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Revision as of 03:38, 5 June 2019

Your heart pounds and your mouth grows dry as you head to your destination. Reaching your hand in your pocket you grab for the card, pulling it out you look at your ID. It's fake of course, you've only just turned 15 but your ID says 18.

You are very nervous but also excited, the place you're going to is the Mid-Town sauna. You've heard about the place as a place for gay and bi men. The only thing you have ever done with another male is kiss but you know that you are gay.

As of right now, you are a complete virgin, the only thing you have ever had in your ass is your own fingers, today you are hoping that will change.

You are small for your age and actually look younger than your 15 years, you smile looking at your ID.

'Hope this works,' you think to yourself.

Sweeping your hand through your mid-length blonde hair you try to calm down, taking a deep breath you put your ID back in your pocket. You can see the sauna just a few yards up the street.

When you are standing outside you give another deep breath before opening the door and stepping inside. There is a counter to your left and a locked door just ahead. You walk up to the counter and give a shy smile to the hottie standing behind it.

He looks to be about twenty with light brown hair that hangs over his right eye, you notice he is also shirtless and has an athletic physique. He eyes you critically giving you the once over.

"I'm sorry kid," he says shaking his head slightly. "You need to be 18 to come inside."

"I-I am 18," you declare pulling out your ID and placing it in front of him. "See."

He picks it up and looks closely between it and yourself. After what seems like hours he smiles handing you your ID back.

"Happy birthday," he grins. "You must get carded all the time you look so young."

"Thanks," you smile, "And yeah it gets annoying."

"How much to come in?" You ask changing the subject.

"For you no charge," he winks, "consider it a birthday gift."

"Wow thanks," you beam at him.

He hands you a towel and a key for a locker and buzzes the door open for you. With another smile you walk inside there in front of you is a row of lockers with a bench in front of them, the locker room is empty. You walk up and begin to strip, folding your clothes neatly you put them into the locker. Your cock grows harder as you think about what's going to happen in there.

Wrapping the towel around your waist and the locker key band around your wrist you walk to the entrance to the main area. With another deep breath, you walk through the divider.

To the right of you is a wide door frame with no door that looks as though it leads to some showers, you can see a couple of men in there showering. Ahead of you is a closed wooden door, a plaque with the words 'Steam Room' hangs above it.

To the left of you is a small cafe style area which has a few seats and tables with the counter at the back, the hottie who let you in is stood behind it, he waves at you as he sees you. To the right of the cafe area is a set of stairs leading upstairs.

Do you: