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Latest revision as of 08:43, 27 April 2019

Faye answered the door to find Naomi standing there with a gym bag slung over her shoulder. Off in the driveway, Ayaka was pulling her own bag out of the car. “It's great to see you, are you looking forward to tonight?” Faye asked, waving Naomi in. After everyone took a moment to greet each other, Ayaka and Natsu each wandered off to get ready for the evening. Ayaka had decided that if she was going to stay the night anyway, then their plan should be to go bar hopping. Natsu wasn't thrilled by the idea, but decided that if she was going to go then she was going to at least look good for it.

About a half hour later, Natsu and Ayaka were ready to go. “Alright everyone, as usual, Faye's in charge while we're out,” Natsu said, before continuing. “Not that that means much to most of you at your ages, but Rika, I want you to behave for her. Ayaka, did you call the cab already?”

“Yeah, I just got a message saying it was waiting outside already,” Ayaka answered. “Alright, everyone, have fun!” Natsu said as the two women made their way out the front door.

After she heard the front door close, Minako ran to the front window to peek out as it drove out of sight. The moment she couldn't see the car anymore, she ran back into the living room. “Alright everyone, time to get changed!” she exclaimed excitedly. “Wait, what's going on?” Yuu asked, as Naomi headed towards the bathroom while the other girls headed towards their rooms. “Oh, didn't I tell you?” Minako asked, smiling like an imp. “We're having a pajama party tonight! Now go get changed! Then again, your pajamas haven't been getting a lot of use this last week. Maybe we should have you here the way you've been sleeping lately. I don't think any of us would mind...” Minako teased. “Fine, I'm going!” Yuu said, heading off to his room to get changed.

A few minutes later everybody headed back to the living room. Faye and Rika were each wearing a set of button up pajamas, while Minako was wearing a worn t-shirt and some fleece pants. Naomi, however, was the one that stood out to Yuu the most; she was wearing a loose fitting tank top and tight sport-shorts.

“Umm... didn't Minako say pajamas?” Yuu asked. “What?” Naomi asked dismissively. “Anything heavier would make it hard to sleep,” she continued, before adding, “So what should we do tonight?”

“Well, as it's a pajama party, I think we should make some popcorn and watch scary movies!” Minako playfully suggested. Rika got an alarmed look on her face, shouting “Uh-uh! No way!” “Maybe we should start with something more Rika's speed,” Faye suggested. “Yeah, I guess we don't want Rika interrupting us all night with nightmares,” Minako said with a blatant wink.

“How about we start with Coraline? I don't think it'll be too intense for Rika,” Yuu suggested. “What's that one like?” Rika asked. “Well, it's also a little bit scary, but not anything like some of the actual horror movies we've got. If you don't like it we can find something different though.”

“Alright then, Lovecraft-lite it is,” Minako announced as she started to queue up the movie. “Hey Naomi, I know you're the guest and all, but could you make the popcorn? You'll find the bags in the top cupboards in the kitchen.”

“Yeah, sure,” Naomi said, as she wandered into the kitchen. She started opening cupboards, and when she spotted the popcorn, reached up to get it. As she did, Yuu got a clear view of her breast as it became visible out the side of her shirt. He tried to be polite and look away, but couldn't find the will to do so.

As Naomi tossed the bags into the microwave, Minako called out again. “Oh, hey, the serving bowls are under the counter, in that cupboard.” Naomi bent over as she reached into the cupboard, once again treating Yuu to a glimpse of her breast coupled with the sight of her shorts hugging every curve of her backside.

Finally, she came back carrying several bowls of popcorn, handing one to Faye and Rika, one to Minako, and then flopping onto the couch next to Yuu with the last one, resting it on their legs between them.

Through the course of the movie, Yuu had a hard time paying attention to the movie, instead focusing on the feeling of Naomi's body so close to his. It surprised him just how distracting it was; it's not like he didn't already have three girlfriends. Maybe it's because, girlfriends or not, he still had a crush on her and was nervous?

As soon as the movie ended, Minako hopped up. “Alright! Next is Night of the Living Dead! Rika, it's time for you to head to bed!” “Come on, do I have to?” she moaned. “Yes, it is your bedtime. Come on,” Faye said. “I'm putting on Living Dead whether you're here or not, Rika. It's your choice,” Minako threatened. Rika looked almost like she was going to cry. “Come on, let's get you into your room,” Faye said much more gently as she led Rika away.

A few minutes later, Faye came back, and Minako started up the movie. Yuu was a little anxious; the last time he had seen it was when he was eight, and didn't enjoy the experience. The thought quickly vanished, though, as Naomi moved in closer to him. In fact, this whole experience turned out much more pleasant than the last time, as with each jump scare Naomi jumped a little closer and grabbed him.

As the movie ended, Minako turned to face Naomi and Yuu and nodded. “Whelp,” Naomi said, stretching, “at this point, I think it's safe to assume that Rika's asleep. Or at the very least, we can count on her not coming out since we're watching scary movies. So I'm gonna change into my real pajamas.”

At that, and without any hesitation, she pulled her tank top off. Yuu was too stunned to move as she leaned back in against his arm. “Oh wait, almost forgot...” she continued as she made a show of untying the drawstring of her shorts and kicking them off.

“You're just getting naked like that?” Yuu exclaimed. “Well, I mean, if that's how she sleeps...” Minako said. As she caught Yuu's attention, he realized that she had stripped down without him noticing. “Well, this is how I've been sleeping this last week...” she said.

Yuu's attention was suddenly ripped away from Minako and back to Naomi as she put her hand on his crotch. “Wow, you seem really pent up. Need a little help with that?” she asked. Yuu struggled to find words to respond to this new situation. It was last Friday all over again. “What's the problem, Yuu?” Naomi asked. “It's 'cause he's got a crush on you, of course!” Minako said. Naomi smiled at Yuu. “Well, why didn't you say so?”

“I guess I was too chicken...” Yuu said nervously. “Well there's no need for that. Actually, truthfully, Minako told me earlier this week and we planned this whole thing out. I'm glad you liked my show in the kitchen,” Naomi smiled.

“Well, Yuu, are you going to join us or what?” Minako asked. Nearby, Faye was in the process of undressing. “Are you sure you're okay with this, Naomi?” Yuu asked nervously, as he started to unbutton his shirt. “Yeah I am, I rather like you too. It doesn't matter much to me that we're cousins, I've read my mom's anthropology books. The people who think it's weird are actually in the minority. I could see myself as your girlfriend, even knowing your current situation,” she said, gesturing at Minako and Faye.

“And you two are fine with it?” Yuu asked Minako and Faye. “Well, I mean, we're already sharing with Valen, what's one more? Plus, I was serious when I said I want everybody I care about to feel the way I do,” Minako answered.

“And you want to go through with this?” Yuu asked. “Hell yeah,” Naomi said. “I'm sick of fapping. Hell, the only reason I haven't lost my virginity already is because Mom keeps scaring my boyfriends away.”

“Really,” Yuu said, slightly bemused. “I really didn't picture her as the overprotective type.”

“She's not!” Naomi exclaimed. “They get scared away because she's too sexually aggressive with them! Hell, that'll be one of the nice things about doing it with you, I've known you my whole life so we can just skip the whole dating part and get to the fun stuff!”

About this time Yuu finished getting undressed. “So...with this many of us, how should we go about this?” Yuu asked. “You two go ahead and start,” Faye said. “We'll hop in once Naomi's had a chance to enjoy herself.”

Next Entry: Saturday, June 18th, 2016
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