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You never talk about your childhood. "Lady Jane" is a character you invented for yourself after you married John Howard and he inherited the title. John has some idea, but whenever he asks you, you refuse to even talk about it.

The youngest of four children, you grew up on a large farm in the West Country. Even from an early age, you and your brothers were expected to help out on the farm as your father saw his family as a cheap source of labour.

Two of your brothers were quite a lot older and they had a different mother, but Daniel was only three years older than you. For the first year of your life, you shared a bed with your parents. Of course, you have no memory of it, when your father fucked your mother, which was several times a week, he would reach across put his fingers down between your chubby little legs and tickle your pussy. Your mother wasn't that much older than your big brothers, and you would often see them in the barn; one pounding his cock into her cunt just like your father did, and the other one with his cock in her mouth.

When you were three, your mother decided that you were too big to be sharing their bed and put you into bed with Daniel. You quite enjoyed it when your father tickled your pussy, so it wasn't long before you got Daniel's hand down between your legs. He liked you to play with his cock as well and it wasn't long before you were copying what you'd seen your parents and older brothers do hundreds of times.

When your father found out that the boys were fucking his young wife, there was a big row, but then they all got drunk and after that one or other of them regularly shared your parent's bed, and of course, it wasn't long before you and Danny were involved as well.

By the time you were four, your father and all your brothers were regularly fucking you. Father even bought a bigger bed and during the winter, when it got dark early, you would all drink some of the beer that your mother brewed and then, at your father's signal, everyone would get undressed and you would all troop upstairs.

None of the men in the family had very big cocks and it wasn't long before, like your mother, you were able to take two or even three at the same time without complaining, but although you put up with it, it wasn't something you enjoyed. As you got older, your father sometimes got frustrated because you never seemed to actively join in, but just did what you were told and let them do whatever they wanted. One evening, after he'd been fucking you for some time, he got annoyed. "I think the animals enjoy it more than she does," he said.

That gave him an idea, and your eldest brother was sent out to fetch one of the farm dogs. They were not normally allowed in the house and the big crossbreed that he led in was nervous, looking around and sniffing. He soon picked up the scent of sex and sniffed around until one of the boys pushed his nose towards your pussy. "Put her over the edge of the bed," your father ordered and, with a little encouragement, the dog soon mounted you and his massive cock was embedded in your tender young cunt.

The boys and their father all stood around wanking as they watched, and as soon as the dog had finished (which didn't take long) they flipped you over and ejaculated over your face and your embryo tits. A few weeks later, they were all sitting around drinking beer and talking about it when somebody suggested the horse. Your mother made a half-hearted attempt to stop them, but without success, and they more or less carried you out into the barn. There was some discussion about the best way to do it and eventually, they laid you face up on a hay bale with one brother holding your wrists and the other two taking a leg each.

Your father led the stallion round, but his cock remained stubbornly in its sheath until your mother, ordered by your father, took him in hand and before long it was extended to its full length. "Fuck me, that thing will kill her," one of your brothers said and your father; realising that that was a distinct possibility, took a piece of rope and tied it around the horse's shaft about a foot from the end.

That was shortly after your thirteenth birthday, and it was a week before you could walk properly afterwards. Your mother even let you off doing some of the chores. It happened twice more and after the third time, as soon as you were able, you packed up your meagre possessions and ran away to the city.