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Revision as of 20:16, 15 February 2020

Surprisingly, for a seemingly unused tunnel, there sure was a lot of crap everywhere.

Old boxes with labels too faded to read, dusty cabinets you'd find at an antique store, and plenty of small tables stacked high with various knickknacks. Vice knew that the far end was used to store the spare gymnastic mats and mesh bags filled with extra balls for the sports teams, but he had no idea the tunnel had become a catchall for seemingly everything over the years.

"Sally, stay by my side. I don't want you hurting yourself carelessly running though all this."


And so Sally stuck close to her teacher as they made their way through the mess, frequently looking back to make sure she wasn't too far ahead. James, being an older fellow with fond memories of his youth, took his time moving forward so he could inspect everything he passed, peeking inside boxes with his flashlight and opening cabinet drawers for anything he might just keep for himself. Given how almost everything around them had to have been down here longer than Sally's been alive he was pretty sure nobody was coming back for it.

Speaking of his favorite student he was in the middle of fishing around inside an antique dresser looking for a secret lever to push and reveal a hidden drawer when the whole object gave out a massive groan. Fearing it was about to collapse Vice yanked his hand free and looked up to see the cause of the disturbance. Sally, presumably trying to keep entertained, had climbed onto the old piece of furniture and was standing there legs spread, hands on her hips, smiling down triumphantly at him like she just scaled a mountain.

She may be the one acting accomplished, but Vice felt like the true winner in this situation. With how short her skirt was now and from her elevated position, he had a clear as day look her her pussy lips once again. Not one to let an opportunity go to waste he pulled out his phone and took a few pictures of her, turning on the flash for better visibility. For her part Sally giggled as it appeared from her point of view that he was merely playing along with her, which Vice had been counting on, so she struck a few more poses before taking his hand to jump off the dresser.

After checking once more for the secret lever (no dice unfortunately) they continued on until they came across a large wooden desk positioned sideways, blocking the entire hallway. Having no other choice but to climb over it Vice let Sally hop up first and crawl on her hands and knees to the other side, her ass and pussy on full display for him as she did so. Once again he was quick to snap a picture, and felt his heart drop through his chest when the flash on his camera went off.

Sally stopped in her tracks and looked back at Vice with an inquisitive expression only to be blinded as he reflexively took a second picture.

"Mr. Vice? Why'd you just take a picture of me?" she asked while bringing one hand to rub at her eyes.

For a moment he didn't respond and was worried he was actually about to have a heart attack, but managed to stammer out an answer after a few false starts.

"I, uh, I was, just, um, taking a picture of the desk! Yes, that's it! I was taking a picture of the desk because, well, you just don't see desks like these anymore, ha ha..."

"Oh, well, I guess you would know all about old desks, being a teacher."

Satisfied with his answer Sally continued to crawl and jumped off the other end. Vice took a moment to calm himself until he was sure his heart was out of the red zone and took a look at the last picture he accidentally took.

He had to admit, there was something extra erotic to have a picture of a girl innocently looking at the camera while her privates where on full display, rather than not paying attention or intentionally posing for the camera.

Pocketing his phone he climbed onto the desk himself and made his way to the other side, something that took noticeably longer than Sally, and was soon on his feet dusting off his pants while surveying the rest of the tunnel. They were maybe a third the way through and there were still a few tables and cabinets between them and where the gym supplies were, but thankfully nowhere near as dense as the mess they just got through.

From here they could see five doors, three to the left and two to the right, with the first of the left side doors being right beside them. Vice walked over to the solid wood door and jostled the door knob, unsurprised to find it locked. He fished through his keys until he found an older one he can't remember using before and sure enough, the door unlocked once he tried it. Pushing it open he took his flashlight and shined it into the darkness, Sally leaning to the side to peer around him.

What kind of room is it?