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Parking Lot Woes

My sigh as I watched the drama on the parking lot unfold was fueled with the pent-up frustration of a suffering teenage girl. My weekend was already turned upside-down by the day trip with my little sister. Now our ride home oozed a cloud of acrid smoke into the air as the driver sprayed the back engine compartment with a fire extinguisher.

I glanced at my sister. She perched lightly on the book bag holding our spare clothes.

"Sure you're a lucky charm?"

Holly stuck her tongue out at me and blew a noisy raspberry.

A prize for winning some school competition was an all-expense paid trip to a resort beach on the coast. Though an early morning bus ride full of geriatric-aged old people and a few grand kids wasn't much of an expense. While we had free reign of the snack bar and the restaurant, the choices were surprisingly limited.

Though the cold apple-blossom tea turned out to be amazing. I'd finagled a gallon jug of the stuff out of the snack bar attendant. It only took a few presses with my breasts before the flustered woman was filling the jug. During the last year, I'd heard my mother complaining about my "porn star tits."

I was still exploring their usefulness. Their effect on men wasn't surprising, but what thrilled me much more was how often women were attracted. Good news for me, since they were my preference.

Before we'd left, she bumped phones with me—yet another potential coed girlfriend. Though likely to end in the same frustration as earlier pairings.

The tea was weighing down the rucksack filled with towels, sandals, and other beach supplies next to me. Not to mention all the snacks Holly bought with her credit.

Lil' Sis squirmed atop her makeshift seat. An adorable pixie with her dark, golden skin shown off by a tiny bikini she'd bought at the beach shop. With her scrawny 8-year old body, she actually turned the micro-kini into something almost chaste. At least the floral wrap around her waist covered her butt decently.

I was looking forward to the Hell she'd catch when Mom saw it. Even though I'd caught her admission of throwing away her old one-piece and the gleeful threat to run around the beach naked on my phone, I was sure to get in trouble as well. Grandma and Grandpa were visiting, though, which might save me.

"Do yah think we'll get to stay at the hotel tonight?" I tried to hide my cringe—her missing front tooth turned hard consonants to soft whistles. Most people found the noise endearing but it made me want to knock out her other teeth.

"Not likely. It'd cost a butt-load." My shrug jiggled my boobs, my own bikini top—easily seen with my open jacket—edged close to risque as well. Mostly because the padding was removed and the thin cloth dimpled from the bumps of my nipples. The maroon triangles edged in gold contrasted nicely with my much lighter skin. In contrast to my little sister, my lower half was much more demure. A summer-weight frilly skirt covered my hips, cargo pockets holding our phones and IDs. Thigh-high striped stockings added some flair as well as protection from sand and bugs.

During the day, I forced her to slather sun screen on her golden skin more as a chance to keep her still for a while than her truly needing it. Me, I spent the day dripping with the stuff—I took after our Irish grandmother. Sis might as well be Jamaican as effortlessly as she tanned.

As the evening wore on, we washed off our sunscreen and replaced it with bug repellent. Citronella torches and candles were all over the place, filling the beach with the scent of lemons, but bloodsucking parasites were still thick in the air. It left me pretty glad I wore stockings and a jacket.

Though I did notice not a single one of the little parasites was buzzing around Molly. Probably sensed a kindred spirit.

It was well past dinner now, not to mention dessert and the ice-cream social. Just after nine and we got to see our bus catch fire.

A number of people were talking loudly with our driver and the drivers of the other two buses in the parking lot. There were a lot of waving hands holding phones and tablets.

A couple nearby were better informed than us, I overheard them talking about a four hour wait for a replacement bus.

I was about to wade into the mess of arguing adults to find out what I should text our parents when Holly tugged at my hand.

"I wanna go!"

"No shit, Squirt. We all do."

"No, I mean, go go."

"Well, go on then." I gestured to the buildings at the edge of the parking lot.

"I don't wanna be alone." Her voice was starting to rise. Sure it was close to her bed time, but she sounded more panicked then her usual late-night irate.

"What the Hell? Holly, you're eight. You're big enough to take care of your business." It's not often I treated her like a 'big girl'. Normally she'd puff up with pride and prove how adult she was. Not this time.

"No, you have'ta come with me."

"Holly, if I go with you, we have to take our bags with us. You have half a ton of snacks in this thing. Are you going to carry it?"

"Brianna." She was looking down at her hands, wringing them together. "Please? I'll do anything. Honest."

Well, this was just weird. Though now that I thought about it, there had been more fuss than usual with Holly the last couple weeks at night.

"Have you been watching clown movies at night again?"

"No!" She stomped her foot with frustration but at the same time tried to hide a giggle.


"Okay. Okay. But you have to carry both the small bags."

She popped to her feet, her petulance forgotten once she had her way.

"Hold up, something's happening." While talking to Holly I kept half my attention on the bus.


"Just a minute, Squirt." I waved at the driver walking up to us. The oddly-bulky tablet he was holding lit his face. I was surprised: he looked older than most of the passengers.

"Hey, kids. Brianna and Holly, right?"

Suddenly Holly was a warm presence plastered behind my leg. Her hair tickled my torso as she peered around me at the man. She was tall for her age and I was short for mine. If it weren't for my boobs, most people would assume we were much closer in age.

"Yeah. What's up?"

"We're consolidating everyone on the other two buses. Since you're both minors, we want to make sure you're on the bus first." His tablet whirred and a slim, built-in printer started spitting out slips of paper.

"Here's some baggage slips and your new tickets. Just scan them into your phones an head ove—" this time, Holly interrupted him with a whine. It was an irritating mixture of a moan and my name.

"Sorry, Mister. But I need to get her to the restroom. Can it wait a few minutes?"

"Oh, my apologies, little miss." He rose a hand to tip an imaginary hat to my sister. For a moment, I wondered if grandpas had a special class they all went to for dealing with grand kids. I could practically feel Holly's smile.

"How about we get your bags situated and seats reserved for you?" He waved and called out to our driver. "Carl! A hand please?"

He turned and smiled at us and I took the tickets from him. They were little more than stickers with a mosaic of blocks—codes for our travel app to scan.

"Take care of your needs, then head to the blue and white bus, same as your tickets."

"Okay," I said. Holly was already pulling my hand. "Careful of the big bag, there's still drinks in it!"

He smiled at us and turned to great Carl, relaying the news.

A dozen steps away, I heard our driver grunt. "Damn. Did they bring the beach with them?"

I would have yelled back a snarky response, but I heard the drivers laugh. Huh. I guess they were halfway decent guys.

The bathroom trip took longer than it should of. Holly made me stand in her stall as she went—which was kinda weird. She didn't ask me to go with her the several times during the day, what was different about this time?

Whatever was going on in her head, she was much more relaxed when she finished. And then, she refused to leave while I used to toilet.

That made me nervous. She knew I had a 'boy's thing', but it was years since she last saw it. I didn't want her looking at me when I was on the toilet. It didn't take much to set it off and I'd been having enough trouble all day.

"Turn around you little rat." I had to repeat myself before she did. Completely soft, it was still six inches long. I kept it against my thigh as I pooed and weed. Its plumbing dealt only with the male side of things—other than the member, I was completely female between my legs.

The restroom quickly filled with other women filling bowls. When we left, an old woman thanked us.

"That's so sweet of you, dears, to only take one stall."

"Yes ma'am," Holly chirped. As if she didn't have something creepy going on in her head.

Stuffing Holly