Demon Infected/Part 0006: Difference between revisions

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Alice 4

Rain still fell from the sky when Alice regained her senses. The first thing she was aware of was a gentle warmth. The rain was comfortable, instead of chilly, and felt gentle on her skin. When she sat up, she felt a difference in her muscles. She felt so fluid.

Then Alice shivered, not with cold, but sensation. Each raindrop was an individual sensation against her skin. She was aware of the breeze, the distant thunder, and the motes of life around her.

Wait. What?

She looked around, sensing the creatures buried in the ground, hiding in the trees. They impinged on her senses like vague odors. Except for one. A strong scent tickled her nose, something delicious beaconing. It pulled at her, causing a hunger to rise in her body. Not quite a hunger, more of a need. An urge.

Alice wanted whatever that light promised.

Water from the soaked ground splashed around her feet as she ran across the grass. Her movement was an odd lope, her legs moving with a grace she couldn't place. Never very athletic, running across the park should leave her winded and gasping for breath. Instead Alice felt as fresh as when she started.

The source of the odor turned out to be Melissa. The blonde was unpackaging the parkas, shaking them out, and letting the wind fill them like sails before releasing them. A flash of anger grew in Alice.

It was irrational how furious she was at the waste and littering when compared to Melissa's earlier torment. It was one thing to be shit on, but to shit on the world like this?

Alice felt her insides twisting and churning with her rage. No, she discovered. Her guts were literally moving. Snaking around like powerful ropes.

When she grabbed the blonde, Alice felt her cable-filled arms lift the shrieking girl high.

Now it was Alice's turn to laugh at fear. She twirled Melissa in the air, her laughter filling the darkness. Her entire body breathed in the delicious scent exuding from the girl. Alice's tongue stretched out, impossibly long, and licked at the blonde's face. The salty sting of tears tasted of pure excitement.

Alice's body rippled. Her skin stretched and moved in impossible ways as the strong shapes below shifted. She realized she could taste with more than one mouth, see with more than two eyes, and even smell with many noses.

No longer human, she let her skin puddle on the ground. Parts of her wrapped around Melissa, holding her head-high. She felt strong enough to rip the girl into bloody chunks. But death wasn't behind the urges she felt now.

A pair of mouths snaked around Melissa's neck, to whisper in the girl's ears.

"Your turn now."

Parts of her which were more sensitive then fingers squirmed up the girl's trembling legs. They entered, stretching holes wide, and when she tried to scream more filled her mouth.

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