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The silence that followed Katie's story was even heavier than the previous. The rest of the girls were left speechless; even Milly and Holly, the latter of whom had regained consciousness at some point and returned to the edge of the campfire, were enraptured by Katie's story.

"I... I think that takes the cake." Gretchen said.

"Wow, Katie!" Adyson exclaimed. "I didn't think you were even capable of such a thing! That was so amazing!"

"Yeah, I... I guess it is a little amazing..." Katie said.

"In the peehole, though... didn't it hurt?" Isabella asked.

"A little at first, but it felt so good. It was like there was a second clit in there!"

"A second clit? We should really try that some time." Holly whispered to Milly.

"Just... hearing all these stories really turned me on." Adyson said, rubbing her pussy.

"Well you were masturbating in the middle of your story." Gretchen explained. "As were both of you." she added to Holly and Milly.

"Now that we've all heard each other's stories, how about we make a new one?" Adyson asked. She pulled Katie onto her lap and immediately began to explore her tiny body with her hands.

"Wait a minute!" Isabella said suddenly as Gretchen tried to go down on her. "We didn't hear your story, Ginger!"

All the girls paused to look over at Ginger, who scooted over to join Holly and Milly. There was a long pause as she returned an awkward look.

"You didn't?" she asked.

"No, you didn't tell us your story at all!" Isabella said. "Don't you have one?"

"Yeah... yeah, I do, but it's..." Ginger hesitated. "Look, it's just not as interesting a follow-up to all the other ones. I don't think you'd be that interested in hearing it."

"Nonsense! Besides, it wouldn't be fair. I mean, we all told a story, and we had the courtesy to listen to each others' stories... most of us, anyways." Isabella added under her breath, flicking her eyes over to Ginger's right for a second.

"Well, alright. I think I have one." Ginger said, plopping back down on the ground.

  • * *

When Ginger returned home from school, there was a small package sitting next to everyone’s shoes. She checked the label and, seeing that it was addressed to her, nonchalantly brought it to her room. After closing the door to her room, Ginger took a deep breath before dancing around with the box in her hands.

"IT’S HERE IT’S HERE IT’S FUCKING HERE!!!" she cheered. After several spins, Ginger became dizzy and fell onto her bed. She spun around and grabbed the phone off her nightstand and quickly dialed in a phone number.

"Hey Candace, it arrived!" She exclaimed cheerfully. “Get your sexy ass over here right now and we can test it out together!"

Wait a minute, I call bullshit!

  • * *

"Huh?" Ginger asked, coming out of her storytelling trance.

"I read that story online!" Gretchen exclaimed.

"Oh." Ginger's face flushed a deep red. She didn't think anyone else there visited the same sites she did.

"You should tell us a real story like... like we all did."

"I have a real story! I just..." Ginger's voice trailed off. "It's a little personal."

"You don't have anything to be ashamed about." Isabella said. "We're all friends, here. We won't judge you for it."


Isabella nodded.

"Well, okay. I'll tell you all my actual legit story."

  • * *

The Hirano household was quiet tonight. Ginger's parents were out on a date, leaving her alone at home with her sister Stacy. They shared a bag meal before retiring to their rooms for the night.

Ginger's room was neat and tidy. She had an impressive collection of awards and trophies she won from various contests over the years, the first one being a spelling bee she won when she was five, when the second youngest contestant was twice as old as her. There were others stashed away in a box in her closet; there came a point pretty quickly when she had to pick and choose which awards she would showcase. She came to hate the bulky trophies.

Ginger was just doing some idle browsing on different subject matters on her smartphone, but that only held her interest for so long. It was about eight at night when she stopped. Maybe it was because her parents were out and it was night, but the house felt a lot bigger and lonelier than it usually did. Ginger decided to drop in on her sister and hang out with her.

Hopping off the bed, Ginger left her room and went to her sister's room down the hallway. The door was slightly ajar, and the lights were dim. Most of the light came from the flatscreen TV, which was on and paused on a frame of some movie. Her sister Stacy was sitting on the bed, dressed only in a thin top, socks and panties, was also flipping through her smartphone.

Stacy's room was a stark contrast to Ginger's, and looked somewhat typical of an average high school girl's bedroom. The room as a whole was dominated by blue and mauve. The top of her dresser was a collection of makeups, lotions and perfumes, neatly arranged. Posters of various bands were taped on the walls, usually conforming to whatever music or heartthrob captivated Stacy at the moment. This month, it looked like the teen band Bonus Druthers beat out Impulsive Actions.

"Bedside tackle!" Ginger shouted, dashing into the room and jumping on the bed so she would land prone right next to her sister. Stacy jumped and nearly dropped her smartphone. "Hiya, Oneesan!"

"Chisho, what the-" Stacy sputtered. "What are you doing in here?!"

"It's kinda lonely tonight. I just wanted to hang out with my sister, is all!"

"Urhm... alright, I... I guess." Stacy replied hesitantly. "But just so you know, I had company tonight."

As if on cue, Candace entered the room.

"It's a little weird to be wearing, but what do yo- AH SHIT!" she exclaimed. She scrambled backwards and hid behind the door frame, but Ginger had seen enough. It took a second to process the fact that she was wearing anything at all. She was wearing a small pink and black bra over her borderline B-cup breasts that otherwise looked normal. What wasn't normal was her underwear, if it could even be called such a thing; "shoelace" would be a more apt description, Ginger thought. It was a pink G-string thong that barely covered anything at all. The largest piece of fabric on it covered her clit, and the rest just disappeared between her plump labia.

"Sorry, Candace, I didn't expect my sister to leave her room." Stacy said.

"I didn't even know you had a guest over!" Ginger said defensively.

"Well now you know! Can you get out?!" Candace exclaimed in a high pitched voice. Her face was red as a tomato.

"I'm going to see it anyways if I leave! Come in and let me see!"

"Children shouldn't see this kind of thing!"

Ginger scowled at Candace. She only spent one day with the Fireside Girls and didn't know the girls' true nature. Truth be told, despite their age, they had already engaged in enough debauchery that just reading about it could cause a priest to burst into flame. If Candace knew even half of what they really did in the troop, she wouldn't be so quick to dismiss her as a sweet summer child.

"Candace, just show her." Stacy said exasperatedly. "You're not going to win against her curiosity."

Candace sighed with resignation and stepped out from around the corner. Ginger put her hand to her mouth, but it was to cover up her enormous grin as much as it was out of shock. Seeing it properly this time made it appear even smaller. The fact that it did appear to ride all the way up into her slit didn't help.

"Well, what do you think?" she asked, returning the scowl. "Satisfied?"

"It's... racy is too innocent a word." Ginger replied. "And sexy is so trite at this point. Lewd. Yeah, that's how I'd properly describe it. Deliciously lewd."

Candace was taken aback by this. She didn't expect that kind of response from such a young girl, much less a ringing endorsement.

"W-well, that's... good to know. That's kind of what I was going for..." Candace stuttered. "Now uhhh... I'll just go change back now."

"No, keep it on!" Ginger said. "It looks really great, seriously!"

"Yeah, you should definitely keep it on." Stacy said.

"O-okay, if you both think it looks fine..." Candace hesitantly walked over to the bed, crawled up to the head and laid down next to Stacy. Ginger watched her the entire time, looking enviously at the thong. Now she wanted to have one like that.

"U-Anyways, what are you guys watching?" Ginger said, tearing her eyes away from Candace and returning her attention to the frozen frame on the screen.

"Just some old comedy spy movie." Stacy explained. "Long before your time."

Ginger watched as the spy character adjusted to his new surroundings and unwittingly put a CD in a record player.

"So why did you get that lingerie, anyways?" Ginger asked, taking the opportunity to look back at Candace and ogle at the thong some more.

"For Jeremy, obviously." Candace answered matter-of-factly. "I wanted to wear something nice for our first time... together."

"Candace, Ginger is more precocious than you think she is." Stacy explained. "You don't have to couch your words in euphemisms."

"OUR FIRST TIME FUCKING, THEN! Are you happy now!?" Candace shouted exasperatedly, but she quickly realized what she did and covered her mouth. Ginger couldn't help but laugh at the sudden outburst, though.

"Well if he doesn't go for it, he's most definitely a queerbo." Ginger said. "No right man would turn down the sight of it."

"Or woman." Stacy added. Ginger noticed that she, too, was ogling Candace, and her hand rested on Candace's stomach. She turned back to the TV to hide her grin. She had a feeling what Stacy was up to, and now she regretted barging in on her sister like this. Candace had her heart set on Jeremy and likely wouldn't succumb to Stacy's advances, but Ginger's intrusion may have ruined whatever chance she might have had. Ironically, she couldn't leave now or Candace might catch on, too.

The movie had ended, coincidentally so, on a sex scene, or at least the aftermath of it. Stacy used the remote to cycle through the family's online library of videos to put on the sequel.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks." Ginger said, sliding off the bed. She left the room and first went back to her own. She had yet to get dressed in her nightwear, and compared to Stacy and especially Candace, she felt exceptionally overdressed. She removed her skirt and top. Underneath she wore white panties and a training bra. She was still a year or two away from developing actual breasts. She also kept the headband in her hair, otherwise it tended to get in her eyes and mouth.

A few minutes later, Ginger returned to Stacy's room with cold bottles of water. Much to her disappointment, Stacy's efforts seemingly continued to go unnoticed.

"Thanks." Candace said, taking her bottle and sipping from it. Stacy placed her own on the nightstand next to the bed. Ginger nestled up at the head of the bed, a foot away from Candace. From here, she concluded, she could get a better look at Candace's mostly-naked body without drawing too much attention to herself. Neither of them mentioned Ginger undressing while she was away.

The movie began with a Star Wars reference, of all things. As the three of them watched the movie, Ginger frequently stole glances at the two teens. Knowing Stacy's intentions, she watched with bated breath at what may come next.

"I feel like it's flossing my cooch." Candace whispered to Stacy about halfway through the movie.

"You know you could just take it off." Stacy whispered back. "Not like you have anything we haven't seen already."

Ginger's face flushed very deeply, and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest with anticipation. In the corner of her eye, she watched as Stacy cuddled up next to Candace. She managed to snake an arm around Candace's back at some point, and her other hand was resting on her inner thigh, dangerously close to her crotch.

"Dh... I wonder what Phineas is up to right now." Candace said. "Bet he's up to something again."

"Candace, don't think about what he's doing right now. We're having a good girls' night so far." Stacy said. She rested her head on Candace's shoulder. "Just keep your mind here in this room... on us."

Ginger tried very hard to not loudly express her disappointment. Candace was thicker than molasses for not catching on to Stacy's advances. As she sat there stewing in her frustration, however, Ginger started to wonder why she was getting so worked up over it. What business was it of hers to worry about whether or not Candace and Stacy would do it, outside of her own carnal desires to see some hot lesbian sex?

As she thought more about it, all the while the three of them had a laugh at the movie, Ginger realized that she was projecting her own feelings onto Candace. She and Stacy were not exactly the closest siblings, especially when compared to other siblings like Phineas and Ferb, but Ginger did care a lot about what Stacy thought of her. She was definitely envious of the amount of attention that Candace was receiving...

Ginger looked up and saw a rocket shaped strangely like a penis shooting off into space. A zebra was sitting on a rocking chair next to her, drinking a cup of tea. He was on the phone, but as soon as Ginger looked over, he exclaimed "Whoop! Wrong number!" and slammed it down on the receiver.

Phineas was nearby, having a lightsaber battle with his pet platypus Perry, and the lightsabers' afterimages looked like the Union Jack for some reason. There was a lazy-eyed psycho there, too, throwing people into a fiery pit.

"CHOCOLATE!" Ginger blinked and she found herself back in Stacy's room. She was laying a few inches down from where she was just sitting. The movie was still playing. She must have drifted off at some point. She was so focused on what Candace and Stacy were doing, she wasn't even aware of her own exhaustion. However long it had been, it must have been enough to get her a little bit of sleep, as she didn't feel tired anymore.

The distinct sound of smacking lips alerted Ginger to activity on the other side of the bed.

"Stacy, what-" Candace began, but then she stopped herself and looked over at Ginger. She lay very still and pretended to be asleep. Candace turned back to Stacy. "What do you think you're doing?!" she asked in a low hiss.

"I thought it was obvious." Stacy said. Her hand was now fully between Candace's legs, gently massaging her pussy lips. "I've been dropping hints for a while now, and you didn't seem to pick up on any of them."

Candace shivered and her hips thrust up ever so slightly into Stacy's hand.

"Stacy, we can't." she meekly protested.

"Why not?"

"B... because I'm with Jeremy! I... wanted my first time to be with him!"

"It's not cheating. Besides, best friends do this all the time."

Ginger sniffed from a suppressed laugh. She could easily attest that was the case, but she wasn't going to blow Stacy's opportunity, so she lay as still as possible and watched through half-closed eyes. For some reason, breathing steadily right now seemed as difficult as stopping a bucking bronco by hand.

"But your sister is sleeping right next to us!"

"And if she was awake, I bet she wouldn't hesitate to join us."

"She's ten!"

"You'd be surprised at what she can do."

Candace sputtered and moaned in a combination of arousal and futility. She didn't seem interested in resisting Stacy or pushing her away, even though she was more than capable of doing so.

"Looks like you've run out of arguments." Stacy said. She tightened her grip around Candace and slipped her fingers under the tiny patch of actual cloth on the thong.

"Ooh, now I know what this thing really hides!" Stacy purred, kissing Candace a few more times. "It must feel really good against your bean. You're as hard as a diamond right now!"

Candace made no effort to resist or deny her arousal. Ginger could see Stacy making tiny motions with her wrist as she prodded the clit and jostled it around with her middle finger.

"Hhhnnhhhuuuuhhh..." Candace panted. She placed a trembling hand on Stacy's shoulder. There was a pause, and Ginger had the impression of an Olympic diver centering herself before a great leap.

Suddenly, Candace grabbed Stacy by the back of her head and pulled her into a passionate kiss. The walls that Candace threw up came tumbling down. Stacy leaned into the kiss, pushing her whole body up against her friend's. Her hand was going wild between Candace's legs, massaging the sensitive love button and potentially slipping her fingers into the pink crevice.

They were really doing it! Ginger felt her heart skip a beat. Her sister and her best friend were starting to get it on only inches from her.

"Mm-pah! I can't believe we're - mm-pah! Doing this!" Candace panted between kisses.

"I knew you wanted this all along, Candace." Stacy said. She dug her fingers even deeper, presumably probing around for her sensitive G-spot. She didn't have to search for long, as Candace suddenly spasmed violently under her touch.

"H-h-h-h-h-h!" she let out with a shuddering gasp.

"I might not stand a chance against Jeremy in your heart, Candace, but I'm going to give him the competition of his life." Stacy said. "I'll give you this to think about when it's time for him to go down on you."

Ginger watched as Stacy pulled away and moved down between Candace's legs and gently spread them far apart. Ginger thought Stacy glanced over at her for a brief moment, but then she adjusted Candace's leg so she wouldn't accidentally bop Ginger in the face.

"Hhhnnnnhhh..." Candace moaned softly as Stacy flicked her tongue across her pussy lips. Stacy brushed her hair back over her shoulder and rested her face against the soft mound before her. She gave Candace's pussy a loud smooch followed by several more.

"Th-that actually feels good." Candace gasped. Stacy went back to sliding her tongue up and down the length of Candace's plump pussy lips. She slowly inched her tongue closer to the slit, which made Candace shudder. Ginger knew from experience that, excluding the clitoris, of course, just inside the labia was the most sensitive part for girls, arguably more so than the true inside of their pussy.

Stacy closed her mouth around Candace's entire mound and sucked hard on it. Candace yelped in surprise and thrashed around even more violently underneath Stacy, but she held her thighs down to prevent her from kicking around too much. Stacy smacked and slurped at her pussy, and she was humming quite loudly the whole time. Ginger was surprised to see her sister being quite adept at eating pussy; she didn't expect her to be bisexual, either, what with the abundance of heartthrob boy band posters silently and stealthily dueling each other on her walls.

Ginger's clit and pussy tingled. She was starting to get greatly aroused by sight unfolding before her. Her body yearned to join them and feel the orgasmic bliss she was so addicted to, but she continued to silently lay there, allowing Stacy and Candace all they time they wanted to have fun without her interference.

"Haaahh! Haah! Fffnnnnuuuhhhh!" Candace tried to remain quiet as she was building up to a powerful orgasm. She gripped onto the sheets so tightly, her knuckles were white and prominent on her hand. Suddenly, Stacy just pulled away from her and wiped her mouth of saliva and pussy juices.

"Nuuhh! No! Why did you stop!?" Candace demanded. Her voice sounded incredibly stressed.

"Because I have other plans on how to finish you off." Stacy replied. She pulled her panties down her legs and dropped them off the side of the bed. She then spread Candace's legs even further apart - taking care to not accidentally kick Ginger - and sat down so both of their plump mons squished together.

"Hhnnnnnhhh..." Candace took in a deep, audible and shaky breath as Stacy began to roll her hips back and forth, blindly seeking whatever movement felt best. Candace was still wearing the thong, which created a cleavage between her lips. Her clit was erect and throbbing painfully against the cloth. She longed to remove the thong and feel her bare love button rub against Stacy's.

Stacy rocked her hips back and forth, trying to cleave her labia apart to embrace Candace's in a passionate kiss. The stimulation made her pussy lips puff up, and made it easier to slip between each other's clefts.

"Heh heh heh! Squishy squishy!" Stacy giggled. "You feel so soft and squishy against my pussy!"

"It feels really weird, but so good!" Candace gasped. "It's soft like a marshmallow!"

"And yours is as sweet as one!" Stacy added. Her grinding got more vigorous as the pleasure built up in her body. At first, as she explained to Ginger later, she wasn't sure at first if it actually felt good, or if she was just awkwardly slapping their bulbous lips together. There was a small sense of relief that came with the pleasure; lesbian sex actually felt good!

"Nnhhh! Keep going!" Candace gasped. "I'm going to cum!"

"Haaahh! Haaahh! Ggguuugghhh!" Stacy doubled over Candace as she hit her climax. She cupped Candace's head in her hands and pulled her in to a lustful kiss. She was in heaven right now. It was a dream of hers for the longest time to have sex with Candace. Wven though she knew there was next to zero chance she would reciprocate her love, at least tonight she could pretend that was the case.

"Mmmhhhh!" Candace moaned into Stacy's mouth. Her eyelids flickered as she hit her orgasm. Her legs were twitching violently. It was her first orgasm that she didn't achieve through masturbating, and it seemed to be twice as powerful and last so much longer. She hoped that sex with a boy, namely Jeremy, was this good.

When she came down from that high, she felt like she had run a mile. Both girls straightened their legs out and cuddled up together in a warm embrace. Stacy kissed Candace again and cuddled up in her arms.

"That was amazing!" Candace panted. "I didn't think my first time was going to be with a girl! Does it even count if it's with another girl?"

"I don't know, but if your relationship with Jeremy doesn't work out, you could always come back to me." Stacy said. There was more than a hint of hope in her tone.

"I might actually consider it." Candace stretched her legs, which were quite sore after being in that exotic position. "Mmmh, man, I just came, but I feel all warmed up now! Is that normal?"

"It sure is!"

"Are you up for another round?"

"Maybe. But I think it wouldn't be fair if my sister is left out any longer. What do you think, Ginger? Feel up for joining us?"

Ginger opened her eyes more out of surprise than acknowledgement. Much to Candace's surprise as well, who thought she was asleep the whole time, did a double take.

"How did you now I was awake?!" Ginger exclaimed.

"You're my sister." Stacy answered matter-of-factly, as if that alone answered everything. "So what do you say?"

Ginger obviously wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to have sex, but truth be told, she wasn't really focused on Candace. Her mind was centered on Stacy, and the quality time she intended on having with her when she first plopped down on the bed earlier. The feelings were mixed up inside her, and before she was fully aware of what she was doing, she leaned over to give her older sister a kiss on the lips.

"Haaah, what the-" Stacy began as Ginger pushed more of her weight onto her, pushing her off of Candace. She straddled her stomach as they continued to share the kiss, fully aware the whole time of how wet the crotch of her panties were from arousal.

"Oh wow." Candace whispered as she scooted to the side to make room for them on the bed. "Lesbian and incestuous."

"Pwuh... Ch-chisho..." Stacy panted as Ginger broke the kiss.

"Heh, sorry. I... don't know what came over me." Ginger said sheepishly.

"Tch, you call that a kiss?" Stacy asked. She grabbed the back of Ginger's head and pulled her into an intense open mouth kiss. Ginger was experienced with sex, but not so much when it came to kissing. Her tongue was powerless against her sister's as they wrestled each other in her mouth. It especially didn't help that Stacy sapped her strength from her by using her free hand to stimulate her pussy lips through her panties.

Candace watched on with awe as Stacy rolled over with Ginger so that she was on top. Ginger kicked her feet out, feeling a powerful tingling sensation in the pit of her stomach. Her abdominal muscles trembled from the stimulation.

"What have you been doing to make your clit so huge?" Stacy purred as she blindly traced circles around the swollen love button underneath the fabric.

"Hhhnnhhhhh it's always been that wahaaaayy!" Ginger replied.

"It must be torture with a bean like this. Any larger, and somebody could mistake it for a boy's dick." Stacy lowered herself to continue kissing her sister. She slipped her hand down the front of Ginger's panties and dipped her middle finger into her slit. It was more than enough to make Ginger climax because of the built up yearning in her body.

"Heh heh heh, a little turned on by the sight of us fucking?" Stacy teased, repeatedly tapping her finger against where she thought Ginger's G-spot was. Her little sister was thrashing underneath her, kicking her legs out and bucking her hips around wildly. "You're such a horny little slut, you even wank it to your own sister!"

"Aaaahh! Haaah! HAAAAHH! ONEE-SA-MMPPPHH!" Ginger continued to squeal until Stacy covered her mouth with another kiss. As Candace watched, she slipped off her thong and spread her legs far apart. She massaged her bare clit, surprised at just how much this was turning her on. Either it was basic sexual empathy, or she was learning about some unrevealed bisexual and incestuous desires.

Ginger came down from her orgasmic high in a daze. The lights in the room were brighter, and the colors more vibrant. Her heart was racing in her chest. The sheets under her waist and halfway down to the knees became wet with her pussy juices. Stacy pulled her panties down her legs and discarded them off the side of the bed. She also removed Ginger's training bra, leaving her completely naked.

"I'm not done with you yet, Chisho." Stacy said, spreading both their legs apart. She sat down on Ginger's right leg and held her left around her waist. Her heart fluttered slightly as their pussy lips pressed together. She felt even softer than Candace's womanly petals, without question. Ginger's erect clit was twice as large as a normal girl's, and it was all the more obvious with Stacy's love button clashing against it for easy comparison.

"Hhhhh... I'm suh-sorry, Candace." Stacy moaned as she began grinding her pussy against Ginger's. Her clit was still sensitive from doing the same to Candace. "I have to teach my little nympho sister a lesson, first."

"Oh, I don't mind at all. This scene is magical." Candace said. She was actually dipping a couple of fingers into her pussy. She didn't intend to penetrate, but simple petting wasn't doing it for her anymore, and Candace found herself yearning to spread her labia far apart and fill up her pussy. If Jeremy were here, she would not hesitate to ride him until his balls were shrivelled up raisins.

Ginger felt jolts of pleasure racing up her spine. Stacy had her pinned to the bed in such a way that she could barely move, not that she would have wanted to. Her erect clit slipped into the slit between her sister's bulbous labia and rubbed against it from both sides. Stacy's pussy also seemed to emanate a wonderful heat like the mouth of an active oven.

"Candace, there's something in a long thin box in my closet." Stacy panted. "Can you please get it for me?"

"Sure." Candace slipped off the bed and went over to the closet. She also took the opportunity to shed her top. Inside Stacy's closet, she found said box sitting up against the wall on the floor. She pulled it out and took the lid off the box. Inside, there was a long, thick, teal-colored double dildo.

"Woah! When did you get this?!" Candace exclaimed. "HOW did you get this?!"

"Dih... discreet delivery. A cousin in Japan bought it for me." Stacy explained as she continued to grind pussies with her little sister. "I was planning on using it on Candace, but it looks like I need to teach you a lesson, first!"

"Hnnnhhh! I'll do anything you want, Oneesan!" Ginger moaned. Candace found a small complimentary bottle of lube in the box, and she started rubbing it over both ends of the dildo. The whole time, she wondered why Ginger kept calling Stacy a brand of car.

"You're such a slutty little thing, aren't you, Chisho? Are you so horny that you'll even give it away to your own flesh and blood?"

"N-no! I just... it's because I love you, Oneesan!"

Stacy paused in her grinding. She looked down at her sister.

"What did you say?"

"I love you! You're my sister; I care about what you think of me." Ginger panted. "But, we've never really been close... I want to be closer to you Oneesan. I want to be with you, I love you!"


"Haaahh! Haaah! I know, you probably don't like me in that way, but I want to be with you, Oneesan, even if I'm just an onahole for you to play with."

"Chisho... Ginger, don't say that. You mean a lot more to me than that." Stacy brushed Ginger's disshevelled hair to the side. She leaned down and gave her sister another kiss on the lips, this one much more passionate and loving than the previous one. Tears were welling up in the corners of Ginger's eyes.

"But... you said-" Ginger began, but Stacy cut her off.

"It doesn't matter what I said! Chisho, Ginger... why haven't you told me this before?"

"We never really get a chance to talk. And you're always so busy with Candace, and I..." the tears started to leak down her face. "I..."

"No, don't cry, Chisho. I should be a better sister."

"But you are! You're so dedicated and beautiful. I love you so much, Oneesan!"

Ginger and Stacy hugged each other tightly. The tears started to flow freely from Ginger's eyes. It was considered wrong to want to have sex with her sister, but she didn't care, and thankfully, neither did her sister. Her body was still warm with lust and craved the sexual release that, at the moment, she would only accept from her sister.

"Umm, I'll just... hold onto this until you're ready." Candace said awkwardly, holding up the double dildo.

"No no, I'll take it now." Stacy said, wiping her eyes. She gave Ginger a brief kiss on the lips and then separated from her. She grabbed one end and guided the bulbous head to her pussy lips. The lube combined with her wetness let it slip in quite easily. She never had anyhing more than a finger or two inside her, so the feeling of being spread apart by such a large object for the first time felt even more unusual than she anticipated, but very good nonetheless.

Stacy continued to push in into herself until a feeling of shock and pressure in the pit of her stomach told her she had touched bottom against her cervix. Ginger watched her, propping herself a bit higher up against the head of the bed. Her middle finger prodded against her large, erect clit to keep herself warmed up. Her cheeks were still shining with tears, but she was no longer crying.

"Do you want me to still put this inside you?" Stacy asked.

"Yes. I want to be close to you as you fill me up!" Ginger said, panting from the arousal. Stacy took position between Ginger's legs again and pushed the other end of the double dildo into her smaller pussy. Ginger spread her pussy lips apart to help get it inside. Because of her small size, it was an effort to squeeze it into her, even with the shaft lubed.

The head suddenly popped in, and Ginger gasped and tensed up around it.

"Are you okay, Chisho?" Stacy asked. She was worried from the very beginning that the dildo may have been too big for her, even considering her sexual precociousness.

"It's... it's fine, Oneesan." Ginger replied. "I can take in more of it."

Stacy apprehensively pushed in more and more of the length into her sister. She was surprised at just how much could fit inside her. It was a slow plunge into her depths, but Stacy found that she got more and more excited as their stretched labia inched closer together. She longed to feel the warmth and softness of her sister's tender lips against hers again.

The dildo touched bottom inside Ginger with less than a centimeter left between them. It was enough that they could barely brush against each other as they squirmed about and settled into place, but just irritatingly out of normal reach.

"Mmn, this feels amazing!" Ginger shuddered. She rolled her hips around, feeling the dildo push against her vaginal walls at odd angles. Hitting a sweet spot caused her vaginal muscles to tense up and made her twitch violently.

Stacy clutched one of Ginger's legs and began thrusting into her. Getting penetrated was quite different from what she imagined it to be. There was a peculiar pain and discomfort from having her labia and insides stretched open for the first time, but at the same time, it brought her a unique sense of fullness and contentment. She massaged her abdomen and could feel a slight lump from where the dildo was stretching out her body.

"Nnhh, I can't take just watching you two anymore!" Candace exclaimed. She was still kneeling on the floor, watching the two girls pleasure themselves with the dildo while she fingered herself. A powerful sexual hunger was eating at her. She wanted to feel release again.

"Come here, then, Candace. Let me take care of you!" Ginger said huskily. Candace got up and crawled over to Ginger. She positioned herself over the young girl's face. She opened her mouth to meet Candace's pussy. She could feel the moist heat emenating from her pink entrance on her face. When their lips pressed together, her scent of pumpkin flooded Ginger's senses. She wrapped her arms around Candace's thighs and began to eat her out while Stacy continued to pump the dildo into her.

"Haaahhh!" Candace shuddered. Her butt and thighs tensed up. "Your sister is even better at eating pussy than you are, Stacy-YAAAAHH!!"

Ginger's tongue aggressively dug between her pussy lips, stimulating the innermost part of her labia. It brushed against the tight ring of her urethra, and she felt a funny, but wonderful tingling that seemed to travel down the roof of her vagina.

Ginger's climax was already quite warm from tribbing with her sister, and the dildo pounding against her cervix was threatening to make her cum at any moment. She could feel her heartbeat in her head, and she felt warm all over. Still, she continued to eat Candace out, eager to bring her to her orgasm as well.

Stacy pulled even more forcefully on Ginger's legs, determined to squish their pussy lips together again. That tiny centimeter, however, may as well have been a mile with how much effort she was using to try and bridge the gap. She had a feeling there was a little bit of space left inside one of them, and she was determined to push that last little bit of exposed dildo in.

Indeed, there was a tiny spot just before Stacy's cervix where her vaginal walls pinched slightly and prevented the head of the dildo from touching the entrance to her womb. She managed to force that little part open with the head of the dildo, and her efforts were rewarded with a slight pain in the pit of her stomach and the softness of Ginger's squishbox pressing against her own.

"HHhghghhh!" she gurgled. She felt even more spread apart than ever, almost like the dildo was threatening to split her in half. Her clit was throbbing painfully and clashed against Ginger's erect love button. She was starting to see bright colors in the corner of her vision from the bliss.

'I can't believe I'm having sex with my own sister!' Stacy thought as she rolled her hips into Ginger's pussy. She felt like she was in some kind of weird dream. Until a short while ago, she never imagined having sex with her sister, but now that she was, she couldn't stop herself. Her nether regions were tingling, and her vaginal muscles clenched the dildo so tightly, she wondered if she'd ever be able to pull it back out.

"Hhuuuuhhh! Hhuuuuuhhh!" Candace moaned. She arched her back and ran her fingers through her hair. The preteen girl between her legs was about to bring her to another orgasm with that amazing, skilled mouth and tongue she had. She started bucking her hips forward, humping into Ginger's face as the giant orgasmic wave began to swell within her and consume her mind in electric bliss.

Candace was in heaven. She threw her head back and squealed without a hint of modesty. Her body tingled all over, and she gushed her bitter girly juices into Ginger's mouth.

"HUUUUUUGGGGUUUUUUUHHHHHH!" Candace clutched the bed post and rocked her hips around even more aggressively. Ginger sputtered from the volume of squirt that splashed across her face, filling her sense of smell and taste with Candace's unique flavor. It was getting difficult to breathe, between having the plump gushing pussy pressed into her face and being on the verge of a powerful orgasm, herself. Her vision was getting fuzzy from the lack of oxygen, and it felt like her lower half was going to explode.

"FUUUHHHH-HAAAAAUAUUUHCK!" Stacy's clit felt like it was on fire as she rubbed it against Ginger's inner thigh. It was the final spark that pushed her over the edge. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, and she tightened her grip around Ginger's leg. Incest sex, she decided, was the best thing, even better than the sex she just had with her best friend. SHe was definitely not going to let this be a one-time thing.

Ginger thrashed and flailed underneath Candace as she came. Her entire body was warm with pleasure. She could feel the sensitive G-spot somewhere under her navel grinding against the ridges of the dildo with every contraction, which kept her riding the high of her climax.

Candace climbed off of Ginger to allow her a chance to breathe. Her legs were shaky, and the insides of her thighs, her pussy lips, and her clit were numb. Watching the sisters grind into each other, connected by the double dildo only made her wish for Jeremy's cock inside her even more. She wanted nothing more at that moment than to feel his warm baby batter fill up her womb.

Stacy tried to sit up and pull Ginger up into a kiss, but she was too exhausted from her orgasm, and the dildo was not flexible enough to let them. She flopped back on the bed and continued to grind their pussies together to prolong the embers of her orgasm.

Candace saw what she was intending to do and had an idea. She leaned down over Ginger and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. Her face was still wet with Candace's pussy juices, which had an unusual taste for her. Then she moved over to Stacy and gave her a kiss on the lips as well. The kiss they shared, however, was much more intimate than the one she gave Ginger. She rolled her tongue around inside her mouth, taking advantage of her loss of energy and overpowering her.

"There, I bridged the gap for you." she said. Stacy laughed and kissed her again. She continued to grind her hips into Ginger for a few minutes longer before finally pulling herself away. The double dildo was still embedded in her pussy. She grabbed the now-exposed end, which was dripping with Ginger's pussy juices and was warm with her body heat.

It was a little painful to pry the dildo out of her pussy's grip. She was scared she might hurt herself, or that the dildo could not be removed, but with a little bit of muscle, it popped out of her. There was a bit of pain and relief, like pulling a thorn out of her foot, except it was in the most sensitive area.

"Haaaa-h-h-h-h-h-h!" she shuddered. Her thighs were trembling, and she could feel her vaginal muscles contracting as if the dildo was still inside her. Without it, she felt strangely empty. Stacy laid down on Ginger's right side and cuddled up next to her. She was surprised to find just how exhausted she was despite how little energy she thought she exerted. Ginger was staring up at the ceiling, her chest heaving as she slowly came down from her bliss. She didn't seem to be aware of much

"W-well... sorry, Candace. I was planning this night to be just about us." Stacy said.

"It's alright. I actually enjoyed having your sister here with us." Candace replied, laying down on Ginger's left. "She's really good at eating pussy!"

Stacy giggled and massaged her little sister's stomach. She looked at the dildo at their feet, then at Ginger, and suddenly had an insidious idea. She wrapped her legs around Ginger's right leg, grabbed the double dildo with her free hand, and pushed one end of it against her sister's moist, loose entrance. It slipped between her abused pink folds very easily, and Stacy proceeded to gently pump it into her. Candace, seeing what she was up to, wrapped her legs around Ginger's other leg and pulled it away so she was effectively spread eagle and unable to move her lower half.

"Nhhaaaahhh..." Ginger shuddered. She struggled in their grip, but the older girls were easily able to overpower her and prevent her from moving her arms and legs in a meaningful way.

"You love this, don't you, Chisho?" Stacy asked as she pumped the dildo into her.

"Mnn, yeah, it feels so good!" Ginger panted. "But... wouldn't you like to feel this inside you, too, Candace?"

"I told you, I'm saving myself for Jeremy!" she insisted.

"Oh, come on, Candace! You know it can't be any better than doing it with us!" Stacy said.

"Yeah! I mean do you think Jeremy's skill at eating pussy is honestly going to stack up to ours?"

"I don't know... I mean you both are really good, but you don't even hold a candle to mom."
