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Latest revision as of 22:40, 15 February 2019

Lightning lit up the night sky as thunder boomed soon after rattling the house violently, the little nine year old tigress girl was annoyed, finding it difficult to fall asleep with all the noise from the storm raging outside. Ashley wrapped her head with her pillow in frustration trying to block out the the noise.

Just as she was getting close to falling asleep she felt a shift in weight on her bed as someone must have come into her room, pulling her pillow away from her face she saw a large lump under her blanket at the foot of her bed, it began shifting around making it's way up the bed towards her.

Ashley giggled softly as she had a pretty good idea who it was, as the lump finally came to a stop and snuggled up to her side, she quickly pulled the covers down "What are you doing silly?" she said playfully, her baby brother had been the one who snuck into her bed, looking at his face she noticed his face looked a little wet "Oh Nathan, what's the matter, were you crying?"

Nathan nodded "I got scared by the lightning", just as he said that another loud clap of thunder made him jump, eyes shut tight and ears flattened he started shaking while holding onto his sister "Can I stay with you?" he asked in a sad and pathetic voice.

Ashley felt overjoyed and giddy knowing her bother needed her, rolling onto her side she pulled him into a warm embrace "Oh of course you can, Your big sister will keep you safe", she stroked his soft hair attempting to calm him down.

She absolutely adored her younger siblings Nathan and Nattily, after Ashley's father remarried a young ragamuffin cat woman she soon became pregnant with fraternal twins, one boy, one girl, when they were born Ashley instantly fell in love with them.

While holding her brother she felt herself start to nod off, then suddenly the sound of thunder repeatedly went off in the background, boom after thundering boom, what was going on?...

Time to wake up!