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Chapter 1, Part 6

My breath let out in a long 'whoosh', and I found myself speechless.

“I told you I was a freak.” She said ashamedly.

“No, it's fine but...why?” I asked.

She finally sat up to look at me, leaning tiredly against the back of the couch, while still sitting across my lap sideways.

“We had a little moment yesterday, if you recall,” She reminded me, grinning with fond remembrance, “And the way you looked at me in my swim suit made me feel all warm and sexy. It made me start thinking about things, and by the time we left, I just couldn't help myself. I told you: You make me crazy sometimes.”

“But Brad was in the car! It was so risky.” I said.

She laughed a little and said, “So it was risky because he was in the car, but not you?”

I chuckled along with her and said, “Yeah, yeah. But still, why risk it?”

“It wasn't really a risk,” She explained casually, “I'm pretty good at hiding it now. I've had a few years to practice.”

That hit me like a hammer blow, “Wait, you've done it in public before? How often?”

“A lot. I'm a pervert, like I said. I've been doing stuff like that since I was...nine? Or ten? Anyway, a quick session under a towel in a back seat is nothing. Not really risky. Although I thought you might be getting a little suspicious there for a second.” She said, shooting me a playful grin.

I watched her for a while, marveling at what a completely different person Ellie seemed to be from who I used to have in my mind. In a way, it hurt to realize my old image of her was gone for good. No matter what happened from here on, I would never be able to see her the same as I used to. But as I considered it, I came to understand that it really wasn't about my image of her at all. She was who she was, and I could accept her, or not.

“I thought something was up, but I never would have guessed that in a million years. I was afraid you were sick, and trying to hide it. It's a relief, actually.” I said.

Ellie softened visibly from my concern, and leaned over to kiss me tenderly once before snuggling down onto my chest. I trailed an idle hand up and down her arm.

“So, what other stuff like that have you done?” I asked after a few moments.

“Why?” She asked, voice heavy with teasing, “Do you like the thought of it?”

“Yes, actually,” I said, choosing to be straight-forward, “It's extremely sexy, if I'm honest.”

“Jake, I thought you were more innocent. You've been as much of a freak as me today.” She said, the teasing in her voice only amplifying.

“It's your fault for making me show it,” I said, “I never claimed to be anything else. But I was trying to be good with you. You've blown that now.”

“I haven't 'blown' it yet.” She mumbled, barely loud enough for me to catch the double entendre.

I chose to ignore it and said, “Are you going to answer me?”

“Fine,” She said, taking a breath, “I have masturbated in the car before, at the dinner table, at church, watching a movie, at school, in a plane once, in restaurants, at the doctor's office, in the movie theater...I could go on and on.”

“Wow.” I said, since it was all I could think to say.

“Yeah. But it's not like other boys get me turned on or anything. I promise. I'm just always horny, I guess.”

“I'm not jealous or anything, Ellie. Don't worry about that.”

She smiled in relief, then continued, “I tried to talk to my friends about it, when it first started getting bad, but it didn't take long to figure out that I was different. If they did it at all, it was only a few times a week, and only when they were in their room at night. I don't know why, but I've always liked the risk of doing it where I'm not supposed to. It makes it feel better.”

I was speechless, yet again. How the hell did she manage to hide such a huge part of herself so well? There was never the slightest sign or hint that she had developed such a strong sexual streak. I was positive Brad had no idea either. Was this what it felt like to learn that someone you're extremely close to is actually a secret agent spy or something?

She was quiet for a time, but finally piped up and said, “Hey, you wanna know how much I did it around you?”

I stared at her in surprise, “What? You did it around me?”

“Big time,” She admitted with a grin, “I had a game where I'd see how fast I could cum, sitting right beside you. I got pretty good at it.”

“Um...I'm flattered?”

I had to admit, the thought of Ellie touching herself all over the place did get me quite excited. And right beside me? A tingle ran through me at the idea. How many times had we been piled on this very couch watching a movie or something, Ellie sitting next to me underneath a blanket? How many times had she been touching herself in just such a situation, hiding her illicit pleasures from the whole family? My imagination taking off a bit, I wondered how many times she could cum during the course of a movie, her youthful well of stamina allowing her to perpetually rub and touch and tease orgasm after orgasm out of her wet, swollen little pussy until she was a boneless, sweaty lump of bliss under the blanket.

Did she tease and resist the urge to cum, waiting on the very edge of that delicious torment for the perfect moment of a loud noise onscreen, then mask her whimper or moan of pleasure beneath? What did the others think, looking over from time to time at the flush-faced little nymphet, curled up to the chin beneath a cover, a glistening sweat sheen on her forehead? Had anyone ever asked if she had a fever or something, prompting her to quickly pull away her sticky little fingers and fix her clothes, the unfulfilled, hot bubble of arousal still intact and aching?

How many times did she cum in my back seat just yesterday, under my very nose? My erection was steel once again, and I could feel the hot pulses as the blood rushed through it and the nerves tingled electrically in anticipation and urgency. Ellie seemed to be on the same page as me, and she glanced down with a sly, hungry look, an eyebrow raised.

“Your turn now. We're running out of time.” She said, moving to undo my pants.

“Wait, you don't have to do that.” I said, stopping her hands on my zipper.

She looked up at me and narrowed her eyes, “You did all that for me. Let me return the favor.”

“It's not right.” I said lamely.

As urgently as I needed a release, I still felt awkward about having her do that. Maybe I could go jerk off in the bathroom or something. I knew the thought was ridiculous, but there were still some tattered shreds of morality in me, bouncing around my head like pathetic, drunken ping pong balls amidst the maelstrom of my lust and desire for Ellie.

“You just finger-banged me, you retard. We're a little past what's 'right' now. And I'm not just doing it for you. I want it.” She was so insistent, and so confident.

My raging arousal overrode the last scrap of hesitation, and I put up no further fight. I undid my jeans and slid them down. Ellie hovered over my lap, eyeing my boxers and their contents like a delicacy.

“Hands.” I said, taking her by the shoulders and pulling her face away from my lap, “Return the favor.”

“Are you even a man?” She asked sourly.

But she didn't protest, and eagerly flipped my erect penis out of the boxer's opening. She stared at it wide-eyed, making my ego inflate to ridiculous size as I watched the little tip of her tongue peek out and swirl over her lips.

“Have you ever seen one before?” I asked.

“Dad's.” Ellie said, still examining mine.

I nearly choked at her words, falling into a coughing fit for a moment. Ellie laughed at the way that made my penis bounce, but she apparently caught my shocked reaction.

“It was when I was four or something, and it was an accident,” She clarified, “I thought it looked like a pickle. But this...”

She licked her lips again and moved closer, as if to consume it. I almost let her, but had to stop her at the last second. I really don't even know why. Ellie growled at my denial of her meal, but set to work stroking my length, her head hung over it with intense examination, her hair feeling like wisps of feather-soft caresses on my thighs and lower abdomen.

I had a good size, although what I packed wasn't likely to find fame and glory in porn. But the way she appreciated me made me feel like a king. She gingerly stroked up and down, both hands twisting and gripping and wiggling as they tried to get a rhythm.

Tingling charges of raw pleasure shot out from my penis and through my body at various frequencies and amplitudes as her little hands found higher and lower sensitivity areas during her play. The combination of sensations had me breathing heavily and twitching. Somehow, the inexpert awkwardness made it better in a way. I let out a long sigh and leaned back as I let the built-up tension from all this insane day be massaged out of me by this little angel.

Soon, she figured out a rhythm, and began stroking faster. The pleasure sensations seemed to unify and enter a feedback loop of gradual amplification. My breathing got faster and more ragged, my hips began to rise in time with her stokes. Ellie noticed all of this and looked incredibly excited at her effect. She looked up at me to gauge my condition, and I smiled at her as best as I could.

“That feels so nice, baby.” I murmured, reaching up a hand to stroke her soft hair.

She beamed like my praise in this meant all the world, and focused in even harder. I felt my long-awaited release bubble to the surface and prepare to erupt.

There was a brief second to worry about where my ejaculate would go. I was certain this would be an enormous load, but no sooner had the problem occurred to me, I felt the first tingling crest of no return break over the dam and travel through my being like an electric current. My body stiffened as I grunted and thrust absently into Ellie's hands, my head back. White spots swam in my vision and I felt the first thick shot erupt like a cannon.

And then, it all changed as an insane heat engulfed the length of me. It was wet and hot and silky soft, flooding warmth throughout my entire body. The unexpected shock of pleasure triggered an involuntary moan that let go from me. My eyes grew wide. I looked down to see the top of Ellie's head, as she had taken my penis into her mouth as far as she could fit it. The sight of her there, and the unbelievable feeling of her hot little mouth over me seemed to redouble my orgasm mid-release, and I fell limp to the racking waves of pleasure as they shot from me, groaning and writhing like I never had before.

Ellie never came up from the time she took me into her mouth. I could feel her mouth and tongue move over me as she sucked and worked her throat to swallow all of my massive ejaculation, and it was pure heaven. As she struggled to drink all of it down, she gave little grunts and groans of exertion, which I felt as exquisite vibrations in my penis. Her throat undulated and rolled as she swallowed, the sucking sensation feeling like she might draw my very soul out along with every last drop of semen in my body. The tides of orgasmic bliss were golden waves, as golden as her hair that lay fanned out over my stomach.

As the climax ebbed, and my final few residual throbs gave way to the hyper-sensitive feeling of post-orgasm, I took Ellie's head in my hands, as she was still dutifully sucking and licking, and pulled her gently off of me. She looked up at me with those brilliant, gleeful blue eyes, a lewd sheen on her lips.

“Why did you do that?” I asked breathlessly, unable to feel anything but calm and fuzzy after the release.

“I wanted to taste you.” She said, licking her lips as if they were coated in sugar.

I sighed, leaned back and said, “Of course you did.”


Part of what had frightened me so much about Ellie revealing her sexuality was my fear of what would become of my image of her. I was worried that my sweet, adorable, innocent and pure girl would be gone. As we cleaned up our mess, I realized that those concerns were misguided. Sure, she wasn't very innocent, but she was still sweet and adorable and pure. Purely a sexual volcano maybe, but still.

As we worked together on cleaning up our illicit mess, I found myself feeling even more protective of her, if that was possible, and even more ensnared by her cuteness. She was bubbly and happy and full of free, contagious smiles for me. My heart swelled at every one. No, my image of her hadn't degraded. It was only expanded now. And realizing that, I couldn't help the thrill of excitement as I considered what the future might hold for us.

“I mean, just look at this!” She said, standing up in front of me and spreading her legs into a bow-legged stance.

She indicated her shorts and legs, and as I got close enough to see, my eyes nearly popped out. Her shorts were positively gummy from her ejaculate, and long, wide streaks of clear, or slightly milky crust had dried on her thighs. I knew she was making a mess earlier, but jeez.

“You see what I have to deal with?” She continued, “It's such a pain. I've got to wash clothes all the time so mom doesn't find this stuff.”

“Is it always that bad?” I asked, feeling sorry for her actually.

“Not always. I guess on average, I'm how a normal girl is when she's super wet. That's not too bad. But when I get really worked-up, it just won't stop!” As if to emphasize her point, she took a large swig of water.

I had insisted she hydrate herself as soon as possible. She said it wasn't a big deal, and she'd never had any problems come of her fluid loss, but I was adamant. She gave in, if only to satisfy my concern. In truth, I was surprised we didn't make a bigger mess of the couch. Her gushing torrent aside, I knew I lost at least one large shot of semen into the ether. Most likely, it ended up on the couch, but try as we might, we could find no trace of it anywhere. There was one small damp spot on the cushion where she had been sitting, which Ellie sprayed and wiped with a cleaner before positioning a pillow over it to hide it.

Otherwise, all she had to do was hop in a quick shower and change clothes. For my part, I almost felt like I didn't want to wash the hand that had pleasured her. It was silly, but I decided to at least smell my hand before cleaning it. Nothing. I sniffed my fingers like there was a bump of cocaine in my nail, but there was no smell at all. Feeling a little let down, I washed up.

By the time Ellie returned from her shower, I was starting to feel depression settling over me like a casket lid. The reality of our situation was painful. I had to leave in a few minutes. After that, work. Then a week of school. Maybe I'd see her on the weekend, but I'd be under the pretext of hanging out with Brad, so there wouldn't even be a chance for us to talk openly.

Phone conversations would be impossible, as we simply couldn't risk anyone picking up the line and overhearing what we might be saying. Ellie seemed to share my melancholic mood by the time she finished her shower, and she went immediately from the bathroom over to me and embraced me in a hug tight enough to pop my back. I held her small frame desperately as well, breathing in her clean scent, kissing her soft, damp forehead, and generally trying to stockpile these good feelings to sustain me.

“I just realized something.” I said, feeling a sudden tinge of hope.


“When you get your computer, we'll be able to talk online with IM. Privately, too.”

Ellie pulled back to look at me, her face open and happy with the news, “That's right! Oh, I can't wait.”

It did make me feel better, but I knew it was only a band-aid. How the hell could this ever work? My mind threw itself down the rabbit hole of all the difficulties and problems that a relationship like ours was doomed to consist of, and I had to shake my head to stop it, lest the despair overwhelm me.

Ellie, intuitive as ever, asked me, “You gonna be okay? You look pale.”

“You know me,” I said, trying to smile, “Feeling sorry for myself, I guess.”

“About what?” She asked, then her eyes lit up as it came to her, “Wait. You're actually sad about having to leave me.”

She sounded happy about it, like that was an honor for her. I couldn't help but laugh.

“Yeah. I don't want to go. It feels like I just met you all over again, and you're so incredible. All I want to do is talk to you. But I don't know when we'll get a chance like this again. The computer will make it better, but I want to hear your voice. I want to see you.”

Ellie looked stricken, as if the weight of our situation was finally clear to her. She stared down from my eyes, into space for a long moment as the harsh reality washed over her. As amazing as today had been, it was but a tiny island in a sea of time to come where we couldn't really be together, even when in each other's presence. It was painful enough to me. What must the realization be doing to her?

After finally getting what she wanted from me for all these years, she couldn't even enjoy it. Because it's not enough that I return her feelings. The rest of the world demands a say too, and we both knew how that would turn out.

“What if we told mom and dad? We could explain how we feel, and that we were together. You're not an adult yet. They can't say anything.” Ellie put in, the eagerness to find a solution heartfelt, if horrifying in this case.

“We can't do that, Ellie,” I said, “You know better. Even if they didn't freak out and not let me come around anymore, it would still make things awkward at best. And they would not be okay with it. But honestly, I'm more concerned about Brad.”

I considered telling Ellie what I'd overheard last night. Something in her parents' conversation seemed like they expected Ellie and I to get together at some point, even if they weren't crazy about the idea. But the reasoning behind their assumption was unknown, and I still felt that something nefarious was at work, at least a little.

Besides, it wouldn't do to mention it to Ellie, and have her confront them when they returned home. I still feared for her, and the unreasoning protectiveness it stirred up in me made me want to keep her innocent of what I'd heard for now. That issue could wait, I thought, since it seemed her parents were hanging around and waiting for whatever they thought would happen.

No, Brad was the biggest obstacle here. I knew him well enough to be certain that he would never understand, even if his parents were on board and trying to convince him. Ellie was supposed to be like a sister to me. She was his sister in truth. For me to even have the potential to entertain the idea of dating her would, for him, not only be tantamount to seducing my sister, but also me actually seducing his sister.

He'd hate me. He'd kill me. Brad was a great guy, but not one known for a calm, reasoning approach to problems. Part of his success in sports was his lack of hesitation once his path was clear. Give him so much as a whiff of fuckery between Ellie and me, and his mind would be made up instantly, and likely never be changeable. I didn't want to hurt him like that. And I didn't want to lose my best friend.

“It's none of his business,” Ellie said sulkily, “It's got nothing to do with him.”

“It does, and you know it,” I said gently, “If he found out we even liked each other like that, it would kill him.”

“But we're already past just liking each other,” She said, “Unless you plan on putting a stop to this for good, he'll have to learn at some point. They all will, right?”

I sighed miserably, “I don't know. If we could only wait a while longer.”

“That won't help anything. In two years I'll be fourteen, and you'll be a felon, unless you have my parents' consent to be with me. If we waited til I was eighteen, you'd be twenty-two and off in college somewhere probably. I don't think either of us can screw around waiting and hiding for that long. So you'd better decide right now before this goes on any more. I can't keep getting closer to you only for you to get tired of the hassle and move on one day.” She was close to tears as she went on, and I felt my own heart breaking with her.

I took her face in my hands and made her look at me, so she could see my sincerity as I spoke, “I will never do that to you. As far as I'm concerned we are perfect for one another. I'm going to do everything I can to make this work out.”

Ellie smiled sweetly, even as a few tears ran down her cheeks. She sniffled shyly and wiped at them.

After she gained control of her voice she said, “Sorry. I feel like an idiot, crying right now. I always get emotional when I cum that hard.”

Watching her cute little tearful face say that cracked something in me, despite my melancholy, and I fell into a fit of laughter. Ellie soon followed suit, likewise appreciating the absurdity of the situation, and my own contagious response. Soon, we were both howling like we were drugged with happy gas, the tears in our eyes welcome.

Despite not really finding a solution to our problem, we felt considerably better when the laughter finally faded. Instead of worrying about the future, I decided to just watch Ellie now; her sparkling blue eyes, big radiant smile, long blonde hair and angelic manner framing her for me to hold and cherish. There would be time for thinking about this later.

“Hey, start thinking up ways we can see each other again, okay?” She said, “Alone, that is.”

“Of course I will. But would it really be so bad if we only get to spend time around everybody else for a while? I think I'd be fine, as long as I could be around you.” I said.

“Yeah, that's better than nothing,” She agreed, “But I can't get in your pants that way. I need my fix.”

“God, you are going to be the death of me, one way or another.” I said with a grin.

We talked for a while longer, and kissed enthusiastically before I left. I drove away feeling like a hero, singing along to a rock song on the radio. Despite the problems in the future, today was a good day. The sun was bright, my heart was light, and I didn't know it then, but I would all-too-soon have the situation taken out of my hands to the music of shattering glass.