Summer Holiday/Spain Day 1/Lobby/Kids' Club/Milly: Difference between revisions

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[[Summer Holiday/FN4|Pop, off it comes, three topless little lovelies!]]
[[Summer Holiday/FN5|Pop, off it comes, three topless little lovelies!]]
[[Summer Holiday/Oops1|Best leave it be for now, don't want her running scared.]]

Revision as of 19:39, 8 January 2019

As the men in the crowd make their way up or are dragged up by their respective offspring I remain in place and try to look casual but am soon accosted by the second of the young ladies leading the group. "Come on daddy, what are you waiting for?"

I look up slightly confused before I notice that the little blonde girl with the twins is standing all on her own and starting to tear up. All the other kids have their dads up and ready to go and it seems this little cutie has no one in the crowd. I realise with a start that I can quite easily pass for her dad as I have the same colour hair and similar facial features. With an embarrassed apology I stand up and make my way up to the front getting a few smiles and joky tuts a few of the Mum's.

"Hey, sweetie," I say to the girl as I join her. She looks up at me gratefully and I am immediately glad of my choice. Her eyes still have tears in them but now shine with happiness, she doesn't care that I'm a stranger, she just didn't want to me Johnny (or Jilly) no mates. I briefly take in her lovely blue eyes, light dusting of freckles over her nose and delicate little lips and I immediately find myself picturing them around my cock. She even has put on a dab of lipstick. Her head comes up to my chest and she returns my greeting a little bashfully before turning to look at the twins who also have their dad with them. He is a big man in height and girth but clearly very merry and we exchange friendly greetings. We have only moments to get acquainted but as the leaders start explaining the games I feel a little hand slip into mine and a whispered "Thank you." Wherever this girl's actual dad is I am clearly a welcome stand in, saving her embarrassment in front of her new friends.

The next half hour is a blur of excitement and we are forced into continual close contact with races (piggy back, three legged, etc.) and other games so I get plenty of touches of Milly's lovely smooth body. I manage to introduce myself after the three legged race ends. Or at least it did for us with her sprawled on top of me giggling helplessly after a tumble just before the finish. "Well sweetie, I guess I'd better introduce myself," I said feeling her hot breath against my face, those sweet red lips only inches from mine. "My name is Francis but I guess you better call me daddy!"

"He he, yeah ok, I'm Milly," she whispered conspirationally in my ear and simple as that we were the best of friends! She clearly enjoyed the idea and took to it straight away. For now though I was very much it and as Emile (the twins dad) had double trouble to cope with I was soon requisitioned to partner one of them in the next race. Lilly (who very proudly stated she was the older by five minutes) was the first to grab me whilst Eme (the younger by five minutes) dashed over and grabbed the young lad who was supposed to be officiating. This was clearly a regular thing as I saw the two ladies sigh when they saw their colleague dragged away before getting back to the fun. Milly therefore was partnered with Emile and over the course of three more races the three girls shared themselves between each of us.

After the games the music continued and Emile, saying he was too old, retired to where his wife sat watching leaving me with three gorgeous young ladies. We were very familiar now and I was allowed to touch, caress and hold all three pretty much as I wanted. The twins were precocious to say the least I soon had then bumping and grinding against me with Milly soon joining in as well. There was only one thing setting her apart and as she wiggled her cute little bum with he back to me and my hands on her hips I was tempted to level it up. The little clip on her bikini top was under my fingers...

Pop, off it comes, three topless little lovelies!

Best leave it be for now, don't want her running scared.