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Ash, Misty and Brock made their way out of the Ilex Forest on their way to Goldenrod. Between all the accepted challenges from other trainers and fending themselves from the wild Pokemon, the journey left them exhausted. Despite that, Ash was still very gung ho about getting to Goldenrod and challenging Whitney, the leader of the city’s Gym.

Currently, this was a point of contention between him and the rest of the party.

“Come on! If we get to Goldenrod tonight, we could rest up in the city and challenge Whitney first thing in the morning!” Ash insisted.

“No,” Brock replied. “We’re tired, the Pokemon are tired, it’s another twenty miles to Goldenrod, and at this rate it will be dark before we get to the city.” He retrieved a map from his pack and unfolded it. “If we go two miles down this path,” he pointed to the south east. “there’s a lodge we can stay at for the night.”

“Aww, but that’s two miles in the opposite direction!” Ash complained. “We could just camp out in the middle of the woods, and get there in the morning!”

“Well, you can go ahead if you want. Brock and I could stay at the lodge.” Misty said, and began walking in the direction of the lodge, and Ash continuing north to Goldenrod.

“Hmm... interesting, it says here that there’s also a steakhouse at the lodge.” Brock muttered, still studying the map. Ash was out of earshot when he said that, but his sixth sense stopped him in his tracks. He didn’t know what Brock said, but he knew it was something good. He immediately turned around and trotted past him in the direction of the lodge.

“Well, the Gym could be undergoing renovation or something right now.” he announced as he passed by. “We can afford to take a little detour!”

Brock smiled and put away his map.

“If there’s anything that can dominate his will as a Pokemon Trainer, it’s his stomach.” he said to Misty. “Come on, let’s catch up with him before he gets lost.”

* * *

A lodge makes one think of a log cabin in the woods, but only half of that was right; it was in the woods, bordering the Ilex Forest. There wasn’t a direct path from the Ilex Forest to the lodge, which was strange, and the building itself was rather large and, while it appeared to be made of modern materials, the architecture seemed to be from a different era entirely. Something was a bit foreboding about the building, but that was completely lost on Ash.

“Do you really think we should stay here?” Misty whispered to Brock as they approached the building. “It’s a little creepy.”

“Come on, there’s nothing in there that will take us by surprise, after everything we’ve gone through.” Brock replied. “Besides, you have me and Ash. Nothing can stop us.”

“If you say so...”

As they passed through the front door, they found themselves in a cozy inn that was quite different from the foreboding architecture they saw outside. That being said, the size was a little disproportionate. The overall building was the size of a neighborhood block and over five stories tall, but if the standard size of inns was anything to go by, this was barely a fifth that size including the hypothetical sizes of the rooms and the steakhouse, and the highest landing here in the lobby was only on the third floor. So what was the rest of the structure composed of?

Ash was too focused on food to think about this, of course, and any thoughts about the oddity of the place between Misty and Brock was pushed to the back of their minds as they were approached by a man with a large toothy grin dressed in a strange robe.

“Ahh, welcome, friends.” he said in a deep rich voice. “We rarely get visitors out here at The Lodge. I hope we can make your stay enjoyable before you venture off to parts unknown. I take it you will be staying here for the night?”

“Yeah, and I heard that there’s a steakhouse here?” Ash said quickly, looking around the lobby. Misty and Brock glared at him, but the man didn’t seem perturbed by his rudeness.

“Yes there is. We have quite the selection of meats for.... all sorts of appetites.” he answered. “If you would follow me, we can get you served immediately.”

“Awesome. Are you guys coming with?” Ash asked the others.

“Nah, you go on ahead. I’ll check us in.” Brock said. The man in the robe bowed and gestured over to the receptionist, then left with Ash through a set of double doors on the left hand side of the lobby. As soon as he was out of earshot, Misty ducked close to Brock.

“He’s dressed like a cultist. Should we be worried?” she asked.

“Probably, but he might be just an eccentric guy who likes to dress up in costume.” he replied. “Look, if the meat looks a little bit too much like Soylent Green, we’ll high tail it out of here with Ash in tow, and I’ll have Geodude and Onyx just tear the whole place down.” After a brief pause between them, he asked, “So do you want to share a room, or...?”

“Yeah, it’s not like he’ll notice, with his mind on so many other things.”

“Excuse me, sir.” A man said to their right. They turned to see an employee of the lodge wearing a similar robe to the guy who led Ash to the dining hall. “By the look about you, I can tell you have a deep understanding and care for Pokemon.”

“How did you know? I mean yeah, I look to be a world-renown Pokemon breeder.” Brock replied, then he addressed Misty. “Go ahead and find Ash. I’ll sign us in and everything.” After seeing her trot off, his eyes fixated on her wiggling ass, he returned his attention to the strange man.

This is an opportunity to see if they’re really legit or not. he thought to himself.

* * *

Misty took a seat at the table Ash was seated at, with Pikachu using his backpack like a booster seat on another chair. He was fidgeting a little bit in his seat, probably due to impatience waiting for his food.

“Did you already order?” Misty asked.

“Yeah, he said he’d be back soon, though, so you can take your order, then.”

Misty picked up one of the menus left on the table and looked around the room. There were a few other guests occupying tables in sporadic spots around the, eating quietly and paying little attention to much else around them. A stage occupied the west end of the room, to their left when they entered the dining hall.

“Ohh, I wonder what kind of shows they put on?” she pondered excitedly. As one of the employees passed by, she flagged him down and asked him. He looked at the stage, then back at her.

“I’m sorry, miss, but the shows we host are not age appropriate.” he said. “I hope you understand.” and with that, he carried on with his job duties.

“Bet it’s something really nasty.” Ash said. “Maybe they get strippers or something out and then have them press together and-”

“Okay okay, I don’t need that kind of image in my head, right now!” Misty snapped, cupping her hands over her ears. Togepi bounced up and down in her lap, chirping happily.

Ten minutes later, Brock appeared just in time to give his order to the waiter along with Misty, and then took his seat.

“What’s wrong, Brock? You look a bit pale.” Ash pointed out. Brock had a way of hiding his discomfort about things, but something was obviously troubling him. Misty took a quick scan around the room to make sure no one was dropping eaves on them.

“So did you find anything out about this place?” she whispered.

“Found out they butcher all their beef on site.” he said. “It was utterly horrifying, but it all looks legit. What was very strange, though, was the guy actually showed me that. Said I’d be a perfect candidate for the Lodge..”

“But no Soylent Green?”

“Not that I saw.”

“Works for me.”

* * *

Meanwhile, the man who greeted them at the door returned to the lobby, where he found another trio of guests; a redheaded woman, a metrosexual man with purple hair, and a Meowth. The humans wore similar light grey uniforms - with a miniskirt for the woman - purple gloves, and a large red R plastered across the chest. He didn’t know these two specific people, but he knew their organization. His smile faded and was replaced with a dark, hardened expression.

“So, Boss Giovanni is finally calling in that favor?” he asked.

“Yes. You have a guest here that has been a burden to us.” the purple haired man said. “A young Pokemon Trainer with a Pikachu. We need you to get him out of our way. Permanently.”

“You do realize that we will not kill people, and especially not a child.” he replied. “I said I’d return the favor we owe to Boss Giovanni, but I have my limits!”

"No no, nothing as vulgar as that. What we had in mind is much better. You have your little entertainment shows and side businesses. Just make him disappear into that. No one will ever find out."

The man thought about it for a minute, then slowly, a devious grin spread across his face.

"Oh most definately." he agreed. "We are due for new blood, and he would make a fine addition."

"Good, and when you are able to, obtain his Pikachu and bring it to us."

"As you wish."

* * *

Later that night, Misty and Brock retired to their room. When they told him that he was sharing a room, he was curious and suspicious.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"The receptionist said they're full right now and some rooms are under renovation, and they only had two rooms available." Brock answered.

"Yeah, but why not just put me and Brock in the same room?" Ash pointed out. The other two hesitated, not exactly sure how to respond, but their conversation was interrupted by the man that greeted them at the door.

"Pardon me for interrupting, but I couldn't help but notice that you are a Pokemon Trainer." he said. "Before perhaps you would be interested in a battle before you retire to your room?"

To Misty and Brock's relief, that piqued his interest and distracted him from the situation.

"Yeah, actually." Ash answered. "You guys go to bed or whatever. I'll see you in the morning."

"Fine. Here's your room key, catch." Brock said, tossing it to Ash. He ended up missing his hand by almost a foot, but Pikachu quickly snatched it out of the air.

"Nice catch, Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed, taking the key and putting it in his pocket. "Alright, let's go." He and the man, who he later learned is named Gaston, left down the stairs to the lobby. Misty and Brock watched them leave through another set of doors downstairs before looking at each other and laughing awkwardly to each other.

"That was a close one. I had no idea what to say to him!" Brock said.

"Me neither." Misty replied. "But hey, now we have a room to ourselves." They leaned in to kiss, but then Misty feinted him and snatched the other room key out of his hand. "I call top."

* * *

Gaston and Ash went down a corridor leading further into the lodge, eventually arriving at a Pokemon Arena made of artificial grass. Ash headed to the other side, where he took his position at the Trainer's corner.

"How about a two-on-two battle?" Gaston suggested.

"Works for me. Pikachu, you're up." As Pikachu jumped off his shoulder onto the grass, Ash drew out one of the Pokeballs at his belt. "Along with Totodile, I choose you!" He tossed it out onto the field next to Pikachu, and out came a small blue alligator pup that walked on its hind legs.

"Small Pokemon, huh? That works for me." Gaston procured two Pokeballs from within a sleeve and tossed them out. "No one plays small Pokemon like Gaston! Charmander! Bulbasaur! Come on out!"

In a flash of light, a small red lizard with a flame on its tail and a similarly-sized blue dinosaur with a plant bulb sprouting out of its back.

"Alright, Pikachu, Totodile, it looks like the elemental advantage is slightly in our favor." Ash said to his two Pokemon in a low tone. "Try to take out the Charmander first first with a one two punch of your Water Gun and Thundershock, in that order. Then you can focus on Bulbasaur without interference from the other."

"Pika pi, chu!" Pikachu squeaked, then he and Totodile turned back to face their opponents. Both teams stared each other down for a moment before they broke out into a run, strafing each other and trying to cover their teammate at the same time.

"Pi!" Pikachu charged straight at Bulbasaur, who moved to lash him with several vines, but Pikachu dodged them easily and leapt over his head at Charmander. As Charmander was distracted, Totodile blasted him in the face with a spray of water. The kinetic force caused Charmander to tumble back across the arena.

"Awesome!" Cheered Ash. "Now follow it up, Pikachu!"

Pikachu glowed bright yellow and crackled with electricity as he charged his attack. Before he could execute it, however, he faceplanted into the grass, his tail having been caught by one of Bulbasaur's vines. With his free vine, he grabbed something from inside of his bulb: a small light blue ball. It didn't look like something that grew on a Bulbasaur, and Ash would know, considering that he once owned one.

Bulbasaur made a quick flick with his vine and threw the ball straight at Ash. He didn't expect it to be thrown at him, and his delayed reaction time caused him to take the ball straight to the face. It exploded into a shower of spores, and while it didn't carry a lot of kinetic force, the shock was enough to make Ash fall on his ass.

"Hey, what's the big idea!?" he demanded.

"Oops, sorry! Looks like that was a botched throw!" Gaston replied. As Ash tried to dust off the spores that was now clinging to his skin and clothes, Bulbasaur pulled out another spore ball at the same time he pulled Pikachu closer and Charmander recovered to grab Totodile and toss himself into a dogpile with the other two. Bulbasaur tossed the ball down on top of them, covering them all in spores. As he tried to get the spores off his body, Ash saw all this happen. What was going on? Why did they cover themselves in...

"Oh no." he muttered. It was a very long time ago, but the somewhat horrifying memories from that mushroom patch near the Celadon region came flooding back. These spores looked almost the same as the ones from that place. And if they were the same, then...

Immediately, Ash felt very strange all over. His clothes itched like they were made of poison ivy. He scratched at the skin under his clothes, but that didn't alleviate the discomfort. He wanted nothing more than to take them off, but with Gaston there and all, his own dignity and modesty wouldn't allow it.

"What's wrong?" Gaston called out mockingly. "Uncomfortable? Go on... give in to your primal urges. It is the natural order of life in the universe!"

It was a war of attrition, and Ash was on the wrong side. What was worse was the itching sensation building up in his dick, which erected and created a noticable bulge in his pants. The end result was that he couldn't get his clothes off fast enough. Seeing the events unfolding made Gaston grin widely.

"I will leave you to think over your new position in life. Try not to have too much fun." he said, and with that, he left the arena, closing and locking the door behind him. Ash sat there naked on the artificial grass, his cock as hard and unyielding as an i-beam. He gripped it in both hands and pumped it vigorously. His balls burned with the need to cum. As he stroked his dick, he spread his legs further apart to lower himself to the ground and rubbed his balls against the stiff fake grass. the hard pointy bristles tickled the hairless, sensitive skin on his sack.

The four Pokemon were also dealing with their own exploding lust. Charmander and Bulbasaur used whatever dwindling resistance they had left to drag Totodile and Pikachu over to Ash as they were trained to do. Their thralls were powerless to resist them.

What came next was familiar to Ash, but that didn't make it any less mortifying. Charmander used its surprisingly enormous strength to push Ash onto his back and hop on top of his chest. His bright red dick was erect and pointing straight at Ash's face, pulsing with each pump of fresh blood into the shaft. He glared at Ash menacingly and brandished a set of very fierce-looking claws. His training told him to not harm his thrall; their audience would not like to see a slave marred by scars. Fortunately, he didn't need to hurt Ash, who reluctantly took his dick into his mouth and sucked him off. He choked and gagged as Charmander thrust his dick even further into his mouth until his balls popped in past his lips. The entire time, he still stroked his dick with one hand, trying desperately to scratch the itch that captivated his mind.

Meanwhile, Bulbasaur grabbed Pikachu by the back of his head with his vines and pushed him forward between Ash's legs. He forced Pikachu to take his friend and trainer's dick into his mouth. It was quite large for him, and he could barely get it halfway into his mouth before the head pressed against the back of his mouth.

"Mmkmmhh mhhhh~" Pikachu squeaked through the shaft. As he licked the shaft, Ash trembled violently as the familiar bliss surged from the sensitive tip of his cock down to the rest of his body. Along with it came the uncomfortable sensation of electrocution. Pikachu's cheeks contained most of its electric charge, which could be felt through the walls of its mouth, and it was all being channeled, albeit very gradually, through his dick. It made Ash's balls tingle with delight and discomfort, and he wanted nothing more than to cum and get out of Pikachu's mouth, and it didn't really matter what order it came in.

Charmander's tailed wagged back and forth wildly as he rocked his hips into Ash's mouth. He could feel himself about to go over the edge. His tiny lizard balls throbbed and pulsed when he came, blowing large hot wads down Ash's throat. Little raspy growls of sheer bliss escaped his throat, and he continued his thrusting even after he stopped ejaculating. Ash tried to avoid tasting the sperm that splashed on his tongue, and think of anything that wasn't his current situation. It wasn't very effective, however. Between the hot jizz that collected in his stomach, the electric heaven and hell that clouded his dick, and the memories of his past experience anchored his thoughts to the here and now.

Charmander removed himself and took Bulbasaur's place at restraining Pikachu and forcing him to suck off Ash. Bulbasaur, likewise, exchanged positions with Charmander, and mounted Ash's head to slip his dick in between his lips. Ash had to turn his head to the side to suck it, since Bulbasaur walked on four short stubby legs and couldn't climb on top of him as easily as Charmander could.

Totodile watched the other four, at first just jerking himself off to the sight of his trainer being handled by the other three, but then he decided that he couldn't wait to join them. Problem was, Ash's ass and mouth weren't available, so he had to settle for his hands. It didn't take much pressuring to get Ash to stroke him off. Needless to say, it felt much better than when he did it himself. There was something about someone else doing it that made him more excited.

Totodile fucked into Ash's hand by bracing his claws behind him and rapidly thrusting his hips forward. Ash didn't even try to resist when Totodile pressured him. None of the Pokemon would allow him to rest for as long as he was still conscious, and refusing would only delay the inevitable. He hoped that he could outlast them, then maybe he could escape and call the police.

His ass clenched up as he shot his load into Pikachu's mouth. The little mouse choked as he tasted the salty cum on his tongue and lips. It oozed out of the sides of his mouth and coated his trainer's shaft. He coughed heavily when he was finally allowed to pull away, sputtering and spitting out little droplets of spooge. He was trying his hardest to resist the spores. Maybe it was due to the fact that he was on the bottom of the dog pile when they got sprayed that he was not as strongly affected by it. He kind of wished he had. It would have made the following hour more tolerable.

Bulbasaur and Charmander used their combined strength to flip Ash over onto his stomach so Charmander could better get at his ass. Ash was pushed down so he lay on his stomach, his dick pressing into the stiff blades of artificial grass, prodding his erect shaft in a painful, yet slightly pleasant way. Bulbasaur mounted his head again from the side and fucked his mouth with incredible vigor. Precum spilled from his dick that tasted very fruity and sweet like peach nectar. As Ash unwillingly drank it in, he could feel a strange sensation wash over him, muddling his thoughts and making it harder to concentrate. Was this an effect of the precum, the spores, or some combination of both?

He didn't have much time to think about it. At the same time, Charmander jumped up onto his small round boy butt and poked his dick around until he found his tight asshole and rammed it right in. Ash gasped as he felt the shaft slip past the tight muscle like it wasn't even there. With what little sense of thought he had left, he knew that the first time he got fucked in the ass, there was a lot of resistance, and it was very painful. This time, however, not only did it slide in with ease, doing so made Ash cry out with bliss. His ass was suddenly as sensitive as his dick, which made it throb with delight against his stomach. However he felt about getting sodomized, by a Pokemon no less, it was pushed to the back of his mind as he gripped the artificial grass and his muscles tensed up from the bliss. He couldn't get at his cock, but it seemed to get more sensitive over the past minute. It throbbed painfully, eager to plow into some warm hole, and at this point it didn't matter whose it was.

Totodile was no longer content with Ash's hand. He needed to cum, and cum hard, and it had to be in a tight hole. His feral gaze drifted over to Pikachu, who was still sputtering and spitting, trying to get the taste of spooge from his mouth. Normally, he would have found the idea of violating his partner repulsive, but with the spores making their way into his bloodstream, logic was no longer a factor in his decision making. He pounced on Pikachu, making his dick tingle when it came into contact with his electrified fur, but otherwise unabated by the mouse's natural deterrence. Pikachu, naturally, would have tried to Thundershock Totodile into unconsciousness, but when Bulbasaur was restraining him, he must have seeped some stun spores onto his body through the vines, and now it was difficult for him to summon his electric powers.

Totodile thrust his dick into Pikachu's tight asshole. His ridged reptile cock slipped in pretty easily thanks to the oils he secreted from his peehole due to Ash jerking him off. Pikachu squeaked and let out a prolonged and very stressed "Pikaaaaaa" as the shaft probed into virgin territory. He could feel it somewhere below his stomach due to the screaming protest from the rest of his body. Totodile pinned him to the ground, pushing his face into the artificial grass, and pounded his ass like a drum.

Bulbasaur growled pleasantly as he shot his full load into Ash's mouth. Ash was surprisingly eager to drink it all, either because of his exploding sexual tension or the delicious fruity flavor of Bulbasaur's jizz. It spilled down his face when he couldn't swallow it fast enough. He loved the taste, and the pounding in his ass became more pleasurable. The doubt in his mind slowly began to cease, and he leaned back into Charmander's hips and angled himself so his cock would press into the sweet spot in his rectum when Charmander thrust forward.

"Piiii~ Piiikkaaaahhh~" Pikachu's body felt very strange as his asshole was spread wider apart than he ever had before, and at the same time, he trembled from the ecstacy emanating from his virgin prostate. Like any other part of his body, his rectum and intestines were lined with an electrostatic charge that zapped Totodile's cock, but he only interpreted it as the most incredible sensation he ever felt thanks to the effects of the spores. In a few short minutes, he growled pleasantly and shot a huge load of watery sperm into Pikachu's intestines. When Pikachu came, the static discharge in his rectum was conducted by the sperm, and jolted up into Totodile's dick. Even though he couldn't interpret the pain properly, the shock was enough to paralyze Totodile, and he collapsed on top of the yellow mouse, his face locked in bliss.

"Piiiiii~" Pikachu moaned underneath Totodile. He still couldn't move his muscles because of Bulbasaur's stun spores, and he felt very drained from cumming and being a cock sleeve to Totodile. He had to do all he could to stay awake, and wait for the spores to wear off. Then he could probably do something to escape...

With Bulbasaur finished with his mouth, Ash rolled over onto his back before allowing Charmander to continue. He gripped his dick in his hand and beat it like an egg while Charmander pounded his ass with increasing vigor. His asshole tensed up as the sperm in his balls boiled up to the surface, ready to shoot out of him like an ICBM. The instant Charmander's hot jizz touched Ash's tender prostate, he thrust his hips upwards, blowing huge wads all over Charmander's face and glazing him like a donut. The volume was unlike anything he ever experienced before. He seemed to cum more than what his balls could ever hope to hold, and it was as gooey and viscous as cake batter. His tightening ass held in the Charmander cock and milked it of all his sperm. The pokecum seemed to burn a hole in his intestines and melt into his prostate, coaxing even more young cum to shoot from the end.

Ash's head was in a daze when it was over, and he fell back onto the artificial grass, eyes rolled in the back of his head. The lights from the rafters seemed to be ten times brighter than normal, like the lights at a baseball field. His mind was in a fog, but he was doing his damndest to stay awake. He had to hold out long enough to find a way to escape. He had to...

Ash quickly sat up in a sudden burst of energy. Now was his chance to escape from this hellish place! It took a moment for his brain to snap back to the present. He was in the arena just a moment ago, with the bright lights bearing down on him like an artificial sun, but now... there was almost no lighting. Not to mention that the prickly artificial grass was replaced with the feeling of cold, unyielding rock. He could feel the furry weight of a Pokemon on top of him, and the familiar electric sensation from the fur gave away it was Pikachu.

Where was he? He was still naked, so he must have still been in the Lodge, but who moved him? How long was he out, and how could he escape now? It was impossible to tell how long he waited there in the dark for his vision to get acclimated, but finally, he was able to make out more of the room past the black void 5 feet directly in front of him. It was a small, featureless room with stone all around with a heavy stone door in the dead center of one wall. He spotted a small ventilation grill in the ceiling, but there was no way he'd be able to get up there, much less pry the grate open, much less squeeze through the air duct. The only way out was through the only door, and even then, he wouldn't know where to go to escape past that. He was trapped.

The heavy door slid open slowly, and in walked Gaston, ever so smug. Ash had to avert his gaze, as a bright light flooded in from the doorway.

"Ah, good. You are awake." he said. "I see you have thoroughly enjoyed your initiation with your new partners."

"My... partners?"

"Yes. You see, you are now property of the Lodge; entertainment for our wealthy, more esteemed guests. Of course, you are no good to us as a tight, unwilling virgin. Until you are ready for the stage, you will learn to accept them into your boy pussy."

"I will do no such thing!" Ash protested, the blood rushing to his face. He didn't want anyone to find out about this, but to be trained to open his ass for any horny Pokemon that came his way for an audience of wine-swilling fucks...

"Oh, but I think you will. We will be monitoring your progress in the coming weeks, making sure you are adjusting properly to your new life. If you somehow manage to resist the temptations that will claw at you and you refuse to co-operate, then you won't get to eat. Co-operate, and we will treat you like a princess. A horny, depraved princess. I'll let you mull that over." He turned to leave, then paused, and turned back to face Ash. "Oh yes, and don't think a hunger strike will work. We've dealt with it before." With that, he left the room, closing the door behind him. The low thud startled the Pokemon piled on and around Ash awake, slowly gaining their bearings, and in the case of Bulbasaur and Charmander, prepared to dominate Ash again.

Gaston walked down the hall to the next cell, where another prisoner was being held. He looked eerily similar to Ash, down to the Pikachu. That must have been why he was mistaken for Ash, and after being captured by Cassidy and Butch by Team Rocket, was sent here. Of course, it was now discovered that they botched it and kidnapped the wrong kid, but that worked just fine for him. There was always room for more fresh meat at the Lodge...