouting at the Imperials long enough to order my re-execution.

"General!" Hadvar called out.

"Retreat to the keep," the General ordered. "Tell everyone you see…. The keep was built back when dragons were around. Maybe it's strong enough!" Huh. Maybe that was why the dragon was attacking. It might remember this place.

We ducked through an archway and into the inner courtyard. The double doors to the keep were to one side. The other had a high wall with brave or suicidal archers trying to shoot holes in the dragon. Hadvar ran past the doors toward a corner, gesturing at me to follow. Rolof was there too—how the heck did she get there first?—gesturing at me as well.

The two stopped a moment, glaring at each other, before something passed between them. I had the sense they were putting survival above a futile fight.

"Follow me, girl," shouted Hadvar.

"This way, I can get those ropes off you!" yelled Rolof.

Well. I was tired of having my arms tied. And I could feel the dragon flying in Hadvar's direction. I ran to Rolof simply because she was pushing open the keep doors.

There was more to it though. I could feel a hunger growing in me. It wasn't from my stomach, it was something new. I just had the feeling that it could be quenched inside the keep.

Continue to "The Keep"