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(Chapter 3)
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(♫ Evanescence - Going Under)

Chapter 3: Wake Up Call

Tags: fg futa rape creampie

A nudge on the shoulder roused Leroy from sleep, the girl he’d saved from the crashed boat was kneeling down next to him, peering down at him with those red eyes. He was exhausted, and still somewhat buzzed from the cactus juice, and for several moments thought she was his kid sister. Then the lift came to a stop, rocking him out of his fugue as the boat girl hooked a hand under his armpits and hauled him to his feet. Something about that felt odd to him, but the view of a spring forest drew his addled thoughts away from contemplation.

A stone path lead from the lift, past a white two-story building with an attached stable, into the woods. The area beyond the lift had two large wooden hexagons with markings painted on them that reminded Leroy of helicopter pads, though what was marked on them was in no language he’d ever seen. Perhaps noticing how distracted he was, the blonde girl pushed Leroy along, his bare feet slapping on tightly fitted stone while the girl’s boots clicked. The door to the two story building opened, and a girl with bright deep blue twin tails stepped out. She could not have been any older than twelve he judged.

Dressed in a simple lace-trimmed summer dress with an apron, the blue haired girl smiled at her two guests. A set of black cat ears swiveled forward in interest, as a matching tail swung back and forth in a lazy arc behind the cat girl. She shouted something that probably was a friendly greeting.

The girl with Leroy responded in kind, asking a question and then making a helpless gesture towards Leroy. The girl from the building nodded and said something further. The girl with Leroy patted a small pouch on her belt, the contents clinking, and the blue haired... cat-girl held the door open for the pair to enter. Several large fans built into the ceiling blew cool air out, washing over Leroy’s ash covered skin. He couldn’t help himself and let out a sigh in relief which caused the two girls to giggle. The room had several wooden tables with benches, while a long counter top dominated one wall, dozens upon dozens of bottles filled holes in the wall behind it, and several flowering plants had made their way through the maze between the bottles, and along the rafters to give the room a floral theme.

Leroy was dumped on a bench, while the girl with strawberry blonde hair sat opposite of him. Moments later the cat-girl had placed two mugs of water before them. Leroy picked up the mug and started to drink, guzzling the water like a man who had been in the desert for days. Coins clinked on the table as the blonde apparently paid the blue-haired cat-girl. The blonde asked a question as she looked around, but the cat-girl planted a hand on her own chest and made some statement that did not entirely satisfy the boat-girl. With that, the cat-girl headed off through one of three identical wooden doors beneath steps leading up, leaving the pair alone once more.

A pat on the table drew Leroy’s attention to the other girl, who stared at him for a few moments before asking a question. Leroy shook his head. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what you’re saying. Something is wrong with my hearing.” He pointed to his ears, and felt his fingers come in contact with firm ear cartilage well beyond where he should ever feel ears. Taking his hand off the mug, he reaches up with both hands to his ears, feeling them extend well out from his head. That tickled his ears a bit and he felt them both flicker several times, while dust and sand fell out and away, letting him hear fans spinning, the chirping of birds outside, and.. the cat-girl humming a tune in another room. He gasped as his hands clamp over his ears in surprise, while the girl across the table looked amused and perplexed.

“Del juro mu henzo grata,” she said with a chuckle.

Leroy was confused: why where his ears so long and what language was these girls speaking?

The girl stood up and he felt arms hook under his arm pits from behind as the cat-girl (who’d somehow snuck up on him while he was distracted) helped him to his feet. The two girls led him towards the door the cat-girl had vanished through earlier.

His head cleared somewhat by the water, he suddenly realized that both of them were taller than he was and his eyes grew wide as he studied them more closely. The cat-girl was more than a half a head taller, while the blonde had a full head on him. For the second time since awakening from nothingness, he felt ice run down his spine in confused denial of his current reality, and the blows kept coming.

With a start, he realized that the girls were peeling the makeshift cactus shroud and cloak from him as they entered the next room, where a large wooden tub filled with steaming bubble-filled water waited. Before Leroy could say anything, the two girls hauled him up and dumped him into the water.

Shock ran through his body as he felt water surround his body and he struggled to grab the edge of the tub as the cat-girl stepped out of the room; the door closing behind her. “What the hell is going on?!” he asked the strawberry blonde.

Red eyes looked back at him calmly, and then the girl was stripping off her sailing clothing piece by piece. Leroy felt his ears heat up as he began to blush. She was going to strip down and join him?!

“Wa-wait a minute, you’re a kid, that’s not-” His voice fell silent as he became aware of the sound coming out of his mouth. Much too small, way too highly pitched. A bell-like soprano instead of a manly tenor. Perhaps if he was as old as his sister that would have been fine but...

The girl dropped into the tub behind him, and the next thing he knew she was pulling him onto her lap, bare skin touching smooth bare skin. A very feminine gasp escaped Leroy’s throat, as the girl tightened her grip further, sliding hands over his skin. He hissed through clenched teeth as a shiver of pleasure ran through him. The girl made a chiding sound, almost a tisk, and poured a ladle of water over Leroy’s head, soak his hair, then another.

He blinked to clear his eyes of the dusty, ashy water, then gasped as he realized that someone was watching him be bathed… no… not someone… As his eyes focused, he realized that, at the foot of the tub was a burnished silver plate on the wall, shined to a mirror finish. A girl with chocolate brown skin, iridescent yellow eyes, pointed ears and a shock of ass-length white hair was blinking back at him, the same stunned expression on her face as was on his… because it was him.

The blonde behind him asked him a question, but all the response he could muster was a groaning whine as that white hair became soaked and matted with water.

The boat-girl asked the question again, and placed the heel of her palm against Leroy’s belly, right above his crotch and pressed down. Heat radiated outward as he felt his bladder compress and release all that it had been holding in. The yellow-eyed girl’s eyes shivered upwards as a wave of intensely pleasurable relief washed over him, and he forgot about panicking as one revelation after another was laid before his overwhelmed awareness.

He melted into the girl’s arm, the days in the desert too much for him, the insanity of the situation beyond his comprehension. The girl leaned down and, wrapping her lips around one of his ears, began to nibble.

Another sort of pleasure radiated through him, a plaintive whine escaping his throat, and he released his grip on the edge of the tub, letting the girl do as she wished… which was apparently wash the both of them clean of sand and ash and occasionally nibble on his ears.

Minutes later Leroy was being scrubbed down by a large fluffy towel, then wrapped up in another while a third cocooned his ridiculously long mane. Once dry, he was lead out of the bathing room and up the stairs to the first door on the left, then lifted off his feet and dumped onto a soft bed where he sank into the sheets and the too soft mattress beneath. He tried to struggle up, to ask more questions, to demand answers from this girl who spoke some alien tongue, but the plush comforting warmth combined with the exhausting days in the desert and the fitful sleep under the scorching sun and before he could even lift his head, he’d fallen into a deep sleep even as boat-girl stepped back out into the hall to confer with cat-girl.

Finally in a safe place, with plenty of water and no angry star glaring down at him; Leroy was finally able to dream. Most of it came and went as dreams were wont to do, but at some point he became fed up with it and the dreams simply stopped… neither of which had ever happened before.

All too aware of the strangeness of being aware of the fact that he was dreaming, he found himself floating in the middle of a rather large bubble of silver colored energy. Glancing down at himself he found he was still within that chocolate skinned elf-girl frame. Before he could investigate further, movement beyond the bubble grabbed his attention. Outside was a silver-gray mist and through it, in the distances, he could make out other bubbles similar to the one he was in.

With an unconscious act of will, he floated closer to the bubble wall and pressed small delicate hands to its surface, a sensation like touching a wet half-full balloon, one with just a little give to its slick smooth surface. More movement occurred at the corner of his vision and he looked, finding a rather large rabbit resting on the surface his bubble. Scaled reptilian wings sprouted from its back and it let out a puff of flame then flew off. Pressure against his hands snapped his attention back to the scene before him.

Hovering just outside the bubble was Elisabeth, her hands pressed to his with the barrier between.

Leroy’s heart raced, his yellow eyes growing wide. “Elisabeth!? What are you doing here… there!?” His small tiny voice almost cracked, but the black-haired girl with red eyes simply smiled at him.

“Let me in please? Don’t leave Elisabeth out here all alone?” The voice was strange coming from her, wispy but with a strange tonal trill. Leroy was already pulling at the barrier trying to break it open, the bubble wall becoming thinner and thinner. Of course Leroy would let his sister in! He was so happy to see her, so...

A shiver of pleasure ran through Leroy as he was brought out from that deep slumber. Fingers were sliding along one of his knife ears, just as those lips had in the bath. Yellow eyes blink open to the sight of a chocolate toned mons before his eyes. There was a slight dip in the belly before it jutted into a pubic outthrust. Velvety soft pussy lips flanked a pouting slit that could only be as perfectly formed with such a young sex. Leroy had been with a few women, but their sexes all had various imperfections and maturity that the pussy before his eyes did not have. Still drowsy he shook his head to clear it, noticing a mocha colored leg to ether side of his head, ankles bound up in bed sheets to the head board. “Mffff?” He tried to ask, but some cloth was stuffed in his mouth, further bound in place by more cloth around his head. Leroy tried to move his arms to push away those wayward limbs, but they would not move. He flexed on the bed, finding his legs were similarly unresponsive. Looking up over his head, a fan of white hair cloaked the pillow he lay on, while two slender dark arms were bound by the wrists to the headboard as well. The fogginess of sleep was sweeping away, and he recalled what he had seen in the bath, in that reflection… those were his limbs… and he was tied to the bed, bent in half, his own bare crotch right over his face.

A head of strawberry blonde hair rose up past that mound, red eyes glimmering in light cast from glowing crystals mounted along the upper walls. A cute little nose above a smirk came into view next. “Bel dio raza kars?” The girl asked, then blew out across that smooth sex, sending a shiver of pleasure through Leroy.

He wanted to ask what she was doing, and if she wouldn’t mind stopping it, but his voice was muffed by the cloth gag. The boat-girl let out a sweet string of giggles, and ran her nose along that pouting slit. The smooth pulse of pleasure made Leroy’s flat stomach tighten up, and the wet kiss that followed was like no sensation he had ever experienced before. The blonde’s hands palmed his plush ass cheeks and gave a soft squeeze as thumbs settled upon the lips around that slit, and pulled, parting mocha lips to bare sweet pink within. A tightly closed entrance, a cute divot of a urethra, and a small clit hood where bared to the larger girl.

Leroy had no idea why a girl her age would be doing this, let alone to a... no he didn’t want to think about it.

The other girl’s lips parted and engulfed that plush pretty pussy, lightly sinking teeth onto skin as a pink wet tongue squirmed and flicked along that tender flesh.

“Nnnnnnnnn!” Leroy let out a sweet muffled whine, catching himself quite by surprise as such succulent pleasure washed out from his… that pussy. The boat-girl chewed and suckled on that velvety flesh, grinding tongue tip against the entrance to that unclaimed pussy, and lavishing that urethral divot. Leroy was panting lightly now to his own dismay. The sensations were alien but so personal and immediate that he could do nothing to dismiss them as belonging to another. Welling liquid heat rose up within his belly, slowly radiating outward and building towards something, something he both wanted to stop and was powerless to do anything about.

The strawberry blonde slurped as Leroy’s nectar began to weep out, gulping that sweetness down. “Mmmm, dio kuz rondo!” She exclaimed, smacking her lips, her face slick with saliva and cunny juices.

Leroy’s heart was beating quick in his chest, the attention the girl was giving to… to that place had been overwhelming. Perhaps the girl was satisfied; what more could she possibly want from him?

As if in response to his unspoken question, the boat-girl rose up, allowing Leroy to see that she was wearing a translucent white slip that showed off her slim body beneath. He certainly acknowledged that she was cute, but she was a kid after all and had nothing... his ears flickered as he noticed something odd about the girl. Something long and thick was tenting up her slip.

His heart skipped a beat, was she going to use a strap on on her? Leroy bucked his slim hips and started squirming madly, trying to break free of the bonds, but they where done too well and the frame of his strange new form was not very strong.

Then the strawberry blonde flipped her slip up, exposing a glistening pink phallus. It was visibly pulsing, and crystal clear pre was oozing from the tip. Leroy’s yellow eyes grew wider, that was no strap on!

With a giggle, the girl slapped her pink cock against that plush pussy, making his hips jump and his breath catch in fright. He pulled hard on the cloth binding his wrists to the head board, desperately trying to get way, but the other girl had little in the way of baby fat with toned arms and legs, and easily pinned him in place with on a hand on one of his hips, while she guided the tip of that cock to that pouting velvet pussy with the other.

Leroy could only watch in panic as his... those… no, it was unavoidably his, pussy lips parted, the tip of her shaft kissing the entrance to that pussy. The other girl had already prepared him, and wasted no time as she applied her wider hips and thicker thighs to ease that cock head into that forbidden passage.

As the entry to his pussy stretched, Leroy could feel something giving way, while an intense ache flowed out from the mouth of his sex. Never once in his life had he thought he would be violated in such a way and he let out a pitiful sob as tears welled up in his eyes and streaked down his new pretty face.

The other girl’s lips slowly hung open, a look of pleasure etched on her face as that cock slid in deep, so very deep within Leroy’s tight flesh. Pink inner folds spread and stretched as thick pre-cum spread across vaginal walls. The girl lowered her gaze to Leroy’s face, hand moving away from guiding her cock to grabbing the back of Leroy’s head, forcing their eyes to meet. The progress of that cock could be tracked by the bulge in that taut dark tummy, and then the head of it reached the back of Leroy’s tight sex, grinding firmly against what could only be his firm, spongy cervix, forcing his pussy to stretch back further to accommodate the obscene length of her girl-cock. Finally pussy lips meet pussy lips, as the vision of the girl’s lust filled face was etched into Leroy’s mind forever as the person to claim his female virginity took him against his will.

“Dio bel feldorum...” She continued on with a long sentence but Leroy was unable to pay attention to the words he could not understand, his attention elsewhere, but the commanding tone and look of pleasure on the girl’s face gave him a good idea he wasn’t going to like it. She leaned down and licked at one of the trail of tears on his face, then leaned back, hands sliding to grip Leroy’s slim thighs, and slowly drew that cock back. Leroy’s freshly claimed sex suctioned in on itself, sensitiveness inner flesh squeezing down to expel the intruder..

A pulse of wet pleasure somehow rose up above the aching of Leroy’s pussy, much against his own desires, the bulge in his tummy vanishing as the girl pulled that throbbing cock to the tip, creating a void inside him just begging to be filled no matter what his outraged consciousness might want.

Licking her lips the other girl slammed her hips forward, sinking her cock to the hilt, smashing it hard against Leroy’s cervix as his pussy lips dented inward like pudding. The force of the thrust knocked the air out of Leroy’s lungs, as a dull ache spread through his entire cunt. Leroy was right, the other girl was only concerned about the pleasure his smaller, tighter, younger body could bring her. The boat-girl drew her hard cock back to the tip once more and slammed it in without a pause, then again and again, with strong slow pistoning. Each thrust massaged out some of the deep aching, replacing it with slick liquid heat, pink cock vanishing and appearing between mocha lips again and again. Dark chocolate pussy lips meeting the white but flushed pussy lips of the girl’s assault. Thick sticky strings of nectar and pre-cum connected both pussies. An odd gooey sound came from somewhere in the other girl’s belly, and she sped up her thrusts.

Leroy could only whimper through her cloth gag as the other girl reached climax, slamming hard one final time and holding her cock hard up against Leroy’s abused cervix. Hot strands of girl cock cum spewed into Leroy’s pussy, flooding some of it, while the boat-girl tightened her grip, managing to dock cocktip to cervix and allow that spunk to blast directly into Leroy’s unfledged womb. The sensation of raw spunk in his womb was intense, and almost pushed him over the edge. As thick spunk oozed out around that shaft, more soaked into Leroy’s womb walls. His rapist held herself in place for several more jets, finally exhaling in a blast of air as if she had been holding her breath. That cock pulsed and throbbed deep within Leroy’s tight pussy, as the girl licked her lips.

Leroy began to relax; the girl had finally finished. Hopefully the ordeal was over.

“Re’z arus decora,” the straw berry blonde informed Leroy, and drew her cock back until only the tip was inside his cunt, before she started to thrust into Leroy once more.

Leroy whimpered into her gag. No, please stop this! he shouted into the gag, but the other girl was lost in her lust and pleasure, her thrusts faster this time, driving her pink cock into Leroy’s plush pretty pussy again and again.

The boat-girl was almost twice Leroy’s weight, making his smaller frame bounce with each thrust, belly expanding and flattening as that cock bulged her tummy flesh. That tight pussy had flushed out a lot of the girl’s spunk with nectar, the aching was almost entirely gone now, there was only unwanted pleasure now. He could feel his pussy squeezing down on that shaft as her cervix was made softer and softer under the blows.

The other girl laughed in mocking delight, reaching up to grip the sides of Leroy’s head to force him to focus on her again. She asked a question of Leroy, clearly teasing him, but he could only whimper as the gooey sounds rose up in the other girl’s belly again.

No, no no! Leroy shook his head, his body was going to betray him. He felt it as his womb was radiating a warm pleasure and he knew... he just knew this second load was going to be it! Several more strong quick thrusts and the girl’s hips pressed hard against Leroy’s plush upturned ass. That cock forced his cervix open a tiny bit, and the other girl unleashed the full ropey load of girl spunk right into Leroy’s womb. The look of pleased triumph on the blonde girl’s face was all Leroy could see. The moment he felt his womb start to expand from the spunk flooding and stretching it he wailed into the cloth gag. His climax was strong, powerful, overwhelming, like nothing he’d ever experienced as a man. His pretty toes curled, his back arched, his womb and pussy quivered and quaked, hammering into his mind that he was no longer a he as he drowned in pleasure.

While Leroy was still awash in the pleasure, the blonde started hammering into his well fucked tight pretty pussy once more. Leroy’s assessment that the girl would have been finished after the girl’s first climax was very wrong. This girl pounding into her could climax again and again as any normal wo… girl could.

The throbbing hot cock slewing through Leroy’s pink folds kept the pleasure up. He was gasping and whining, his belly tightening up as one after another small climaxes coursed through him. He couldn’t think though the pleasure, it was still alien and too raw. Leroy was utterly helpless to his soft sweet little body, eyes half rolled up. The cute older girl was relentless, unloading not one, but two more full loads into Leroy’s womb, flooding and bloating it, leaving a nice visible bulge on that no longer flat tummy.

Finally the strawberry blonde pulled her cock free. Leroy’s cervix tightening up, though a large amount of his nectar and the girl’s spunk flowed out, coating Leroy’s thighs, ass, and spreading out over the sheets. Leroy was exhausted in a way he never had been before, his eyes silted as a warm pleasure radiated from his womb. The girl Leroy rescued got up, stretching, showing off her long legs, long hips and small breasts beneath the now damp slip. She went about sliding the slip off, using it to mop herself clean, then pulling her cloths on, talking in a smug hushed tone all the while. Even if Leroy could have understood a word she said, his world was inward focused on his womb and how full of thick wet heat it was. He did look over to a night stand when the girl dropped a few coins on the stand, making it all too clear she just paid him for his “services”. Then with a sway of her hips, Leroy’s rapist strutted out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Leroy would lay there, still strung up and bound on full display to the head board until he drifted off to sleep once more. That’s how the inn keeper found him in the morning when she went to clean the room.