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Latest revision as of 08:08, 26 February 2019

Standing there in the doorway of the closet stood a snow leopard woman, a rather gorgeous woman Jordan thought to himself, she bent down looking in at the two sitting on the floor getting Jordan's attention to the floral blue sundress she wore that seemed a little tight in the chest area accentuating her large breast.

"Hey, what are you two doing in here" she said sweetly.

"Hi Mommy! Me and Jordan are making babies!" Zoey said excitedly, leaning back a bit she then lifted the front of her dress showing her mother the union of their genitalia "See! Were doing sex".

Jordan could see that the mother was stunned for a moment then looking at Jordan, then her daughter, her paw moved up to her face covering her mouth, she stayed like that for about a minute her eyes going back and fourth between the two.

Finally moving her paw down she spoke "Can you two please come out of the closet and follow me" she said with a stern voice.

Zoey's ears flattened against her head "Mommy, are we in trouble?", this also concerned Jordan.

The mother crossed her arms "No, not exactly, I just don't want to talk about it in this cramped closet".

They did what she told them, Zoey getting up first stood up slipping his penis out of depths with an low audible *shlump* causing her to shiver as a string of sticky fluid kept them connected.

The leopard woman took notice of Jordan's swollen phallus and saw her daughters virgin blood and sex juices covering it but no evidence of semen "You didn't cum inside her? Are you not able to produce sperm dear?" She sounded curious.

Jordan felt a little embarrassed when she asked that as he stood up zipping up his pants "No, I can, I've only done it once in while I was asleep".

Her ears perked at this new development "Did you and Zoey have your first sexual experience together?", an uneasy feeling came over her as he nodded to her question.

"Come with me, lets use the guest room down the hall", her and the children walked with her and quietly went into the room, Zoey's mom closing the door behind them "Okay first off, I want you two to tell me how this all came about".

Jordan and Zoey looked at each other then he slowly raised his hand, the leopard lady then put her paw to her forehead as she laughed "Sweetie, you don't have to raise your hand, just talk to me", hearing her laugh seemed to put Jordan at ease a little.

"I came upstairs looking for Gabby and checked inside the upstairs closet and found Zoey and another boy inside, they were doing things with each other" he mentioned "When the boy left I was alone with Zoey and we got- curious, we started rubbing against each other and then-".

Before Jordan could continue the leopard woman interrupted "Ah! Okay I think I get the picture", she then looked at her daughter "Zoey, are you okay? You weren't scared at all?".

Zoey shook her head "It was scary when his pee pee went inside me but Jordan made it not so scary".

The snow leopard woman nodded "Okay, I'm glad it wasn't a traumatic experience for either of you but, Jordan was it? I'm not sure how I should feel about you having sex with my six year old daughter, I'm thankful you were gentle with her but she is to young to be doing that kind of things and second, she isn't sexually mature yet and she won't be for a while so if you released sperm inside her it would just go to waste, did you know that?"

He nodded "Yes, I knew, but I couldn't help myself, she was really cute and she asked me to help her feel good, I also wanted to know what a vagina felt like and it she felt really good".

Zoey giggled at Jordan words then chimed in "Mommy, can me and Jordan keep doing sex?"

Her mother sighed "I'm just not entirely comfortable with that" she then crossed her arms again "but since you guys first experience was interrupted, I have only one condition in order for you guys to continue" she went back to giving them a stern look.

Both kids waited intently to what her condition, what ever it may be.

The woman standing in front of them brought her paws down to the bottom of her sundress and slid them up underneath as she seemed to set her paws on hips and began to shimmy, as her paws slid down her legs Jordan saw she had her thumbs hooked into her panties, pulling them down till they fell to the floor and she picked them up.

"If you're going to have sex with my daughter you can't cum inside her, you will pull out and put it inside me, understood?" she said with serious tone "That way theirs less chance of your sperm going to waste if it goes into someone fertile"

Jordan wondered what he should do...

Jordan agrees to the mothers condition

You tell her you only want to do it with Zoey