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The members of the Fireside Girls Troop #46231 went on a camping trip into the woods just outside of Danville. This was a normal expedition they embarked on once every month. They spent the morning setting up their camp site and then skinny dipping in the nearby lake until the sun began to set.

As the day turned to evening, the girls dried off and returned to their campsite. Throughout the entire day, ever since they arrived at the campsite to sitting down to eat around the crackling fire, they remained naked. This was normal for their monthly outing; without anybody else around, namely nosey adults, they had the privacy to do whatever they wanted.

After they ate dinner, the girls gathered in a circle around the crackling fire, sitting on towels. Most of the girls - Adyson, Isabella, Holly and Gretchen - sat with their legs spread far apart facing the fire. The heat emanating from it felt really good on their young pussy lips.

"I really miss doing this every month." Isabella said. "When I get my own place when I'm older, I'm gonna have a very strict no-dress code!"

"No-dress code?" Adyson asked. "So that'll mean no-"

"Anything." Isabella finished for her. "No underwear, bras; even socks are out."

"What if it gets too cold?" Gretchen asked. "It gets really cold around here during the winter."

"There's lots of fun ways to keep warm in the winter! You know that!" Isabella said, winking at her.

"So Isabella, what was up with the shaky camera on that last stream of yours?" Milly asked. She and Holly were sitting close together, their splayed legs overlapping each other. Holly was currently rubbing the inside of her thigh.

"Yeah, and tell us how you got those effects to look so real!" Adyson added.

"Oh, that. Yeah, turns out Phineas doesn't make a really good cameraman at all." Isabella replied. There was a wave of exclamations from the rest of the girls that echoed through the night air.



"You've got to be pulling our legs!" Adyson exclaimed. "Why did you get Phineas involved? HOW did you get Phineas involved?"

"It's not like I planned to get him involved, but one thing led to another..." Isabella said, then began to recall the events that transpired on Wednesday three days ago.

* * *

"No... no... come on!" Isabella growled in exasperation. "It IS plugged in! Don't give me that, you stupid machine!"

Isabella was arguing with her computer, which had decided at random that her webcam did not exist. Whether it be it some faulty software update or the webcam decided to just kick it, it was the last thing she wanted to see less than an hour before her scheduled cam show.

Isabella was a webcam girl, bringing in a very immodest sum of money by stripping and masturbating on a live stream. Despite her young age, a lot of people were really into watching her streams; she had a feeling a few teachers from school along with a scoutmaster were part of her regular audience.

And now all of them were going to be disappointed, and she had five hundred reasons a week to be upset about that. Letting out another frustrated growl, she pushed her chair away from her desk.

The window slipped into the corner of her vision as the chair rolled back, and Isabella looked outside to see across the street at Phineas' house when she noticed something different from the usual landscape. Just poking above the roof was some new contraption he was working on in his backyard, as usual.

Wait a minute... Phineas was really good with machines; maybe he could take a look at the computer for her! Isabella darted downstairs, out of the house and across the street. She didn't have a lot of time left, but being slightly late was much better than not showing up at all.

Isabella approached the contraption and spotted Phineas at the base, tightening the bolts on the bulkhead. She felt that familiar twinge of attraction to him when she looked at him. She was in love with him, but he didn't reciprocate those feelings. She liked to think that he was too dense to recognize her flirtings with him, and not that he didn't actually love her in return.

"Hey there, Phineas! Whatcha doin'?" she called out to him.

"Hi, Isabella! I'm just making some adjustments to my spaceship." Phineas explained.

"Going on another trip into space?"

"Yeah. Ferb got it into his head that the oceans of Europa are made of custard, so I'm taking him up there to prove him wrong. That's one of the moons of Jupiter, by the way." he quickly added.

"I see. Phineas, before you head off into space again, could you do me a favor?" Isabella asked.

"Sure. Anything for you."

Hearing that gave Isabella a tiny flutter in the pit of her stomach, but she pushed it in the back of her mind for the time being.

"I... lo- I have a problem with my computer." she explained. "It doesn't recognize my webcam anymore, and I'm due for a... thing, in a little bit."

"Yeah, I can look at that for you." Phineas said without hesitation. "I can finish this tomorrow."

Isabella brought Phineas back to her room. He sat down at the chair and took a look at the computer. He fiddled with the webcam a bit then opened up some alien-looking windows filled with code. None of it made any sense to Isabella, but Phineas looked like he knew what he was doing.

"Alright, I think I see the problem here." he said finally. "It'll take me maybe... twenty minutes?"

"That's awesome!" Isabella replied. "Umm, do you mind if I go freshen up while you do that?"

"Go right ahead. This'll require a bit of elbow grease."

Isabella left the room and slipped into the bathroom. She turned on the water in the shower and stripped down. She always showered before a webcam show. Depending on the show, she usually had to take one after as well.

"I should do something nice for him in exchange." she said to herself as she lathered soap across her body, thinking about what she could do as a gesture of thanks for Phineas. "Maybe I could... nah, I couldn't invite him as a guest star on my show. But maybe... yeah, I could do that..."

Isabella finished showering. She put on some light makeup to hide her blemishes and then used the hair dryer to dry her hair. Finally, she tied her hair back in a ponytail so it wouldn't go all over the place during the show, something she learned early on after one particular session ended with a mouthful of hair.

Wrapping the towel back around her body, Isabella returned to her room with her plan in mind. If Phineas was actually human and not a robot, he wouldn't say no to her proposal. His trip to the custard oceans of Europa can wait.

When she opened up the door, however, she saw something she didn't expect. Phineas in her absence appeared to take some creative liberty in fixing her webcam. From the doorway, she could see the camera feed on the monitor as Phineas tested it, but what Phineas was testing it on was a hologram of two beefy orcs fighting each other. They had a greenish glow, and there was a slight flicker in their projection, but aside from that, they looked quite real, almost disturbingly so.

"Wha... what's all this?!" she exclaimed in wonder.

"Oh, welcome back, Isabella." Phineas said casually. He didn't seem to be fazed even slightly by her naked form. He pushed a button on a small remote he had, and the orcs froze in place. "Umm, well, I fixed the webcam issue not too long after you left. Turns out it wasn't that difficult at all." he added under his breath. "Then I thought maybe I could upgrade a few things. I guess I got a little overzealous..."

"THIS is overzealous?"

"Do... do you not like it?" he asked apprehensively.

"No no, it's not that. This is pretty impressive... even for you." Isabella stepped forward and examined the orcs. Green skin, bulging muscles... they even had an incredible bulge in the loincloths between their legs. She reached out and touched one of them. Its skin was smooth and warm. It was like touching a real person.

"That's amazing..." she whispered. "Will your holodeck thingy make anything I want it to?"

"Just about." Phineas replied.

"Awesome. Look, Phineas... I run this webcam show... would you like to stick around and... be my cameraman?"

"Yeah... I'm... kinda a fan of your show!" he said.

"You are?!" Phineas nodded. 'Well, that was that awkward question out of the way, at least.' Isabella thought. She looked over at the clock. Ten minutes late... it was much sooner than she thought it would be, given the circumstances.

"Okay, then, we need to get ready. I'm already running late!"

"Got it. What do you need me to do?" Phineas asked.

"Can you modify those two?" she asked, gesturing to the orcs. "Remove their clothes, make them very attracted to me..."

"Yeah, I can do that."

"Then after that, we can get started immediately." Isabella threw her towel off and sat back at her desk. She entered the stream site to a barrage of confused and irritated viewers in the chatroom.

"I'm here, finally!" she quickly typed in. "Sorry about the delay! I had some technical issues on my end."

The chat room responded with relief though there were a few outliers that responded with impatience and rage. She put them in time-out, then set up her webcam to start streaming. She went over to her bed and plopped herself down on it.

"Can you bring them over here?" Isabella asked. She pointed at the foot of the bed on either side of her. Phineas did as she asked. The orcs' weapons disappeared, as did their clothes, and they moved over to where Isabella pointed. Phineas then picked up the webcam and started the stream.

"Hey there, everyone." Isabella moaned in a flirty tone. "Sorry about the wait. I had to get our guests ready for today!"

Isabella sat on the bed with her legs spread far apart to reveal her young pussy. Phineas moved before her with the webcam in his hands. He made frequent sidelong glances at the monitor on the desk to check the feed. Isabella had the impression that he was trying to not stare too much at her naked body.

"These big boys want to make me their wife and fill me up with their fertile seed!" she said, pulling the orcs closer together until their semi-erect chubs were visible in the corners of her vision. They were uncut, and despite the bulging veins, surprisingly smooth-looking. The head bulged against the foreskin. "So today, I'm gonna ride them until their balls are milked dry!"

Isabella clutched at the dicks on either side of her and began jerking them off. They erected quite quickly under her touch. They were merely holograms, so they didn't project a scent, unfortunately. Their skin was firm with a little bit of give to it; hard enough that they projected a beefy bulky physique, but not too hard that it felt like she was fondling solid rock.

Phineas pointed the webcam down between her legs to catch one of the orcs moving a large hand down to probe at her tight, moist pussy lips.

"Ah! They're so strong!" Isabella gasped. Her legs twitched as powerful tingles were sent up her spine. The orc was quite convincingly strong; Isabella had to remind herself that he was only a hologram.

"He's very strong!" she said with a shaky voice. "I bet he could lift me up with just one hand!"

Isabella guided the other orc with her hands, turning him so he was facing her more directly. Phineas, likewise, also moved to get something more than a camera full of naked orc ass.

Isabella opened her mouth wide and took in most of the length of the orc dick. Again, being made of hard light and force fields, it carried no taste, but Isabella could feel her tongue being depressed by the shaft and her breathing hindered slightly. THankfully, some sort of heat emanated from the bodies, so the illusion was not totally killed for her.

Isabella throated the dick while the other orc assaulted her pussy lips with his thick, strong fingers. The index and middle fingers slipped past her labia and immediately homed in on and prodded against her sensitive G-spot.

"Hnnhh!" Isabella squealed through the dick. The orcs started asserting their presence more. The pleasure was quickly sapping her of her strength and concentration. The orc in her mouth clutched her by the back of her head and started aggressively thrusting into her mouth. The other orc, meanwhile, continued to finger fuck her G-spot.

"Glumph-glumph-glumph!" Isabella gurgled with each thrust. Her mouth and throat were starting to feel tingly and numb, same as her pussy. Her eyes widened with delight as she realized that she was actually experiencing a throat orgasm! Her head was buzzing with endorphins, and stars were flickering in the corners of her vision. Despite the orgasm she just had, another one was building up between her legs. Her abdominal muscles were twitching with anticipation.

Suddenly, the orc in her mouth pulled out and pushed Isabella down on the bed. The other orc drew his fingers out of her and climbed over her so he was straddling her head. HIs massive erect cock was throbbing against the entire length of her face, from her nose to above her forehead. His large green balls pressed against her lips. He was sitting too high up on her face for her to properly suck his dick, so Isabella did the next best thing and took his balls into her mouth instead.

Phineas moved into a better position parallel to the bed. It was very difficult to actually get a good shot of her face with an orc sitting on it, so he instead focused the camera between her legs. The other orc got on his knees before Isabella's prone body. He moved his head forward and, spreading her pussy lips apart with his thumbs, slipped his tongue deep into her folds.

Isabella's muffled squeals rang out from underneath the orc. Her legs twitched violently and dug into the other orc's shoulders. His tongue was rough like fine grit sandpaper, but had no moisture to it. It brushed against her erecting clit, sending many jolts of pleasure up her spine.

The orc sitting on her face sat up, his balls popping out of her mouth. Bracing himself with his hands against the mattress, he slipped the head of his dick into Isabella's mouth.

"Glmmh..." she moaned. The orc pushed all the way down into her throat, until his bald pubis touched her nose. It felt strange, but incredibly good, to have such a large dick probing halfway down into her stomach.

Phineas was amazed at the sight before him. He had some mixed feelings about this. While the orcs were technically his own creation, he was more than a bit jealous that they got to have sex with Isabella while he watched. He tried his best to ignore the tent pitched in his shorts.

The orcs began to get more aggressive. The one eating her out was making slurping and snarling noises. His tusks rubbed against her labia, and his tongue continued to flick against the roof of her quivering insides. The orc in her mouth was thrusting into her throat. He could feel the force of his dick, but the orc as a whole barely had any weight behind him. The holograms weren't perfect; there were still a few details that were missing in order to complete the illusion.

Isabella was constantly on the verge of a powerful orgasm. She had only ever masturbated with her hands, a hair brush handle, and the occasional shampoo bottle. She didn't know if this would count as losing her virginity, and she didn't have the mental capacity to think about it at the moment.

The orc face fucking Isabella let out a low growl and pushed his dick in as deep as possible. It started pulsing like a beating heart in her mouth, pretending to shoot his load of jizz directly into her stomach. Since he was only a hologram, it was safe to say that he wasn't, or the hologram generator couldn't project that deep inside her. Isabella's eyes rolled in the back of her head as both orcs sent her over the edge. She writhed around underneath them. Her chest rose and fell with every breath, and she was making loud squeals that made Phineas glad that they were at present the only ones in the house.

The orcs moved off of Isabella. Their dicks were both glistening with her saliva. Isabella rolled onto her hands and knees. She felt very weak, but incredibly aroused. The show was not over yet; she wanted to end this with a bang!

"Thuh... they made my pussy go all numb!" she said to the webcam in Phineas' hands. She gestured to the orc who face fucked her and pointed to the head of the bed. He complied, and laid down on the bed. His dick was still erect.

"We're not done, though!" Isabella continued. "These bad boys still have to empty their fertile loads into me!"

She climbed onto the orc's lap, turned around, and lowered herself onto the shaft. It probed against her tight asshole. Her saliva helped ease the thick cock into her.

The orc clutched onto her thighs and pulled her further down onto the shaft. Isabella grit her teeth as she felt the large erect cock spread her muscles apart. She may have just lost her anal virginity; she never took anything in her ass before, and she still didn't know if any of this actually counted.

"It's so snug in my ass!" Isabella moaned. "The perfect dick is just a little bit squishy even when it's erect!"

The orc reached down and hoisted her legs up over her head. She let out a shocked cry and wrapped her arms behind her around his thick neck.

"Luh... look at how plump and drooly my pussy is!" she gasped. With trembling hands, Phineas aimed the camera down to get a full, close-up view of her pussy. It was indeed sopping wet and swollen from her arousal. The labia was spread slightly, and he was able to get a shot of her hot pink interior between the puffy lips.

His mind was enraptured in the moment. The mission into space was a distant echo in the back of his mind. Right now, Phineas wanted nothing more than to dive on top of her and plunge his dick into her inviting pussy. He managed to restrain himself, however. He'd wait for a better opportunity in the future, one that wouldn't spoil her camshow.

The other orc behind Phineas grunted for him to move out of the way, and he did so, reluctantly. It moved forward on the bed on its knees, guiding its dick to Isabella's waiting, eager pussy.

"Watch closely! He's entering my pussy now!" Isabella announced. Her arms tensed up around the other orc's neck. The orc inched the massive bulbous head past her pussy lips, and he shoved the entire length in in one go the instant he had a clear entry.

"HAUUGH!" Isabella gasped. She broke her hymen long ago with the aforementioned shampoo bottle. She was used to accommodating large objects, but taking in two cocks at once was a whole different ordeal. She could feel them pushing against each other in the pit of her stomach. The dick in her pussy was pushed right up against her cervix. Isabella felt more full than she ever had before!

"H-h-huuuhhhh..." Isabella moaned, her voice shaking with barely restrained bliss. "G-go easy, boys... I'm already about to cu-UHH!"

The wind was knocked out of her lungs as the orcs began thrusting into her ass and pussy. They alternated their thrusting so that as one pushed in, the other pulled out. She could feel every ridge and vein digging into her vaginal muscles. Her clit felt like it was on fire. The ridge on the cock of the orc in her pussy was grinding against her G-spot with every thrust.

Isabella's eyes rolled in the back of her head. Her mouth hung open in a crazed smile. She moaned with a hoarse voice that Phineas never heard out of her before, even in previous streams. Holding the webcam in one hand, he carefully unzipped his pants and extracted his dick from his underwear, and he began to jerk himself off. He couldn't restrain himself any longer. The tip was already oozing with slimy precum.

"I'm gunna cum!" Isabella cried out. I'm gonna be an orc wife! They're gonna fill up my ass and pussy with their seed!"

Both orcs changed their rhythm so that they thrust into Isabella's as and pussy simultaneously. Isabella lasted for only a few more seconds before her orgasm overwhelmed her.

Isabella let out a wild scream, throwing her head back and thrashing about in the orcs' grip. She could feel her vaginal muscles contracting repeatedly around their huge cocks. Her pubis tingled, and she started squirting all over the orc right in front of her.

The orcs both pushed as deep into her as possible. They made deep, low growls, and their dicks were pulsing violently inside Isabella. Their simulated orgasms were dry, but Isabella could feel them heating up.

She gasped as they suddenly pulled themselves free of her insides. Her vaginal and anal muscles clamped desperately around nothing as she rode out the rest of her orgasm. Her insides now felt strangely cold and empty.

The orcs faced her, jerking their cocks. They growled again, and to Isabella's surprise, they sprayed her face with hot, gooey cum. The hologram projector probably couldn't render that inside her body.

It didn't feel much like what she imagined cum to feel, either, based on her own personal experience holding a large glob of shampoo in her hands and smearing it on her face and body. The virtual cum was warm, but it had no moisture or texture, but it must look real enough to the audience.

"Fuhh... I'm all covered in their cum, inside and out!" Isabella announced to the webcam; she ignored Phineas jerking himself off behind it. Her words were incredibly slurred at the moment. "They're gonna take me away to their tribe, now! They're gonna all take turns violating my pussy until I give birth to healthy orc babies!" She blew a kiss goodbye into the camera. "See you all later!"

NOt soon after the stream ended did Phineas finally go over the edge. Thrusting his hips forward, he shot his load all over Isabella's face. It was nowhere near as voluminous or viscous as the orc's virtual sperm. Isabella merely smiled at him, her head swimming in endorphins. She was always in a good mood after a camshow, especially after today's show.

"Thank you for your assistance, Phineas." she cooed sweetly.

"I... I love you..." Phineas replied as he sheepishly stuffed his dick back in his shorts, but he was pretty sure she was in no condition to register his words.