Life Hacks/Dante's sex-changed sexuality(Danica): Difference between revisions

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==Sexual history==
==Sexual history==
Danica will remember that she was brought up to accept her body and that she is encouraged to freely touch her own genitals or those of others in the family so long as she doesn't let anyone outside the immediate family know about it. She will also remember that for some reason she was hesitant about touching or being touched by her Aunt and younger sister, and even remember that that was too girly in some way, but she won't quite remember why she thought that. She will be aware though that she wanted to play with boys more than she wants to play with girls.
Danica will remember that she was brought up to accept her body and that she is encouraged to freely touch her own genitals or those of others in the family so long as she doesn't let anyone outside the immediate family know about it. She will also remember that for some reason she was hesitant about touching or being touched by her Aunt and younger sister, and even remember that that was too girly in some way, but she won't quite remember why she thought that. She will be aware though that she wanted to play with boys more than she wants to play with girls.
As Dante, she had consumed a large enough quantity of estrogen-mimicking soy products to reduce testosterone levels to a concerning level, thus resulting in Dante's weak build and reserved behavior. Once gender-changed to Danica, the estrogen-mimicking soy products that were depressing her biological functions as a boy will instead reverse and the game's settings will assume that, had she been a girl before, she would have already gone through precocious puberty and should have had her first period at 7. As the hack cannot change past events, however, instead she will simply have a fully functional uterus and immediately ovulate her first egg upon being gender-changed.

==Sexual Knowledge==
==Sexual Knowledge==
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*Extreme = approximately 90-100%
*Extreme = approximately 90-100%

Note: The categories do overlap. Near the middle they overlap. This is to represent the wiggle room given to the writer in a case by case basis in interpreting their current score. Also, it is entirely possible to achieve consent for a sex act while falling short of the threshold with exactly the right approach, and it is also possible to have them reject you while you have far exceeded the threshold with the wrong approach.
Note: The categories do overlap. This is to represent the wiggle room given to the writer in a case by case basis in interpreting their current score. Also, it is entirely possible to achieve consent for a sex act while falling short of the threshold with exactly the right approach, and it is also possible to have them reject you while you have far exceeded the threshold with the wrong approach.

Final note: Submissiveness is a wild card for achieving non-resistance to a sex act. However, non-resistance does not mean they will like it.
Final note: Submissiveness is a wild card for achieving non-resistance to a sex act. However, non-resistance does not mean they will like it.

Latest revision as of 03:36, 21 March 2018

This is the new format for showing what the individual character's reaction will be to sexual advances with them depending on their sexual history, sexual knowledge, sexual quirks, and their relationship with you. It contains some of the information from the old system, and also goes into detail about how they might react to individual sex acts giving various ways you might approach them. Please note that there will always be a chance they might reject you regardless of relationship score depending on your approach and their mood at the time due to other factors. Also note that the scores say a "recommended" relationship score before pursuing a sex act. It is possible to get them to agree with a lower score if you use the best approach (especially if you have high social skills.)

Sexual history

Danica will remember that she was brought up to accept her body and that she is encouraged to freely touch her own genitals or those of others in the family so long as she doesn't let anyone outside the immediate family know about it. She will also remember that for some reason she was hesitant about touching or being touched by her Aunt and younger sister, and even remember that that was too girly in some way, but she won't quite remember why she thought that. She will be aware though that she wanted to play with boys more than she wants to play with girls.

As Dante, she had consumed a large enough quantity of estrogen-mimicking soy products to reduce testosterone levels to a concerning level, thus resulting in Dante's weak build and reserved behavior. Once gender-changed to Danica, the estrogen-mimicking soy products that were depressing her biological functions as a boy will instead reverse and the game's settings will assume that, had she been a girl before, she would have already gone through precocious puberty and should have had her first period at 7. As the hack cannot change past events, however, instead she will simply have a fully functional uterus and immediately ovulate her first egg upon being gender-changed.

Sexual Knowledge

While Danica's mother has never hidden anything in regards to sex from her, she has only told her what she has asked and she has not even thought to ask about sex and reproduction. Due to her malnutrition, she has not developed the level of curiosity and inquisitive skills to draw out that line of thought.

  • Knows what male genitals look like?: Yes, despite never having seen a set of male genitals in her life so far as she knows, she will be quite familiar with them.
  • Knows how babies are made?: Knows about pregnancy, hasn't questioned how the baby gets there in the first place.
  • Knows what sex is?: No
  • Knows what semen is?: No

Danica seems to have some awareness that women have some degree of choice in when they get pregnant, but hasn't questioned the mechanism behind how this happens and has never even thought a man might be involved in the process at some point. Beings she is now a girl and this concerns her, she will be unsure of why she has always thought this doesn't concern her and chalk it up to being aware she wasn't old enough.

General recommended approaches

Danica's outlook on both Xander and Lexi alike will be greatly improved over the outlook she would have had as Dante.

Xander: Danica will almost immediately develop a crush on Xander, and when she discovers he is ok with nudity and sexual contact she will have a very similar reaction to what she would have had as Dante with the addition that she will feel she has something more to offer him figuring Xander may not know much about a girl's pussy. She will freely offer her pussy to Xander to do almost anything he wants to do with it in the interest of gaining his favor, hesitating only on the subject of other people finding out or getting involved. She will also be nervous on the subject of penetration with the fingers or penis, but will still fully allow it.

Lexi: Danica, being the same gender as Lexi, will become more emotionally attached to Lexi than Dante would to Xander due to Lexi also being good at sports and other boy things, meaning she will look up to Lexi as the ideal role model. She will be slightly less warm to sexual activity than Dante would for Xander due to her already having had exposure to other girls before, but being slightly less warm and enthusiastic does not translate into resistance. She will still allow almost anything if she thinks it will gain her Lexi's favor.

Her reaction to specific sex acts

While the above can help you to predict how she might react to sex generally, below is how she will react to specific acts.

At the heading of each act, there will be a recommendation on witch relationship stat(s) will be most effective in getting her to lower her guard against this specific sex act if they cross a certain threshold. This threshold will be given a "low/medium/high" rating rather than a specific number. Although, there is a rough number each rating is meant to represent, as outlined by the table below.

  • Non-existent = approximately 0-10% (you are not going to see this designation appearing much.)
  • Very low = approximately 5-20%
  • Low = approximately 10-40%
  • Medium = approximately 30-70%
  • High = approximately 60-90%
  • Very high = approximately 80-95%
  • Extreme = approximately 90-100%

Note: The categories do overlap. This is to represent the wiggle room given to the writer in a case by case basis in interpreting their current score. Also, it is entirely possible to achieve consent for a sex act while falling short of the threshold with exactly the right approach, and it is also possible to have them reject you while you have far exceeded the threshold with the wrong approach.

Final note: Submissiveness is a wild card for achieving non-resistance to a sex act. However, non-resistance does not mean they will like it.

Benign sex acts

Acts such as hand-holding, hugging, and having her sit in your lap. Things that are more or less non-sexual, but can be construed in a sexual way to some extent.

Danica will be happy to permit any of these acts, but if her trust level is low she may decide she is somehow undeserving of this kind of affection from you. Once her trust levels improve, she will suck up the approval like candy and then want more.

Dismissable sex acts

Acts that can just as easily be seen as sexual as they can non-sexual or unintentional. Examples include holding her ass, being shirtless around one another, or oggling her crotch.

Danica will not even be aware these acts are any different from any other normal interaction.

Mild sex acts

Acts that would not be regarded as sex but cannot be seen as anything but sexual, such as kissing, groping, dry-humping, or revealing privates.

  • Kissing: Recommended, low in any stat other than hate or dominance.

Danica is not experienced enough to really understand a kiss and won't be able to separate it from her romanticized view of it. She will permit herself to be kissed by Xander/Lexi under almost any conditions, and most conditions where she may be kissed will cause her submissiveness to skyrocket, gaining a massive short-term boost and smaller long-term boost. She will not know really what to make of getting kissed by Lexi, but if it is from Xander she will instantly conclude they are now boyfriend and girlfriend. This will also cause her to become slightly possessive of him should he try anything with other girls. She can be easily driven off this line of thought, but she will feel hurt by the experience regardless.

  • Groping or dry-humping each other: Recommended, very low trust

Danica will see no problem with these actions, other than the possibility you might object and not like her over it. Once she is assured this is not the case, she will engage in these acts freely.

  • Nudity, showing genitals, or using the bathroom together: Recommended, low trust

See above on Groping or dry-humping

  • Reference or discuss moderate or hard-core sex with each other: Recommended, low trust and friendliness

Danica will not be very familiar with more extreme sex acts aside from groping bare genitals, and if anything else is discussed it will be met with surprise, interest, and scandalization that such a thing is possible. This will raise both her likelihood to accept the discussed action if it is done after being talked about, but it will also raise her nervousness toward the action.

Moderate sex acts

Sex acts that most would consider sex, but would not get the "hard-core" label if filmed and put on a porn site.

  • Physical contact with one another's genitals: Recommended, low trust

Once Danica is assured you won't hate her for doing nudity and sex stuff, this will seem like something perfectly natural to her and she will fully accept anything.

  • Ejaculate anywhere on her body while she is not aware semen makes babies: Recommended, moderate trust and/or friendliness

Danica will intemperate semen the same way she would pee, even after being assured it is not dirty and is different from pee. She will allow you to ejaculate on her if you really seem to want to, and she can eventually become acclimated to the idea of having semen on her, but for the most part she will want to wash it off at her first opportunity.

If she finds out her mother does not have the same kind of problem with semen that she might have with urine, she will likely calm down in terms of her resistance.

  • Ejaculate on or near her groin while she is aware semen makes babies: Reaction varies by trust level.

Even if Danica is aware semen makes babies, she will not fully grasp the concept of what becoming pregnant would mean. She will not really want to get pregnant, but will be no more concerned about doing the things that have a chance of getting her pregnant than she would about being tickled.

At low levels of trust, Danica will resist you ejaculating on her, but she will consider it something of a game or light teasing if you force it on her somehow. Despite her resistance and complaints, or even fear you may have just impregnated her, she will come back laughing a short time later. If she is aware she is too young to get pregnant, this will remove her genuine fear but she will still resist with the exact same words and actions as if she could get pregnant, knowing now that it is just an imaginary game for her that she could be getting pregnant.

At higher levels of trust, she will still not want to get pregnant, but she will actually start considering this fate tempting game to be genuinely fun. If she is aware she is too young to become pregnant, she will have even more fun to where being exposed to your semen and then mocking horror at you having impregnated her could become one of her favorite games.

  • Perform oral sex on her: Recommended high trust

Danica will recoil at the idea of you putting your mouth on her genitals, genuinely being concerned that it is dirty and that you can't possibly like doing this. With some persuasion, she can be convinced to accept you doing this provided she get the chance to thoroughly wash herself down there first. If she has not washed, she will be horrified at the idea of you doing this.

  • Have her perform oral sex on you: Recommended moderate submissiveness

There are no conditions under witch Danica will enjoy the idea of putting her mouth on your genitals. She can be urged into it if she thinks it will gain her approval from you, but she will be forcing herself all the way. If you wash thoroughly before she sucks it, she will feel a lot less repulsed by it. You can lower her level of resistance further by performing oral sex on her first or showing her someone else sucking you.

Hard-core sex acts

Sex acts that involve semen and/or the penis going into a vagina or anus.

  • Girl on girl homosexual sex: Recommended low trust

Danica does not consider there to be any difference between this and any other sexual touching.

  • PIV sex while she is ignorant to its role in impregnation: Recommended low trust

Danica will be a little nervous about being penetrated, as she has never even stuck a finger in her own vagina or the vagina of a family member, but she will still regard it as no different from any other form of touching. She will freak out if she sees she her virgin blood, and if not calmed down quickly or prepared to expect it she could reach the point of tears from the experience. Once she is over the freak-out over her virgin blood, she will be a little scandalized about having fluid from your penis enter her vagina for the first time if she was unaware of ejaculation before hand, but once she becomes used to it she will be able to get along with this better than having you ejaculate on her body.

  • Vaginal sex with condom Recommended low trust

If Danica does not know about semen making babies, she will see the use of the condom as something to make it so you do not get her dirty and she will really appreciate you for it. If she does know semen makes babies, and thinks she is capable of getting pregnant, she will realize its real purpose and be even more appreciative of it (but would have had sex without it anyway if you wanted to.) If she knows semen makes babies but is informed she is too young to get pregnant, she will view it as part of pretending she can get pregnant and will have an equal chance of either pretending you are not wearing a condom or that you are and the condom breaks and that she was just impregnated.

  • Anal Sex Recommended high submissiveness

Danica will be against any form of non-medical penetration of her anus due to the fear of it being dirty. If you do manage to convince her into anal sex, or any other form of anal penetration, she will absolutely hate coming into physical contact with whatever you had up her anus and get mad at you if you touch it to anything in her house or in her possession as well.

  • PIV sex while aware that it makes babies: Reaction varies by trust

Danica does not fully grasp what it means to have a baby. She does not want to get pregnant, but to her that is on the same level as not wanting to do her chores. She knows she doesn't want to do it, but has not really considered that the unpleasant consequences she dislikes the idea of will last longer than an hour or two.

With low trust, Danica will resist this act in a way that would be considered rape. However, after you are finished, she will be no more bothered than if you had given her a wet-willy and will still be friendly with you, even if she is 100% certain you just put a baby in her against her will.

With higher trust, Danica will consider sex that could impregnate her as something of a fun but risky game concept, or something that she doesn't want to do but will gladly and joyously do anyway for the sake of your approval, and she will do it with a smile on her face so long as you appear to be enjoying it.

If she is told she is too young to get pregnant, she will consider going through the actions that do make a baby to be something of a make-pretend game and go through mock versions of the same actions she would perform if she actually did think she would get pregnant.

  • Intentionally impregnate her: Recommend very low romantic love

Danica's childish crush on Xander mixed with her inexperience with anyone outside her family, lack of confidence, growing up on kid's movie perceptions of romance, and her lack of a grasp on the real concept of what pregnancy means all add up to the result that she will agree to willingly carry your baby inside her with little in the way of persuasion. A kiss, an "I love you," and then a "will you have my baby" are all it will take, even if they have only known each other for less than an hour, to get her to willingly agree.

Once she has agreed to this, her sex play in witch she thinks of it as a game that risks pregnancy she doesn't want will have her change in her thinking to it being you and her trying intentionally to get her pregnant, an idea witch she will feel rather euphoric about as she imagines the concept of you and her having a baby together and "living happily ever after," an intangible concept she sees as existing on the other side of her becoming pregnant under these circumstances.

If by some miracle you manage to screw things up in your relations with Danica badly enough that she does not want to have your baby and you rape her anyway, with her knowing your intention is to get her pregnant, this is about the only interaction that will get her crying in betrayal over your treatment of her. However, this will not make her want to avoid you or even stop hanging around you. She will not want to get raped and impregnated by you, but she will see it as something she just has to deal with in order to be around you.

Fetish sex acts

Peculiarities to her sexuality, including desires that do not have strictly to do with reproductive sex as well as what her response would be to physical or psychological force being used to perform a sex act with her. (Note: Relationship recommendations are not given at the beginning as these are things that simply manifest at the appropriate level of sex act. Feeding the fetish is more of a good approach than anything.)

  • Submissiveness

Danica has grown up and been effectively groomed to be submissive. While she doesn't exactly like this in herself, she is nonetheless more comfortable in this role. This is to the point that she actually does not have it in her to outright resist the sexual advances of someone unless her mother actively disapproves of them. Her mother disapproving of them is the one thing that can spark the fire to give her the will to resist. If that is not there, she will submit to any and everything done to her (so long as it will not cause serious physical damage) or asked of her whether she likes it or not. While she will easily accept being dominated though, she will feel a lot more genuinely happy if you use other methods and give her more choice in the matter.

  • VERY slight taboo breaker based urine fetish.

Danica does not particularly like the idea of being peed on, but if it is under very specific conditions, those being her being on the toilet and having only her genitals peed on or in the shower and having anywhere below the neck peed on, she will allow it and be quite excited by it. The source of this excitement has less to do with her being turned on by urine and more to do with knowing her mother would disapprove. She has not had the opportunity to go against her mother in much, and with her seeming to give her approval to anything sexual even that is not a taboo to break for rebellious reasons. Therefore, she will allow herself to be peed on under these inconsequential and easy to clean up after conditions as a form of small liberation from her mother's control.

  • Impregnation fetish (must be informed of how babies are made)

While she consciously does not want to get pregnant, sub-consciously it is something she actually is rather interested in. She does not want to have a baby, but once she learns about how pregnancy happens she will have a hard time not thinking about it. While she consciously wants nothing to do with it, she will find herself unable to resist the temptation to do something that risks her getting pregnant. Despite her preferring to be given her own choice in things, this is a matter in which dominating her is the best way to give her what she wants. Dominating her and pressuring her into risky sex will release her of the burden of control in this matter, and getting her to agree to knowingly get pregnant for you is also something that will release her from her guilt and let her enjoy it since she will be doing it for you and you will be her "boyfriend," witch makes it Ok.

  • Results of physical force in sex acts:

Danica being a submissive, she will not like being physically forced and she will feel a little scared if it is done to her like this, but so long as the act does not have her mother's disapproval she will accept whatever is done to her and be more than capable of coming back with a smile afterward from anything so long as she was not hit or injured as part of the physical force.

  • Results of psychological force in sex acts: (Using partner's submissiveness to demand sex even when they don't want it)

Danica being a submissive, she will easily submit to any use of psychological force. She will be very responsive to being psychologically forced and not hold anything against you for anything you do to her, even against her will, using psychological methods. However, she may not quite enjoy it as much as as if you went to the work to convince her and get her full consent.