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(Created page with "Knuckles spent the morning steeling himself for the excruciating mundanity planned for the day. Sally was scheduled to meet with some refugees who were displaced by Eggman. No...")
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Latest revision as of 19:17, 31 January 2018

Knuckles spent the morning steeling himself for the excruciating mundanity planned for the day. Sally was scheduled to meet with some refugees who were displaced by Eggman. Now that he was gone for good, there was a frenzied grab for the territories he claimed. He was going to be there to make sure everyone remained civilized.

There was a knock at his front door. Knuckles set down the clothes he was about to pack into his suitcase and headed downstairs. He answered the door to find Shadow the Hedgehog, of all people. In his arms, he was carrying a small child.

"Hey, Knuckles, you got a minute?" he asked. "I need your help."

"Sure, what's the... problem?" Knuckles tilted his head to the side to try and get a better look at the child. She appeared to be asleep, and she was wearing clothes that were too big for her body. "Who is that?"

"Rouge. Something strange happened to her when I activated the Chaos Control. She reverted into a little kid. Can you look after her while I find out what happened? You're the only person I can trust."

"Why should I look after her? Why not Sonic?" Knuckles asked as Shadow pushed Rouge into his arms.

"I'm not good with children, and Sonic... just look after her, alright?"

"Wait, hol-" Knuckles tried to call after Shadow as he dashed off, but he was already running off down the street leading out of Knothole, well out of earshot. Cursing to himself, he closed the door and carried Rouge over to the couch. She was still sleeping peacefully, he almost didn't want to wake her. However, there were a lot of questions that needed answering, and Shadow was not willing to stay around long enough to satisfy Knuckles' curiosity.

"Hey, Rouge, wake up." he said, nudging her gently. The little girl stirred and yawned, exposing her small sharp incisors.

"Mmnn, is naptime over?" she asked in a surprisingly childish tone. That's odd. She sounded... nothing like Rouge. He quickly discarded the idea she was joking around with him; she loved her perfectly mature body too much to enjoy being a chestless kid again.

"Where did Shadow da Hidgaw... Shadow da Chog go?" Rouge asked, seeing the stranger Echidna staring down at her.

"He went to go do something. He left me in care of you." he replied. "What... happened to you, Rouge?"

"What do you mean what happened to me? Was something supposed to happen to me?"

"Forget about it." Knuckles sat down, and Rouge sidled up next to him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped an arm around her and held her close. Something was wrong. She didn't remember who he was. Shadow probably had to reintroduce himself to her as well. Whatever happened to her also erased all her memories of what she knew when she was older.

"Do you know where your mom or dad lives?" Knuckles asked her.

"Mmm... nope. I thought I did, but... I can't remember." she replied.

"Is it anywhere in Knothole?"

"I... think so? Knothole sounds familiar."

"What about... Robotnik?" That name invoked a reaction from Rouge, and her soft expression suddenly turned fierce.

"He's a bad man who needs a time out!" she exclaimed. "He takes all the Flickies away and turns them bad to do bad things!"

"Heh heh, don't worry. I'll make sure he doesn't take you away." he said, chuckling at her innocent portrayal of the now dead tyrant. Of course, her reaction to the name said nothing; Robotnik had been terrorizing Mobius for nigh on fifteen years before he was finally defeated.

"So what's your name, mistah?" she asked, cuddling up to him.

"Knuckles the Echidna."

"Knuckles the... Kidney. I don't know why, but I like it. It makes me feel warm inside." Interesting. Maybe she still retained her memories, but they were just locked deeper inside her mind, where her underdeveloped brain couldn't reach them. Still, the fact that she still held those warm feelings towards Knuckles made his heart tingle. Rouge hopped off the couch and twisted around to face him.

"Nice to meet you, Knuckles the Kidney! My name is Wooge da Bat!" she announced. As she gave her introduction, the loose clothes of her adult counterpart slid down her body and exposed her bare chest. She didn't seem to show an ounce of modesty as she tried to pull the cloth back up.

"Nnghhh! Why does this have no stwraps?!" she exclaimed. "Deez clothes are too big for me!"

"In... deed they are." Knuckles said, trying not to stare. He saw Rouge before, and to think that this was the same girl he porked was a bit unnerving right now. "I don't have any clothes you could wear right now, but I could call a friend and she could bring over a pair right now. It's just as well, I actually need to make another call, since you're here. Just uhh... stay here and out of trouble, okay?" Wooge replied with a big nod, and Knuckles went to his room and picked up the phone.

"Hey, Sally? We're going to have to call off the meeting for today at least. Something big came up, and I need to tend to it, at least for today... you're going by yourself? ...uhh, okay. Just, try to stay safe. Sonic would have my head if something bad happened to you. Thanks. Bye." Knuckles hung up the phone, a bit concerned about Sally going to the conference alone. She could handle herself in a fight, but there were some animals that she could just not stand a chance against. Echidnas, for example.

Knuckles dialed another number, this one to Vanilla. Rouge appeared to be about six, perhaps she'd lend a few of Cream's clothes until he could get Wooge some of her own.

"Hey Vanilla, where are you? ...out of town? Dammit. It's no problem, I just needed to borro- you know, this sounds very perverse if I just straight up ask you. Lemme start from the beginning." Knuckles quickly explained to Vanilla about Rouge and her sudden age reversal. Vanilla didn't understand, much like he, how this could happen, but she was willing to lend some clothes. However, he'd have to ask Sonic to let them into the house, as he was the only person who for whatever reason had a spare house key.

He thanked her for her time and then dialed up Sonic, but there was no answer. Brilliant. He could be in any number of places right now, and he didn't want to have to thumb through all of the contact numbers just to find him. Frustrated, he put the phone back on its receiver and returned to the living room where he left Wooge. He found her clothes thrown onto the floor in a pile.

A patter of footsteps alerted him to her charging up to him, completely naked and her arms spread out like she was an airplane.

"Vroom vroom! Here I come!" she announced. She leapt into the air and tried to flap her wings, but they were now underdeveloped and did not allow her flight like before. Instead, she dropped to her feet; her wings did not do anything to support her weight.

"What are you doing out of your clothes?" Knuckles asked.

"They were too big for me, so I took them off." she replied. "Besides, it's much more fun bein' naked!" Knuckles sighed. Even as a child, Rouge was still a handful.

"Alright, you can be naked for now, but only because you don't have any other clothes to wear." he said. "But we are getting you some clothes to wear, and you will wear them."

"Aww, do I have to?!" Wooge whined, stamping her feet.

"Yes, and there will be no arguing!"

"Hmph! Fine!" Wooge pouted, which was honestly very funny and adorable to Knuckles. Still, it was going to be very stressful for him to look after this child, especially since she was also one of his girlfriends.

"Alright, I gotta go take a shower now." Knuckles said, remembering that he didn't yet shower today. He was going to before he left. "Please behave." He turned around to head to his room, and as he passed through the doorway, he sensed that she was following him. He paid her no mind at first, but when he went into the bathroom and began to strip down, she was still watching him.

"Uhh, can I help you?" he asked.

"I wanna take a shower with you." she answered. Knuckles was speechless. He was a bit wary about letting her join him for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which was that she was acting very strangely. She showed not an ounce of modesty, and she was staring at him in a way that made him feel very uncomfortable. He wasn't sure at this point if her adult personality was showing through, or she had some very fucked up childhood. That being said, he was not sure what possessed him to give the answer that he did.

"Sure. I bet you'd need a bath, anyways." Knuckles continued removing his clothes. He hesitated when he got to his underwear. He didn't want to expose himself to the girl, but she would probably bombard him with questions if he went into the shower with his underwear on.

He chuckled and grinned to himself. If Sally knew about his ambivalence, she'd go on a very long rant about how there's nothing to be ashamed about the nude figure, especially his Olympian physique, and the idiotic belief that nudity was inherently wrong for some reason. It was a rant he was very familiar with.

Knuckles removed his underwear and tossed them to the side. Wooge looked on with large eyes and an expression of awe and wonder. Her stare made him a bit uncomfortable and he tried to pay it no attention. Her eyes were locked directly on his crotch. He decided, for the sake of sanity, that she was just curious about his dick.

Knuckles approached her and picked her up. Her skin was very soft and warm, and she had a light amount of cub chub on her, most notable around her belly, which curved outward slightly before it met her pubis. She was completely flat chested, which was to be expected, but cub or no, it was an odd thing for the Mobian with the most glorious rack.

Knuckles carried her to the shower room. He opened the glass door and closed it behind him and turned on the water. Wooge squeaked as the cold water splashed onto her body, and she pressed up tighter against Knuckles.

"Ahh! It's so cold!" she exclaimed.

"Don't worry, it'll heat up in a minute." he assured her. Sure enough, the water heated up a minute later, and Rouge's grip around him relaxed. He set her down on her feet and lathered up a washcloth with some body soap. It was body soap for men, but he didn't have anything else around to wash Wooge with.

"Alright, let's start with you." he said. He guided her around so she faced away from him, and he began washing her upper body. He began with her nape and from there moved down to her chest. He tried not to linger too long on her chest. Wooge might not have objected to it, but he still felt it very uncomfortable to place his hand on the child form of a girl he was intimate with.

Wooge leaned into him as he scrubbed her body. She stuck her chest out into his hand and sighed cutely. Next he started washing her belly, and she started fidgeting and giggling wildly.

"Ah ha ha ha! Stop, Mr. Knuckles! That tickles!" she exclaimed. Once he lathered up her belly, he moved to her arms, then her legs.

"Alright, time to do the back." he said.

"Uhh, you missed a spot." Wooge pointed out. Knuckles seethed in frustration. He hoped he wouldn't have to touch her there. He REALLY didn't want to touch her young pussy, even if to wash it. He already had horrible suspicions that she was baiting him somehow, and he wasn't sure if it was her adult side showing through or she had the weirdest childhood. Still, he decided to bite the bullet and hope that she wasn't leading him on.

Knuckles cupped her pussy with the washcloth and gently rubbed it. He made small motions to not excite or stimulate her. His efforts were in vain, however, as she started rolling her hips back and forth. She moaned sweetly from it, and her legs began to tremble.

"Hey, hey! What are you doing?" he exclaimed, pulling the washcloth away.

"I'm sorry. It just feels so good." Wooge sighed, wriggling her hips around.

"Is that it? Tell me the truth, Rouge. Do you do something you're not supposed to?"

"Mmnnnhh, I don't know~. It just feels so good." she repeated. "It makes me feel warm and tingly all over. Why, is it a bad thing?"

"Well... yes and no. It's one of those things only grown ups should be doing."

"Why can only grown ups do it?"

"Because they... look, it's just not something children your age should be doing."

Wooge turned around and stared at him.

"You're not making a lot of sense!" she exclaimed. She got closer to him until she was right in his face. Knuckles backed up against the shower wall. Even while crouched, Wooge still had to stand on her tiptoes to meet him at eye level. "I wanna play the adult thing. You're an adult, right? You could help me play it!"

"No no! That's a BIG no no, Rouge!" Knuckles protested. "A VERY big no no!" He may be Sally's kept man and bodyguard, but he didn't possess the same diplomatic immunity as she or Sonic. He could easily be buried under this kind of scandal!

Wooge, however, didn't seem to care that it was a no no, and she looked down at his dick. It was semi-erect. Knuckles was not about to admit that her antics were making him a little hard, and not even the thought of dead Flickies was able to keep himself from getting aroused. He noticed that her attention focused on his member, but before he could do anything, she already had her hands on his cock. She gripped him tightly, but her fingers were like velvet, and a huge pulse of blood brought him to full mast within seconds.

"Wooge! D-uhhh-d-don't touch that!" Knuckles gasped. He could have easily swatted her hands away, but something about the young form of his girlfriend made him feel very hot and bothered. To his alarm, he WANTED her to continue! What would others think of this? He'd be called a perverted lecher among other things, just like Sonic, and his standing with the Royal Family would be over!

Yet he didn't care. His lust was the dominant force in his mind now.

Knuckles lowered his defenses and relaxed, allowing Wooge full access to his cock. She ran her fingers along the length of the shaft, examining every square inch of his peen with interest. She gripped the mid section where it was widest, and she jerked him off vigorously.

"How do you know how to do this?" Knuckles asked her. She looked up at him and shrugged.

"I dunno. I just do." she replied. "Does it hurt, Knuckles?"

"No, it doesn't. Keep doing what you're doing." he said. Wooge continued stroking his cock and examining the strange veins that lined the top and sides. She lifted it up and checked the underneath, seeing the strange bulge that made the shaft an imperfect cylinder. When her eyes traveled up to the tip, she saw the hot pink soft flesh hidden behind the thick red foreskin. Intrigued, she pulled back the foreskin to reveal the sensitive head underneath.

"Hey, be careful!" Knuckles warned as she continued to pull on the foreskin. "It only goes back so far!"

"Why is it there?" she asked. "What does it do?"

"It's there to... make you feel good."

"Make me feel good? How?"

"Let's finish up here... and I'll show you." The words fell from his mouth like a lead weight. There was no going back now, and he'd have to live with whatever consequences came his way as a result. Knuckles washed himself clean and turned off the shower. He picked up Wooge and dried her with the towel, being gentle with her delicate, leather wings. He then carried her out to the bedroom where he tossed her onto the bed. Wooge giggled and cried out with excitement as she bounced once on the mattress and landed on the pillows. Knuckles dried himself off and joined her on the bed. The whole while, Wooge watched him intently, her eyes constantly being drawn down to his crotch. She wriggled her hips around with anticipation. Her hand rested on her belly, and he could tell that she was having conflicting thoughts about fingering herself. Some parts of her adult self was showing through, but the dominant part of her mind was still a child.

Knuckles crawled onto the bed next to her, and Wooge cuddled up to him. He wrapped his big beefy arms around her and held her close. His hands explored her petite body, feeling up her flat chest and tight ass. She didn't have any signs of her lovely mature body, but it was still technically the same girl.

Knuckles lay on his side and positioned himself so he was next to Wooge and she lay on her back. He massaged her slightly chubby belly with one hand, then slowly worked his way down to between her legs. Wooge drew in a sharp intake of breath as she felt his fingers touch her very sensitive pussy lips. Her legs twitched slightly, and once he was certain she was a willing participant, Knuckles dug his finger into her folds.

"Uhh!" Wooge grunted as she felt her pussy invaded by the digit for what she thought was the first time. Immediately, Knuckles was aware that her hymen was still broken; for whatever reason, it wasn't restored when she was reverted. He pushed his finger deeper into her, then curled it inward and scratched gently against her G-spot.

"UAAHHH! It feels so straaange!" Wooge cried out, thrashing around in his grip. She kicked her feet out, trying to push herself away from Knuckles' hand, but he offered her no respite. He wrapped his other arm around her back and kept her right next to him. Her eyes were wide open and staring at him with a combination of shock and bliss. Her pupils were dilated, and she developed a strong blush. Knuckles could feel her vaginal muscles contracting tightly around his finger, and he knew she was on the verge of her orgasm.

Wooge let out a cry of gibberish and her back arched up as she came. Her eyes glazed over, and she locked her legs around Knuckles' arm. It impressed him that, even as a little girl, she had such incredible control over her vaginal muscles. She was clamped down on him like a vice! His cock erected and hardened like a diamond at the prospect of getting to plunge into her wonderful velvety depths.

"Ooohh, so that's what it feels like..." she sighed, relaxing underneath him. Knuckles drew his finger out of her once her muscles let him go and crawled over her. His throbbing erection hung between his legs, pointing straight at her slit. She sensed his motivation, and she lay perfectly still, watching him with bated breath.

"You know where this is going, don't you?" He asked. She nodded and tapped just below her belly button.

"Right here?" she asked. Knuckles nodded his head and prodded her entrance with the swollen shaft.

"It's going to be a very tight fit, but you're a big girl, and I know you can take it, right?" Wooge nodded her head. "Okay, here I go." Knuckles pressed his cock into her slit. The plump lips pressed in and squashed out at first before they finally spread open and allowed him entry. He sunk in up to the head, which her vaginal muscles immediately clamped down on.

Wooge's eyes widened slightly. She could feel him in a very strange and sensitive place inside her. Some part of her wanted this to happen, but she didn't know why. The feeling she had before when he stuck his finger into her reinforced the fact that she wanted this, but she still felt very nervous.

Knuckles pushed himself in inch by inch, giving Wooge time in between to take a breath and allow her to adjust to his size. True to his suspicions, she was very flexible down there, and after the initial shock, her vaginal muscles relaxed enough for him to sink further inside. He kept an eye on her expression while he slipped further into her, making sure she was able to take it without pain.

Once the widest portion of his dick was inside her, the rest of the plunge was very smooth. Wooge still didn't show any sign of pain or distress, even though he was pressing against her cervix. Her insides must have been adjusting well to the intruder. He knew that one time, Rouge took the entire length of a 12 inch horse dildo, balls and all, into her pussy. If she retained that level of elasticity, then taking in his entire length should be no problem.

Finally, he reached the bottom of his shaft. Her pussy lips closed around it and locked him in. Wooge was still staring up at him with huge innocent eyes. Her mouth hung open slightly and she panted heavily.

"How does it feel?" Knuckles asked.

"It's... kind of strange, but it feels very good." Wooge replied. "It makes me feel very warm and good throughout my body."

"That's good. It'll feel much better soon enough." Knuckles picked her up and rolled over so she was on top. Wooge rolled her hips around on his lap, trying to rub the cock against her sensitive areas. Knuckles placed a hand on her ass to keep her still. He placed his other hand on her hip and gently lifted her up off his shaft by a couple of inches, and then pushed her back down. He built up a slow, steady rhythm of bouncing her up and down on his cock. It was an incredibly tight fit inside her, since her body wasn't normally supposed to be able to accomodate a dick, especially one of his size. Wooge didn't object, though, and she didn't react in pain, so he continued to gently fuck her.

"Mnn." Wooge grunted softly each time she was pushed down onto the shaft. The fat cock felt much bigger inside her for some reason. Her vaginal muscles tightened their grip on it, but she was so wet, she couldn't keep her hold on it. The ridge across the top of the cock near the end rubbed against her G-spot, creating a wonderful sensation that made her dizzy from the pleasure. Knuckles' foreskin got pulled back, and the exposed head swelled up with blood and pushed out against her folds.

Knuckles winced from the sudden increase in pressure around his cock's head. The tightness of the neck of his foreskin and Wooge's muscles made it feel like his dick was being lynched. The sensitive bundles of nerves in the head of his cock felt like they were on fire, and he felt he very familiar sensation of needing to pee. He clenched his Kegel muscles to hold himself back.

"Alright, little Rouge. Here's where it gets a lot better." Knuckles wrapped an arm around her back and placed his other hand on her ass just below her tail. Wooge could feel his thick digits probing at her asshole, drawing circles around the quivering muscle.

"Eww, that's a dirty place, Mr. Knuckles." Wooge mumbled, wriggling her butt around to try and shake him off. "Don't put your fingers th-OHH!" Knuckles' middle finger slipped past the tight black ring and wormed its way up her rectum. Her back arched forward and she bucked her hips forward. His finger pumped into her, fucking her like it was also a cock. It was very uncomfortable, but at the same time, there was something about it that was very familiar, and it felt very good. Getting both her holes plowed created an incredible burning sensation in the core of her body. Her clit burned with delight as it did before when he fingered her and violated her G-spot.

Knuckles could feel Wooge's holes tightening around his cock and finger in an alternating pattern. Despite her initial protest, she was clearly enjoying being fingered. Her body must also have remembered how good it felt when Rouge got double teamed, usually by both him and Sonic. With a little proper conditioning, he could help her rediscover her love for the cock. It was very clear at this point that those feelings were lying just underneath the surface.

Knuckles moved forward and placed Wooge gently on her back. He spread his knees apart to better brace himself against the mattress and used his elbows to support his weight and, with his free arm wrapped tightly around her back, he picked up the pace of his thrusting. The weight he threw into every thrust made Wooge slide back and forth on the mattress. She grunted with each thrust he made into her little love hole. Warm tender feelings swelled up inside her and she felt another orgasm building up. Her face turned red, and she let out a cry of distress and delight.

Knuckles winced as her muscles contracted tightly around his cock. She held onto his arms and tried to bear through her orgasm, taking short, sharp breaths. He pulled his finger out of her asshole, sat up, and looked down at Wooge. Her mouth hung open and she stared up at him with her large dilated pupils. The way her muscles massaged his dick in the throes of her orgasm, he was quickly nearing his own climax.

"You made me feel really good, too, honey." Knuckles said, stroking the small part of his exposed length not buried in her snatch. "Here's your reward!" He grunted and thrust his hips forward into her, burying himself as deep as possible inside her womanhood. His balls tensed up and his dick throbbed as he shot his hot fertile load into Wooge's climaxing body. She felt as if liquid bliss had splashed against her cervix. Wooge's eyes filled up with tears as another wave of unbearable pleasure surged through her body. She held onto Knuckles with an ever tightening grip, trying to bear through the orgasm. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she arched her back up off the mattress.

Wooge's muscles finally relaxed, and she settled down on the bed, panting heavily. Knuckles laid down next to her, placing a hand on her stomach.

"How did it feel, honey?" Knuckles asked.

"It... it was scary." Wooge mumbled, wriggling her hips around. "but it also felt very good."

"You were a very good girl." Knuckles grabbed the towel he left at the foot of the bed and dabbed Wooge's reddened pussy with it to clean up the excess cum that dribbled out of her folds. He then folded it up and tossed it back to the foot of the bed. Turning his attention back to Wooge, he laid down next to her and pulled him into her arms. She yawned and nuzzled into his chest.

"Mnnn, I feel tired..." she mumbled, and very quickly drifted off into a peaceful slumber. Knuckles smiled and propped his head up on a pillow he pulled from the head of the bed. She looked so adorable, his heart nearly melted. He cupped a hand around one of her ass cheeks and wrapped his other arm around her back. He couldn't help but feel a strange fatherly attachment to her. Maybe it was because of their lengthy history together, being both enemies and allies on and off, depending on the state of the kingdom. The camaraderie they built up over the years gave them a relationship like no other. Either way, it pleased him that she still held those feelings for him even after being reverted to a cub.