Difference between revisions of "Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle"

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(Created page with "Her name is Lindsey, Lindsey Carmicle. While her mother is filling out the paperwork, she is eagerly standing next to her mother and looking at you with a large smile. "Hey!"...")
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*[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey gets into trouble|Lindsey gets into trouble]] ---->[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey gets into trouble 2|Lindsey gets into trouble 2]] ---->[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey gets into trouble 3|Lindsey gets into trouble 3]] '''NOTE:'''Lindsey gets into trouble 2 and 3 are random event variables
*[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey gets into trouble|Lindsey gets into trouble]] ---->[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey gets into trouble 2|Lindsey gets into trouble 2]] ---->[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey gets into trouble 3|Lindsey gets into trouble 3]] '''NOTE:'''Lindsey gets into trouble 2 and 3 are random event variables
*[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey needs the bathroom|Lindsey needs the bathroom]]
*[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey needs the bathroom|Lindsey needs the bathroom]]
*[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey needs her lunch|Lindsey needs her lunch]]
*[[Daycare manager/Lunch|Lindsey needs her lunch]]
*[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey asks for something|Lindsey asks for something]]
*[[Daycare manager/Lindsey Carmicle/Lindsey asks for something|Lindsey asks for something]]

Latest revision as of 19:26, 16 July 2018

Her name is Lindsey, Lindsey Carmicle. While her mother is filling out the paperwork, she is eagerly standing next to her mother and looking at you with a large smile. "Hey!" She says, "did you know, that a kangaroo when it's born, the mother doesn't put it in it's pouch? It's gotta crawl through its mother's fur to get there."

"Oh really?" You respond. "I didn't know that."

"Yeah," her mother responds. "She likes to watch a lot of kids learning shows so she's got a lot of strange little things she knows. Don't praise her too much on that though, it tends to go to her head."

Lindsey lets out a growl in response to this. "Does nooot!"

Her mother lets out a sigh as she finishes signing up her daughter and then leaves her in your care. Lindsey seems a little uneasy, but she grows attached to you quickly and seems to constantly want to talk.



"Inappropriate action"

Debugging skips (skip forward in order of events)