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Revision as of 05:36, 7 February 2020

Today was Friday! Which meant one more day then Sally has a three day weekend to enjoy.

Pulling back from the window she pulled her t-shirt over her head and threw it into the hamper in the corner before prancing over to her dresser. Her school, the only elementary school in town, was a private school, just like her brother Devin's high school, which meant she had to wear a uniform. Nothing too fancy, just a plain, long sleeved white blouse and a dark blue, plaid, pleated skirt which she wasted no time in throwing on. Once she had her blouse buttoned and tucked into her skirt she pulled out a long pair of white socks that reached well under her skirt and ended halfway up her thighs. Lastly she slipped on her sneakers, brushed her blonde locks into submission, and grabbed her backpack as she exited her room and went downstairs.

Unknown to Sally, however, was that her forgetfulness had struck again, and she had forgotten to put on a pair of panties as she got dressed and was therefor going commando under her skirt.

As usual for this time on a weekday, the bottom floor was uneventful. Her dad had left for work already, her mom was in the shower, and Devin, who started school a little later than his kid sister, was half-asleep at the table. Sally made herself a bowl of cereal and sat beside her brother, literally so as she pushed her chair right against his to nuzzle up to him as she ate. Devin, still dressed in his t-shirt and boxers he slept in, was used to his sister's lack of personal space and lazily draped his arm over her shoulders while he browsed his phone.

Soon the faint sound of the shower running upstairs stopped and a few minutes later the siblings' mother, Ava, entered the dining room with one towel wrapped around her hair and another around her body and tucked together tightly under her left arm. Sally dully noted how her brother suddenly found his phone a lot less interesting now.

"Good morning," Ava greeted while coming around the dining room table.

"Good Morning Mommy!" Sally replied, sitting up in her seat to give her mother a morning kiss on the lips.

Her mother's dark brown locks, a trait shared by her older brother, tickled her nose as her mom leaned down and gave her daughter a kiss. Next she moved to the other side of the two chairs pushed together.

"And good morning to you too, sleepyhead."

"Mornin' Mom," Devin replied to the subtle jab at his sleeping habits.

Again Ava leaned down to give her son, who wasn't busy eating like Sally, a hug. Devin set his phone down and reach around with his free arm to give his mother a half hug, setting his hand on her lower back. She leaned back and gave her son a quick peck on the lips before straightening and turning towards the kitchen. As she did so Devin's hand slid between the folds of her towel and lightly pulled at it as she walked away, not enough to pull it off, but enough to briefly flair out and give the teen a brief flash of her bare hip.

Devin didn't intend for that to happen, but was glad it did nonetheless. Ava could be a bit oblivious at time, much like her daughter, so she didn't notice the brief tug at her towel, how it was now hanging looser on her and showing off her hip and waist from the side, or her own son's appreciative gaze as her hips swayed back and forth.

"I'm making some eggs, you want some Devin?" Ava called out as she entered the kitchen.

"Yes please," he replied, going back to his phone.

As all that happened Sally hadn't noticed any of it, nor has she noticed the tent in her brother's boxers that she could see if she sat back a little. Instead she finished her cereal and brought her dishes to the kitchen, dancing around her mother to rise them off, returned to her brother in the dining room.

"Bye Devin!" She said while standing on her tiptoes and puckering her lips for a goodbye kiss.

The teen looked down at his sister leaning against his chair.

"Seriously?" he asked.

Sally only hopped on her toes and grunted in response, still awaiting her kiss.

"Fine," he sighed, rolling his eyes but smiling in amusement as he leaned down an gave his little sister a quick kiss on the lips. "Have fun at school."

"You too!"

With that Sally grabbed her backpack once again and darted out the front door and down the path to the fence, just as the mailman was walking down the side walk.

"Hi Randy!" she greeted as she ran past him on the sidewalk.

"Morning Sally," the older man called out after her.

At that moment, a breeze picked up blowing directly opposite the way Sally was running, causing her skirt to flair up behind her. Randy's eyes nearly bulged out of his head when he say Sally completely bare, cute little behind before the skirt fell back down. He was still processing what he just saw when he was startled from his thoughts by a new voice.

"Hello there Randy. How are Ellie and Jr. doing?"

Randy spun back around and had to struggle to keep a straight face from seeing Ava Sorenson clad in only a towel before him. She had just thought to check the mail as Sally left and it didn't occur to her how under-dressed she was.

"O-Oh, yes, they're doing good. Here's your mail."

He stuck out his hand, already holding the proper envelopes, not sure what to do.

"Thank you Randy, have a nice day," she said while turning around.

"You too..."

And just as it had a second ago, the wind picked up once again and Randy watched, transfixed, as the back of Ava's towel flapped in the wind, showing off her firm, shapely backside as she walked to her front porch. Shaking his head the letter carrier turned and continued to the next house, unable to believe that in the span of a minute he just as the bare asses of the mother and daughter of the Sorenson family.

"Some family..." he said under his breath in disbelief.

As that was going on Sally was making her way to school, the lack of traffic on the quiet suburban roads making it much easier. Even so, Sally kept her speedy pace. She could set an alarm clock to never worry about being late, but she always preferred to wake up naturally, even if it meant having to rush in the morning.

Turning another corner she saw the school yard just a few houses down.

How early, or late, is she?