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Jemini (talk | contribs)
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<div>''Weight:'' {{{weight|X}}}</div>
<div>''Weight:'' {{{weight|X}}}</div>
<div>''Build:'' {{{build|X}}}</div>
<div>''Build:'' {{{build|X}}}</div>
<div>''Measurements:'' {{{measure|X}}}</div>
<div>''Eyes:'' {{{eyes|X}}}</div>
<div>''Eyes:'' {{{eyes|X}}}</div>

Revision as of 09:39, 6 August 2019

As the point of this story is to make the girls more resistant to the MC's advances, there needs to be a more objective way of tracking the progress with the girl. Please use the character tracker template below in order to keep better track of how the girl in the scenario is currently in terms of her sexual resistance to the MC. If you cannot figure out how to use this template, please contact the author, Jemini, and he will arrange it for you.

NOTE: You might notice the similarities to the "Life Hacks" template, I more or less copy-pasted this template and replaced the key lines since I am most familiar with that interface.

Ethnicity: {{{}}}
Sex: Female
Age: X
Height: X
Weight: X
Build: X
Eyes: X
Hair: X


"Bad touch" awareness
Sexual awareness
Basic anatomical knowledge


Babies come from...


Sex is...


Semen is...
Other notes
Relationship With You



For an explanation of what each box is about, please follow this guide.

Image Box: A place to put a picture, for aid in player's visualization.

Details: The physical status of the character, specifics already laid out.

Resistances: The things that might make the girl more likely to resist the MC's advances.

  • General: This part of her resistance details things that have nothing to do with sex, such as "has been taught stranger danger" if you are a stranger, or "doesn't like you" if you know each other. Things that lower her resistance such as "Is comfortable around you" also go here since this is also relevant to her level of resistance.
  • "Bad touch" awareness: Her level of resistance to actual sexual advances. This section should be used regardless of her level of sexual awareness. Once again, this tracks both things that make her more and less resistant, such as "Has been taught not to let herself be touched anywhere a swimsuit covers" for more resistant, or "Is going through an exhibitionist and exploration phase" for less resistant.

Sexual awareness: Her level of awareness about things related to sex. For the sake of outlining this better, there are 4 guideline points given.

  • Basic anatomical knowledge: The really basics about how the body works. Whether or not she knows boys have a penis, and whether or not she's ever seen one (real or a picture of one, and adult Vs. baby penises,) as well as whether or not she knows about her own vagina (that she has a hole other than the ones she pees and poops from.) This can extend into knowledge about how the testicles, uterus, and ovaries work, but that is more likely to be given in the form of "has had sex ed" or something of the like.
  • Babies come from...: What her most honest and complete answer to this question would probably be if she was asked. States whether or not she knows the real answer, and if not then if she has some kind of false version of it and exactly what that false version is.
  • Sex is...: Again, her most honest and complete answer to this question. "I don't know" is a valid answer, but this should be filled out honestly by the writer to a point where if she has seen people having sex but didn't understand it then that should be noted here as well.
  • Semen is...: Like the above 2 items, this is what her answer would be if asked the question and "I don't know" is a valid answer. Checks how much she knows about semen, whether she has no idea, if she knows it's the stuff that makes babies when it gets inside a girl's vagina, or if it's somewhere in between and she just knows it's white stuff that comes out of a boy's penis when it feels good.

Other notes: Anything else that seems relevant to how she will interact with the MC in terms of making her more or less resistant to the MC. This would the the kind of place you put info on the other people in the scenario and the influence they have on her. For instance, how present her mother is and whether or not she can talk to her about what you are doing.

Relationship With You: Tracks all things to do with how she relates to you.

  • Friend Vs. Enemy: Depicted by red and green competing bars, displays how friendly or hostile she is toward you. Friendliness above 50 means she actively desires for you to have a good opinion of her, and Enemy status above 50 means she will go out of her way to harm you if given the chance. This relationship will start at Zero if you have had no previous contact with her.
  • Defiance Vs. Submissiveness: Depicted by blue and purple competing bars, displays how likely she is to go along with something you suggest. Defiance above 50 means she will always be working against anything you try to push forward even if she finds it agreeable, while submissiveness above 50 means she will want to cooperate with anything you push forward unless she finds it particularly objectionable (This status can enhance or mitigate sexual resistances.)
  • Trust Vs. Fear: Depicted by silver and yellow competing bars, displays her level of overall comfort with any action you take. Trust above 50 means she will trust you not to violate her comfort zones too much, and thus will also allow you to push farther since she trusts you not to push too far. This also applies to general trust, so it can enhance the rate of improvement of all other positive stats. Fear above 50 means she will be suspicious of anything you do, and might not trust you to do even things she would otherwise be comfortable with if it gets close to a line. This will also increase the rate at which "defiance" and "enemy" stats increase, while decreasing the rate at which everything else increases.
  • Love + Lust: Love, depicted in white, and Lust, depicted in pink, are a little different from the rest of the bars. These two bars do not compete, and are only displayed on the same bar for the sake of sticking with a theme. (The graph would look lop sided if we had 5 bars with 2 that were missing something from the right side.) Love is best defined as the sense of caring for someone else more than you care for yourself. This will be the slowest stat to rise. At love greater than 50, she will not tell anyone about your activities with her because she does not want you to get in trouble. (even if your sexual activity with her is non-consensual.) Lust is how much she actually wants sex. This is the most important stat in determining consent Vs. non-consent (although not the only one.)