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The second grade teacher, Charice Curtis, comes into your office for her interview. She has an elegant appearance with golden hair streaming down her shoulders, and wore elegant clothes and kept a prim up-right appearance as she strode into your office. You might have been captivated if you were into women over 20, but even given your tastes you do appreciate the air she holds.

"Good afternoon Mr. Gardner." She says as she properly shakes your hand before sitting down.

"Good afternoon Miss Curtis." You greet her. "So, you are aware of why you are here?" You ask.

"Oh, yes! You wish to interview the staff for anyone who is able to fulfill the roll of assisting in the role of disciplining the children." She responds.

"And, how do you feel you might be able to do in that role, and why?" You ask, deciding to go a more proper and professional route for the start of this interview at least, you must be getting caught up in her air of elegance here.

"Hmm... well, I think I may be able to perform such a role admirably." She said. "After all, I dealt with all of my younger sisters both before and after the deaths of my parents, and I also deal with keeping the second graders in line every day. I know the new punishments are different from usual and have to do with embarrassing the children instead of spanking them, and also taking their clothes away, but I do believe I ought to be plenty capable of doing a little bit of embarrassment as well. I do have some experience with that as well." She says all of this in a very proper manner, and even gives a slight knowing smile afterward.

"Well, that's good and all." You say, "however, that mostly covers the punishments for the lower level infractions, which I am mostly able to handle on my own. The occasionally troublesome area is at the higher level infractions which require sex and sexual acts as punishment, do you feel you would be able to have sex with or rape a child Miss Curtis?"

"Oh? Well... I do not want to say yes. I suppose I would have to ask Mrs. Carmichael how to do those things before I could say for certain. Oh, but of course, how silly. You ought to be able to fill me in as to what those things would entail, right?" You really don't even know how to respond to that. She didn't even miss a beat as she confessed her lack of sexual knowledge. It was to such an extent that she doesn't even seem to realize it is strange for her to not have that knowledge.

Or is this a joke? (Note: Assumes you have not interviewed her sisters yet)

Unfortunately, you are certain it's not a joke since her sisters, who you have already interviewed, also had a similar gap in their sexual knowledge