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Revision as of 21:18, 5 November 2019

Even without a bit wedding reception and a lot of different people to have there, you still have to make a lot of things to arrange. Contacting the parents is only the beginning of all of this. You will also need the Deacon who will be performing the ceremony to be informed. You should probably consider telling the principal at the least about how this is happening and why. At the very least, he ought to make it a little easier for you to get your marriage license in the courts. Also, you are certain Mary's family is not going to get involved, but Diya's family may very well want to witness the wedding. You might want to think about whether or not to invite your sister and your nieces, especially because having her involved will free up Luana. For that matter, shouldn't you tell Luana as well? This thing is set for right after school, so she should probably get a little bit of a heads up. Well, you should probably talk to Mrs. Varano and the principal before talking to Luana, they ought to know why you are calling Luana to your office. Same goes for talking to your sister, for that matter.

Oh goodness. There is just so much to do. Well then, starting off...

Make the phone calls, that won't require you to leave your office.

Talk to the people who are right here at the school who need to be talked to