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Yuu walked into the living room late in the morning; he had slept in as long as his body would let him. He found Minako still asleep on the couch; apparently she had fallen asleep watching Oreimo. Yuu assumed that someone who had woken up earlier had turned off the TV when they found Minako asleep.

“Good morning, sweetie,” Natsu called from the kitchen. “How was your date last night?” “It was okay, I guess,” Yuu said. “Uh oh, that doesn't sound good. What happened?” Natsu asked. “I don't know how to explain it without... I think we need to talk,” Yuu answered.

Natsu got a worried look on her face and sat down, as Yuu walked over to sit next to her. “I've been trying to figure out how to tell you this. So last week... geez, was it only a week ago? This has been the longest week of my life. Anyway, last week while I was going to school with just me and the teacher, we hit it off. And something happened; it's hard to say what, just that one second I caught her when she tripped, and the next we were making love on her desk.”

“As soon as we were done, we were walked in on by the school's owner; it turns out the school was built for a girl that I've shared a few classes with in school over the last few years. She told me that she had built the school because she wanted to be my wife, and that she wanted me to have a harem because she's infertile, so it would be like having kids of her own.” “And what about adopting?” Natsu asked. “That's what Minako said!” Yuu answered. “Wait, how does Minako factor into this?” Natsu asked, suddenly confused.

“Minako had come to walk home with me and overheard her talking. This girl was planning on using what happened as leverage to get me to cooperate. Minako and I made it clear that we weren't going to let it fly. That's actually why I've been afraid of telling you; I didn't want to run the chance you'd feel bad about pushing me to go to this school after what happened.”

“What happened with this girl?” Natsu asked.

“She was the one who tried killing herself the other day,” Yuu answered. Natsu inhaled sharply.

“As for the teacher, I had to convince her that she didn't molest me. I... well, I really like her. I hope she decides that she wants to be a part of... whatever it is we've got going on.”

“Oh honey, it's okay. Honestly, for the first part of your story, I was bracing myself for the moment where you'd say you don't want your mother anymore,” Natsu said. “Of course not, Mom. I don't want this to ever end,” Yuu said. Natsu smiled. “I'm glad to hear it. I know you're sensitive. Would it help if I had a word with this teacher?” Natsu asked. “I don't know. I'm still not even to the school starting yet,” Yuu said. “Oh yeah. Please go on, we still haven't gotten to how this all ties in to your date last night.”

“As part of this exchange, I insisted that Minako and Valen be allowed to go to this school. But just to make it clear, Minako's congratulations are justified, as she really did take and pass the placement tests to jump ahead two grades; I wonder if the only reason she didn't do it earlier was a lack of the proper motivation.”

“Then on Tuesday was the first day of school, of course. And that's when I met Cupcake. And just to set your expectations, I'm not going to describe it as a magical moment. She was reading a porno magazine.”

“After school she asked me if I wanted help making a harem out of the girls in class. After questioning her, I ended up taking her up on her offer rather than the other one because she seemed to have no ulterior motives besides wanting me to be close to the girls in class, and apparently she gets off on playing wingman. And after thinking about it overnight, I realized that it would be nice to have a girlfriend that doesn't remember me learning how to walk.” “Oh, but you were so cute!” Natsu squealed, eliciting a small glare from Yuu. “I'm just teasing! I understand what you mean,” Natsu said.

“Anyway, you know I'm fairly introverted. So Cupcake's first push at getting me to try and approach one of the other girls at the school didn't go very well. She insisted that we go on a practice date. So that's why I can't say I was too enthused about how it went last night. I don't think she's actually interested in me.”

“Was it helpful at least?” Natsu asked. “Yeah, I think it was at least a little,” Yuu answered. “That's good at least. I can try and help you with your dating skills too, if you'd like,” Natsu said. “It certainly couldn't hurt,” Yuu answered.

“There's also the last thing about this week. Yesterday we had our first gym class, which is run by a different teacher. And she was apparently hired to be a 'practical' sex ed teacher for me. Minako seems to like the idea of both of us getting more skilled, but I still don't know how I feel about this.”

“I can't give you too much advice on which way you should go, though if I were you I'd turn it down. And I'm not saying that because I don't want you sleeping with her; I'm saying it because I don't want to see you hurt. It sounds like she's like Ayaka – she can separate sex from the feelings it can bring. I don't want you becoming attached and then getting turned down for a real relationship. The only reason I put up with it from Ayaka is because she's not going to just vanish from our lives,” Natsu said.

“Thanks for listening, Mom,” Yuu said. “I'm happy to. I just wish you'd come to me sooner,” Natsu said. “I'm sorry; again, I was trying to spare you from feeling like you'd spent half the summer pushing me into this, only to have all this crap happen.”

Next Entry: Friday, September 16th, 2016
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