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(Created page with ""She's fucking hot," you whisper to Shawn, "I'm gonna fuck her before we graduate." "Yeah, you wish," he laughed. You do wish and dammit you're going to try your best, no do...")
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Latest revision as of 18:32, 12 December 2019

"She's fucking hot," you whisper to Shawn, "I'm gonna fuck her before we graduate."

"Yeah, you wish," he laughed.

You do wish and dammit you're going to try your best, no doubt you'll fail but a miracle could happen.

Throughout the lesson you find yourself staring at Miss Osbourne more than actually doing your work. At one point she's sitting at her desk and flicks off her heels, she sits rubbing one stockinged foot on top of the other. You are mesmerized by the sight, with her stockings and from where you're sitting you can't tell if her nails are painted. Your cock is rock hard and your mouth grows dry as you watch, you lick your lips as your eyes flick up to her face. Miss Osbourne is looking right at you, you quickly look down and get back to work. When you glance back up at her she's still staring at you with an expression you can't read, what was going on today?

You don't dare look back over at Miss Osbourne at all for the rest of the lesson, when it's over you're packing your bag when Miss Osbourne calls over.

"Mr Spencer, may I see you before you leave?"

"Uh, sure Miss Osbourne," you reply nervously and think to yourself, 'Oh shit, oh shit, I'm fucked.'

Shawn looks at you in surprise and whispers, "what did you do?"

"She wants me," you whisper back trying to sound confident.

Shawn chuckles and left, you wait until everyone is gone before letting out a deep sigh and walking over to Miss Osbourne's desk.

"Y-you uh, you wanted to see me, Miss?"

"I did," she nods, "I noticed that you appeared to be quite taken by my feet, you looked to be almost drooling."

'Oh God, oh God, nooooo.' you scream internally as she continues.

"Now I understand teenage boys and raging hormones but this cannot continue, are you going to be able to focus in my class? Or do I need to request you to be transferred to another?"

"NO," you shout out, "please don't transfer me, I'm sorry for staring it's just you're really hot and when I saw you playing with your feet I couldn't look away, I promise I won't do it again."

You can't help just blurting everything out like that, you're sure you look pathetic and probably on the verge of tears. You're so embarrassed at being caught staring.

"Okay, calm down," Miss Osbourne stands up and wraps her arm over your shoulder, "just take a breath, you're not in trouble. Look we will just forget about it and move on, okay?"

"Y-yes please." You nod.

"Okay," she lets you go and sits back down, "I can't say I'm not flattered that you find me attractive but I'm your teacher, if I'm going to be a distraction on your learning I won't have a choice in having you moved. Now go on and get to class."

"Yes Miss, thank you." you grab your bag and leave without looking back.

When the door closes you let out another sigh, that didn't go as you'd hoped. God, you've been watching too much porn if you thought that was going to go any other way. The last lesson of the day goes over without incident and obviously you lie to Shawn about why you had to stay back, you make out that there was very heavy flirting and Miss Osbourne fell in love with you at first sight. He doesn't believe a word but it makes you feel better to laugh about it.

The bus ride home is about the same as it was on the way in, you talk and laugh with your friends but you feel a pit growing in your stomach. The closer you get to home the bigger it got, Lexi had told Mum what happened you knew it and Mum and Dad are going to be waiting for you ready to kill.

The walk home from the bus stop is the hardest thing you've ever done, your heart begins beating like crazy and you can hear it thumping in your ears. You can barely follow along with what Adam is saying.

As you get closer to home you see Mum's car on the driveway, Dad's is nowhere to be seen so you give out a small sigh of relief. When you get to the front door you reach for the handle and freeze, your hand starts shaking and you find it hard to move.

"What's wrong with you?" Adam asks, "hurry up I need to pee."

You still can't move and Adam pushes you aside and opens the door himself. He looks back at you with a strange look and shakes his head before going inside, you watch as he takes off his coat and shoes and disappears upstairs. You poke your head around inside and can't see your Mum anywhere.

Tentatively you step inside and remove your own shoes and coat, You can hear movement coming from the kitchen so you make for the stairs as quietly as you can, as quietly as possible you slink upstairs and go into your room. Unfortunately, your door doesn't lock otherwise you'd have locked yourself in and never come back out.

You strip off your uniform and pull on a loose pair of shorts, there's no way you're going back downstairs, if Mum is going to yell at or kill you she'd have to come up here. You turn on your Playstation and just lay on your bed playing it.

When your door swings open you almost shit yourself, it's not Mum though it's Lexi. She's all smiles as she climbs onto your bed, it's not unusual for her to do that since she does it most days, she loves watching you on the Playstation. This time however she shocks the fuck out of you as she snuggles her way under your arm, she throws her leg over yours and places her hand on your stomach as she lies her head on your chest. What the fuck?

"Uh, Lexi?" You start.

"Yeah?" She answers.

"What are you doing?"

"Cuddling you," she turns to look at you with a loving smile on her cute little face.


"Cos I love you," she turns back around and squeezes you tightly.

"I, I love you too Lex," You can't help smiling as you say it, she is just so cute.

Weirdly you actually feel calm and relaxed as she hugs you, you close your eyes and can smell the scent of lavender from her hair. you realise too late you just made a huge mistake.

"Your thingie got big again," Lexi states matter of factly, she makes you jump by reaching out to grab it through your shorts. "Why did it get big though? I wasn't rubbing it."

"Let go, Lexi," you reach for her hand and push it away, you're not going to molest her again, "what happened this morning was a mistake, I shouldn't have done that to you and I'm sorry."

A part of you thinks you should be more forceful and kick her out but you can't, you and Lexi have always been close and you feel that kicking her out would be to mean. You love Lexi and don't want to hurt her. With a huff Lexi slides herself over you and straddles you like she did this morning, she sits on your stomach looking down at you with a determined look.

"Lexi..." You start but get cut off as she kisses you.

Your eyes widen as you feel her soft little lips pressing against yours, it's not a passionate tongue filled kiss she just holds her lips against yours.

"There," Lexi smiles as she pulls away and lifts herself with her hands on your chest.

"What was that for?" You ask looking up at her without moving.

"Well I told Emma what happened this morning," your blood runs cold when she says that, "and she said that's what people who love each other do."

"You told Emma?" She nods, "did you tell Mom or anyone else?"

"Nope, just Emma, so I asked her what else people who love each other do and she said kiss," she blushes and turns away as she mutters something you can't understand.

Emma is Lexi's best friend and is a little older and it seemed she's more informed on sexual matters. Part of you was screaming to just throw Lexi down and fuck the shit out of her, she clearly wants it. The other part of you was telling you not to touch her, she's your baby sister and only 9-years-old. The more collected part of you is winning out, there's no way you're going to do anything to corrupt your sweet innocent sister.

"Look Lexi I..." You're cut off again as she kisses you, this time her little tongue flicks across your lips.

In your shock, your eyes widen again and your mouth parts which Lexi takes advantage of, her tongue slips into your mouth and pushes against yours. You drop your controller and place your hands on her slim hips, the little nymph was weakening your resolve and you close your eyes. Your tongue becomes more active moving against hers, your saliva was mixing as you force her hips back. You moan into her mouth as her butt pressed against your rock hard cock.

You're full-on making out as you stroke her hips, your hands slip beneath her shirt feeling her smooth skin. All of a sudden there's a knock on the door, you're eyes shoot open and you practically throw Lexi aside as you get to your feet. You immediately reach for your cock and stuff it under the waistband of your boxers, luckily your shorts and t-shirt are baggy so nothing is noticeable.

When you turn around Lexi is on her feet and is just about to open the door, as quickly as you can you jump back onto your bed and pick up your controller trying to look casual. The door opens to show Mum standing there.

"Hey Mummy," Lexi smiles, how the fuck could she act so casual like that?

"Hey Pumpkin," Mum replies then looks over at you, "are you okay? Your face is all red."

"Huh? Uh, yeah I'm just a bit warm is all," you chuckle and fan yourself with your t-shirt's collar.

Mum narrows her eyes at you then looks back at Lexi with a smile, "tea's ready you two."

"Yay," Lexi cheers and runs past Mum and out of sight.

Mum stands there watching you as you switch off the Playstation and stand up, you try your best not to look at her and give yourself away but you can't help shooting her glances. You have no idea how you look to her but you're pretty sure she knows something has just happened between you and Lexi. Mum blocked the door as you attempt to leave, she looks up at you with a neutral expression.

Even though Mum is about 6 inches shorter than you and a whole lot lighter she has a way about her that terrifies you, she knows exactly how to be intimidating when she needs to be.

"Are you sure you're okay sweetie?" Her look changes to one of concern, "did something happen at school? Adam said you were a bit distant on the way home."

"No, I'm fine Mom, really, just a bit tired since Dad woke me up when he left and I couldn't get back to sleep," you give her a weak smile.

She pulls you into a tight hug and you have to angle your groin away so she doesn't notice your hard-on. You wrap your arms around her and hold her, you've always loved hugging Mum.

"I'll make sure he is quiet in the morning," she keeps her arms around you as she leans back, "if he wakes you up again tell me, okay?"

"Okay," you smile and nod.

You downstairs and join the others, Dad is home and you gather around the table to eat. Mum yells at Dad for you about being quieter on a morning, you chat about school and everything else. When you're all finished you go back to your room while Mum takes Lexi to get a bath, Adam stays downstairs with Dad.

You're laying watching a movie when your door opens again and in comes Lexi, she's freshly cleaned and dressed in her Little Mermaid pyjamas. Mum follows behind her this time.

"I'll be back up at 9 pm to tuck you into bed Lexi," she kisses Lexi on the forehead, she looks over at you, "If she falls asleep before then can you put her to bed?"

"Sure Mom," You reply.

Mum leaves and closes the door leaving you and Lexi alone. You lie there looking at each other, she has a huge smile on her face as usual. She quickly slides herself over you and takes her position like she did before Mum interrupted you. Before she can kiss you though you grab her by the shoulders and hold her back.