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Revision as of 07:32, 30 January 2020

The camp office is too risky for so many reasons. Waltzing in butt naked is sure to stir up a commotion. Staff could start asking other campers what or who they might have seen around the showers, and elsewhere. It's possible you or the boys could end up in trouble going down that road. More immediately, you might end up having to admit you didn't bring any clothes with you to the shower. If you just lie and say someone stole your clothes as well then there will only be more questions, like what clothes you lost, contradicting witnesses who might've seen you running with the boys, and who knows what.

On the other hand, if you're really careful (and really fast) you might be able to get all the way back to your campsite without being seen. That seems so unlikely, but after letting a stranger do as they pleased with your body for far too long you'd rather restore some of your agency and go down whatever path gives you the most control.

Your heart rate is still elevated with the shock of knowing you're stranded without any clothes so you take a few deep breaths to center yourself and get your wits about you. Peeking out your only exit you can see two people chatting as they walk toward the office. Once they are inside, you creep cautiously into the outdoors.

Following the side of the building you just exited, you get to the front corner then gasp and pull back. An older woman is sauntering her way up to the washrooms. She's unfortunately excruciatingly slow, and you can feel every heavy beat in your chest as your adrenaline pumps again, one simple step away from being seen. For a moment you're worried she might have a towel with her and headed for the showers. She would definitely catch you then. But whatever she was carrying she takes into the washroom with her, opening the door just around the corner from you.

You wait for the door to close, then a few seconds more just in case, before peeking out into the open. There's no one else that you can see. You really hope it's that perfect time of morning where the early risers have finished breakfast and gone off to do other things while the sleeper-iners are still resting cozily in their tents. And if it is that perfect time, it means the longer you wait here the more people who are at risk of waking up who could then spot you. And more immediately, it's likely those people who went into the office will soon be leaving.

There's no more time. You have to go. With a quick hop, you bound out from behind your narrow cover and bolt across the empty entrance of the camp, straight down the main strip. Your bare feet tap the ground, your wet hair flops about, your boobs bounce angrily, but you pay none of that any attention because your heart is pounding so loud it's in your ears now and you can't even form intelligible thoughts. You're just trying to cover as much distance as you can while you aren't seen.

Streaking down the main drag, you zip past a bunch of empty campsites followed by a bunch of tents. Out of the corner of your eye you spot a family sitting at a picnic table having breakfast but you don't dare turn your head. You just race on by, hoping they were too hungry to notice you.

Just a few seconds later you hear some people chatting somewhere ahead. You slow down trying to figure out where they are when you realize you're right beside one of those little trails from yesterday that weave behind the campsites. Ducking into it and turning the corner out of sight you breath a huge sigh of relief, your chest still pounding.

You made it! Well, part of the way. And it was amazing that no one saw you! Or so you hope, you really don't know. What you do know is that it was amazing! Not the actual running and fear, but now that you're safe in the bushes the thrill of what you just did hits you full force. You just ran through half the camp without a stitch of clothing on, and while the sun is out! You've never done anything as risky as that before! It was so terrifying and naughty and daring. Streaking with the boys yesterday wasn't anywhere near as long or as difficult as this since you had them to provide you some cover. You're actually a little proud of yourself you accomplished something so tough!

You prance down the unkempt little trail utterly elated, running your hands over your bare hips and lifting your now slightly sore boobs. The thought of anyone spotting you out like this is somehow the best and worst thing all wrapped into one. You don't actually want to get caught, but the risk is intoxicating. That one family definitely could have seen as you zipped by. You think at least the kids might have been facing you, but you're not sure. You wonder if anyone left the washrooms while you were running. You would have been the first thing they saw, so they couldn't have missed the bare bottomed girl racing away from them.

All of your excitement and energy dissipates into dread as you reach the end of this trail and are rudely reminded that you're not yet done. This trail bends back toward the main road and opens up into a branched alcove just before, a small grassy strip splitting two different campsites. Bending forward, you creep out from around the corner of the trail to look out at the road. You want to see past the opening of the alcove to get a better idea if anyone is out there but you'll nearly have to walk out onto the main strip before you get a decent view down both sides.

As you're creeping forward, someone meanders into the alcove. You instantly squat down and cover yourself, trying to make yourself small. But the person you've spotted is small themselves. It's one of the sisters who chatted with you yesterday. Despite your paltry effort to become invisible, she spots you immediately. The girl stops and stares at you from the road. Really she's only slightly more clothed than you are, donning a pair of tight stretchy orange pajama bottoms that fail to reach her waist and barely extend past her knees. They're so small she must have had them since she was three. She's also out without any kind of top, her undersized pants the only thing affording her any modesty. Even her dirty blonde locks only lick the tops of her shoulders, not unlike your own.

There's an awkward moment where neither of you do anything, you cowering and her standing expressionless. You pull a hand away from your chest to wave at her. She considers this for a few seconds and waves back. But in the next moment she turns and runs away.

"Wait!" you call out, but she's already gone. Perhaps she didn't mean to get caught out here either. What was her name? Carrie? Callie? Doesn't matter now. It seems like you've scared her off.

All of your confidence is gone now. You lean from side to side, waiting, thinking, trying to not walk any further forward but still needing a better view of the main road. Going back and forth, you finally give up and decide to walk out some more. As soon as you stand, three heads poke out from beyond the trees to spy on you. Callie brought her sisters.

You crouch down again then waddle over towards the bushes beside you, eventually standing up to better lean into the thin foliage for cover. If all they're gonna do is stare at you, you'd much rather move out of the girls' direct line of sight. But now that you've inconvenienced them they come out from behind their corner, the three sisters walking slowly and carefully down through the alcove to meet you.

"See? I told you," gloats Callie.

"Hey." Natalie lifts her hand in a subdued wave, but tries her best to seem really cool about all this, like it hardly even matters that you're out in the bushes completely naked. Easy for her while she's wearing what looks like her mom's t-shirt as a nightgown, an extremely leggy nightgown that is. You offer a similar wave back, your face already flushing red as the intrusive sisters surround you.

"Did those boys steal your clothes again?" asks Georgie, planting her hands on her bare slim little waist with the tone of a mother from a 1950s sitcom. Her midsection is exposed because all she has to cover it are the same pink panties she was wearing yesterday, now paired with a white spaghetti strap sports bra up top. Like Natalie's shirt, this must be their mom's. It hangs off of Georgie's frame, but manages to cover her. Callie must have rushed her sisters out of their tent to come see you because they're certainly not dressed to go anywhere.

"No, look. Her hair is wet," notes Natalie. "I bet she was skinny dipping again."

"I don't want to be out here," you start, but are quickly interrupted.

"But the river is on that side of camp," points Georgie. "Why would she be hiding in the trees now?"

"You like to be naked, don't you?" Callie notes with a smile.

"Don't be creepy, creepy Callie." Natalie pokes her little sister. Callie crosses her eyes, opens her mouth, and slowly turns her head up toward her big sis like a possessed little doll. Natalie quickly throws a hand over Callie's face and pushes her away, the youngster giggling.

"Listen, I just want to get back to my tent, okay?" you explain, peeking past them, still on the lookout for passers by. "So if all you're gonna do is stare it would be more helpful if you just go away. But maybe you could go get me some clo-"

"Oh! You're sneaking behind the campsites!" states Georgie, cluing in.

"I was trying to..."

"Yeah! We can totally help!" assures Natalie, then pauses. "Why were you waiting here?"

"I couldn't go any further because the trail ends here."

"No it doesn't. C'mon!" Natalie trots back down the path a short ways, Georgie bounding behind her. You just now notice Callie staring at you with her creepy doll face, at which point the girl smiles shyly and looks away. "Down here!" encourages Natalie.

You tiptoe back to the corner of the trail, trying to hide all that you can with your hands. Once you're closer, Natalie pushes some branches out of the way to expose another very overgrown path that once linked up with this one. It doesn't look very inviting. Lots of branches have stretched across it with weeds and flowers and things growing all over the path. Being barefoot makes stepping on all of this even worse. But Natalie, also barefoot, doesn't seem to mind. She ducks inside expecting you to follow.

With Natalie in front and her sisters behind you, your little troop goes bushwacking behind the girls' own campsite. Despite how thick the brush is, this trail seems much closer to the back of people's campsites than the more well walked trail you were on. Perhaps another reason it hasn't seen use. There are a few spots where you can see right out into the open, spying the backs of two tents. If you can see out then others can see in which doesn't make you feel very safe back here.

It takes many minutes of careful stepping, ducking, and climbing to progress past just a few campsites, pushing through all of the overgrown foliage that's in the way. One thing you manage to notice, between dodging branches and glancing out into campsites, is Natalie's bottom peeking out from under her shirt. It's only obvious when she lifts her arms, or bends forward, or a stray twig snags her top, but it's clear she isn't wearing panties. Somehow these sisters are barely wearing one outfit between the three of them. And much of what you've seen them wear so far is either hand-me-downs or well worn. And these poor girls don't seem to know any different. Your mom would probably say they're 'unloved' or something, but they mostly just clueless about what 'normal' means. Of course you'd be happy to be wearing anything of theirs given your current state.

You keep having to shush the girls behind you, Georgie gabbing to Callie about nothing. They don't seem to understand that you're trying to make as little noise as possible to not draw attention, even if that more careful pace slows you down. But unexpectedly Natalie stops. You've found the end of the trail, sort of. It opens up into the side of another campsite. You're a few yards back yet, but with just those few additional steps you will be stepping right out into someone's camp. And it looks like they're home.

"Here you go," offers Natalie in a hushed tone, as if this is what you asked for. You crouch down beside her.

"What do you mean? This isn't my camp," you whisper, gesturing forward.

"This is as far as we went yesterday," explains Georgie, kneeling on the other side of you, her loose bra falling away from her flat chest.

"Doesn't this get you closer?" asks Natalie. The girls huddle closer so you can all hear without raising voices.

"Yeah, okay, but this isn't cool. You can't just walk through someone's camp. And I sure can't do it looking like this!" You lift your boobs for emphasis. Georgie giggles. Callie looks you over rather pointedly, as if there's nothing wrong with how you look, before a lightbulb goes off.

"If you just run really fast they won't see!" suggests the youngest. It's great that your master plan of escape just a short while ago was on par with a 7 year old.

"Mmm, yeah, I think they will though."

Pulling down on her own shirt hem, Natalie inspects her sisters. "You probably want to cover up, huh..." she says softly to herself.

"Maybe there's another trail," posits Georgie. "Like, maybe this one keeps going on the other side."

"Or maybe we can disguise you like a bush!" adds Callie.

This is so frustrating. You don't know why you let a bunch of little girls lead you naked into the bushes. Such a stupid idea. But as you crouch here bouncing your boobs in your hands you also notice how turned on you are from letting these girls drag you god knows where while utterly nude. Giving up control and giving in to your fears has always managed to get you horny.

But right now you feel stuck. Turning around will take forever and doesn't get you any further along. In fact, you'd literally be going backwards. It would make sense that the trail keeps going if this campsite was added later on, but running out into the open to hunt for the entrance without getting caught is unlikely. Stepping out of the trees at all feels dangerous, like you'll get caught right away. So being not-naked is a good idea. Natalie stopped short of offering her shirt to you, although she has to be considering it. She doesn't want to, and you probably wouldn't ask otherwise, but she sorta brought it up. But it would be mean to put her in the same position you're currently in.