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Latest revision as of 02:28, 29 May 2020

Opal had no way of knowing it at the time she picked it up, but the amulet she found was blessed with a unique ability, one which allowed it's wearer to take on traits of specific animals, such as a boar in her case. However, in exchange for these powers, every full moon it forcibly warped it's wearer into more bestial forms, ranging from normal with animal ears and tails to completely becoming the depicted animal and everything in between.

For Opal, her transformation had chosen a mixture of human and boar traits, but leaning more towards the human side.

Her feet changed the most, the bones condensing and toes merging together until they could no longer be considered feet, but hooves. Her hands and wrists stayed the same, but became strengthened on the inside as the skin became tougher, better adjusting to supporting her weight. Her face remained the same for the most part with the noticeable exception of her lower jaw, from which sprouted a large pair of tusks that reached almost two inches in length, and her eyes, having become a glowing red-orange in color.

Across her entire body a thick coat of fur began to emerge from her skin, for the most part coarse and rusty brown in color with the exception of her face, neck, chest, abdomen, waist, and the backs of her legs and underside of her arms, where it was soft and beige in color. On her face and neck this softer fur was almost like peach fuzz in how short it was, and it gave way to bare skin just before her eyes, lips, nipples, pussy, and anus.

Finally, two large boar ears stuck out from the sides of her head, and a thin yet strong tail emerged from just above her backside, extended for about a foot before ending in a thick tuft of fur.

For a moment all was quite as the final minor changes took place within her new body, before the beast-girl that is Opal reared back and let out a sound halfway between a shrill squeal and a guttural roar, high in pitch befitting of a young girl, beast-like she may be. A second later she lowered her head and looked about, human intelligence lost from her eyes. The creature was still Opal, but her mind was gone, tucked away into her subconscious as new, animalistic instincts took the reins.

While normally such a transformation would leave a rampaging monster in it's wake, something peculiar happened with Opal. Perhaps it had to do with her age, or maybe she had some hidden potential for shapeshifting, but rather than lose all sense of self, she still retained a certain level of sapience. Not enough to qualify as human certainly, but enough to keep from going wild and apply some measure of thought, much like a chimp would.

However, one facet of her transformation remained true, and that was the way it burned through all her calories, leaving her starving. Lowering her nose to the ground the newly christened wereboar girl named Opal sniffed about, on the hunt for food.

Where does the boar-girl go?