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Sloppy Joes

The puddles of spooge quivered then jerked. They moved in time to the rumbles of thunder. One by one, they formed bubbles and developed into small creatures which resembled the departed demon.

The small creatures bickered and fought over the last of the fluid. Every piece they could snatch up they quickly ate, adding to their mass. Several banded together, pouncing on a smaller critter to tear it apart and consume it.

Once started, an all-out battle ensued, with the mini-demons quickly forming alliances—and just as quickly betraying another. The battles were brief but vicious.

By the time the thunder moved into the distance as the storm passed, there were only a half dozen survivors. Now the size of large action figures or small figurines, they stood in a loose circle and regarded another warily.

One held the rigid penis like a weapon. It looked from one fellow creature to the next, surveying the group according to some internal criteria. Eventually it moved its sloppy head in a rough nod. The noises it uttered were wet, sounding more like mud sloshing around in a bucket than a language.

Seeming in agreement, the others moved away, each taking a different direction, as they explored the basement. They soon discovered they weren't strong enough to force the door open. Not like they were willing to pile on another to reach the handle anyway.

Climbing shelves gave them access to the dirt crawlspaces, however, and from there finding a hole they could squeeze through was easy.

Once they climbed the shelves, they explored the dirt crawlspace. After an argument, they split up, each searching a section for an exit. When a hole or gap in the was found, the imp didn't tell the others, but slipped through to the outside.

By the time the storm was no more than a distant rumble over the horizon, the last of the creatures found a way out.

As the storm clouds cleared, showing the last rays of a setting sun, the imps spread into the countryside like malevolent seeds.

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