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Latest revision as of 14:18, 19 November 2019

While Amy was still pressed up against him, Jordan brought his face in close and caught her lips in another kiss, this time Amy didn't flinch but started kissing him back trying her best to follow his lead. Jordan moved his paws up to her shoulders while she was distracted and started gently tugging on her hoodie jacket managing to slide it off her shoulders and partially down her arms.

Amy stopped the kiss to look at him "What are you doing?" she asked.

Thankfully she didn't look concerned or upset but genuinely confused "I'm getting us ready for the next part by taking off all our clothes" he stated.

She looked at him for a moment then she lowered her arms allowing her hoodie to fall onto the floor "Do we need to be completely naked for this?" she was clearly still little self conscious about her body image and Jordan could sense this.

Jordan nodded "It works best if were naked and we don't get are clothes messy, plus I want to see you completely naked" as he finished talking he took his hoodie off laying it on top of hers then grabbing the hem of his shirt pulled it up over his head he threw it in the growing pile of clothes.

Amy was starting to feel like their were butterflies in her stomach and she didn't understand why, she had gotten naked and dressed in front of others before, but when it was in front Jordan, it was completely different, she was willing to let him see the rest of her body but also afraid of what he would think when he does.

Unfastening the button and zipper on his shorts he pulls them down around his ankles then kicks them to the side, now only his navy blue boxers remained, with a noticeable stiff tent in them "Well, looks like your more dressed than I am at this point" he laughed putting his paws on his hips.

While she watched Jordan finish stripping down her eyes were glued to the large lump inside his boxers "What is that thing?" she asked pointing towards his crotch.

He laughed as he could see her interest was peeked by his boxer bound boner, getting his thumbs inside the waistband he tugged his underwear down only to get the elastic band caught on the end of his erection but only for a second as the waistband slipped off causing his dick to fly up and slap him in his lower abdomen. Looking at Amy he could see the surprised look on her face "I take it this is the first time you've ever seen a males penis?" he asked kind of already knowing the answer, she shook her head in response which surprised him.

Amy swallowed as she looked upon Jordan's red phallus in front of her "I've seen my little brothers before when we took bathes together but..." she observed his throbbing penis "I've never seen it look like that" she stated as she looked away towards the ground swaying her hips slightly.

Jordan suddenly smelt a spike of arousal in the air, watching Amy now he noticed that she was fidgeting a bit more and she seemed to be keeping her legs together as if to hold something in, his conclusion was she must be getting just as aroused as he was. Closing the small gap between them he crouched down in front of her as he set his paws on her hips "I'll help you get these off" he stated as his fingers startled undoing the knot holding her swim skirt on, Amy didn't resist his help but stared at him almost dreamily. Jordon was able to get the skirt off and was about to start on bikini bottom when he felt something land on his head, looking up he saw Amy was covering her chest with her arms while she had a embarrassed look on her face, grabbing whatever fell on his head and looking at it, right away he recognized it, she had removed her swim top and he was now holding it in his paw. He put on warm smile as he set her top aside and went back to her bikini bottom, grabbing the strings on either side and pulling apart the tied loops, watching as the last of her clothing fell revealing her small vagina cleft. while he got a closer look he could tell her labia were a little swollen and her fur looked a little damp, mostly around her vaginal entrance and down towards the top of her inner thighs.

"Why are you staring at my privates like that, it's kind of embarrassing" she covered her nether region with her free paw in attempt to hide herself.

He cleared his throat as he stood up "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I've just never seen a cute girl naked closeup like this before" he rubbed the back of his head, slightly embarrassed himself for having stared so long.

She nodded her head understandingly as she smiled "It's okay, so ummm, I was wondering, what should I do now?" she asked as she lowered her arms to her sides swinging them ever so slightly.

"Ah yes, okay, why don't you lay over here on your back and we can start" he took her paw guiding her over to a thick bath mat and helped her lay back, while she got comfortable he got into position, holding her legs up a bit he sat himself underneath her pelvis and grabbed his cock aiming it towards her swollen mons pubis.