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Behind the Shed

Candi Evens, a rather ironic name since she was neither a porn star or particularly sweet, scowled as she heard yet another of the boys make fun of her stupid name. Bad enough she didn't even have the dignity of her real name being Candace. Oh, no, he mother named her Candi. The spelling wasn't even right!

The indignity of her name might have one rosy spot: lately there was some debate if she was actually an Evens. Though in that case, who was her real father?

This time they used her name's resemblance to an ancient porn star as fuel. What the hell. They dragged up a porn star from the 80s? It was a previous century!

Today it was that fat kid, Walter "Wally" something, leading the pack.

She turned and, using her Mother's best glare-stance, lit into them.

"First of all, you dumb ass, I can play with MY tits whenever I want. I have them, being a girl. Second, if you play with your tits, everyone will make fun of you for being a fat dipshit. Third, if you play with my tits, I will beat the shit out of you and you still get in trouble with the school."

She sneered at him. "So why don't you and your boyfriends there go behind the equipment shed and play with each others wieners. You're all too stupid to get girlfriends so you might as well get used to cocks."

It was a devastating attack and should, of course, have ended it.

She shouldn't have said the part about beating him up.

The little fucker was fast. Candi barely even noticed him tensing his shoulder before something smashed into the middle of her face.

Her butt was hurt more than her face, to be honest. Her bottom smacked into the concrete with a definite thud when she fell. Her wet cheeks and lips confused her, she wasn't crying. Oh, ow, that hurt. Best not to touch her nose.

And then she saw one of Wally's cohorts, Billy, spinning. Weird. His sudden decision to dance made no sense. Then his foot smashed into the side of her head and she felt the playground rise up and hit her other side. The decorative plastic balls which dangled from the elastic band holding her cute pony tail dug painfully into the side of her head.

She lay there, trying to understand why she could only see shoes.

"Oh crap," she dimly heard.

"Quick, hide her!"


"Uh. Oh! the equipment shed, like she said."

Hands grabbed her shirt. Hands grabbed her shoes.

Woah. "I'm floating!"

"What did she say?"

"I think she said the F word."

"Watch out for the--" her head smashed into something. "Never mind." Her back hit it next. Then her already sore bottom got another bruise.

"We should fuck her up." Whose voice was that, she wondered. Nevile's? But he was nice. They helped each other with chemistry homework just yesterday.

"I thought you liked her?" See, she thought. He'll say so.

"Not any more, she gave me all the wrong answers for Chemistry."

"Hah! That sounds like her!"

"Yeah! You can't trust her!"

Wait, what? Nevil had Chemistry last period. She had it next. That meant her homework was wrong too. Nevil!

"Shit, Nevil," gasped a squeaky voice. "Didja hear what she just said about you?"

"Uh, no. What was it?"

"I'm--I'm kinda 'fraid to say it. What if God is listening?"

There was a brief pause.

"I didn't know you were religious."

"I'm not. It was just that bad."

Someone kicked her in the stomach.

She was gasped and retched.

She was kicked again, in the side. Another kick. Another. They took turns kicking her. She rolled around and finally hit something hard.

"Okay. Now what?" They seemed kind of puzzled.

"I know." There was a zipping sound. Unzipping.

"Hey, what're you doing that for?"

"You said to fuck her up, right?"


"This is something they did in a movie my brother has."

"They stand in their underwear?"

"No, they take that off too."

"Hah hah, I can see your wiener!"

"Well, yeah. I'm not wearing pants. What did you expect. Now, we all have to do this."

"That's kinda weird, dude."

"The guy in the movie moved his hand back and forth like this."

"What's that's supposed to do?"

"Oh, wow! This feels neat! And my wiener is getting bigger!"

"It really is!"

More unzips and the sound of buttons.

Some odd noises.

"Mine is getting bigger, too!"

"So is mine!"

"Mine isn't."

"Dang, Tony. It doesn't need to get bigger!"

"Yeah, that thing get any bigger you gunna fall over!"

"So now what we do?"

"We put them inside her."

"Uh... where? Only hole I see is her mouth."

"No way I'm putting my wiener in there! She has the filthiest mouth in school. My sister says so!"

"Oh, they put wieners in other places too."

"Like where?"

"Down by her bottom."

"No holes down here." Someone lifted up her skirt. "Just those little shorts girls wear."

"I think those are panties."

"Oh! I know what's wrong!"

"What's that?"

"Her clothes are still on. We gotta take them off."

"But then she'll be naked."

"Well, yeah. No clothes is naked."

"Guys! Guys!" Despite obvious excitement, the voice was hushed. "We--we can see a girl naked."

They were all silent for a few seconds.

"Does she count?"


"I think so. She's still a girl."

"But she doesn't have boobies."

"You mean like a woman?"

"Yeah," several chorused.

"Well, we don't have a woman laying there. Gotta deal with what we have."

"Oh, right."

She could feel tugging. Ow. That hurt. Her skin was getting chilly. Hey. It's cold!

"Sheesh, she's swearing again."

Was not!

"Here, use this."

"Dude, those are her shorts!"

"So? They were pretty clean."


Her aching jaw was moved. Was that a loose tooth? Cloth filled her mouth.

"I still don't see any holes"

"Dunno, man. I'm just going by the movie. Maybe she's not old enough to have holes yet?

Someone was roughly twisting her hips around. Her legs were pulled apart. "Hey, are those holes?"

"Just a second." Fingers stabbed into her cunny. Her eyes watered. That hurt!

"Must be important," that squeaky voice said. "She just cursed bad!"

Hey! Was that bastard deaf?

"I heard her cussing too!"

"What the hell are you brats doing?" It was an adult voice. Candi felt hope stir. An adult! She was saved.

"Nothin'" a bunch of boys said. One added: "It's not what it looks like!"

"Looks like a bunch of brats with their dicks out wanting to fuck a girl, but have no idea how." The man was laughing.

"Oh. Guess it is what it looks like."

"Well," the man said, "you gotta get her wet first."

"Wet? Like a hose?"

"Nah, man. Have to get spit in there. Gotta use your tongue."

"I... but that's where poo comes out, isn't it?"

"Yeah, but it's okay because it's a girl. Girl poop isn't bad."

"Wow, really?"

"Really. Still don't want to eat it or anything, not like it's food. Put your hands on either side of her butt crack." Hands were on her butt now.

"Yeah, like that. Pull apart." Candi felt a rush of cool air against her bottom.

"Good, good. Now see the little dark area? Try your best to get it all wet, then stick your tongue in as far as you can." As he talked, she felt warm spit on her. Then more. Then something licked like a dog.

It moved all around, but every time it stuck at her bottom hole she felt a shock go through her.

It was a sensation she wasn't used to. At least it didn't hurt.

Actually, it felt kinda nice.

"Hey, you should lift her up. Her ass. Then two of you can lick. There's another hole near there."

Hands hauled her up. "See that slit? There's a hole hiding in there, near her butt hole. Oh, there's a tiny hole the other way. That's the wrong one, it's her pee hole."

She felt hands at her cunny. "Careful, dude. Move slow. That shit can really hurt her."

"Hurt her?"

"Yeah, if you scratch it or pull too hard." Well, that was nice of him. "But you're raping this chick so do whatever." Gah! "Just don't go licking the wrong hole."

Two tongues were sticking in her now, in two different places. It felt really weird. And really nice.

That's not bad, she tried to say.

"Hey, why's she got that in her mouth? Girl mouths are great for sticking things in!"

"Her mouth is really dirty," said a voice. "His sister says it's the dirtiest mouth in the school."

"Yeah. Wrong kind of dirt, kid."

"Here, you lean that way, you go that way, and you, you can kinda crouch down and put your dick in her mouth, see?"

There was some shuffling then the tongues were hitting her at different angles. Still felt good though.

"Hey girl," she heard. "When he puts it in your mouth, you gotta suck on it. Kinda like a sucker or a bit of ice cream. Like something that's really cold you don't want to touch with your teeth, but this will be warm."

Huh, those are weird instructions, she thought. Then there was something hot, long and a bit salty in her mouth. She moved her tongue around.

"Wow! That feels really, really neat!"

"See kid? Mouths are great. She has a pretty one too, under all that blood."

"Hey, this slit thing is getting kinda wet. It tastes funny."

"That means she likes it, kid. Put your tongue down there as far as you can. And wiggle it around." She felt that happen. Woah! Candi's body twitched.

"Yeah, she likes that. Now move your hand a little higher. Feel that tiny button like thing near the top? Yeah, there. Press it like you're playing a video game. One with a tricky control."

She yelped around the thing in her mouth. Hey hey hey! That... hey!

"Now, this isn't a video game. It's a listening game. You guys hear her? You all gotta work together. She'll have good noises and bad ones. Your job is to find all the things that make good noises and do those lots while avoiding the bad noises."

"Wow, mister. This is really complicated!"

"Yeah, but believe me. It's worth it!"

"What happens if we get all the good noises?"

"You get the jackpot," he told them. "She'll do anything you want to get all those good noises again."

"Really? Like do our homework?"

"Hahah. Yeah. Or suck your dick."

"What about lunch money?"

"That too, kid. She'll do anything she can to get those good noises. But you have to get it perfect. It's like a hidden combo."

"That's so neat!"

"Hey, yeah! Combo is a great way to put it. She has different combos. She'll want you to do those combos, see, so she'll do things for you."

"But we have to figure out the combos first?"

"Yeah. That can take a while. You might want to take her somewhere no one will find her for a while. Be sure to feed her and keep her clean too."


"Yeah man, Dirty girls, that's the bad kind of dirt, aren't happy girls. You got yourself a girl now. You gotta take care of her."

"Like a pet?"

"Just like a pet. But one you can get in trouble for if people know, so you gotta be quiet about it. Lots of people want their own girls, so they'll take her from you if you blab."

"Oh geeze, thanks mister. I didn't know that!"

"So you got a good place to put her? Can't be at home, parents will take her away."

"Oh, I think I know. There's a building down the road no one uses. We play there sometimes."

"That'll work good. Now this girl, she's not moving much, but you might want to get some rope just in case. Even better is straps, like my belt here, or that belt over there. You know that stuff?"

"Yeah, mister, my dad has a bunch!"

"That's really good to tie her up with."

"Hey, she's real wet now. Can I put my dick in?"

"Sure. ... but I'd wait to get her to that other place."

"Oh yeah. Don't want anyone to take her!"

"OK," a boy said. "Pants back on." They laughed and she heard them getting dressed. What was going to happen?

She was picked up and carried. She could see vague shapes.

"Hey, I have an idea." Zip. Something big went into her mouth. She started sucking like she was supposed to. "Wow, that does feel great!"

The Pits

Ariel Lewis sighed. This wasn't her day. She was checking a property when she fell right through the floor. Boards, dust, dead spiders and bugs, and an old tatty floor rug fell down with her. The rug had been the worst. Everything else, except a couple bugs, missed her.

The thing had flattened her like a freight train.

She struggled away, dust clogging her lungs and nose. Oh geeze, Yeah, she had fallen. Her back ached, her sides ached, and other places ached. It took her a while to sit up, that thing pressed her down like a barrel of monkeys. That were also hitting her in the head with hammers.

It took all her strength to move it enough to wriggle out from under it.

She wobbled to her feet and discovered a heel was broken. Her good touring shoes, too. Sigh. They were so comfortable for long open houses. Ariel fumbled in her pocket and managed to find her keys. She had a little LED flashlight and--ah, much better.

The flashlight bored a bright bluish cone through the dusty air, splashing a circle of light in the darkness as she moved it around.

She turned about, checking out the area she had fallen. About twenty feet across. Lots of broken boards. More than fell down with her. Oh, great. A collapsed ladder and rusted metal scaffold. She peered upward. Yeah. The scaffold must have held up the floor for who knows how long. She had a better flashlight in her bag, but she couldn't see her bag anywhere in the debris.

She sighed. It was a good fifteen feet up. She'd need help. Another glance at the boards revealed a lot of dry rot, mildew, and--ewww.

"Termites. Well, this property is a bust," She said. "Huh..." she looked up. The little building must have been constructed just to cover the shaft. The circle of light also revealed her bag, hanging by its strap from a bent nail well out of reach. Damn. The other flashlight and a multi-tool were in there.

Her search did result in something of interest.

"Huh. Tunnels?" She flashed the light either way. There were entrances in each of the room's four walls. There were faded patches on the walls next to the tunnels but whether signs, diagrams, or warnings their meanings were long-gone.

"How old is this place?" The walls didn't answer.

Ariel picked a tunnel. Except for some pipes and wires along one wall, it was featureless. It was about four feet wide and just a bit over five feet high. If she were any taller, she would scrape her head. In fact, if she were going very far, it'd be best to take off her other heel to prevent bumps. She frowned. It was an odd height for a tunnel. Most were tall enough to account for men wearing hard hats. Workers would have to walk hunched over to use this one.

She walked down the tunnel a bit. It was hard to tell with the small light, but it seemed painted that icky olive militaries liked so much. Hmm. She could see stripes of another color on the bare side of the tunnel. Guidelines. If she knew the key, she would know where she was going. Even what was down there.

Voices? She padded to the opening and started to yell for help when an uttered word sent chills down her spine.

"Oh man, the floor is gone. How are we going to rape our pet girl if the floor is gone?"

"Dunno man. Maybe take her somewhere else?"

"Where else? Only so many places we can keep our pet."

Someone giggled, "pet rape girl," over and over again.

"Something is coming out of me! She's sucking it out!"

"What is it Tony, does it hurt? She biting you or something?"

"No. This is great--it's all tingly and--Woah man! So much stuff!"

"Sheesh, Tony, watch where you squirt it!"

"Hey, you peed all over her."

"That's not pee, dude. It's the wrong color, see?"

"Yeah. And pee never felt like that coming out."

"Hahah, Tony. She sucked the hard right out of your dick!"

"Hahah, totally. Oh man, that stuff looks kinda like the glue in art class, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, so?"

"What if she sucked the stiff out? Like glue, but makes it hard?"

"Woah--that's cool, I guess. As long as it can get stiff again."

Ariel stood under the floor, mouth open in shock. They sounded like kids. But they were talking about blow jobs. And a girl. A rape pet. What the Hell? Despite herself, she felt a stirring in her guts. It had been so long. Since early college in fact.

"Anyone got a flashlight?"

"Yeah, I got my mini-mag."

"Take a look down there. Maybe we can fix the hole."

Ariel stepped back, not sure she wanted these kids to see her. A bright light flooded the chamber and splashed over her. "Hey! There's a chick down there!"

Shit. She'd forgotten how bright those things could be. She raised her hand to shield her eyes, trying to get a good look. "Uh. Hi. I fell down when the floor collapsed. Think you can get a rope or something?"

"We got a rope," a boy was said, "but we're using it for--uh--something."

Ariel's worry was increasing, but she tried her best to hide it. "I have a few bucks," she said. "I can pay you to help me out."

"Hey, that'd be co--" there was a soft thud. "Hey, why'd--"

"Nah," said a boy. "We don't want money." There were a few surprised whispers. A couple wanted to know what was more important than money.

There was a sinking sensation in her stomach. "Um--what do you want then? There isn't much down here."

"Take off your clothes," said the boy.

Ariel stopped trying to smile. "What?"

"Take off your clothes and we'll let you use the rope."

"Uh. But I need my clothes. I have to leave, you know?"

"You can toss them up here," suggested a boy. A few others agreed.

"No, I need them--there's a lot of jagged wood, nails, and splinters here. I could get cut up pretty bad."

"She's got a point there," a voice said.

"Okay, you can take them off and put them back on again," the boy said.

"And you have to turn around a bit so we get a good look," shouted another boy.

Ariel sighed. Exasperated, she said, "Look, guys. Here's the deal. You're not going to convince me to take off my clothes. I'm in a tunnel. I can just walk down it to the other buildings and leave that way. Only reason I haven't is because I thought it'd be more convenient to get out here."

The boys conferred a bit. She thought she heard one complain they should have taken the money. Another was pointing something out. But she also heard a wet, sucking noise. That poor girl, she thought. They were making her give another blow job.

Ariel wondered if she could save the girl. "Okay, long enough," she interrupted the boys. "I'm going down the tunnel now. I'll call the cops when I get out."

"Why's she calling the cops?" asked one.

"Does she know?"

"How could she know? She's down there!"

She turned and walked away, stomping her stockinged feet down as loudly as she could.

"Wait... uhh... lady!"

Ariel stopped then turned back. "Look, guys. You're being jerks. I'm going to call the cops."

"Why? Why're you calling the cops?"

She didn't want to refer to the girl quite yet. She didn't want them to run off. "Because there's a big hole in the floor. They have to put up warnings."

"She doesn't know," said a relieved boy. Several others hushed him.

"Don't know what?" Ariel asked. Maybe leveraging with the police was the right course. "Is there something you don't want the cops to know?"

Ariel was really starting to wish she hadn't left her phone charging in the car. Then again, it was so dead it wouldn't have lasted more than a couple minutes if she tried to use it.

The boys were muttering, trying to keep her from hearing.

"Let me guess," she called up. "You wanted to see me naked so it's something sexy." She was making up the logic, but what the heck. They were kids. "And you like women so... hmmm. Do you guys have a pet up there?"

There were several gasps. "Wow, she's smart," someone said.

"Okay," Ariel said. "I won't call the cops--if you give me your pet."

She could tell they were looking at each other.

"Look, it works out great for you," she told them. "You give me the girl and I take her down the tunnel. You guys can run off. Even if I do call the cops, you're long gone before they get here."

"That could work." The boy's voice was hesitant.

"I don't want to give her away," another muttered.

"Yeah, we just got her!"

"I haven't squirted stuff in her mouth yet!"

Gross, thought Ariel.

"Why would you want her?" It was the boy with the flash light.

Ariel thought fast. "I've always wanted one," she told him. "Ever since I was a little girl. Younger than you even."

"But why? You're a girl. A woman."

"Yeah, but pet girls are great. You can dress them up and take them to tea. And the best part is, it doesn't matter if I'm a woman now, I can still do it. You guys, though, if you play dress up with a girl, well, people will say mean things." She paused for a moment. "Unless you like dresses."

"No, I don't like dresses!"

Ariel waved her hands, mollifying him. "Hey, I wasn't saying you did. Just that if you plan to keep her, you're going to have to start getting the right things. You have money, right?"

"What? Money?"

"Sure. She needs food, dresses, cleaning supplies an--" She tried not to sound too excited as inspiration struck. "Oh, woah. Have you guys cleaned her?"

"Huh? Well, we were going to. We just got her so..."

"No, I mean after putting your, uh, things in her."

"I--we've only done that a couple times."

"Oh, that's bad. You need to clean her each time."

"What? Why?"

"So you don't catch colds and things from the guy before," she said. "The guy before you, say he had a cold last week. He ends up putting the virus in the girl. You don't clean her, then you put your thing in her and you catch it."

"Won't you get sick too?"

"Girls don't have to worry about that as much since we don't have things," Ariel added. Had she gone overboard? The boys were muttering and two were talking rapidly.

She heard someone giggle. "Heheh, she can't say dick."

"Dick, cock, willie, peter, johnson, wang, phallus, penis, and a bunch of other names," Ariel called up. They were all quiet for a bit. "I can call them all sort of things, but I don't know which names you know. Calling a penis 'thing' is pretty common. It's about communication."

They mumbled to each other, a few trying out words they hadn't heard before.

"So you going to give her to me? Or am I calling the cops?"

"So we give her to you," a kid asked, "and you go away and we get out of here, right?"

"Yep," she told them.

"Okay," said the boy with the flash light. "But we all get a turn with her first. I think I can survive a cold!" He snickered as bragged.

"Sure, one cold," Ariel said. "But what about a cold for each one of them? There's 800 kinds of colds. And thousands of kinds of flu."

"Aww, man. I forgot about that," a boy said.

"I had the flu last month," Tony said. "I don't want to catch it again."

"Wait. You did?"

"Yeah, it was pretty bad. I was puking and had the runs for a week."

"I don't wanna catch that!"

As they talked, the boy with the flashlight shone it at each one, giving Ariel quick looks. Half of them weren't wearing pants and she found herself looking at their dicks as much as their faces.

The light turned back to her, "Okay. But you take your clothes off first."

"Dude, we've been over that." She let her annoyance show. "There's nothing you have that's worth me taking off my clothes."

She smiled up at them. "Especially since all I have to do is wait for someone else to come."

"Hah. Right. No one comes here. This entire block was abandoned." The smug boy told her. "We play here all the time."

"There will be," she told them. "I sell business property." That was kind of true--this would be her first property. "This place was just put up for sale. There's going to be a lot of people coming here."

Maybe. There were a lot of old factories in the area. No one wanted to deal with EPA regulations if they had to.

"Hah!" One of the kids crowed. "My dad says no one will ever buy these old factories because of all the industrial paste!"

"I think it's waste," another boy corrected.

"Paste waste?"

"Industrial waste."

"Oh, gotchya."

She felt her heart sink. Damn it. She tried again, "the past--err, waste--isn't that bad. If it were, you wouldn't be playing here."

"Why not?"

"You would be dead."


The light was squarely on her. Ariel squinted. "I bet she's lying," the boy said. "Probably not even a tunnel down there."

"There is too," Ariel gestured. "Just shine the light."

The boy did. The edge of the floor cut it off before it reached the tunnels leading away. "I don't see anything."

"It's just a bad angle," she told him. "Lay on the floor, you can see then."

He was getting down when a boy's phone started beeping. It was an alarm. "What's that?"

"Aww, man. It's getting late. Dinner time."

"Oh, geeze. It is! Now what'll we do?"

"Hey," said a boy. He had a squeaky voice. "I just thought of something."


"Now we have two of them!"


Two? Ariel wondered. This couldn't be good.

"Well, if there is a tunnel and she can get out, then we don't. But if that's just a basement, then she's trapped."

"Yeah? So what?"

"So she'll get hungry and thirsty. Only a matter of time before she'll do anything we want," squeaky voice explained.

Fuck, Ariel thought. What was with that kid?

"What if people come like she said?"

"Then it doesn't matter," he said. "She's gone... but she was going to go anyway. So it's the same thing."

"We still gotta do something about Candi," pointed out flashlight boy.

"We go ahead and give her to the woman," said the boy. "She knows how to take care of her, right? Works out good for us."

"Oh... yeah, it does."

"Oh man, and she has boobies!"

Ariel's eyes had gone wide.

"Hahahah," said squeaky voice. "Look, she's scared now."

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