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Latest revision as of 05:17, 14 March 2019

Jordan walked over to Miss Campbell, as he approached the minivan he could see she had quite the haul of groceries that would keep her paws full, I guess living with four teenagers would be difficult unless you bought in bulk.

As Miss Campbell grabbed another round of bags she turned and noticed Jordan walking up "Oh, hello sweetheart, are you looking for Matt?", he replied with a shy nodded, she loved how he was still a little bashful around her "I'm sorry but he had to leave and get over to the hospital".

Jordan was now worried "What!? is he okay?"

She saw the distraught look on his face as she waved her paws and quickly tried to calm his worries "Oh no! Sweetie he's fine, he's with one of his partners, she had gone into labor and he wanted to be there for her" the german shepard woman then took a deep breath "Anyhoo, I'm not sure when he'll be home but if you want you can stay and hangout with me or the girls, your more than welcome" she said with one of her warm motherly smiles.

He wasn't sure why but he loved the way she smiled it always won him over "Okay, thank you", Jordan then looked at the back of the packed minivan and back to Miss Campbell "I can help you bring stuff in"

Miss Campbell became a little giddy "Oh, you are such a generous little gentleman, you don't have to do that dear" she said while slightly bending at the waist so she was eye level with him patting his head.

"I don't mind, I want to help" he replied, then he took notice that he could see down her deep-v sweater, she hadn't worn a bra and he could clearly see her bountiful globes and her dark nipples bouncing in front of him.

"Hmm?" she was little puzzled, Jordan had suddenly gone silent, she noticed he was looking at her but wasn't making eye contact and as she followed his line of sight she came to the realization he was looking down the wide opening of her sweater, is he ogling her breast? she thought. The idea that Jordan might be sexually attracted to her gave her goosebumps, a grin forming on her lips she thought of something that might arouse him further, bringing her arms forward and closer together she put more emphasis on her breast pushing them outward "See anything you like Jordan" she said biting her lower lip.

Jordan's mouth hung open, seeing so much of her exposed cleavage got him hot and bothered but the fact that she knew he was staring got him more flustered, "I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare at you boobs" quickly looking away he grabbed the four closest bags to him and made a b-line for the garage door to the house.

Raising her paw as if to stop him "Wait Jordan I'm not upset, sweetheart I-" but it was to late he had already went inside the house out of ear shot, feeling a little depressed as that did not turn out the way she had hoped.

--- Several awkward trips later ---

Setting the last bags of groceries on the counter Jordan couldn't bring himself to look up at Miss Campbell, shuffle his feet he started making his way out of the kitchen "Miss Campbell, is it alright if I go see if the girls can hangout?"

"Jordan would you mind staying for a second" she said sweetly as if her voice was laced with honey, slowly approaching him from behind.

Stopping in his tracks as if he was frozen, he didn't sense any animosity in her voice, still apprehensive he turned around and slowly looked up at her, to his surprise she was smiling very warmly and she had her paw extended out toward him.

Her eyes met with his "Don't be nervous I want to thank you for helping me bring the groceries in, may I hold your paw".

Jordan was a little confused but he put his paw in hers "Okay" is all he said as he waited to see where this went.

While holding his paw in her left she bent down a little and used her other paw to grab the bottom hem of her sweater and lifted up the front, slowly exposing her belly, ribs and till finally it was up over her chest, her sweater sat bunched up over her large breast, still smiling warmly she took his paw and gently pressed it against her breast "I thought you might enjoy this a little more than just staring at them" she said giggling softly.

Staring into her eyes he could tell she was serious, looking down towards her chest then back up to her "Is it really okay?", she smiled as she stroked his cheek gently with the paw used to hold his and nodded. Jordan took a deep breath and exhaled, with a gentle squeeze he groped her breast, he wasn't sure what he needed to do but he enjoyed how soft and squishy it felt in his paw, he then jumped slightly as one of his fingers roamed over her hard nipple giving it a slight flick that caused her to let out a soft moan, he looked at her concerned "Sorry Miss Campbell, did that hurt?".

She chuckled at how he seemed worried that he hurt when it was just the opposite "Oh no sweetie it felt nice so no worries and don't hold back" grabbing his other paw and placing it on her neglected breast so he now had two paws full, she then added "Also, you can call me Kim, no need to be so formal with me sweetie".

Jordan nodded and looked at her dark stiff nipples, using his thumbs he rubbed over the top of them in small circles twirling them in unison, doing this got moans of pleasure from her.

With a dazed look on her face she had started panting now, it had been a long time since she had gotten any kinda of attention like this and she was enjoying every second of it "Jordan, sweetie, would you be interested in taking this up to my-".

"MOM? ARE YOU HOME?" came a loud voice from upstairs.

Both Kim and Jordan jumped at the sudden shout "Yes baby I'm here, please don't yell" she replied.

"Sorry, It's just- did you get them?" said the voice, they sounded almost desperate for whatever it was they asked for.

Kim sighed "Yes Nicole I got them, I'll bring them up just give me a second", looking at Jordan she gave him a disappointed smile as she started pulling her sweater back down "I'm sorry sweetie I've got to bring up her suppressant, do you mind waiting just a little bit?"

Jordan offers to bring the suppressants up to Nicole

Wait for Kim to come back