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Latest revision as of 05:20, 2 February 2020

It was the middle of the night in Danville. Isabella was fast asleep, and her pet chihuahua Pinky was curled up in a ball at the foot of her bed. It was a warm summer night, even here in the Tri-State area, but Pinky still shivered occasionally, as chihuahuas were known to do.

A noise in the room caused Pinky to open his eyes immediately. His eyes scanned the room, searching for the source of the noise. It was faint and buzzed mechanically, like it wasn't just some random house fly. Despite his superior canine hearing, however, it was a difficult thing to track down, especially in the dark.

Pinky heard the sound coming from the head of the bed, and he rolled around in a spasm trying to turn. He could see something large - larger than a simple house fly - buzzing around Isabella's head. It landed on her neck and extended a thin syringe from its face like a mosquito and pierced her skin.

A normal dog would have paid little to no mind to something that closely resembled an insect. Pinky, however, was no normal dog. He got to his back legs, standing up like a human, and silently moved to the head of the bed. He reached out and grabbed the robot insect, gingerly removing it from Isabella and drawing out the syringe. He examined it with a sharpened gaze. It was definitely shaped like some sort of insect, except it was much larger. It fluttered its wings in futility, trying to escape his grip. Where the abdomen should be was some sort of semi-transparent container. A drop of blue fluid leaked out of the tip. There was still liquid inside the robot.

Pinky looked back at Isabella. She was still breathing, and regularly, so whatever she was injected with wasn't immediately dangerous, at least on the surface. Whoever sent this insect made a big mistake messing with his family. That aside, the O.W.C.A. would definitely want to hear about this. Robot insects injecting random citizens with weird fluids was never a good thing.

With the insect in hand, Pinky hopped off the bed and procured his Agent P fedora from under it. After donning the fedora, Pinky silently slunk out of the bedroom.

  • * *

Isabella woke up the following morning when the alarm went off, feeling a little stiff in the neck. After turning off the alarm, she lay there in a waking stupor for a minute before she remembered what day it was today.

Today was a big day for her. Two huge things were planned for today. Later this afternoon she had a presentation to give to all Fireside Girl Troops in the entire Tri-State Area, and she had to go in early to prepare the presentation with Gretchen.

The second was much more important to her, personally. Later tonight, she had a date planned with Phineas, or at least she intended for it to become one. She was going to ask him to go with her out to the piers, where there was some kind of festival going on and was going to conclude with some fireworks over the ocean. It sounded like an incredibly romantic situation, and she would take that opportunity to confess her love to Phineas. Maybe then he would finally see the light.

Isabella rolled out of bed. She winced as she felt a sharp pain on the side of her neck. She felt her neck and the small, painful welt that wasn't there when she went to bed. Did she get bitten by a spider or something last night? Ah well, nothing a little ointment wouldn't fix.

Isabella went to move towards the door to the hallway when she felt something large and cumbersome jostling around inside her pajamas. What the hell? Did Pinky crawl into her pajamas last night to stay warm?

"Pinky, get out of there. My pajamas are not your sleeping bag." Isabella pulled down her pants to fish out the dog, but what she found instead caused her to nearly scream from shock.

There, between her legs were she was so accustomed to seeing nothing, she saw a penis. She gave it an experimental tug and was taken by surprise. Not only was it firmly attached to her body, but it was also quite sensitive!

"What is... what is this?!" Isabella whispered to herself in disbelief. Before she got into the shower, she had to first investigate this. She removed her pajamas, grabbed a small mirror from her dresser, and laid down on the ground so she could better see what had happened down there. Far as she could tell, everything else about her had remained unchanged. She was still a girl, but down there, she had somehow gained a penis, and quite a large one at that. Even though it was limp and she was only ten years old, it was nearly six inches in length; roughly on par with an adult's penis and certainly larger than a normal boy's penis.

Underneath, Isabella also found that she was sporting a hefty pair of testicles wrapped in a tight ball sack. She was in too much of a shock to have any sort of freak out. What was the underside of her balls like?

Lifting up the sack, each ball roughly the size of a golf ball, Isabella peeked underneath. Part of her made a sigh of relief; her vagina was still there, but curiously, her clitoris wasn't. It was almost like this dick was resting on top of it.

Suddenly, as if possessing a mind of its own, Isabella's new dick sprung up, fully erect within just a few seconds. It seemed to have gained an extra inch in the process. It was a thick, almost intimidating thing. The foreskin was barely enough to cover it normally, and now that it was getting erect, the head poked halfway out the tip.

"How did... why did...?" Isabella stammered. "Was this normal for boys, too? Did they also get randomly erect?"

As she tried to come to terms with her transformed body, a strange sensation began to grow in her loins. It was slightly familiar; it was the same sort of primal urge Isabella felt whenever she was aroused and wanted to masturbate, except this was many, MANY times more intense, and was focused around the head. She felt an irresistible urge to reach out and grab it.

This was Isabella's first time ever touching a dick. She had seen them before in porn videos, and heard them described by some of her friends who had actually had sex by now as being rock hard, but also kinda soft and squishy. She didn't understand this until she grasped the dick in her own hand. It was as if a thin layer of gel was covering a metal rod. There was a very small, but noticeable amount of squish, and underneath that was virtually unyielding. The surface was streaked with several thick veins, and there was some subtle bumps all along the length.

Isabella's touch, she could feel through the dick, and the shaft throbbed from the attention it received. A powerful, almost insatiable hunger was gnawing at her through her transformed loins and radiating halfway down her legs and up her chest. It was the kind of hunger she felt when she thought of Phineas and her unrequited love, but for some reason, he wasn't the focus at the moment.

Isabella moved to jerk herself off, but she managed to stop herself. She saw the porn and the hentai. Guys cumming tended to make a big mess, and she didn't want to make it in her room or get it on her clothes. She needed to take a shower; she could do it in the bathtub and it'd naturally get washed down the drain.

Isabella got up, put her mirror back on her dresser, and left for the bathroom. Walking with an erection was a trial in and of itself. It was like she was smuggling a billy club between her legs. While she let the shower water heat up, she got undressed and took another look at her new erect package in the mirror. It was definitely larger than even an adult's should be compared to the rest of her body. It didn't look all that grotesque, however. Actually it looked kinda sexy. Isabella knew she was pretty, but for some reason, she was getting very aroused just from looking at it. If only it wasn't in the way, then she'd be able to see her girly slit. The thought of pushing the cock into the tight hole and feeling it squeezing around her...

Isabella began stroking her dick while staring at herself in the mirror. She didn't know what a cock was supposed to feel like, but it felt like she was touching her clit if it was many times larger than normal. Was the mysterious penis actually her clit? Not even that was as sensitive as this. She nearly fell backwards from the pleasure, which caused her stomach muscles and spine to tingle. Her legs were getting wobbly, no longer able to support her weight. She was going to have her first male orgasm...

"GHHNHHH!" Isabella stopped herself right as she felt something hot and tingly bubbling up her urethra and threatening to gush out like a geyser. She just needed to step into the shower, now. Then she could just wash away the evidence.

After stepping into the shower and pulling close the curtain, Isabella gripped her dick again and vigorously stroked it. She was so energetic about it that she actually began thrusting her hips into her hand. That tingling was getting much more intense. The sensation of something bubbling up her urethra was also getting stronger. She realized it was similar to what she felt when she needed to pee. When it felt like it would explode, Isabella angled her dick down, towards the drain.

Isabella's first male orgasm was unlike anything she ever experienced before. Something felt constricting in the core of her body that caused her to double over. Her dick contracted and spurt out a large, thick glob of sperm. When the jizz came out, an incredible wave of pleasure washed over her body that made her legs buckle. Before she could recover from it, another contraction made her shoot another spurt of cum, followed by another wave of pleasure. This continued to happen several times.

It was at this moment that Isabella understood the difference between a male and female orgasm. The female orgasm was one big, monstrous wave, while the male orgasm came in short, repeating bursts. Something about the start and stop made it difficult to endure. The drain made gurgling noises as her sperm swirled down it. It came out so thick, it was almost like a pudding, even as the water diluted it and broke it up.

Finally the orgasm subsided, and Isabella felt simultaneously refreshed and drained. An overwhelming itch had been scratched, and the dick was starting to go back down. The rest of her shower time was uneventful. When Isabella got out and dried herself off, she was extra careful when drying around her pubic region. THe dick was even more sensitive than her clit was, and she did not want to do anything that could risk setting the dick off again.

"Isabella, honey, have you seen Pinky?" a voice asked from the doorway as it opened up. Isabella's mother Vivian had barged into the bathroom with absolutely no respect for Isabella's privacy or regard for if she was decent or what she could have been doing at the time. "It's time for his breakf-"

"MOM! HAVE YOU HEARD OF KNOCKING?!" Isabella shouted, quickly covering herself up with the towel.

"Oh, come on, lighten up, Isabella." she said dismissively in her thick Mexican accent. "We're both women, and you're my daughter. There's nothing you have that I haven't seen before."


"Oh? Hu hu hu, maybe you do!"

As Isabella glared at Vivian, something in the back of her mind noted how attractive she was. From there, her mind jumped to how curvy her body was, and the size of her butt and boobs. Then she had invasive thoughts about having sex with her, burying this new dick of hers into her mother's pussy and losing her male virginity.

All of these thoughts caused Isabella's dick to sprout back up, fully erect. It hurt to try and hold it down, so she had no choice but to let it pop up, over the towel and where her mother had a perfect view of it.

"Oohh, it is a very healthy-looking big one." Vivian said in her thick Mexican accent. "And how long have you been hiding this from me?"

"Mom, s-stop looking at it and just leave!" Isabella said, turning away from her. "It's really embarrassing!"

"What is there to be embarrassed about? It's a natural part of developing as a young lady! Only I expected this to happen a few years later. Looks like you're ahead of the curve, there!"

"You EXPECTED ME to develop a penis?!" Isabella growled out of sheer frustration and incredulity.

"Of course! As a mother, you have to be prepared for anything! You'll understand one day when you have kids of your own.

"Now come. It just won't do to have you walking around like that. Let momma help you put it back down." Vivian said, gesturing for Isabella to follow her as she left the bathroom doorway. Isabella followed her as she dried and brushed her hair. Her dick bounced with every step she took, which hurt a little bit as it tugged at the skin where it connected to her pubis.

She entered the master bedroom, where her mom closed the door behind her.

"Get on the bed and sit at the edge. You might want to keep the towel close by." Vivian instructed. Isabella did as she was told. After she climbed up onto the bed and turned around, she saw her mom undressing, pulling off her shirt and placing it on the nightstand.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Isabella asked.

"Well, you can't expect us to have sex while I'm fully dressed, do you?" she casually replied as she slipped out of her pants.

"Se-se-se-SEX?!" Isabella squeaked, her eyes widening. "Mom, we're... but you're my mom!" Her eyes trailed down and took in what kind of underwear Vivian was wearing. Black lace cheekies. They were skin tight against her thighs, and the way they were designed perfectly cupped and defined her butt as she turned around to fold up her pants and place them on the dresser.

"It's alright, Isabella. We're both women; nothing will come of it. Just think of it as a little bonding between us."

Isabella wanted to run, she wanted to hide and get away from her mother and whatever crazy bug that seemed to possess her, but she couldn't bring herself to move from her position. She continued to stare at her mother's half-naked body. Part of her wanted to see what she was like underneath. The thought of it should have either disgusted her or just not come to mind. She liked boys, and more specifically, she liked Phineas.

But... that just wasn't the case, at the moment. Her dick throbbed eagerly as she continued to stare up at her mom, undressing her with her eyes and imagining being on top of her.

"First we're going to do this..." Vivian said as she got down on her knees in front of Isabella. She unclasped her bra and removed it to reveal her breasts. She was a good D-Cup, which to a small child like Isabella, was pretty huge in comparison to their head. Vivian spread them apart slightly and clamped them down around the dick. Isabella shuddered and involuntarily bucked her hips up.

"Very sensitive, aren't you?" Vivian asked as she rubbed her breasts up and down the length of the shaft on either side. "This is what is called a boobjob, or a titjob, or a... what is it those cartoons porn call it? Pie Zoo?"

"Oh wow, it feels so soft..." Isabella moaned, closing her eyes. It was a far cry different from her hand. Not only were the breasts large enough to completely encompass the dick's impressive girth, but the breasts were not bony little digits. They were far softer, almost like a marshmallow made of human flesh. She never touched a woman's breasts before, but she never imagined they or anything else could feel so soft and warm.

"Ready for the next part? This is called a blowjob, or oral sex, or head." Vivian pulled back so her breasts no longer hugged the dick - Isabella felt a powerful jolt of frustration at that - and she moved her head forward and took the head into her mouth.

"Haaahh!" Isabella gasped and involuntarily thrust her hips up into her mother's mouth. It was hot and moist inside her mouth. Vivian's tongue rolled around the underside of the head, which felt amazing. The texture of her tongue was rough, but not coarse, which seemed to make it feel even better.

"Mmnn, mmnn... mmmhuaah! I'm not used to doing this with foreskin in the way." she said, drawing back to remove the cock from her mouth. "Can you even feel it?"

"Are you kidding me? It's so intense, I almost can't feel anything else!" Isabella replied.

"Ooh, then you'll like this!" Vivian gripped the dick and pulled down slightly. The skin was surprisingly loose on the dick, like it was a fleshy sleeve. The foreskin was drawn back over the bulbous head. The porn videos and images that Isabella saw had men with circumcised dicks. She thought that her penis looked weird with the skin draped over the head, but she realized very quickly that it was actually blunting the already intense pleasure. Just idly sitting there was making the dick throb from being stimulated by the still air and the neck of the foreskin constricting the blood flow to the head.

The instant Vivian's tongue touched the underside of the dick, Isabella threw her head back and let out a loud cry of shock. It was loud enough that she surprised even herself, and she instinctively covered her mouth to prevent herself from making any more noise. Just one lick and the dick already felt tingly like how it felt seconds before Isabella blew her load in the shower. She knew she wasn't on the verge of an orgasm, though; this sensation didn't have that fullness behind it, like her dick wasn't preparing to push something out.

"It feels really good, doesn't it?" Vivian asked. "Come on, stand up off the bed. You'll need to stand up for this next part."

Isabella stood off the bed, and Vivian scooted back a few inches to give her room. Once Isabella had her feet planted on the ground, Vivian moved forward on her hands and knees so she was at eye level and pinning Isabella up against the side of the bed.

"Now what I want you to do next is fuck my mouth." she instructed. "Show me those hip movements of yours."

Isabella nodded her head and trembled as Vivian gulped down her dick. Inch after inch disappeared into her mouth. Isabella's hips were trembling. Her entire length shouldn't have been able to fit inside Vivian's mouth, but she could clearly see that was the case. Her lips were less than an inch from her pubis. Isabella wanted to do as she was told and thrust, but the last vestiges of her rationality in this state of arousal insisted that this was wrong. It was quickly silenced when Vivian move her head back and forth a little bit to tempt her to begin moving, herself.

Isabella held her mom's head with both hands and began vigorously face fucking her as instructed. She did not believe she would have been able to take the dick this well and would have been protesting within seconds, but there was not a hint of complaint coming from her. In fact, Vivian's eyelids were fluttering. Was she actually receiving pleasure from getting skull fucked like this?!

In Isabella's mind's eye, the dick was glowing white hot with pleasure. Somehow, this felt even better than just using her hands. She wasn't cumming, but the high she was on at this level was just as good. Isabella was possessed by a mindless drive to continue bucking her hips. Even as it felt so good as to wrap around to being painful, she couldn't bring herself to stop. She wondered and feared at how good her orgasm would feel when it finally hit.

Isabella doubled over her mom and spasmed in place as she came. Her dick, balls, and even her pussy all tingled so much it felt like they were being tasered. She never imagined anything could feel so good. Her dick was throbbing violently in Vivian's mouth and throat, and she load after load of sperm directly into her stomach.

"Oooohhh dios mio, my head is spinning so much!" Vivian exclaimed after she pulled away from her daughter. Isabella fell onto her butt, slumped up against the side of the bed. "I haven't felt this good in so long!"

Vivian picked Isabella up and plopped her down on the bed with a soft pomf. She then crawled onto the bed next to her. Isabella slowly stirred back to full consciousness, and she rolled over and got to her knees. Vivian was laying on her back, idly tracing circles around her clit through her panties with a finger.

"Isabella..." she cooed. "Are you ready para coger mamita en el coño?"

Isabella stared at the defined mound through the lace panties. Her dick refused to go down, even though she just came. She was thankful her mom was willing to help her with her cock problem, but she was acting a little strange about it.

"You're getting really into this, mom." she pointed out.

"Is it that obvious? Para ser honesta, your papi and I have not had sex in a while. He keeps coming home from work demasiado cansado para el sexo. I'm a woman with needs, tú entiendes?"

"Yeah, I... I kinda do." Isabella replied. In a way, it reminded her of her plight with Phineas and how he remained completely oblivious to her advances and hints. Her and her mom's situation were not so different, and if she could help give her mom satisfaction, she wouldn't hesitate to do it. All of her doubt and hesitation was now routed from her mind. They were just seeing to each others' needs.

"Okay, I'll help you feel good, mom." she said. Vivian closed her legs briefly to allow Isabella to remove her panties. As her hand moved near Vivian's crotch, she could feel an intense, moist heat emanating from it. If that's where she was going to be burying her cock... it throbbed with anticipation, and the tip began to bead with precum.

"Ven aquí, cariño." Vivian said, lowering her legs and spreading them apart. "Stick that lovely dick en mi coño!"

Isabella moved her hips forward and guided her dick to her mother's pussy. It looked like a tight hole that she couldn't possibly fit in until she pushed the head against the labia. They spread apart surprisingly easily. The insides were very soft and hot; not as soft as her mom's boobs, but definitely hotter.

The tight vaginal muscles pulled back the foreskin on Isabella's dick and made her shudder as the exposed head was stimulated from all sides in a way that her hands and Vivian's mouth could not. On top of that, it was also squeezing her from all sides. As Isabella bottomed out inside her mom, she laid down on top of her, resting her head between her breasts.

"Mmnn..." Isabella moaned with content. She hugged her mom plenty of times in the past, but there was something really inviting and intimate about hugging her while they were both naked, or hugging her while penetrating her. She was like a big, soft, warm, brown pillow. She could almost go to sleep like this.

"Oohh, it's been so long since I've had un pene inside me!" Vivian moaned, wrapping her legs around Isabella's body to keep her inside. "Come on, cariño! Empuja tus caderas into me!"

Her grip around Isabella was not so tight so as to prevent her from moving completely. Isabella placed her hands down on the bed under both of Vivian's arms and began fucking her. At first, she wasn't exactly certain if she could last very long doing this. Just being at rest inside her mom's twitching pussy made her dick feel so intensely good, she thought she might unintentionally blow her load within seconds. After building up a steady, if a bit frantic pace, she became possessed by a strange reverie.

That white hot, blissful feeling was more powerful than ever, but the sensation of being precariously close to blowing didn't leave. At the same time, Isabella was able to thrust faster and more vigorously, vaguely aware of the fact that she would not cum. Was it the tightness of Vivian's insides? Was it some sort of effect of the dick? She didn't know and, at the moment, she lacked the capacity to think or care much about the subject. All she knew was that this was the best she ever felt, and she was pleasuring her mom in a way that men could, but were not able to.

"Mnnn joder! You are a natural at this! Here, put your hands en mis senos." Vivian pushed Isabella up with one hand and guided her daughter's hands to her breasts. She was only ten years old and very light, so supporting the weight of the upper half of her body was not any worse than having a small dog sitting on her chest.

Isabella liked this position a lot more. There was something exciting about touching her mom's breasts. They were so soft, yet the nipples were stiff. Did Isabella's nipples ever get like that? She should check at some point, after she was done here.

"Ooohhhh dios! Fffnnnn... joder!" Vivian gasped. Isabella's thumbs rested on her nipples and rolled them around like an analog stick on a video game controller. It made her breasts tingle slightly, like her nipples were clits. All of it contributed to the warm feeling she had swelling up inside her, a feeling she had all but forgotten about from her years of neglect. She didn't care if it was her own daughter fucking her, especially right now on the cusp of an orgasm. It was better than cheating on her husband.

"Hnnhhaaunnhh! Esto se siente tan bien!" Vivian gasped. "You're going to make me cum, cariño!"

"Mom... mom..." Isabella panted. The blissful heat that burned in the core of her body felt like it was going to explode at any moment. She knew she was going to cum inside her mom, and she was looking forward to it. She wasn't going to stop no matter what!

Both girls cried out as they hit their climax. Isabella pushed as far in as she could and nearly blacked out from the euphoria. Vivian's vaginal muscles contracted around her like a vice. They kept relaxing and contracting in a weird pattern as she shot her young virgin load into her mom's womb.

"NNnhhhh! NHNHGGHHGHEEEEEEEIIIGH!" Isabella squealed. Her orgasm came even more powerful than ever before. The tightness of her mother's pussy contracting around her seemed to increase the pressure of her ejaculation, and it came out in well over a dozen spurts. It felt so good, Isabella thought she had died and gone to Heaven. She was still on her knees, but her upper body had slumped forward, nestling in between Vivian's ample bosom.

Vivian felt as if a great weight was lifted off her shoulders. She missed this, the way her body felt like there was a great wildfire inside her, her heart pounding in her chest, the tingling in her nether region and breasts, and the warm gooey feeling in the core of her body.

"Huhhhh... huuhhhh..." Isabella panted. She straightened her legs out so she was in a more relaxed position on top of her mom. Her hands remained on her breasts, and she was still down to the hilt inside her.

"Mmnn, eso fue incredible." Vivian swooned, wrapping her arms around Isabella and holding her close. "You are a real natural with that, carajo. Do you plan to keep it?"

"Of course not." Isabella replied, looking up at her mom. "I don't know how I got it. I'll... deal with it tomorrow or something."

"Aww, that's a shame. I really loved la forma en que me follaste. You would make a gran amante."

"Yeah, yeah... I'd like to stay, but I really need to get going. I have an important presentation today." Isabella said. She tried to sit up and pull out of her mother, but when she tried to draw her now limp dick out, she encountered incredible resistance. It was like a hand was latched onto her length, preventing her from pulling out.

"H-hey! Mom, let go!" she exclaimed, squirming around a bit. She wish she hadn't; her dick began to go fully erect again. "Oh, dammit!"

"Whoops! Looks like tu pene has gone all erecto de nuevo!" Vivian giggled.

"Dammit, mom! I have an important presentation to make today!" Isabella protested, even as she mounted her mom again and thrust into her with great speed and vigor. "You're going to make me late!"

  • * *

"Crap crap CRAP! I'm running so late!" Isabella swore as she rode her bike to Danville High School. It took her an extra hour to fuck her mom into a sex coma. After that, she narrowly escaped to take another shower and get dressed in her Fireside Girls uniform. She intended on leaving immediately after getting dressed so she could help with the preparations and so she could rehearse her lines and notes. That was before the sudden appearance of her dick threw a wrench into all of her plans.

As she approached the school, Isabella saw a paper sign taped to the outer fence directing attendees to the auditorium, as well as advertising refreshments. She parked her bike at the bike rack and headed inside after locking it up with a chain. There were several other bikes in the rack as well, and judging by their sizes, they belonged to other Fireside Girls.

The high school auditorium was twice as large as the elementary school's, and given that she was going to give a presentation to hundreds of Fireside Girls from around the Tri-State Area, they needed the space. Her own troop was already there, busy arranging countless rows of chairs and setting up tables full of snacks and coolers full of drinks. Isabella allowed herself a moment to grab a drink and cool down. After her long sex session with her mom and pedaling like crazy to get here, she was sweaty and very thirsty.

As she took a breather, Gretchen came storming up to her in a huff. She was carrying a sheaf of papers in her hands.

"There you are, Isabella!" she said. "Where have you been? You were supposed to be here well over an hour ago! The rest of the Fireside community are due to arrive any minute!"

"I know, I know! I got distracted by s... something." Isabella said between breaths. "Do you have my notes?"

"Yeah, I got them right here." Gretchen handed the sheaf of papers over to her. "Give me a read of the intro. Remember to speak nice and clear, but don't raise your voice."

"'Welcome, Fireside Girls of the Tri-State Area, to the 43rd Annual Fireside Conference.'" Isabella recited after taking a deep breath. She was starting to see spots in the corners of her eyes. She really overdid it trying to race here.

"Dammit, that sounded better in my head." Gretchen said, grabbing the notes out of her hand and crossing out the intro with a pen.

"No, it sounded just fine, Gretchen." Isabella insisted. "Look, it doesn't need to be Grammy-winning perfection. We just need to get through the intro without a hitch and get to the real meat and potatoes as to why we're here."

"Alright, alright. Come on, let's go get set up at the podium."

Isabella and Gretchen went to the side of the stage and headed up the stairs onto it. The stage was empty save for a five foot tall lectern that sat in the dead center of the stage. Behind them, the curtains were drawn, and a massive projector screen was rolled down.

"That's a pretty huge lectern." Isabella said.

"The principal of Danville High School is a pretty huge guy." Gretchen replied. "I saw him before; he's like six foot eight. It's ridiculous. We got a step stool for you so you could actually see over it."

Isabella went to climb up the step stool, but as she moved her leg up, she suddenly doubled over in pain.

"OW! Dammit! I knew I shouldn't have pushed myself!" she winced.

"Are you alright, Isabella?" Gretchen asked.

"It's fine. I just... pedalled really hard to get here. I think I pulled something."

"Why were you late, anyways? What did you get distracted by?"

Isabella paused for a moment.

"Can you promise not to tell anyone?" she asked.

"Of course. You know I wouldn't blab about anything bad to anyone." Gretchen replied.

"Alright. So this morning, I woke up to find some weird... growth... down there." Isabella explained.

"You mean like acne?"

"No, no! Nothing as tame as that!" Isabella took a deep breath. "Just, don't scream in shock or anything when I show you."

After taking a look around the auditorium to make sure no one else was close by that could possibly see, Isabella lifted up her skirt to reveal the dick. Her panties were straining to keep the combined cock and balls in them. She very nearly elected to forgo wearing any today, but she figured this way would prevent them from sticking out much.

"WOAH! WHAT THE-" Gretchen began, but Isabella quickly gestured for her to be quiet. "Oh, right. Sorry. What happened? Why do you have a... dick?"

"I don't know." Isabella said in a far quieter tone than was necessary when the closest person was more than twenty feet away. "When I woke up this morning, I had... this monster, inexplicably."

"It's so... huge..." Gretchen said, getting down on her knees to get a better view of it. There was a peculiar spark in her eyes. "Can you feel through it?"

"Oh yeah, I can. That's why..." Isabella blushed heavily, the memories of fucking her mom flashed through her mind, and she tried to counter them with platonic thoughts about the big presentation she was about to give. "That's why I was late. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to familiarize myself with the script before we begin."

"Okay. The camera... script... mic, thing, is already California... it's working!" Gretchen said. Her mind was obviously preoccupied by something.

"What? Are you alright?" Isabella asked, lowering her skirt. Gretchen shook her head and looked up at her.

"Oh, yeah. I just couldn't think of the word, for some reason." she replied. Isabella gave her a skeptical look and stepped up on the step stool to look over the podium. The auditorium floor looked quite distant from up here. It must have been disorienting for adults to walk around with this perspective all the time.

As Isabella pored over the notes, she suddenly felt something flip the front of her skirt up and pulled her panties down. She moved her head back and looked down to see Gretchen in the hollow area between the stool and the podium, gripping at her dick.

"What are-" she began, but paused to cover the microphone with a paper when it picked up her voice. "What are you doing?!" she hissed.

"It's just... so... good-looking." Gretchen replied. That weird gleam was back in her eyes. "I've never seen one shaped so perfectly... and so big..."

"Thanks for the compliment, but the presentation is about to start soon. I'll let you look at it all you want, but you have to wait until after the - hey, don't put it in your- AH!"

Despite her protests, Gretchen began stroking the dick to get it erect. She had this look of great awe as it swelled up to full length. She pulled back the foreskin and gave the exposed head a long, slow lick. Isabella gasped and doubled over the podium. The pleasure was intense. She could feel every little bump and texture of the tongue rolling over the sensitive head.

"I can taste the salty cum..." she gasped. "You must have been really busy this morning..."

"Yes I was, and I'm still really busy, so please stop licking it and - NNNHH!" Gretchen ignored Isabella's desperate pleas and the current situation and closed her mouth around the head. She sucked on it, stabbing the meatus of the dick with her tongue. Her eyes were glazed over, and Isabella knew that there was no reasoning with her at this point.

As if that wasn't bad enough, an ocean of red and orange uniforms came walking into the auditorium from the double doors leading outside; the Fireside Girls had arrived. Isabella and Gretchen were mostly concealed behind the podium, but Isabella never felt more mortified in her life. She was receiving a blowjob and feeling that overwhelming sensation before an orgasm in front of a growing crowd, even if they weren't aware of it.

Gretchen's lips, she could feel, were slowly inching forward as she took more and more of the length into her mouth. She swallowed it much slower than Vivian did, but she took in far more than Isabella expected she should reasonably be able to.

It took about fifteen minutes for all of the Fireside Girls to take their seats. In that time, Isabella was brought to orgasm, much to her embarrassment. She gripped the podium and tried her best to keep a straight face. She involuntarily thrust her hips forward into Gretchen's mouth, shooting one load after another into her mouth. She could feel Gretchen's throat contracting as she swallowed her cum. It was difficult to believe that she could actually cum this much, still, despite cumming more than half a dozen times just this morning.

Isabella felt a cold draft on her dick as Gretchen pulled her head back and removed the dick from her mouth. She looked down, expecting her to somehow discreetly slip out from under the podium, but much to her dismay, Gretchen began removing her clothes.

"What the hell are you doing?!" she hissed at her under the podium, but Gretchen ignored her. The lights began to dim, and Isabella directed her attention up to the crowd that had filled the room. She must have been blanking out for the past fifteen minutes. She didn't notice just how many Fireside Girls had arrived, and here in her current predicament, she was unable to do nothing but stare at the crowd!

"Ewuh, welcome, everyone, to the Annual Fireside Conference." Isabella said into the microphone. She shuddered as Gretchen, now fully naked under the podium, took the cock into her mouth again. "I-huuuhh... I'm not good with introductions, so let's just get started."

Under the podium, Gretchen couldn't see much aside from the walls of the podium on either side of her, Isabella's naked crotch and now the bright light of the projection on the screen behind her. At the moment, however, the only thing that interested her was the perfectly-shaped dick that Isabella was sporting. She didn't care that she was nude in the middle of an auditorium full of hundreds of Fireside Girls and hidden by a few thin planks of wood. She needed to suck on this dick, and the mere act of sucking on it was making her very aroused and very wet. If anything, doing this in a place where she could easily be seen just made even more aroused.

Gretchen's hand moved down between her own legs and pinched and tugged at her clit. She bobbed her head back and forth, once again gradually taking in the length inch by inch. She tasted the cum, and she loved the sweet, milky taste of it. Her head was in a fog, and all she wanted was to have this amazing dick inside her.

"Suh-so cumming up s-soon is our big recruitment drive." Isabella said above her. She pressed buttons on the remote control that was left for her on the podium. The images on the projector changed, but Gretchen couldn't make out what they were from her position. "We expect a lot of new girls to cum... on down to the Fireside HQ and sign up this summer. Because of the volume, we need at least a dozen troops on dih-deck throughout the Tri-State area that will handle recruitment."

Isabella paused and shuddered silently as she came again. Gretchen fingered herself much more vigorously, even humping the air from sheer arousal. The sperm tasted so good, and the smell was so intoxicating. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she bucked her hips into her hand even more. She moaned with delight as she came, but instead of cumming through her pussy, that numbing, euphoric sensation hit her through her mouth. While it felt amazing for a few seconds, all it did in the long run was make her pussy burn with envy.

"I... so, so yes. We'll need volunteer troops to come forward to assist in the recruitment. If we end up having more than twelve... twenty! Volunteers, we'll draw lots to determine who will handle recruitment."

Isabella felt Gretchen grab her hips with both hands and pull her forward several inches. More of her dick was pulled into Gretchen's warm mouth. It took a lot of concentration on her part to not give in to her primal urges.

"A-a-anyways, next thing on the list..." Isabella clicked next on the slide, trying her best to ignore her friend sucking her off like her life depended on it. "If any of you have been paying attention to the news, giggleweed has been legalized in Danville. We have concluded that we could take advantage of this new market."

She involuntarily thrust her hips forward as Gretchen started squeezing her butt cheeks. She was thankful that the lights were dimmed and the brightness of the projection over her head obscured her blissful expression. She couldn't stop herself anymore. All she could hope to do was retain what little sanity she had left and get through the rest of the presentation without visible incident.

"Giggleweed dispensaries will open up at these addresses throughout the Tri-state area." she said, pressing the button on the remote to go to the next slide. Even though she couldn't see the slide, she knew that the addresses were accompanied by images of the storefronts, some of which were marked with giant "COMING SOON" signs. "We will provide everyone with a list after the presentation to take home. It is highly recommended to sell outside of the dispensaries. A Fireside Girl in California managed to sell her troop's entire inventory, a total of 300 boxes, in only six hours."

She paused for dramatic effect. Surprised and impressed murmurs echoed throughout the audience, but Isabella heard none of it. She took the opportunity to face fuck Gretchen under the podium. She did not let up once during the entire presentation so far, which was slightly admirable, but it was beginning to drive Isabella mad. Her dick was very sensitive after cumming so many times, and even though it was beginning to hurt, it was still immensely pleasurable, and that's what her body was dead focused on.

Isabella trembled as she had another orgasm. At the same time, she realized that she had paused for too long and the audience was now looking at her inquisitively.

"Uhh, s-sorry!" she said huskily as she randomly shuffled around the papers on the podium. She was actually trying to talk through right in the middle of an orgasm! "L-lost my spot for a moment. Soyes, just... don't forget to cum... go! Prepare... for the opening of the giggleweed dispensaries! This is a lucrative business opportunity we can't afford to miss!"

She hurried to the end of that paragraph, eager to get to the end of this presentation. There wasn't much else to get through.

"Y-yes, umm... up next we have a message from our founder, Eliza M. Feyersied." she stuttered. "And then we have a special treat from Troop #90210 in Los Angeles. Uhm... th-thank you all for your time."

Isabella pressed the button again, and the projector went dark for a few seconds as the video loaded up. Then, the auditorium was lit with a bright orange as Eliza M. Feyersied appeared, in uniform, on the screen.

"Hello, everyone." she said in her creaky, but firm voice. "I began this organization in 19-"

Isabella climbed down from the stepstool and pulled back to remove her cock from Gretchen's mouth. Thankfully the podium was large enough and they were small enough that no one in the audience could actually see them, and the projector's light drew attention away from them even more.

"I am so... mad at you right now!" Isabella hissed at Gretchen. Gretchen was a mess. The area around her mouth was smeared with saliva and cum, some of it was dripping down her front, and her hair was a mess and her glasses askew.

"Sorry, I just couldn't resist that lovely, wonderful cock." she said dreamily. "It looks like it can't get enough, either!"

Isabella didn't want to admit it, but she was right. Her dick was still throbbing erect even though it was also quite sore after three orgasms and however many she had just this morning. How she was still shooting out sperm and not a husk from dehydration was a mystery, but not one she was in any capacity to ponder about at the moment.

"You are absolutely insane to even think about doing that right here in the middle of an auditorium full of people!" Isabella said.

"But that makes it even more exciting, doesn't it? The risk of getting caught, even as you are cumming right in front of others?" Gretchen leaned back and put her legs out in front of her. "Look at how wet my pussy is. It's all jealous my mouth got to taste that amazing, big, delicious cock..."

Isabella didn't want to look down. She wanted to look away. She wanted to storm off and leave Gretchen to clean up her own mess. But that lustful possession compelled her to look down at Gretchen's pussy.

Naturally, it was smaller than her mom's vagina, but it was far more wet. Even in the darkness behind the podium, she could see that there was a lot of moisture on her pussy lips and leaking down onto the stage floor. Isabella couldn't help but think of how wonderful it could feel wrapped around her dick.

'This is ridiculous! We can't have sex on the stage in front of all these people!' Isabella thought to herself. 'We can't... but... we're kinda high up, and behind the podium, and it's dark... I mean who could see us back here?'

Isabella's sensibilities and these strange lustful impulses were in mortal combat with each other, and the lust was winning. She didn't care that they were right in front of an audience. She wouldn't have cared even if the lights were on and all eyes were focused on them. Isabella's dick was going to plumb the depths of Gretchen's pussy, and no force on earth was going to stop her!

"Because of my devotion to this organization, I never had children of my own." the projection of Eliza over their heads. "However, as I reach the end of my life, I am proud to consider each and every one of you my daughters and granddaughters. I entrust you all to carry on my legacy and take the Fireside Girls to new heights. Thank you, all of you."

The projector went dark for a moment. Isabella and Gretchen weren't even paying attention to it, too focused they were on each other. Isabella was hastily pulling off her uniform. She didn't even have her skirt and panties off before Gretchen pounced on her. The girls rolled around on the stage, and they ended up facing away from the audience, with Isabella on top.

The projector lit up again, and this time, a troop of five girls, each manning a different instrument on a makeshift stage.

"Is it on?" the girl behind the microphone, who was obviously the lead singer, asked. "O-okay. Hello, everyone! We're Troop #90210, and we are The Fireflies! These are some songs from our upcoming album. I hope you all enjoy it."

The auditorium echoed with music that sounded very similar to rock music from the 90s. Isabella and Gretchen were too busy with each other to pay it any mind, however. Isabella's erect, saliva and cum-coated cock pressed against Gretchen's stomach, throbbing violently.

"Are you gonna put it in me or what?" Gretchen teased, though most of her voice was drowned out by the music right above them. "I've been a naughty girl. Punish me with that huge todger!"

Isabella moved her hips back and thrust forward, tapping the tip against Gretchen's pussy. Her entrance was slick with arousal. Even though she was incredibly tight, her drooling pussy let Isabella inside her with one good thrust.

"Mmnhh!" Gretchen grunted in pain. Isabella was so frantic and forceful trying to push into her, the head hit against the part where it pinched just half an inch before the cervix. She had a dildo she acquired a long time ago to pleasure herself, so she was used to getting penetrated, but Isabella's dick was far larger and thicker. It was a good kind of pain. Gretchen could feel the dick throbbing violently in the core of her body, pulsing against her sensitive G-spot like a second heartbeat.

Isabella began fucking Gretchen without giving her a chance to recover from the insertion. She was in a semi-conscious state, possessed by the hormones and compelled to fuck like a wild beast. The music and the presence of the audience behind them faded from her mind. She wasn't even fully conscious of the fact that there was a breathing being underneath her. Gretchen was little more than a pussy hole with glasses that existed solely for her pleasure.

Meanwhile, down in the audience, a Fireside Girl named Brigitte noticed the girls naked and tussling about on the stage, almost completely out of sight. It was impossible to hear them over the music, but it looked like they were having sex. Were her eyes deceiving her? Did anyone else notice?

Brigitte looked around at the other Fireside Girls and Scoutmasters. It didn't look like any of them noticed what was going on on stage. She felt compelled to say something, to bring attention to the girls having sex on stage, but before she could even open her mouth, she stopped herself. This was the first live sex act she got to see, and it was a hell of a lot more entertaining than this uncultured banging of pots they called music. Why ruin a good thing?

Carefully and stealthily, Brigitte spread her legs apart, slipped her hand up her skirt and prodded at her clit through her panties. Part of her really wished she was up there with them, and that this conceptual threesome was somewhere more intimate, like in a bedroom or maybe in a fancy suite on a cruise ship; somewhere without parental supervision where they could make all the orgasmic ruckus they wanted and no one would ever hear them.

Something about watching this was really turning her on far more than she anticipated. Her heart was racing and her pussy was already tingling as if she had been teasing it for ten minutes. Maybe it was because of how the girls were fucking with complete disregard of the audience behind them? Maybe it was because of how vigorously they seemed to be going at it. Brigitte wondered what kind of sex they were engaged in. Were they tribbing or using a strap-on or feeldoe or some kind of double dildo? Whatever it was, she wished some girl could do that to her. Maybe an older one, with her friends, and they'd take turns violating every hole she had and making her cum again and again until she passed out from exhaustion. That would be the best thing ever.

The vigorous fucking made Isabella sweat profusely from the exertion. She didn't dare break her stride for one moment, though; the lust clawed at her insides like a feral beast, desperate for release. Despite how much she fucked, however, and even rolling her hips around to grind it into anything that was just slightly pleasurable, her orgasm seemed to be just out of reach, like an oiled-up marble that only rolled further away the more she tried to grasp at it with her fingertips.

Gretchen came several times in rapid succession underneath her. She could tell by the way her vaginal muscles clenched rhythmically around her cock and making weird motions like it was trying to milk her. Gretchen getting to cum while she couldn't was almost like some cruel insult to that feral beast. What little sanity Isabella still remained in her reverie feared that this dick had broken her mind in some way, and she worried that she might not be able to cum again. They couldn't do this forever, either. The music was going to end soon, and after that, the lights would come back on and Isabella would give a few final words before dismissing the Fireside Girls. If she couldn't finish before that, they'd be caught in this unbelievably compromising position!

For some reason, the thought of getting caught balls deep inside Gretchen for the whole audience to see was exciting. Really exciting. She almost wanted it to happen, to be able to fuck freely in front of this crowd as a proud declaration of her virility. The thought alone spurred her on. That elusive marble that was her orgasm was finally hooked by a fingertip and rolled inwards. Her climax was building up like an inferno inside her, and her dick was growing numb from the tip on downwards.

Isabella's moans were drowned out by the music echoing through the auditorium when she finally came. Her hips froze in place for several seconds before making short, violent thrusts into Gretchen's pussy. She shot multiple thick, creamy loads into her, thicker than pudding. The volume was so great from the first load alone that it splashed out of Gretchen and onto the stage. Once Isabella had come down from her high, there was a sizable pool of spooge that had pooled around their legs.

Isabella pulled out and lowered herself down next to Gretchen. Her glasses had fallen off in the middle of their fucking, and she was too spent to try and put them back on at the moment. The two girls embraced tightly and shared a sloppy kiss mixed with saliva and cum. The music video presentation was going to end soon, and they'd have to scramble to put their clothes back on and remove as much evidence of what they did as possible, but for the moment, they were content to just lie there in each other's arms.

Brigitte bit her lip and tried her best to not make a sound as she came. She could only see a small bit of whatever was going on onstage, but by god, it was the hottest thing she had ever laid eyes on. She didn't know why Isabella and that other girl decided to have sex right in the middle of the auditorium and immediately after giving that presentation speech, but she knew just from watching them that Isabella was a real firecracker in bed.

  • * *

Some time later, after helping clean up the auditorium and hide the mess she and Gretchen made on the stage, Isabella rode her bike back home in stunned silence. Having sex in front of a crowd and no one noticing a thing had to be the ballsiest thing she ever did. She couldn't understand why she couldn't control herself the instant she got aroused. It was almost like she was a puppet on strings, well aware of herself and her actions, but completely helpless when it came to trying to resist these temptations. Having sex simply felt too good.

"Get ahold of yourself!" a small voice chimed. Isabella looked down at the handlebars of the bike to see a small figure of herself, with a halo, wings and wearing a white linen robe, staring up at her.

"What the- are you... my shoulder angel?" she asked.

"Who else would I be?" the little angel replied. "I've come to help you right yourself, Isabella! I can't stand by and watch you give into temptation time and again! I mean having sex with your own mother, how could you?"

"Yeah, how could she?" another voice similar to hers said. This one sounded more fierce. On the opposite handlebar, a small devil version of Isabella appeared in a puff of crimson flame. She had a slight reddish tinge to her skin, and unlike her shoulder angel, she wore very revealing leather gear. This included thigh high stockings and a very thin thong that rode up between her pussy lips, concealing almost nothing at all.

"Get out of here, you!" Angel Isabella said. "Leave this sweet summer child alone!"

"How could you do it, Isabella?" Devil Isabella asked. "Like, seriously. I have a buncha friends down below that have a lot of questions about how you did that. We haven't seen such eager depravity like that since the aftermath of Gamorrah!"

"Wait, does that mean she's pregnant?!" Angel Isabella asked in utter shock.

"Don't tell me that." Isabella interjected. "It's bad enough I had sex with my mom and Gretchen. I don't want to imagine that I got them pregnant as well! I can't be a mother and a big sister at the same time!"

"Then you have to take control!" Angel Isabella, Alisa, pleaded. "Temperance, chastity, modesty... these are virtues that you must strive for, Isabella!"

"Or..." Devil Isabella, Dizzy, objected. "You could stop being a little toady and embrace this gift of yours! Doesn't it feel amazing when you bury it inside a wet pussy? Don't you just love watching girls writhe in absolute bliss under you?"

"You just hush, missy!" Alisa snapped. "Stop trying to corrupt this poor innocent little girl and go back where you came from!"

"Nah, nah. Stick with me, Izzy. This dick of yours is a gift, and it's gonna take you places you can't even imagine!"

"Yeah, like Hell!"

"Nah, nah. Well, yes, but you'd be coming in through the special employee's entrance, and you'd be getting all the employee benefits like your choice of pussy and an open invite to every gangbang."

Dizzy unclasped the thong and let it fall down around her thighs. She then held out her hand over her crotch, and like some cheap magic trick, grew a dick that looked similar to Isabella's.

"Oh yeah, I like this!" she said, gripping it in one hand and stroking the length.

"Hey, you stop that over there!" Alisa protested.

"Yeah, I don't need to be seeing this while I'm riding my bike." Isabella said, even though she found that she couldn't look away. Dizzy was just a tiny version of herself with demonic features, but it did look very enticing.


Isabella looked up just in time to see a pedestrian on the sidewalk. She swerved at the very last second to avoid hitting him. The consciences clutched onto the handlebars to avoid falling off.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" the man shouted after her.

"That was close..." Alisa said.

"Look, can we talk about this later?" Isabella asked.

"Very well." Alisa said. "Please don't do anything rash while I'm gone!"

Alisa disappeared in a puff of white and feathers.

"Alright. I'm gonna go break this bad boy in." Dizzy said. "I'll be thinking of you, darling!"

Dizzy disappeared in a flash of fire. Isabella let out a loud sigh both in stress and in the relief of it. With those two out of the way, she was able to focus more on the most important event of today: asking Phineas out on a date.

She wasn't about to let the sudden appearance of the dick interfere with her plans - she didn't let it up till now, but she had to still consider the possibility that she could go all the way to third base tonight. What would she say to Phineas if he wanted to see her naked or something? How would he react if and when he saw that she had a cock, and one that was bigger than anyone's who wasn't named Roberto?

"Modesty,Isabella!" Alisa's airy voice echoed in her head. "Don't give it all up on the first date!"

Yes, entertaining these scenarios was rather silly and a foolish flight of fancy. It is very much what Isabella wanted to happen... for the past year or so that she has fostered this crush on Phineas. But trying to rush it or perhaps even raping him in a last, crazed, desperate resort would only drive him further away from her. She could only hope that the show tonight at the piers would knock some sense into him and awaken his affection for Isabella that she knew was deep down somewhere in his subconscious.

Isabella rode her bike to her house to put it away, and then walked across the street to Phineas' house. SHe went around back to where Phineas could usually be found, but there was no one back there. NOt just Phineas or Ferb, but there wasn't any sign of one of his works in progress, either.

Great. Did he go on another one of his wild and zany adventures where she couldn't contact him again? If she didn't know better, Isabella would have suspected that he was actively trying to avoid her. Maybe she could leave him a note or something...

"Isabella? Hey, Isabella!" A voice called out to her. Isabella looked over at the back door to the house. Linda, Phineas' mom, was standing at the doorway.

"Hey, Mrs. Fletcher." Isabella said, approaching her. Phineas isn't around, I take it?"

"No, he and Ferb went down to the park. She explained. "He said he'd be back in a little bit. You could hang around here until he gets back."

"Okay!" Linda stood aside to allow Isabella inside the house. Immediately upon entering, Isabella was hit with a wall of the smell of pumpkin spice and the ambient heat of the oven.

"Whatcha bakin'?" she asked.

"I'm trying out a recipe a friend shared with me." Linda explained. "Thought I'd get the practice in before the holiday season."

"Okay. Don't worry about me. I'll try and stay out of the way."

Isabella left the kitchen, removed her Fireside Girls beret and tossed it on the arm rest of the couch. She had never been inside Phineas' house when he wasn't around before. It was a little strange.

It would be incredibly rude to snoop, but Isabella felt especially bold for some weird reason. She headed upstairs and entered Phineas' room. It was rather clean, considering how busy and industrious he generally was. Did he usually clean or did Linda for it for him? Isabella's eyes panned across the room before stopping on Phineas' bed. She walked over and placed a hand on it.

'One day...' she thought to herself. 'One day I'll wake up in it next to him... see his silhouette against the ceiling...'

Isabella left before those intrusive thoughts got the better of her. She returned downstairs and sat down on the couch. She felt a little awkward and restless just sitting there waiting for him to return. He was certainly taking his sweet time.

There was a clattering in the kitchen, followed by an exclamation of "Dammit!". Out of curiosity and want for something to do, Isabella got up and went back into the kitchen.

"Is everything okay in here?" she asked. Linda was looking over a pan of cookies that she just pulled out of the oven. There was a slight smell of burning in the air, and a faint trail of smoke rose up from the failed batch. Isabella safely concluded what had gone wrong before Linda said anything.

"It's fine, I just realized that I'm supposed to put the icing on AFTER I take it out of the oven, not before I put it in." Linda let out a sigh of frustration. "I've made a billion cookies in my life; I don't know how I could make such a stupid mistake."

"Um, if you want I can help you make the second batch." Isabella said.

"No no no, that's alright, dear. You don't need to help. You're a guest."

"I insist. After all, what are Fireside Girls that can't handle a simple batch of cookies? EEP!" Isabella clapped her hands over her mouth when she realized she may have implicitly insulted Linda. I"m sorry, I didn't mean it that way.

"It's okay, I know what you meant." Linda said. "Well, if you want to help, go wash up, first. I'll get you a stepstool."

Isabella washed her hands and then climbed up on the stepstool that Linda got for her. She got to work making a new batch of batter while Linda disposed of the failed batch and made some new icing. Within half an hour, they had made a second batch of pumpkin spice cookies and icing.

"Thanks a lot for helping me out." Linda said after putting the full tray into the oven. "I really appreciate it, honestly."

"It was no problem." Isabella replied. She washed her hands and climbed down from the step stool. "It's not like I have anything more important to do while I wait for Phineas to show up."

"And now all we have to do is wait for the cookies to get done, as well." Linda bent over to peer into the oven window. "It shouldn't take more than twenty minutes, I think."

Isabella turned around and looked over at Linda from behind. Most of what she was able to see of her was a shapely rear. She wore rather tight pants, so they were taught against her hourglass form when she was bent over.

Isabella shook her head and tried to look away from her crush's mom's ass. Try as she might, though, she couldn't. She couldn't help but admire that nice round ass, and how the fabric of the pants perfectly defined the outline of her pubic mound. The back of her shirt was pulled up, and Isabella could see that Linda was wearing a black lace thong.

"I-I need to go to the bathroom!" Isabella said, and hastily left the room.

"Okay, I'll get things cleaned up in here." Linda called after her. Isabella didn't go to the bathroom, but rather took refuge in the next room. She could feel those lusty thoughts invading her mind and stirring the insatiable beast between her legs. It was an increasingly uphill struggle to ignore the intrusive thoughts. But why should she? Linda was very hot, and neither of them had much else to do while they waited for cookies and Phineas.

"Isabella, you are slipping!" Alisa's voice rang out. She appeared on the coffee table in front of the couch. "You have to find your center and concentrate on pure, chaste thoughts!"

"And why should she?" Dizzy's sharper, more assertive voice replied. "Sex isn't an evil act! Denying yourself bliss and forcing that celibate life on other people is, however."

Dizzy appeared half a foot away from Alisa in a flash of fire. She still had the cock, and now it was dripping with a combination of cum and presumably pussy juices.

"Why can't you just go away?!" Alisa exclaimed. "You aren't welcome here!"

"We're contractually obligated to work together, baby doll." Dizzy replied. "Mm, just so you know, Izzy, baby, I had a fuckin' blast with this thing!" She gave the shaft a small jerk.

"Put that thing away, you! Have you no shame!?"

"Yeah, I got shame. Shame that I didn't think to get a dick sooner. I can't get enough of out playing the pitcher instead of the catcher, and I happen to know a thing or two about sex!"

"Isabella, do not listen to this succubus." Alisa implored in a dead serious tone. "Stray too far away from the path of righteousness and you will be forever lost and never find your way back to the glory of Heaven!"

"You know, it's very cute that you think you have any power left over Isabella." Dizzy said. "You don't realize just how weak you are, do you?"

"What do you mean? The power of good will always persevere against the forces of evil!"

"If only that were even halfway true. You see, in order to prove yourself correct, your guidance has to provably bring her a greater degree of bliss or spare her or others from suffering because of the option I provide."

Dizzy sat back right as a deep red tentacle rose out of the surface of the coffee table from a fiery circle and curved to act as a seat for her. Dizzy crossed one leg over the other and idly stroked the cock.

"What options do you provide? Chastity and modesty? Whether she wanted to or not, Isabella has followed that guidance for quite some time. ALl it has done is leave her frustrated and sexually starved." Dizzy shuddered and jerked herself off faster. She shot a thick and creamy load of jizz onto the coffee table. Alisa looked away, trying her best to look disgusted, but Isabella could tell that the sight was alluring to her.

"My guidance, meanwhile, has shown her pleasures once thought unknowable. She got in good with her mom and one of her friends." Dizzy hopped down and sauntered over to Alisa, who backed up a few steps. The cock swung back and forth between her legs, in a state between erect and soft. Fiery circles appeared on the ground around Alisa's feet, but she didn't notice. "That means my influence over her has only grown stronger, while yours, I am not sorry to say, has waned."

Deep red tentacles burst out of the fiery circles and wrapped themselves around Alisa's arms and legs. She screamed and tried to fight against them, but the tentacles were too strong.

"What the- hey! Lemme go!" she demanded.

"No, I don't think I will." Dizzy said. Your influence has been faltering so much, even you can't resist my temptations anymore."

"That's not true!" Alisa insisted, even as her eyes drifted downward at Dizzy's cock again as she approached.

"Isn't it? I bet you're thinking about how amazing my dick would feel stuffed halfway up your cooch."

Now up close to her, Dizzy leaned in and gave Alisa a soft, teasing kiss on the lips.

"I-I'm warning you!" she said with a shaky voice. "Don't you dare rape me!"

"It's not rape if you actually want it!" Dizzy grabbed Alisa's robes and tugged hard on them. They tore off of her as easily as wax paper. Alisa was wearing nothing underneath, not even a bra or panties. She screamed and struggled even harder in the binds in vain.

"Mmmh, you have an amazing bod, Angel Izzy." Dizzy said, licking her lips.

"It's Isabella's body! We all share the same appearance!"

"I know, but you wear it so well!" The tentacles pulled Alisa back and laid her out on the surface of the coffee table. Dizzy got down and climbed over her. Her dick was throbbing against her stomach.

"You look so sexy and lovely... I just want to..." Dizzy pulled back and thrust her cock right into Alisa's pussy. Alisa let out an aroused scream, thrashing in the binds but unable to pull away from her.

"Ooohh, you are so tight like a virgin. Knowing you, you probably are." Dizzy cooed. "I'm so happy I could be your first!"

"Stop! Stop stop stop stop stop!" she begged until she ran out of breath.

"Scream all you want, nobody is going to hear us. We're just figments of Isabella's imagination."

Isabella could feel a powerful tingling in her loins as she watched her conscience rape itself. It was almost like she was the one doing the fucking, and the one getting fucked, all at the same time. There was some weird sensation of something pushing up into her pussy, filling her up and stimulating her vaginal muscles. The dick between her legs lurched back to life, tugging against her panties. Before she could do anything to try and free it, however, it tore through the fabric. The cock poked out, lifting up her skirt and bouncing free in front of her. Several droplets of viscous precum dripped onto the carpet.

Isabella had the irresistible urge to jerk herself off. Both her hands clutched the shaft and she made hard jerking motions along its length. The pleasure intensified severalfold, and she began bucking her hips into her hands, almost mimicking Dizzy's movements.

"It looks like I've won." Dizzy said as she fucked Alisa. "Isabella and I are in perfect sync with each other now, and even you cannot resist my influence anymore, Alisa. Come on. Let yourself go and give into the wild bliss coursing through us."


"Mmnnhh! Nnhh~ if you insist!" Dizzy and Isabella both doubled over and grunted as they both hit their climax. Dizzy filled Alisa's womb up with her jizz, and Isabella blew her thick load across the coffee table, splashing her consciences in the process. Her pussy felt electrified, and she could see that Alisa was writhing in a powerful orgasm as well underneath her devil counterpart.

"So warm... so good..." Alisa panted. "My pussy is tingling so much..."

"Imagine how good it would feel if you had a dick, too." Dizzy suggested.

"Yeah... I think I want one, too..." Alisa reached between her legs to massage at her clit. After a few seconds of rubbing, it began to swell and expand into an erect dick similar to Dizzy's and Isabella's.

"See? Doesn't it feel good to give into these wild feelings?" Dizzy asked. Alisa nodded her head, stroking her dick. She smeared the cum Isabella splashed on them across her face and body.

"It's so warm..." she whispered.

"That's right, and I'm gonna fill you up with it." Dizzy looked up at Isabella through the one eye on the side of her face that didn't get drenched in her spooge.

"Well what are you waiting for?" she asked. "Go get a piece of that hot sweet ass. We're with you every step of the way!"

Isabella nodded her head and removed her uniform. Her clothes felt so constricting now more than they ever have been. Being naked was such a liberating experience, like this is how she was meant to be.

With her mind no longer burdened by inhibitions or doubt, Isabella walked back into the kitchen completely naked. The struggle between her consciences had taken long enough that Linda was back at her work station, preparing a new batch of icing. Her back was to Isabella, her well-defined ass almost beckoning to the young girl.

"Here, lemme help you out with that." she said in a calm, almost dreamy tone as she moved the step stool behind Linda.

"Isabella? Why are you moving the step stool behind me?" Linda asked, twisting her body back and forth in an attempt to see her. "You won't be able to see anything back th-AAAHH!"

She let out a yelp of surprise as Isabella reached around to her front and shoved her hands down her pants. She could feel the tiny digits worming their way into her panties and feeling around for her soft pink womanhood.

"Isabella, what has gotten into you?!" she gasped. "Get your hands out of o-o-houh-HHOOOOOUUUUUGH!"

One of Isabella's fingers found her clitoris and began to prod and toggle at it. If Linda said she didn't enjoy it, she'd be lying. IT was something she didn't really get to enjoy in the increasingly few instances she had sex with her husband. Lawrence was never one for foreplay, even in the earliest years of their marriage.

"Do you still not want this?" Isabella asked.

"Oh, w-wow..." Linda gasped. "H-how are you so good at this? HOw do you even know about any of this?"

"I've gotten in plenty of experience lately."

Linda doubled over the counter, both enjoying the stimulation to her clit while also regretting what she might do next. She was still loyal to her husband, but she also needed this kind of bliss, even if she was going to receive it from a child.

Isabella's erect dick poked out between Linda's legs. The mom could feel it grinding against her inner thighs, and she was startled when she looked down to see it.

"What the - how... is that real?" she asked.

"Mhmm. I don't know where it came from, but it feels really good when I fuck with it."

Linda could only see the head and a small part of the main body from this position, but something about it was incredibly alluring and exciting, as if she knew it would bring her insurmountable bliss. Just looking at it for a few seconds melted away any of her concerns about infidelity.

Isabella began rocking her hips back and forth, rubbing her dick against Linda's inner thighs. The fabric of the pants didn't hold a candle to bare, smooth skin, but Linda's MILF bod was really turning her on, and Isabella was too impatient to try digging her out of her clothes right this second.

"Unnhh... Is-Isabella..." Linda whispered. THe shaft rubbed against her labia through her panties and her pants. Combined with her little pink bean being stimulated, she could feel her loins heating up with that tingling sensation just before climax.

"Mmh, mhh, mhh..." Isabella grunted as she thrust her hips faster into LInda's thighs. Her dick was tingling. She could feel the heat and moisture of Linda's pussy beginning to bleed through the pants. She wanted to rip them off and pound her pussy right then and there, but she could not bring herself to stop for even an instant.

Isabella felt Linda tremble violently and her thighs and ass tense up as she came. Her pants became drenched with her warm squirt.

"Nnhh, mmhhh..." Linda shuddered as the endorphins rushed through her body and numbed her mind. She couldn't remember the last time she felt this good. In fact, she couldn't remember the last time her clit was stimulated like this, or when the sex was spontaneous. It was hard to have sex out of the blue when you had a house to run and children to take care of.

WIth Phineas and Ferb out and about at the moment and Candace also out doing... whatever it was she did on days like this, Linda decided to make the most of this time alone with this transformed ISabella. This wasn't cheating, she assured herself, this was just relieving some tensions.

Isabella thrust her hips faster and faster into Linda's thighs. She could feel her dick going numb and twitching with imminent climax.

"Keep going." Dizzy's voice echoed in her head. "Blow your load onto the counter. Share this gift of yours with all your friends!"

Isabella slammed her hips into Linda's ass and let out a series of moans. Her cum shooting out of her dick felt hot and thick like lava. She pressed her face into LInda's back and tightened her grip around her midriff. For some reason, it was much harder to maintain her balance here than it was to maintain it on the podium at the school. Maybe her exhaustion was finally starting to catch up with her?

"Hmm hmm hmm... I think you just added in a new ingredient." Linda giggled. "Let's move the step stool so you can see your handiwork."

Isabella stepped down and Linda shifted the step stool to her side. ISabella climbed back up and saw where her cumshot was aimed at. Most of the volume landed in the icing bowl, and some of it oozed off of the side.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, Linda!" she exclaimed, her good conscience regaining a little influence after she came.

"Don't worry." Linda replied. "I think it helped add to the flavor." She grabbed the mixing spoon and stirred it into the icing before picking some up on her index finger and licking it off. "Mmm, yep! It made it much smoother and creamier, with just a little hint of saltiness!"

"You mean it actually made it better?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah, at least I think so. Here, try it yourself."

Linda scooped some onto her index and middle fingers and stuck them into Isabella's mouth. THe move was a much more erotic one than Isabella expected. Linda stuck her fingers into her mouth only slightly at first to allow the young girl to lick off the icing, and then gradually inched them in deeper.

"Ggthhhh..." she gagged. Linda was right; her cum did somehow considerably improve the quality of the icing. As Linda continued to hold her fingers in her mouth, Isabella saw in the corner of her eye Alisa and Dizzy appear in the icing, as if it was a large tub or swimming pool for them.

"Mmmnn, I love this feeling, swimming in a pool of gooey white stuff!" Dizzy cooed, smearing it across Alisa's chest before licking it off. "Of course, it doesn't hold a candle to the good stuff back home. We got tentacles and incubi and futa succubi that pump cum out all day long, so it's always hot."

"I'd love to visit those cum pits one day." Alisa giggled.

"I'll see about getting you a guest pass." Dizzy said. She turned Alisa around and fumbled about underneath the icing, blindly guiding her dick to Alisa's pussy hidden beneath her own cock. She slipped it in and pushed hard all the way to the hilt. Alisa let out a yelp in surprise and joy and gripped the side of the icing bowl.

"Mmmhh!" Alisa moaned as Dizzy began pounding hard into her.

"Much more open to this now, aren't you?" Dizzy asked through labored grunts. "Not so resistant to the idea of sex like you were before, huh?"

"Yes! Yes! Please fuck me harder, Dizzy!" she cried out. Because they were just figments of Isabella's imagination, Linda couldn't see them.

SOmething about Linda finger fucking Isabella's mouth really turned the little girl on. Maybe it had something to do with it being very similar to giving a blowjob? ISabella's feminine side was still a virgin and she had never been with a boy or man, so she couldn't tell for sure. Whatever was going on was making her dick throb painfully and itch with the need for release again. How many times did she cum today? She had lost count, and considering she was no longer pressed for time, who knows how many more times she'd end up cumming tonight?

"I think we need to sample this special cream by itself, though." Linda said, drawing her fingers out of Isabella's mouth. "Make sure it's the best quality it can be."

Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher stood up and began removing her soaked and probably uncomfortable pants. She removed her shirt, bra and panties as well. Isabella looked up at and admired her nude form. Her skin looked smooth and creamy, and her crotch was covered with a small, yet trimmed tuft of hair.

"Wow, you really are a redhead." she observed.

"Everyone always says that about redheads." Linda retorted. "It's like no one can believe red hair can naturally exist!

"Okay, Isabella, what we're gonna do now is get a glass ready for the cream." Linda grabbed a tall drinking glass from the cabinet and handed it to Isabella. "Next, we're gonna put you up on the counter, where we can properly take a sample."

She picked Isabella up from under her arms and laid her out flat across the kitchen counter. Her legs from the knees down dangled off the side. It was an extremely weird feeling several times over, laying down on the kitchen counter of her crush's house while naked.

"That's good. Now, stick the glass over your dick and tell me when you are about to cum." she instructed. "We don't want to waste even a single drop of that precious cream."

"But how are you going to make me cum if most of my dick is inside the glass?" she asked, even as she put her dick into the glass.

"Oh, honey, there is more than one way to milk a cow." Linda lifted up Isabella's hefty balls to peer underneath. "Hu hu hu, just as I expected. You're not all boy."

"I know, I... I checked myself out this morning." Isabella said. She tilted her head to the side and saw Alisa and Dizzy going at each other in the icing bowl. This time, Dizzy was on top of Alisa in a seated position, bouncing up and down on the Angel's cock.

"Uuunnghh!!!" she moaned, trying to suppress her cries of bliss.

"See now how good these things feel?" Dizzy asked. "See how amazing and irresistable sex with a dick truly is?" Her lower half and cock were coated in icing, and every time she bounced, she created a wave rippling outwards. For being just Isabella's imagination, it was quite vivid.

"This feels... incredible! My p-penis feels all... uuunnnhhh-hhaaahhh! HAAANNNNHHHH!"

Alisa's eyes widened and she practically screamed as she lost her male virginity and came inside Dizzy. Dizzy sunk all the way down to the bottom and slowly rolled her hips back and forth. Her twitching facial expressions implied she was also having an orgasm.

"Holy shit, you're cumming so much!" she gasped. "You're cumming like a virgin does! Or like a depraved little succubus!"

Dizzy was up to her chest in the icing, so Isabella couldn't see what her arms were doing, but based on the small motions her shoulders made she assumed she was jerking herself off. This was confirmed when Dizzy's expression tensed up even more, and the head of her cock, which was poking just above the surface of the icing, shot thick gouts of sperm into the mixture.

Isabella's attention was snapped back to reality when Linda slipped her index and middle fingers into her pussy hidden away underneath her balls. She was so used to feeling bliss with her dick because of today's events that she all but forgot that her pussy still existed.

"Hhnnnggghhhh..." she shuddered. It felt like Linda's finger was electrified. Her abdominal muscles quivered from the insertion; something she had never experienced before.

"Oh my, you're so sensitive!" Linda observed. "That's a good thing! That means you should be able to deliver a lot of high-quality cream!"

Linda slipped a second and third finger into ISabella's slit. Because she was only ten years old and a virgin on top of that, three fingers was already close to her breaking point. Isabella's labia tingled with delight, but also burned slightly from being stretched for the first time.

"Hmm, no clitoris. I wonder if you still have a G-spot with this thing?" Linda twisted her fingers around and probed upward. Isabella let out a loud gasp and jerked violently on the counter. "Yep! That's a sweet spot, alright!"

Linda continued to probe at and violate Isabella's G-spot. To Isabella, it felt like there was an extra-sensitive clitoris that was like a core on the inside of her cock. The pleasure was so intense and so overwhelming that she was beginning to see stars flicker in her vision.

The pleasure was so overwhelming that it affected Alisa and Dizzy as well. Both consciences, as they maneuvered around in the icing bowl so Dizzy could be the pitcher again, froze in place from the blissful feedback. Or perhaps they reacted the way they did because it was all ISabella could think about.

"Ooooohhhh GOOOOOOOD!!!" Alisa cried out. She grabbed her dick and began stroking it vigorously and desperately. "This is so amazing!! It feels like I'm cumming constantly!"

"Hee hee hee- HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAHH!" Dizzy started laughing maniacally. "It feels like I'm back in the pleasure pits in Hell! I feel like I'm going to go insane from it!"

Dizzy and Alisa faced each other, stroking their dicks. THe heads beaded with precum for a few relatively gentle seconds before they wildly spouted their sperm over each other. They aimed their cocks so they painted every bare inch of their skin. Both girls were giggling as if they had gone insane.

"Is it that good for you?" Linda asked in a raised voice, once again snapping Isabella back to reality. THe illusions of her consciences disappeared, and Isabella realized with embarrassment that she was giggling madly in real life, and making quite a racket.

"Huh... huh.... s-sorry..." she said.

"Don't be. I love hearing your 'singing' while I milk you."

Isabella looked back down at the glass that her dick was resting in. In her mad, pre-orgasmic reverie, she had shot out a thick glob of precum all over the bottom of the glass. Seeing that filled her with equal parts anticipation and dread. If this is what her girl pre-orgasm in this state was like, what was going to happen when she finally came for real?

"I think the cream separated a bit." Linda said, looking at the glass. "Don't worry, we can mix it all back in together once we get it all out."

Linda moved her head down and opened her mouth wide to take Isabella's large balls into her mouth. Isabella's eyes widened and she thrashed around on the table even more. Linda had to hold her body down to prevent her from potentially hurting herself.

"Hhhhhhnnnngg..." Isabella shuddered. She did not expect to get her balls sucked off, and she did not expect it to feel so good.

Linda's tongue rolled back and forth underneath them, effectively juggling them. It was making her cock head twitch even more, threatening to erupt at any moment.

"Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher, I think I'm going to cum soon." she panted. Linda didn't respond verbally, but instead stuck her tongue out as far as she could with Isabella's balls in her mouth to touch the spot where Isabella's scrotum met the entrance to her pussy. She dragged her tongue back, brushing it against that sensitive region.

"Hhaaaaahhhh! Hhhnnngg!" Isabella gave out a few final moans and trust up into the glass. Feeling her balls beginning to twitch in her mouth, Linda carefully popped them out of her mouth and helped Isabella roll over onto her side. Isabella faced the edge of the counter, still holding the glass firmly to her dick. With one extra probe against her G-spot, Isabella was finally pushed over the edge.

Isabella's orgasm was like being pierced in the crotch with a spear made of pure bliss. Unlike her previous orgasms, which had affected only her cock, this one encompassed both her dick and her pussy, piercing her to her very core. It was a most exquisite feeling, even if it was a hellish one.

Isabella's mind was so flooded with endorphins that everything around her took on a dreamlike state. She felt like she was floating, even as she was laid out on the hard counter top. Linda seemed to move in slow motion above her as she hastily took the glass from her grip.

Isabella's cum cascaded out of the tip like a geyser, filling it up in just a few powerful spurts. When it was nearly full, Linda pulled the glass away, even as Isabella continued to cum. Her dick stood up and curved backwards. She continued to contract several more times, coating herself in her own thick spooge.

Isabella slowly came to her senses. Her perception of time returned to normal. Linda stood over her, admiring the glass full of cum that she held in her hand.

"Oh wow, that's a lot of milk." she said. "Healthy cows give a lot of milk. I should have gotten a bigger glass."

Isabella's cum felt very warm and gooey against her own skin at first, but then it began to cool down and crust, leaving a semi-transparent dry coating on her body. She looked up at Linda, who looked a spoon out of the drawer and stirred the cum and pre together.

"Mm, it looks so thick and delicious." she said, licking her lips. She brought the glass to her lips and began to drink it. For some reason, the sight was slightly gross while extremely erotic at the same time. It made Isabella's dick throb with arousal and anticipation.

As Linda drank the glass of sperm, she began fingering herself. She pinched her clit and waggled it back and forth. Her drinking slowed down a bit as she took deep breaths out of her nose. Her legs were getting wobbly as she neared the bottom.

Linda fell to her knees before she could finish the glass. She squirted all over the kitchen floor, having hit her climax. All she could smell was the musky scent of Isabella's cum, which very nearly had the effect of an aphrodisiac. It also tasted sweet and creamy. Immediately she began to imagine that amazing cock between her legs, filling her womb up to bursting with this sperm. She couldn't wait any longer.

Slowly getting to her feet, careful to not slip on the puddle of girl cum on the floor, she drank the last of Isabella's sperm from the glass, then moved over her and gave her a kiss, pushing it into her mouth.

Isabella sputtered underneath her, surprised at the sudden flood of sperm into her mouth. The taste and smell of it made her very excited. Her dick twitched again, no longer content with cumming outside of a pussy. She wanted to feel Linda's muscles tighten around her and she wanted it now!

"Let me take the cookies out of the oven first, and then we can go upstairs for some real fun!" Linda cooed. "Go on up ahead. I won't be long."

She helped Isabella climb down from the counter, and Isabella headed immediately upstairs to the master bedroom. It was clean and tidy inside, just as she imagined it would be. The bed was made and the covers were all tucked in, not that it would remain that way for very long. This would be the second parents' bed that she fucked in today. In her lustful state, Isabella wondered how long it would take to fuck the moms of all her friends as well.

Since she had a little bit of time, Isabella decided to jump into the shower to wash up first. The novelty of being coated in cum wore off almost immediately after it dried. She stepped into the shower stall and angled the shower head so it only targeted her from the neck down. She didn't want to go through the fuss of managing her hair when she was about to have sex. The cum came off rather greasy once it was rehydrated and juxtaposed to the texture of water. That really wore off the novelty of a cum bath, in her opinion.

Isabella got out and dried herself off with a towel folded up in the cabinet. She entered back into the master bedroom to find Linda laying on the bed facing her. Her legs were spread far apart, and she was teasing her clit.

"You got all cleaned up just so I can dirty you again!" she said.

"Ehh, better than wearing an uncomfortable dry layer of my own cum the whole time." Isabella said. She pulled the towel off and left it at the foot of the bed as she climbed in. She laid down on top of Linda, who wrapped her arms around her. She was thinner than her mom Vivian, but she was definitely taller. Her breasts were also noticeably smaller.

"Mmmn, yeah. I don't get to do this often." Linda sighed. "Lawrence, he isn't much for cuddling."

"I was doing this with my mom earlier this morning." Isabella admitted.

"Did you, now? You're quite the feisty little motherfucker, aren't you?"

"I mean, it kinda just happened."

"Well, I didn't bring you up here just so we could cuddle. I want you to fuck me as good as you did your own mother."

Isabella moved backward a little bit so the head pressed against her hot and moist entrance, and she pushed right in. There was initially a lot of give to her vaginal muscles, but shortly after Isabella touched bottom, Linda tensed up all around her.

"Woah! What the-?!" Isabella gasped.

"Did you like that? I took up yoga classes after I gave birth to Phineas so could keep everything nice and tight down there. It gave me a lot of control over my Kegels."

Even though she wasn't moving around yet, Isabella was already building up immense pleasure from having Linda's vaginal muscles repeatedly contract around her.

Linda rolled the both of them over so they were on their side. Isabella buried her face between Linda's breasts and began moving her hips back and forth. She was getting a lot better at thrusting with just her hips. Given how many times she had to do it with her mom this morning, not picking up on a more efficient technique by now would have been a crime.

"Ah, yeah... just like that, Isabella." Linda moaned. She loosely wrapped a leg around Isabella's waist, providing her more clearance to plow her. Isabella angled her thrusts so that when she pushed in, she grinded the top of her cock against Linda's sweet spot. She knew she hit paydirt when she felt Linda's body tremble all around her.

"Oohhhhhhh... that feels amazing, Isabella!" she gasped. "You're a real fast learner!"

"I've had a lot of practice lately." Isabella said without breaking her stride.

"Mmh, part of me wants to share you with my friends, but part of me also wants to keep you all to myself!"

Isabella could feel herself getting close to climax. She loved how LInda's vaginal muscles tensed around her, making it difficult to pull out but so easy to remain pushed in. There was also something more forbidden about this than even her morning romp with her mom or the stunt she pulled with Grtchen on the stage. She wasn't just having sex with some random woman. She was having sex with someone else's wife and his crush's mom.

Was Phineas even considered her crush right now? She tried thinking about him at the moment, but it didn't excite her nearly as much as Linda or Gretchen or even her mom did right now. Was it the cock overriding her sexual preferences, or did it just reveal her true sexual interests?

Isabella pushed all the way in as she felt her cock erupt, filling Linda's pussy up with her seed. She embraced her tightly, nuzzling her head between the mom's breasts. No, it had to be much more than the dick. She enjoyed the feeling of breasts in her hands and against her face. She loved how their pussies were warm and tightened up around her when they hit their climax. She loved it all too much for it to just be a temporary flight of fancy.

"Mnn, you're a natural at this. Maybe you were meant to be born a male?" Linda sighed with content. Isabella's grip slackened as she came down from her climax. Linda broke away from her and rolled off the bed. Drops of Isabella's sperm oozed down her inner thighs.

"That was it?" Isabella asked. "You're done already?"

"Oh, certainly not!" she replied. "We're only getting started! I just think you need some assistance to really bring out the wild stallion within you."

Linda pulled a small box out from underneath the bed and opened it. Inside, there was a bright pink butt plug and a large pink egg, slightly larger than a chicken egg. Isabella recognized them from some of the porn that she saw.

"What are you gonna do with that?" she asked.

"You'll see. Get up on your hands and knees and face away from me."

Isabella did as she was told. She felt a little awkward presenting her ass to Linda, but it wasn't any more strange than everything else she already did. She waited there patiently, waiting for Linda to use the butt plug. She heard the snap of a cap, and instinctively braced herself for what was going to come next.

"Okay, I'm going to need you to relax for me." Linda instructed. "If you tense up too much, it's gonna hurt."


Isabella relaxed as best she could. The instant she felt the now-slimy tip of the butt plug press against her tight sphincter muscle, however, she immediately tensed up. Linda didn't even begin to apply pressure to it, and already it felt very unnatural.

"Relax, Isabella." Linda patiently reminded her.

"I know, I know. I'm trying!" Isabella replied. Now that it was actually touching her butt and she could get used to the feeling of the intruder, Isabella relaxed a little bit better. Linda continued to apply pressure. Even with the lube, it was a difficult effort because of Isabella's age and the fact that she was an anal virgin. After the widest portion of the butt plug disappeared into her asshole, the rest of it slipped in instantly.

"Aah!" Isabella gasped. The feeling of the butt plug was very strange. IT pushed out against her rectum and felt both unpleasant and strangely enjoyable at the same time. Gretchen once spoke of women who enjoyed anal sex. Could this feeling be that reason why?

Isabella began to move, but Linda responded with "Hold on a minute, I'm not done yet!" She froze in place, wondering what else Linda had in store for her.

A smooth spheroid suddenly spread apart her labia and pushed right in. It must have been that egg in the box. Isabella shuddered and gripped the bedsheets. It was a little bit wider than Linda's three fingers from earlier, but it bottomed out against her cervix with relative ease. It must have been lubed up as well.

When it touched bottom, Isabella felt a weird, intense sensation in the core of her body in several places. She could feel the G-spot being stimulated somewhere between her ass and pussy, sandwiched between the egg and butt plug.

"Okay, I think we are ready for some real fun now!" Linda said. She came back around and laid back down on the bed in front of Isabella. She was holding a small remote control in her hand.

"What's that for?" Isabella asked.

"You'll find out. Now come here and fuck me again! Linda said, opening her arms and legs to her invitingly. Isabella crawled back on top of Linda, pushing her cock back into her cum-filled pussy.

"And now that you're back where you belong..." Linda pressed a button on the remote control. The butt plug and egg both hummed to life somewhere in the core of Isabella's body.

"Aaaahhhh! Haaaaaaahhhhnnnhhhh?!" she moaned in shock. It was one thing for them to start vibrating in her virgin holes, but they also sandwiched two very intense, pleasurable spots she never had stimulated before. That orgasmic feeling was starting to build up again, in her cock, her pussy, and now his strange place somewhere deep in her butt.

She was possessed by a sudden, violent reverie, and she started pounding very hard and fast into Linda's pussy. Her mind went blank, and she barely even registered Linda as another person. She was just the velvety sleeve around her cock that made it feel good.

"Oh my god, this is incredible!" Linda cried out joyfully. Isabella thrust into her with more strength and speed than she anticipated. This is exactly what she wanted, however: to have a large, powerful cock violate her pussy again and again until she was exhausted, sore and unable to walk. Even if she had to proposition a ten year old girl to satisfy her needs.

Isabella's orgasm hit her in record time. Her entire pelvic region went numb from the bliss. Her cock and pussy were burning with orgasmic delight, along with her first anal orgasm. She continued to thrust vigorously into Linda the entire time, her body seeming to have a mind of its own.

"Ahhg nnnhhhh NNNNNNNGGGGHHHHHH!" Linda tried to suppress her scream as she hit an orgasm much more intense than she had in a very long time. THe continued stimulation to her G-spot because of Isabella repeatedly grinding against it, rocking her body and mind with such euphoria that she was almost afraid it would drive her mad. Almost, if she didn't openly crave such insanity.

Even after they both came down from their high, Isabella did not stop fucking. THe vibrators continued to buzz inside her, constantly stimulating her two sweet spots and not allowing her to truly come down from even moderate arousal. Her dick didn't complain, either. It seemed to be made for the express purpose of fucking and was truly tireless, never needing even a moment of rest at this point.

Both girls hit their climaxes several more times. Linda changed positions every time she came, wanting to experiment with every position she could while she had the chance. The last position they did was doggy-style. Linda was on her hands and knees and facing the head of the bed. Isabella was doubled over her, her hands reaching around Linda's front and groping at her breasts. She gave them a little squeeze frequently, as Linda seemed to enjoy that. She also loved the feeling of the soft tissue in her hands.

"Aaahhhnnn... mmmnnnn!" Linda's arms buckled underneath her as she had another orgasm. Isabella was turning out to be the best fling she could ever hope for. If Lawrence could demonstrate even half of the moxie Isabella had, she'd be the happiest wife in the world.

Isabella remained kneeling as Linda fell down on the bed before her. The vibrators were still buzzing away inside her. She was still greatly aroused, more feral than reasonable at the moment. She stared down at Linda's ass. That sweet bubble butt was what caused all this in the first place. Some part of her deep down knew this, and it wanted revenge.

In her current state, that thought translated into what Isabella did next. She placed a hand on each ass cheek and spread them apart to expose Linda's tight asshole. She pushed her cock head against and pushed into it.

"Isabella?!" Linda exclaimed. She was starting to drift off before she felt the intruder pressing into her backdoor. Lawrence never wanted to do anal, even with a condom on because he said it was too nasty. The only experience Linda had with anal sex before was with the butt plug currently inside Isabella, and her dick was much thicker than the butt plug. Linda could easily tell as it spread apart the tight muscle and slid into her rectum.

One of her friends was very much into anal sex, and once warned her that you never know how big something is until it's in your butt. The butt plug felt pretty big, but Isabella's cock felt like it was likely to tear something.

"Hnnngg! Isabella, slow down!" Linda protested. "I'm not that experienced with my butt!"

Isabella ignored her pleas and squeezed both cheeks. That felt strangely ticklish to LInda, and she tried to move her hips forward and out of the way, but there was nowhere to her to move when she was laying on her stomach.

Isabella thrust into her ass with greater difficulty than her pussy. It was an immensely tight fit, and the shape of Linda's rectum curved her dick in a strange direction. Nonetheless, she still found it to be uniquely enjoyable.

As another orgasm built up in the core of Isabella's body, she raised a hand up and brought it down hard on Linda's ass cheek. The mom yelped and tensed up. Her Kegel muscles clamped up around Isabella, effectively massassing her cock and making her feel better. She slapped her ass again, this time with her other hand.

"Aannhh! Ahhg! Nnhh!" Linda grunted again and again. The slaps on her ass were building up and turning the cheeks raw and red. It stung, as did her asshole from being forcefully spread open by the huge cock, but at the same time, she loved the feeling. THe pain was not unlike the soreness she got after a good exercise. It was making her pussy tingle with the anticipation of release. She would have pinched her clit to further intensify her inevitable climax, but lying down her stomach, she couldn't reach it.

"Haaaggh, haaaghhh, nnnhhhhh!" Isabella grunted with increasing fervor. Anal sex was a weird contradiction of being very roomy and very tight at the same time. Linda's ass provided ample cushion when Isabella pushed in, feeling soft and pliable against her pubis.

The pain in Linda's ass suddenly went away as it went numb and she had her first anal orgasm. Her Kegel muscles contracted with every surge of bliss. She buried her head into the pillow, her eyes rolled in the back of her head. It was a strange combination of painful, pleasurable, and uncomfortable that she ultimately enjoyed.

Isabella pushed her dick in as far as she could when she hit her climax. Linda's anal muscles were squeezing her dick, and she couldn't tell if they were trying to push her out or pull her further in.

"Mmmnnnhhhh!" Isabella sighed and gave Linda's ass another slap as she came. The sphincter muscle made shooting her cum a bit more difficult, but the increased pressure made her contractions even more powerful and pleasurable. She laid down on top of Linda, wrapping her arms around her and cupping her breasts from behind.

A small portion of Isabella's sanity shone through briefly in the aftermath of her orgasm, and she wrested the remote control away from Linda. She turned off the vibrators, and felt immediate relief and clarity return to her. Exhaustion came over her as well.

In her mindless reverie, she lost count of how many times she came with Linda, much less the day as a whole. Before the cock cursed her life (or blessed it, depending on how she felt about it from moment to moment), one orgasm is all it took to make her drowsy. In retrospect, she was surprised she managed to last this long. THe cock must have gifted her with additional stamina. At least it seemed to have run out now.

Without removing the toys, without even removing her dick from Linda's asshole, Isabella laid down on top of her and let herself drift off to sleep. It was as good a place as any, and she found herself attracted to the idea of falling asleep next to another warm body. Maybe later she could fall asleep inside Linda's pussy. Or her mom's. Or one of the Fireside Girls.

That'd be the dream.

  • * *

The sun was setting by the time Isabella woke up. The light bled through the window and caught her right in the face. Her body was sore and exhausted, even after the brief nap. Remembering the events of the day after the rest must have been what it was like to remember last night's events when you were drunk. Or trying to remember a dream.

Isabella carefully removed herself from Linda's asshole, careful to not arouse herself too much and reawaken the beast. She climbed off the bed and made her way back to the showers, where she cleaned off all the sweat and cum. She paid extra attention to her cock because of the session of anal sex, but also because she was starting to become attached to it. She washed it an extra third, fourth, and fifth time for good measure.

While she was washing herself off, Linda opened up the shower door and sauntered in.

"Mind if I join you?" she asked.

"N-not at all." Isabella replied nervously, well aware of the risk of becoming aroused again. Linda took the body soap and began lathering herself up. After rinsing her body off, she took the shower head, and brought it down to her pussy.

"Gotta rinse all that cum outta me or Lawrence will notice." she said. She pushed the shower head against her pussy hard and angled it so much of the water jets would get her insides as possible. She shivered as they stimulated her insides, and after ten seconds pulled it away to let all the water flush out of her.

"Oh god, that feels so good!" she gasped, bucking her hips back and forth. "It feels like I'm getting creampied constantly!"

After both girls finished cleaning themselves off, they got out of the shower and dried off.

"I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind going for another round." Linda said. She knelt down and kissed Isabella on the lips.

"You're really insatiable, aren't you?" she asked, removing her towel and placing it on the counter. The two girls returned to the master bedroom, but before they could reach the bed, Linda froze mid step as she heard a familiar faint humming and grinding noise.

"Oh... SHIT!" she swore loudly. "Lawrence is home!"


"Lawrence, my hubby!" Linda exclaimed.

"Crap, we can't let him see us like this! We need to get you out of here!"

"Our clothes are downstairs! We won't be able to get dressed in time!"

"Don't worry about that. I'll gather up your clothes and bring them to you. Just duck into Candace's room. I'll come up with a reason for being naked!"

Both girls raced out of the room. Isabella stopped at the door to Candace's room, which was closed. Linda came up the stairs less than thirty seconds later, carrying her own clothes and Isabella's Fireside uniform in her arms. The front door opened downstairs.

"I'm home, Linda!" Lawrence called out.

"Here, take your clothes. You can get dressed in Candace's room." Linda said in a hushed voice, hastily handing Isabella's clothes to her. "Quickly, but shut the door quietly."

Isabella nodded and opened the door, closing it behind her as Linda went to discard her clothes in her room and return downstairs naked. After closing the door stealthily, Isabella turned around to see an unexpected guest laying on Candace's bed: her boyfriend Jeremy.

"Eep!" she exclaimed, dropping everything to cover her mouth.

"Woah, what the hell?!" Jeremy exclaimed, hastily sitting up. His eyes immediately went downward and widened when he saw the impressive cock that dangled between Isabella's legs. "Wooa-"

"Shh! Don't talk too loudly or we'll both get caught!" Isabella hissed. She didn't even bother trying to cover herself up at this point; he already saw her secret. "What are you doing here?!"

"I could ask the same thing about you. What are YOU doing here?"

"I was waiting for Phineas and then... stuff happened." Isabella said. "Your turn."

"I was waiting for Candace. Like, I just got here a few minutes ago, through the window." Jeremy's eyes drifted down again. "Okay, so what's the story with that thing? I didn't know you were actually a boy."

I'm not! It's just... look, it's really been a long day. I don't know how I got this thing and why, but I just want to get out of here and find Phineas and ask him out on the date I had planned."

"Go on ahead. I won't say anything about your... problem if you keep quiet about me being here."

"Alright." Isabella prepared to get dressed before she had a thought. "Actually, can I ask for your help with something?"

"Sure, but can you get dressed, first?" Jeremy asked. "I'm not into staring at naked children, especially ones with penises."

"Actually, that's kinda what I wanted to ask about." Isabella paused as she heard Lawrence and LInda pass by the doorway. "See, I've been having problems trying to keep myself under control with this thing. It's almost like it has a mind of its own, and it keeps urging me to masturbate or have sex, especially if I see a naked woman."

"Yeah, that's a pretty accurate description of them." Jeremy said wistfully. "So you're asking me how to control those urges?"

"Yeah. I don't want to lose control of myself again. I had a lot of close calls today, and I don't want to do anything that will ruin my chances with Phineas tonight."

"It's a little weird that a little girl is asking me for help with her ability to control herself, but sure. I don't think Candace will be home soon, anyways."

"Thanks." Isabella came over and climbed up on the bed with Jeremy. He scooted over to make room for her. His eyes continued to steal glances at her dick.

"Okay, so uhh... let's try something basic." Jeremy said. "Just, like, think of something that arouses you."

"Oh, that's no problem at all." Isabella said. Her mind drifted to Phineas at first, but then came images of her mom, Gretchen, Linda, and all the other girls in her troop. It must have been the penis doing all the fantasizing for her. In no time at all, her dick went erect, standing up at an angle like the barrel of a Howitzer.

"Woah... holy shit..." Jeremy said under his breath, in awe at her true size. "Um... okay, good. Now try to think of something unattractive and just... focus on that."

"I've been trying to do that." Isabella said. "But every time I try, those impulses just get stronger. Can you show me how to do that?"

"I-I guess? I'm not looking to get arrested for exposing myself to a ten year old."

"Come on, it's not like anyone can see us in here, and I'm already naked, so if you were ever going to get in trouble over this, it'd already be too late."

"Fine. Let me just..." Jeremy looked over at the window right next to Candace's bed and pulled the blinds shut. Next, with great trepidation, he pulled down his pants and underwear, kicking them off his feet and onto the floor. He left on his shirt and socks.

"Well, it's pretty easy for me to get erect right now." he said. "Since I came here for me and Candace to... you know..."

Isabella looked over at Jeremy's dick. He was already erect, but there was no competition between their two sizes. Isabella could only assume that he was pretty big for his age, as he had a dick comparable to a porn star, but she was rocking a dick several inches longer and twice as thick.

"Okay, that's embarrassing." Jeremy commented. "I'm being outsized by a nine year old."

"Ten!" Isabella corrected. "And that's not fair. This thing is monstrous by any standard!" There was a second of pause. "Yours is pretty big for your age."

"Heh, thanks. Candace said the same thing."

"So what do you think of when you don't want to have an erection?"

"Oh, that's easy. My gotos are usually baseball, cold showers, Margaret Thatcher naked on a cold day..." Jeremy shuddered with disgust. His erection went down within seconds. "See? It's like magic."

"Who is Margaret Thatcher?"

"Oh... right, you're ten. Let's just... let's try something different. The one thing guaranteed to get me soft - and I think you can agree with this one - is the idea of having sex with another dude. No doubt about it. Would never do it, ever. Grody to the max."

"But it isn't for me!" Isabella protested.

"Maybe you just need to actually feel it. Uugghh..." Jeremy grimaced. "Man, this is gonna feel gross..."

Jeremy stood up off the bed and stepped before Isabella.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I think this will kill your boner better than any imagination." Jeremy moved his hips forward and pressed his dick into Isabella's erection. He let out a small groan of disgust.

"You will not mention we touched dicks to anyone." he said. He began rolling his hips back and forth, moving his limp dick up and down a few inches of Isabella's length.

"It's... it's not working." she said.

"Yeah, it's a really tenacious thing." Jeremy said. "Huh, this really doesn't feel all that bad." He picked up the pace, rubbing their dicks together faster and harder. Isabella looked down and saw that Jeremy was getting erect again.

"Uhh, Jeremy? You're getting hard again." she warned, but Jeremy didn't seem to register what she said. His dick lengthened and aligned itself against Isabella's shaft better. He moved down a few inches more, and his balls came to rest against her own enormous package.

"Hhnnhh..." Isabella shuddered.

"Oh wow, that feels really good..." Jeremy said. He rolled his balls around on top of hers for a few seconds, which stimulated her enough that her cock spurted out a gout of precum all over her face.

"Gppllthh!" Isabella sputtered.

"Oh shit. I didn't expect that to happen." Jeremy said. "Maybe I should take my shirt off so I don't get cum all over it.

"Jeremy stepped back and pulled his shirt off and tossed it onto Candace's dresser. Isabella was no longer thinking about trying to control herself. Her loins were stirring with pleasure, and she wanted release.

"Here, lemme take a seat on the bed, and you can move your hips this time." Jeremy said.

"Okay." Isabella moved to the side so Jeremy could sit down. She moved over him so it looked like she was going to sit down to take him into her pussy. She couldn't see his dick make contact with the underside of hers, but she could feel it.

"Yeah, try this position." Jeremy said. His inhibitions from earlier had vanished. Now he seemed just as eager to please himself as Isabella.

The young girl thrust her hips up and down against Jeremy's dick. Her balls moved up as well and mashed themselves against his peen, almost engulfing his length like a pair of breasts. They were quite sensitive, and at the moment that was the thing far more pleasurable for Isabella.

"Mmmhh... mmhhh..." both of them moaned. Jeremy could feel his dick tingling and going numb, not like what it did when he had a good wanking session. This felt a lot better than what he imagined. This is what he hoped a titjob from Candace would feel like.

Isabella pressed forward against Jeremy, causing him to fall onto his back. He rubbed her dick against his more vigorously. There was something weird and perverse about grinding cocks together with a boy that she enjoyed, even if it was nowhere near as pleasurable as vaginal sex.

"Huuhh... huuuhh!" Jeremy panted as the numbness spread throughout the rest of his loins. His head fell back and he arched his back upward into Isabella. He could feel a gooey, sticky warmth spread across his stomach underneath the young girl's oversized todger. It was a good thing he removed his shirt.

"Mmmh, nnnhhg, NNHH! I'm getting close!" Isabella moaned. "I'm... hhaaaaaahhhg!"

Isabella thrust her hips forward one last time as she went over the edge. Her cock throbbed powerfully before shooting Jeremy right in the face with her thick, creamy load.

"Gakjgpthh!" Jeremy sputtered. Some of it got in his mouth. He would have been more disgusted if it didn't taste alright. The smell was also quite bold and fairly tart. Almost like a warm yogurt.

Isabella pulled back and jerked herself off as she rode out her orgasm. She shot several more wads of spooge onto Jeremy's chest.

"H-holy shit..." Jeremy panted. "That was intense! I can't believe I just rubbed dicks with a little girl!"

"It's not so bad now, is it?" Isabella asked as she came down from her high.

"Yeah... but man, now I feel kinda tired."

"And I need to get out of here."

"Yeah, you... do that. I'm just gonna take a little rest, first."

Jeremy scooted back so that he was no longer under Isabella, and he rolled over onto his stomach, unintentionally soaking Candace's bedsheets with their combined sperm.

Isabella climbed off the bed to retrieve her clothes. She turned back around to face Jeremy as she began to put on her uniform. She didn't actually see him from behind naked before. He had a pretty nice ass. It was no bubble butt like Linda or Vivian, but it was a good trim shape. He was probably mildly athletic. He seemed the type.

Isabella climbed back up on the bed. Her insatiable libido was taking over again. She guided her still erect cock to Jeremy's ass and squeezed it between the tight round cheeks.

"Huh? What th-" Jeremy exclaimed. Isabella reached up and cupped a hand over his mouth.

"Shh... remember we're not alone in the house." Isabella whispered to him as she inched her cock into his virgin asshole. "Or do you want Candace's parents to find you like this?"

Jeremy whimpered as the cock slid deeper into his ass. It was an unpleasant feeling, having a huge cock spreading his backdoor open like this and filling him up. Yet at the same time, the shaft rubbed against some sensitive part of him deep within and stole his breath away. He could feel his core reverberate with bliss that he normally only felt through his dick. His erection sprouted back up almost immediately.

Isabella pounded her dick into Jeremy's ass. It was slick with cum from earlier, so it provided a small amount of lubrication, but nowhere near enough for his virgin sphincter. Despite this, Jeremy enjoyed it far more than he expected and far more than he wanted to. He loathed the idea of getting fucked in the ass by another dude. Even though Isabella was a girl, it was still the principle of the matter.

And yet... it just plain old felt good. He rolled over onto his side with Isabella still in back of him so he could jerk himself off.

"Mmhhh... Mmhhh..." Jeremy moaned. Actually, getting fucked from behind wasn't all that bad. He would have preferred to have Candace there as well and get his meat all up in that. Make a girl sandwich.

Jeremy put his hand over the head of his cock to prevent it from shooting cum everywhere; a bit of a pointless gesture, considering the sheets were already stained with their sperm.

His anal muscles tightened around the dick, which made it feel like it was getting bigger inside him. His ass went strangely numb, and he realized with slight elation that this was his first anal orgasm.

"Hhaaaaaaannnhhh... hhhuuuuuuhhhh..." Isabella moaned. She shot her thick warm load into Jeremy. He was clenching her so tightly in the middle of his climax. It was a different experience from Linda's more trained rectum. This was raw, impulsive and tight. The contractions and protests of a virgin. That excited her far more.

That being said, once the excitement wore off and Isabella drew her cock out of his asshole, she was immediately filled with regret.

'Dammit all, I was supposed to learn control, and instead I just gave into my impulses again!' She thought, looking down at her cum oozing out of Jeremy's asshole. He let out a weak groan and rolled back onto his stomach. 'I should get out of here before I lose control again.'

After hastily putting on her uniform, Isabella climbed over Jeremy, trying to not pay him any attention, and opened up the window and blinds and climbed out. There was a conveniently-placed ladder right outside the window; it must have been how Jeremy snuck in.

Isabella climbed down the ladder. Outside, the sun was starting to disappear behind the horizon of the suburbs. She was engulfed in shadow by the time she reached the bottom. Isabella then moved quickly and quietly to the side gate. She was almost out of the backyard when she nearly ran face first into Phineas himself.

"Phuh-phuh-Phineas!" Isabella exclaimed, coming to a complete stop.

"Isabella? What are you doing here? And why are you all messy?" he asked.

Isabella looked around and felt about herself. Even after that shower she still felt a little sweaty and grimy. That session with Jeremy didn't help things either. Her hair was also disheveled and in her haste to get out of the house, her hat was slightly askew.

"Umm, well, you see..." she began to say.

"Were you attacked by the Pit Dragon of Deimos as well?" he asked.

"I... y-yes!" Isabella replied, eager to use Phineas' own imagination against him as a cover. "How did you know?"

"Where did you think I was all day?" Phineas sniffed the air in her direction and gave a small sound of distaste. "Ew, smells like he got you good."

"Yeah, today's been quite a day." Isabella said in a stressed tone. Keeping up this lie was going to be pretty damn easy.

"Say, after I get cleaned up, would you like to go with me to the pier?" she asked. "There's supposed to be a fireworks show out on the pier."

"Sure. I think I'm gonna go clean up as well." he said.

"Okay, I'll be back in, like, a half hour."

Isabella raced home and jumped in the shower. She took her time, this time, and thoroughly washed off her body. Again, she scrubbed her dick a few times and this time shampooed her hair. She wanted to look her best for her night out with Phineas.

After she got out, Isabella got dressed in a cream-colored sundress. It was loose and free-flowing, so she figured it would be able to better hide an erection if she happened to get one. She also wore a pair of white panties, to keep it contained. She considered going commando just so she didn't ruin another pair by stretching it if she got an erection, but decided another ruined pair was worth the extra protection, no matter how slight.

After she finished getting prepared, Isabella headed outside to the front of Phineas' house and waited for him. He came out a little while later. As opposed to Isabella, who came out with bells on, Phineas came out dressed casually. How did he not understand tonight was a special event?! Could he not have dressed in something nicer?

Worse yet, Ferb trailed behind him. Where did he come from? Did Isabella somehow block him from her mind earlier? She was definitely not keen on Ferb tagging along, but she wasn't about to tell him he couldn't come. She was too nice for that.

"Ready to go?" Isabella asked.

"Sure. Come around back. I got a ride for us."

Isabella and Ferb followed Phineas to the backyard, where there was a strangely-shaped vehicle parked. It looked like a platform with handlebars around the edge and a steering column in its front. It looked like something she saw in a superhero movie once.

"What the - where did this come from?" Isabella asked.

"I made this earlier today." Phineas replied. "Ferb was trying to find proper parking for it earlier. What do you think we fought the Pit Dragon of Deimos in?"

"Point taken. Now let's go before we miss the fireworks show!"

Isabella, Phineas and Ferb all ascended the small ramp onto the vehicle. Phineas went up to the controls while Ferb gripped one of the rails that lined the platform.

"So we just... hold on for dear life?" she asked.

"Yep. I couldn't add seatbelts. It caused the prototype to explode."

"Explode?! Waaaaahh!"

Isabella screamed in surprise and quickly grabbed the handrail as Phineas lifted them off into the air. When they were roughly fifty feet over the houses, he hit the accelerator and propelled them forward. Isabella wrapped an arm around the rail, and put the other arm down her front to hold down her dress. She was glad that she decided to wear panties, but she still didn't want to flash Ferb or reveal her big secret.

They made it across Danville to the pier in less than half an hour. From up here, they could see the sun slowly descend below the horizon. Phineas parked the hovercraft on a ridge overlooking the pier.

"Why are you parking up here?" Isabella asked.

"It's a much better view up here." Phineas explained. "We'll be able to better see the fireworks display from up here."

"Oh, okay." Isabella's heart fluttered a bit. Did Phineas understand why she wanted to come out here with him?

"What time is it supposed to start?" Phineas asked as the three of them stepped down the ramp.

"It should be any minute now." Isabella said, checking the time on her smartphone. "Yeah, just in time." This was it. After what seemed like the longest day of her life, she was finally (kind of) alone with Phineas.

"Hey, look, you can kinda see the fireworks boat out on the water." Phineas said, pointing out at the ocean. The three of them moved closer to the edge of the ridge. It was hard to make out anything against the inky blackness of the ocean surface, but Isabella could vaguely trace an outline of a boat.

"Ah yeah, I can see it!" she said.

There were a few more minutes of silence before there was a loud whistling sound that came over the water. Then, in a flash of light and a boom loud enough that Isabella covered her ears, the first of the fireworks were fired into the air.

"Wow... isn't this amazing, Phineas?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah. It's nice to be able to relax, too, after trying to bag a dragon all day." he replied. He sat down on the ground. Isabella sat down next to him, despite the threat of staining her dress.

"Isn't it romantic?" Isabella asked in a dreamy voice.

"I guess? I wonder if Jeremy and Candace also came to watch the fireworks?" Phineas said.

"Come on, what about other couples? You know, closer ones?" Isabella pressed. How could Phineas still be this dense after all this time?!

"I don't know. Maybe there are a lot of couples down there. I didn't bring binoculars with me."

Isabella sat there, silently fuming with such intensity that the grass around her began to wilt. She wanted nothing more than to take him at this moment, to throw him over the hovercraft hood and give him one until his eyes watered. No, she could maybe get away with doing that to Jeremy, but she wasn't going to do it to Phineas. No way was she going to ruin a relationship before it even had a chance to start. She just had to exercise control, now more than ever, and ignore Dizzy's influence in the back of her mind...

Some tens of meters behind them, Pinky came tumbling out of the bushes. He was exhausted, scratched, bruised, and his fedora was on fire. Still, he managed to procure the cure for that serum that mechanical bug stuck Isabella with this morning. He was in the home stretch. Now all he had to do was dart Isabella with the cure and the mission was done.

Pinky pulled the mechanical bug out from under his hat. It was the same bug that pricked Isabella this morning. The container in its abdomen was filled with the antidote, which for needlessly contrived reasons was red. It was reprogrammed to seek out and inject whoever was injected with the weird serum in the first place. As long as Isabella was the only one who was injected, all he had to do was release the bug and let it do the rest.

"You okay, Isabella?" Phineas asked. "You look a little tense."

"I-I'm fine." Isabella replied stiffly. She was so focused on keeping herself under control that she almost didn't register the bite on her neck.

"Ow!" she exclaimed, reaching up and clapping her hand own on the insect that bit her. She pulled it off her neck and gave it a brief look before throwing it off the edge of the cliff. "The bugs are really biting tonight, though."

"Really? I haven't been bitten, yet. They must really like you, Isabella." Phineas said.

'Come on, say it, you idiot!' Isabella thought. 'Say you love me! Or better yet, just rip my dress off, throw me to the ground and take me like a wild animal in front of Ferb, God, and the whole world to see!'

Isabella let her mind fly off the rails with fantasies about getting ravished by Phineas. She had her hands pressed down into her lap so she could suppress her dick, but she felt no pressure from her dick, or even an erection, for that matter.

"Hold on a minute, I gotta go p... umm, stretch my legs a little bit." Isabella said, and she quickly stood up and ran to the bushes some tens of meters behind where they landed the hovercraft. She paused as she got close. She thought she heard rustling in the bushes, but it was difficult to make out any particular noise because of the fireworks going off behind her.

After making a backward glance to make sure the boys weren't looking, Isabella lifted up the front of her sundress to check her dick. Much to her surprise, there was no bulge in the front of her panties; it was gone!

Isabella slipped her hand into her panties. Her fingers immediately slipped into her tiny pink slit, and above that was her normal-sized clit. In a few seconds, she experienced a wide range of mixed emotions. On one hand, she was elated and relieved to be rid of the dick, if a bit confused about its sudden appearance and disappearance.

At the same time, she felt saddened that it was gone. Over the course of this very long day, she began to become accustomed to the dick's presence. Hell, she was even ready to admit that she enjoyed being the boy during sex. However brief that experience was, it was now over. Should she be more happy or sad about it? It was difficult to say. At the very least, at this moment, she'd be able to handle the rest of her date with Phineas without further distractions.

  • * *

Isabella woke up the next morning well rested and exasperated about last night. Of course Phineas just had to be immune to the romantic atmosphere. For someone so smart, he sure was thick sometimes.

She also thought about everything that happened leading up to that date. In hindsight, it all felt like some insane dream thought up by a couple of deviants online. Did all of that really happen? Did she really have sex with her mom, her friend in front of an audience, her crush's mom, and her crush's sister's boyfriend?

"Raff! Raff!" Isabella looked down at Pinky, who was hopping around excitedly on the bed and yapping at her.

"Hey there, Pinky. I didn't see you at all, yesterday." She said. Pinky scrambled over to her for pets, rolling around under her hand like a spaz. As she gave him pets, Isabella checked her smartphone for new messages. Much to her surprise, there were unread messages from almost ten different people!

Gretchen: Hey, Isabella, I have an empty spot in my schedule today. A really big one. You wanna come over and fill it up?

Attached to that message was a provocative image of Gretchen, naked on her bed, using her free hand to spread her pussy lips apart. Isabella blushed heavily and hid that message. She checked the others, and they were in similar contexts.

Adyson: Hey, I need help pitching a tent today. Can you come help me pitch a tent? Also bring the tent.

There was also an attached image. Adyson was also naked, crouched down with her legs spread far apart. She was straddling a golf club, pressing it hard against her labia to create a cameltoe.

Milly: Holly and I are making a sandwich. Can you bring us some meat?

The attached photo had Holly and Milly naked, Milly on top of Holly. They were pressing their pussies together and making them squish.

Holly: What Milly said. Hurry up before the bread dries!

Another picture of the same angle and pose, except Holly was on top this time. What the hell?! Did someone see them on the stage? Did Gretchen tell everyone?!

Isabella wanted to throw the phone to the other side of the room, but she continued to read the messages, praying for a normal one to pop up.

Katie: I need help disciplining a dog today.

The attached picture was of Katie wearing nothing but a dog collar and a leash.

Ginger: Come over and let's have sex! I'll even invite my sister!

The picture was of Ginger and Stacy, naked and holding each other close in what looked like the shower. So Gretchen really did blab to everyone in the troop. Despite how mortified she was, Isabella had to stifle laughter at Ginger's directness compared to everyone else.

Brigitte: I was told you could help me brush up on my English skills. I need a good firm teacher.

The picture was of Brigitte wearing only a school coat, buttons opened. She held a ruler against her plump pussy lips. From what little of the tender flesh she could see, they were bright red.

Wait, why was Brigitte texting her? They almost never interacted!

Linda: Hey, hun. Lawrence will be out all day today. Would you like to come over and help me bake some more?

There was also an attached picture. It was of Linda, wearing only an apron. She was turned halfway away from the camera, revealing her bare ass.

Jeremy: Hey, Izzy. Don't have much goin' on today. If you want to come over to my pad, I could help you control yourself some more.

Even Jeremy? He sent a picture, too. He was naked and laying back in an arm chair, a hand cupping his erect cock with his legs spread apart.

"My my, looks like you have a nice collection of admirers." Dizzy said as she appeared next to Isabella. "Shame we no longer have the dick. I'd love to have made a sandwich with those two."

"It's not right to use them like toys!" Alisa said. She appeared to the other side of Isabella. She was back in her robes. "They are people, too, and if you have sex with them, you risk hurting your future relationship with Phineas!"

"That's a huge leap in logic." Isabella said. "How would that even happen?"

"They might get emotionally attached to you if you have sex with them! What would you do then?"

"Oh, mi hija, are you awake?" Vivian's voice sweetly called through the door. Isabella's consciences disappeared, and she scrambled out of bed to answer the door.

"Yeah, I'm up. What is it, mo-AAAHHH!"

She opened up the door to find Vivian standing there, wearing only a semi-transparent camisole.

"Mom, what are you doing?!" she asked, instinctively looking away. Last time she saw her mom was yesterday, exhausted and semi-conscious after several hours of nonstop fucking. Her feelings for her mom were a bit mixed at the moment, a combination of embarrassment at what they did, and frustration at her for making her have sex for so long it nearly derailed her entire day.

"Do you have anything planned today, dear?" Vivian asked.

"No, not re-" Isabella began, but Vivian cut her off.

"Good! I was thinking we should spend the day together, as mother and daughter."

"You mean, go out and do stuff together?" Isabella asked.

"No no no, the bedroom is fine enough. I have so much I want to teach you."

"Mom, that thing... that penis... it's gone, now." Isabella said, blushing heavily and looking off to the side.

"Oh, that's no problem, cariño. I have this lovely toy you can use." Vivian held up a boomerang-shaped device. Isabella identified one end looking oddly penis-shaped like a dildo, but she didn't understand how the rest of it was supposed to function.

"Why were you carrying that around?" Isabella asked.

"Just in case. Now go on and get ready. I'll be waiting for you in my room." Vivian sauntered off to her bedroom. Isabella was again battling with conflicting feelings about what was in store for her; frustration, dread, and anticipation. Before she headed off to take a shower, she went back to her smartphone and sent the same message to all the girls.

Isabella: Sorry, but maybe some other time. I just found out what I'm gonna do today.