Mother's Helping Hand/School/Non-Humans/Races/Beastkin/Bunnykin/Research precocious puberty: Difference between revisions

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Jemini (talk | contribs)
Created page with "==Abstract== It is known that exposure to semen can cause bunnykin girls to enter precocious puberty. The degree to which this can happen though is unknown. This study seeks t..."
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Latest revision as of 06:55, 21 April 2020


It is known that exposure to semen can cause bunnykin girls to enter precocious puberty. The degree to which this can happen though is unknown. This study seeks to examine any differences in age of exposure, frequency of exposure, and method of exposure to semen in the test subjects.

WIP: Will complete this section after the findings section has been filled out.


With any other race, the research to test this would be impossible to conduct for legal and logistical reasons. Given the nature of bunnykin as a highly sexual slave race which in which the mothers of the race will readily allow their daughters to have sex if the local laws permit it, the only difficulty was in finding a region in which this would be allowed.

There was some difficulty in finding a region that simultaneously permitted sex with underage children, but also had the appropriate amount of public order and safety to allow the research to be conducted in peace. However, there was one human region in the outskirts which voided the age of consent for bunnykin in particular, but only if they were a family of slaves for a slave contract willingly entered by the mother, and that the contract also had to contain an opt-out clause for it to be viable. The laws of this region also did not permit incestuous relationships with any daughters produced with your female bunnykin slaves.

The researchers put out an offer of food, shelter, and free access to medical facilities for the mother and all her daughters of any bunnykin who had children between the ages of 2 and 7 who wished to contribute these pre-pubescent daughters to the study. The male researchers would also have vaginal intercourse with the mothers or any pubescent daughters if the female offspring resulting from this would also be contributed to the study. They were informed up front that the research entailed multiple blood draws and urine samples from the pre-pubescent children in order to test for hormone levels.

The research was conducted over a course of 23 years with multiple generations of bunnykin slaves of the same lineage. Three male researchers were participating, and each bunnykin involved whether test subject or post pubescent sibling or parent of the test subjects could only ever have sex with one of the three male researchers so that the leneage of each could be strictly tracked and verified for legal purposes, and the father of the children produced could be given to the test groups run by one of the other male researchers.

An initial test group consisted of 3 bunnykin mothers volunteered for the study, contributing 1 seven year old, 4 six year olds as one mother had twins, 2 five year olds, 3 three year olds, and 1 two year old for the initial testing group. These children in the initial testing group were all placed in the daily vaginal delivery group in order to quickly increase the number of viable children for the research. Later children born from this first group or from the first group's mothers and older siblings would be left to age into the appropriate range for the age-based test groups.

The study sought to control for age, method of semen exposure, and frequency of semen exposure in order to control for all possible variables. There were three frequency based groups, and fifteen method of exposure based groups. The frequencies were daily, weekly, and monthly. The methods of exposure were oral, anal, vaginal, dermal exposure, and multiple exposures.

It was decided that there would be 9 test subjects in each age and frequency based test group with each male researcher being responsible for the semen supplied to 3 of them in order to control for differences from one male to another. This totaled 675 test subjects over the course of the research study. The majority of the daily direct exposure groups were handled first during the periods where the number of test subjects were low in order to preserve the researchers' ability to contribute samples.


WIP I need someone to put in some tables, preferably 3. Since there are 3 factors being measured here, we are going to need to separate them so that there are only 2 factors being displayed on each table. So, 3 tables divided by frequency of exposure, and

Anecdotal additions

There is also some talk of something called "the bond" among bunnykin. This is a known phenomenon in which a bunnykin will bond to a member of the opposite sex that disregards any racial differences. It is not believed that any test subjects became bonded to the researchers over the course of the study.

It is unknown whether or not the bond affects precocious puberty in bonded underage bunnykin, but during this research the researchers sought to contact several people who had sex with their underage bonded bunnykin girls as most regions make an age of consent exception for those cases as it seems bunnykin mothers actually consider it very important that their similarly bonded daughters have sex with their bonded mates, and this sentiment is backed by a large portion of unbonded bunnykin as well.

Unfortunately, it has proven exceedingly difficult to get any useful information out of these men as they feel any data given to the public could endanger other bunnykin women of being tricked into the bond, and so they refused to work with the researchers.