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(Chapter 5)
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Chapter 5: Surrender

Tags: g/g, f/g nc, voy, dream, reluc, gsolo

Leroy stirred from sleep to find himself submerged in the soft bed under equally soft sheets. The curtain to his alcove had been parted, and the windows were open, letting a sweet smelling breeze waft through the room. Outside, birds chirped and whistled as soft sunlight played across his face. Blinking sleep from his eyes, he sat up, feeling dampness beneath him. His bladder ached with its fullness, so there was no way he could have… yet almost without thinking his hand slipped down under the sheets and felt around between his thighs and there he found the source of the wetness.

As his fingers pulled away, he noted how sticky they felt. He had… had he had a wet dream? In this body, this delicate little frame? He uttered a groan and slid out of bed, surveying the damp spot. Until that moment he had no idea what the scent of an aroused girl smelled like, but the scent here; his scent, was like fresh ripe melon, sweet and clean and mouthwatering.

He almost raised his fingers to his lips, but before she could, Kena entered. “Carbu /morning/, Mena!” she said in a sweet singsong as she walked over and gave Leroy a delighted hug. He squeaked in surprise, but he didn’t know the words yet to convey how very much hugging him right at that moment was a bad idea. But the cat-girl merely sniffed the air and gave him a pat on the head before releasing him, taking him by the hand and leading him to the bathroom. Kena once more did the ritual with the pitcher before leaving Leroy to empty himself, which he did, though once more the sensation of draining his bladder was still so intense that it left him panting. Looking down, he noticed that once more his panties where a mess of clear sticky desire, and his belly was slightly less swollen. However, this time he just snugged the panties back up in place, flushed, and went about washing his hands.

Kena stepped into the bathroom the moment he turned the water off, holding a small hard-sided brown leather case in one hand. She set it down on the edge of the basin and, opening it facing him, she revealed that there where a half a dozen vials of some faintly purplish liquid within. The cat-girl went to great lengths showing him how to open one of them, then poured some into her own mouth, swishing it around then spitting it out.

“Ebe no/don’t/negative drink/refreshment.” Kena shook her head as she tried to explain. Leroy nodded, getting the gist of her words and gestures. Taking the vial from her, he tipped a small amount of the liquid in his mouth and swished around. The fluid had a sharp strong taste, reminding him of mouthwash, which he very much suspected this was, though the flavor was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. He felt a tingle over his teeth and gums, and spat out what was left just before it started to get painful.

His mouth felt so very sparkling clean, and probing the fronts of his teeth with his small pink tongue confirmed that the substance, whatever it was, had done its job remarkably well. Before Leroy could get too involved in the sensation of delicate tongue against sensitive lips, the cat-girl dragged him out to one of the bathing chambers, then left him to wash up, dry, and change into a blue summer dress with matching panties. This time he managed the leather straps for his feet all on his own before carrying out the scrap of damp sleepwear to his newfound guardian, his hips swaying a bit at the shivery sensation of the thin snug panties cupping his sex. How did girls ever manage to get anything done with such a distraction?

Kena meet him with an armload of bed sheets and had him follow her outside to the back of the inn. There, she showed him to the well and pointed to a series of wooden tubs equipped with rollers. First she had him haul water up from the well and dump into the tubs, then he was shown where the cleaning supplies were, and the proper amount of powder and liquids to pour into each tub. The bed sheets were first up, soaked and scrubbed in the first tub, then separated and feed through rollers that automatically grabbed and wrung the sheets, then into the second tub for a similar treatment, before being sent through another roller into the third tub, which was only water.

He noted that the water in the tubs heated up on their own, and the grime (what little there was) seemed to precipitate out to the bottom of the tub, but Kena kept him too busy to really ponder how that might be or by what mechanism it was achieved. When it came to Leroy’s sleepwear, the thin material was just hand dunked and squeezed in each tub, and finally the laundry was hung up to dry on some wooden poles, though extra care was taken for the sleepwear. Leroy could only stare at the tiny panties waving in the gentle wind and sunshine, and be perplexed how those things ever fit him in the first place, small though he might be.

Breakfast was wholesome and satisfying, and after the dishes where washed, he was shown around the inn, then tasked to sweep the floors of every room except for beyond one locked door in the storage room. While no ash from the desert managed to get up here to the top of the mesa, some sand apparently did, though that seemed backwards to Leroy. Still he swept the entire inn without complaint. It was only fair, after she’d taken such good care of him.

Once his chore was done, it was back to the books, only this time around some charcoal pencils and paper where provided, so Leroy took the opportunity to start making an alphabet. For some strange reason, Kena had made no attempt at showing him such a basic and fundamental thing, and she looked perplexed at his actions. Still, by the time the morning was half-done, he’d managed to coax from his feline instructor a semblance of an alphabet, though he wasn’t certain he had all the symbols yet. There were forty-one of them, half of them vowels.

While Leroy reviewed his chart, the cat-girl went off to check on something outside the inn, leaving him to mull over things in private. A curious thought occurred to him; he was picking up this language extremely fast, almost as if he had the still developing brain of a child, combined with the focus of an adult. Fascinating. He went back to work with the book, piecing together some words and trying to work out the meanings of some of the sentences. This was clearly not the local version of “See Spot Run”.

So engrossed in his work was he that he paid no mind when he was picked up and placed on a lap, and snuggled from behind. Then a pair of hands laced together and pressed inward on his belly, and the sudden compression of his womb made him utter a sweet moan that brought a blush to his cheeks as he felt his flesh squeeze down on the load of cum within. The shock to his system jolted Leroy out of his studies, and when lips fell to one of his ears to lick and nibble, he couldn’t help but melt in the girl’s arms, as the feeling of those soft teasing nibbles on his sensitive skin sent shivery pleasure through his mocha-skinned body.

Kena entered the common room then, forcing a shocked gasp out of Leroy who’d assumed that she was the one teasing him, and the cat-girl let out a soft friendly giggle, saying something in greeting to owner of the lap Leroy found himself on. The owner of the lap smelled of machine oil and metal he stiffened in sudden fear that it might be the horrible ship-girl, but a glance down at the other’s wrist told him that whoever was holding him was lighter skinned than his assailant had been. He watched, wide eyed, as that hand drifted from his belly to tug up the hem of his semi-transparent summer dress so its owner could stroke one of his dark inner thighs. He opened his mouth to protest, but all that came out was a stifled, tremulous moan.

The innkeeper stepped behind the counter and fetched a pitcher of juice and a few cups to put on a tray, then returned to sit opposite the girl and Leroy, filling only two of the drinking vessels. When the girl pulled her lips away from his ear to speak with her host, Leroy dropped his hands under the table to grab at her wrist, trying to pull it away from between his legs, but the girl simply dug the heel of her other palm against his womb, causing a wash of pleasure over his petite form. The groan that slipped from his lips made the girl giggle and Kena blush as she sipped at her cup.

As the two older girls had their chat, the fingers stroking his thigh slid up to his thinly covered sex and brushed their tips over the delicate flesh. At the same time, the heel of the girl’s palm rocked back and forth, squishing his womb about, making it hard to form coherent thoughts or monitor the conversation, let alone put up any resistance. The girl’s efforts were quickly rewarded when the rush of heat through his belly caused his cunny to drip with arousal, rapidly soaking the tiny scrap of fabric.

His hands fluttered at her wrist, but just as he was certain he’d be able to focus enough to mount a protest, however futile, his assailant tugged the thin fabric of the panties to the side and then her middle finger dipped between his lower lips, her palm cupping that pretty plush pussy as that finger sank deeper and deeper into the pink tightness. One by one, her knuckles pressed into his center, and she began to slowly, idly pump that finger in and out as she nibbled and suckled upon one of Leroy’s ears.

Unlike the boat-girl, this new molester was gentle with her touches, keeping Leroy in a blissfully pleasured state, his lips hanging open as he panted ever so sweetly. As the lusty whimpers and shivery moans filled the room, the girl softly, tenderly, brought him to climax, his plush chocolate pussy weeping nectar around that finger buried deep within, the flesh rippling, squeezing at the teasing intruder. The girl toyed with him, teased him down from that plateau, letting his body relax just a bit before pushing his arousal back up just a little, but finally she eased her finger out and snugged the soaking panties back in place.

A thickly coated finger was presented to Leroy, and he blindly suckled upon it, savoring the sweet taste, barely able to process the fact that it was his own essence he was tasting. Once the finger was clean, the girl set him to the side on the bench, laying his small form out so he could collect himself, his head resting softly on one of her knees. As he drifted off to sleep, his sex pulsing with the pleasure of temporarily sated need, he felt her hand stroking his hair as if he were little more than a pet, but he was too tired to protest.

Leroy woke sometime later, tummy grumbling, bladder aching. He… yes… no he wasn’t ready to acknowledge his change in sex fully… not yet. And was even less certain if that change also extended deeper, to his sense of identity. He didn’t want to think about it, so he rubbed at his eyes as he sat up and looked around. Kena was behind the counter cooking, and – through the open front door of the inn – he spotted some kind of vehicle parked just outside, but there was no sign of the girl that had… had… his heart skipped a beat as a blush of embarrassment overwhelmed him.

Suddenly at a loss for how to feel, he took refuge in the immediate and rushed off to the bathroom to empty his bladder before an accident occurred, though the pleasure of draining left him in another daze. Cursing his unnatural sensitivity, he rinsed out the thin panties and snugged the damp fabric back into place. Shivering as they clung to the outline of his slit, he returned to the main area and sat back down with the books.

He glared at them, pouting as he replayed the event in his mind, pushing the pleasure aside as best he could. He was annoyed! Kena had just sat there and watched… Not just watched but chatted with the girl as she’d toyed with him, driven him to… to… Yes that girl had been gentle with him… but she hadn’t ask Leroy and… and… he let out an unhappy sound that even to his own ears sounded far too much like an adorable puppy whimpering to be petted. Was this gong to be his norm? Were older, or at least bigger, girls going to treat him like a toy? Like a pet? Like a… a… he remembered the boat-girl leaving money on the bedside table and flinched from the obvious term. He had been so helpless. Sure the boat-girl had tied him up, and he’d been weak from his time in the desert, but this new girl hadn’t needed to use any force at all. No, she’d subdued him with nothing more than practiced skill.

A bellow from Kena snapped Leroy out of his revere and he looked around to see what the problem was. Except that there didn’t seem to be any problem, as the innkeeper came to the tables with three meal sets arranged on a large wooden tray. Setting the tray down, Kena saw the pout on Leroy’s face and gave him a hug, snugging his face to her chest, which he discovered had the small plush pads of budding breasts concealed beneath that smock. She stroked his head and gave him a pat as she pulled away, clearly telling her little charge that everything was going to be okay… at least for the time being.

Leroy’s mood lightened; he… he’d just have to adapt, he decided. Move forward. Eyes focused on the future, he told himself. That’s when a girl with long lavender hair and blue eyes stepped into the inn and his eyes focused on her instead.

She wore some well-used overalls while a pair of steam-punk goggles adorned her forehead, and was in the process of unhooking a heavy tool belt filled with many kinds of tools as she entered the common room. She was maybe twelve or thirteen, and stunningly cute in a tomboyish way. Leroy felt a flutter inside his belly at the realization that this must be the one who had molested him.

The newcomer uttered an energetic greeting and made her way over to the table, but before she could reach it, Kena had taken the seat next to him, causing the girl to pout a bit before taking the seat opposite. She extended a hand in his direction and said something, but it wasn’t words he knew yet.

In fact, he had no idea how to react to any of this; not to her greeting, not to what had happened between them, not to his own emotions, and so he merely pouted at her and busied himself with the meal. For several long moments, the room was quiet with the sound of eating, but finally the silence got to be too much and Leroy swallowed hard, bracing himself, then slowly looked up at the girl and uttered what he was pretty certain was the local version of the word “hello”.

The faces of both of the other girls seemed to light up, and Kena gave him a quick, triumphant hug while the other girl awwed as if he was a kitten who’d just performed a rudimentary trick of some kind. He found himself almost mortified at their reaction; the pair seemed to find his behavior adorable. He blushed furiously, wanting to run out of the room screaming. He was an adult, not a child! His thoughts became a jumbled mess as threads of thought tripped over each other. Where did they... barely children themselves... treating him... younger than they were... as if he was barely out of swaddling clothes… whatever those were. He wanted to fume and throw a fit… but he could only grip his wooden spoon in impotent rage.

It would have been easier to be outraged if the goggles girl had been mean and rough with him. He could have felt justified with his outrage. But no, they were being helpful, supportive, and he was smaller than them, smaller and alone, and barely knew any of the language. Would he lose his mind if they kept treating him as little more than a pet? No! If he’d survived being in a void of nothingness, and then the unrelenting agony of the trek across the desert, being found cute by a cat-girl and tomboy in overalls should be easy enough to endure! He’d let them coo and fuss in exchange for food and safety… at least for now.

Once lunch was finished, a lunch he was barely aware of having eaten, he collected the dishes and went about washing them. Anything to distract himself from his situation. That earned him a thankful smile from Kena and he found that he liked being smiled at by her. Kena was cute, the smile was cute. He was already blushing once more. When he was finished washing the dishes he found both girls gone, and so he decided to step outside to get some fresh air.

The vehicle he’d glimpsed in part earlier turned out to be part wagon, part boiler, though it had several stacks that looked too small for smoke if the technical information he half-remembered from his days in the rail-yards was correct. The contraption was loaded down with tools and parts and the controls were sized and situated for small frames; no adult could control this comfortably, it was for child-sized hands and bodies to drive. Were there any adults about?

He turned about, glancing back at the inn, and noticed the size of the door way; an adult would smash their head on the door frame unless they where to duck. He ran back inside and headed to the upper floor, opening each door, looking at the dimensions of each room, of each doorway, chair, table, bed. Then it was on to the bathrooms and the washrooms. There it was, all the evidence he needed.

The nagging thought was finally given awareness; there where no adults, at least not in this area. Sure his sample size might be limited, but the beds were too small to accommodate the average sized adult, the toilets where too tiny, and while the bathtubs could holds two girls in them, he... well his old self at least would have found one of those tubs rather too small. Even if he had gone fetal, he would have had a better wash with a wet towel.

Leroy went back outside and approached the lift dock, staring out at the desert below, processing this revelation. He didn’t know how long he’d been standing there, trying to make sense of a world where some tweenage girls ran inns by themselves, others drove steampunk cars, and still others had penises with which to flood immature wombs with… with…

The sound of someone hammering on metal yanked his attention away from the landscape and drew it back to the present… and to the lift in specific. A wooden ladder had been erected to allow the goggles-wearing girl access to the motor on top. She had the cover open, revealing several crystals hooked up to what might be a small steam engine. He stepped sideways a bit to get a better look. The crystals were in clear cylinders reinforced with brass, and the girl was wrenching one open to remove the crystal within. It was a small lumpy yellow crystal, about the size of an adult man’s thumb, not particularly attractive, but strangely fascinating in how it caught the light.

She must have noticed Leroy’s approach as she asked him something then tossed the lump in his direction. He just managed to catch it, then looked back up at her, confusion on his face. What did she want him to do with it? The girl pointed at the crystal, then at him, then made another gesture, this one with both hands. He could have been wrong, it seemed as if she was giving it to him. He didn’t know what good it was, or what he’d do with it, and so he was quiet for a moment then uttered what he thought was a “thank you” and bowed his head slightly. That got another aww from the mechanic girl, then she went back to working on the motor.

“Mena!” Kena called out from the inn, waving him over. Leroy glanced one more time at the maintenance job the mechanic girl was doing, then padded his way back towards the building on half bare feet. It was back to studying. Setting the trinket down on the table, Leroy snuggled onto Kena’s lap and focused his efforts on learning more of this language, silently annoyed at the universe for not making everyone here speak English like they did in all those movies where the main character ended up in another world or another time.

As dinner approached, Leroy felt as if he’d gained a bit more mastery over the verbal language, while the written was going to require more work. The mechanic girl had been moving about the inn, checking up on the ceiling fans, the kitchen appliances, and some other things that Leroy was not privy to. Dinner had been filling, the girl eating with him and Kena, then he was sent off to go wash up for bed. He went reluctantly, wanting to stay up and spend more time studying, but he was a guest and still did not know enough to word any requests or protests. He was also painfully aware that they were likely to view any such complaints as little more than the pleas of a child trying to extend bedtime.

After the bath, Leroy was able to wrap his hair up without any help, and – slipping into the pink transparent teddy and tiny useless panties once more (and blushing a hair less when he made the panties damp) – he stepped out of the wash room. The common room was empty and he was just picking up his crystal from where he’d left it next to the books when he heard a whine from upstairs. Ears twitching, he could just make out Kena’s whimpering.

He raced upstairs, two steps at a time, bare feet pattering on the wooden floor and skidded to a stop before a closed door, hand reaching for the door-handle. Then other sounds intruded into his consciousness and he froze. The wet smacking of lips releasing flesh, and a needy, lust-filled cry in what could only be the voice of the goggle wearing girl drifted through the closed door. Leroy’s entire body stiffened in shock as he took in the sounds of two young female bodies grinding against each other, his elfin hearing picking up the silken rasp of skin sliding against skin. He planted a hand against the wall as his heart raced, his belly trembling in sympathetic tremors with each cry and moan. The sounds he was hearing were the perfectly healthy sounds two women having sex would make (as he knew from too many late night porn viewings), but they were an octave higher and intermixed with pleasured purrs and girlish giggles.

Swallowing heavily, Leroy stepped away, then slowly made his way to his bed. Maybe… maybe the other girls where no different from him. They had libidos more mature than someone their ages should have had, or so it seemed. Or… or did girls just naturally have… have such needs and society taught them to ignore them. Setting the crystal down on a night stand, he slipped under the covers and squeezed his thighs together. He was far enough away now that the sounds of the two girls pleasuring each other could be mistaken for the calls of night birds, but in the back of his mind, he wasn’t able to totally banish the images that every moan and gasp and whine seemed to summon up.

Burying his head under his pillow, Leroy finally managed to shut out the sounds, if not the needful tingle between his own thighs, but he drifted off to sleep more quickly than he’d thought he would, somehow all too cognizant of the speed at which the darkness claimed him, just like every other night since he’d come to this strange place.

The soft warm depths of dreams clamped down on his awareness, though he found himself back in that fateful inn room, on that bed, wrists above his head, ankles the same. This time however instead of bed sheets and cloths, proper leather and latex with buckles and belts had him securely bound. The strawberry blonde loomed above him, and he tried to struggle as the nightmare rolled on, relentless and inescapable. It was hopeless, and soon enough one fat clit dick slid into one plush pouting mocha pussy, sinking to the hilt easily, stretching Leroy’s inner depths and folds wide. He sobbed as his tight pussy betrayed him, squeezing down on that cock as if it had been waiting for this all day, all week, all… all his life. As if it had been made specifically for that singular purpose.

Drawing her hips back, the blonde thrust in firmly, smacking hard against his cervix, drawing a wet splat of needful desire out around that cock. Aching pleasure crashed through him, and Leroy bit down on the ball-gag in his mouth as the older girl thrust her hips into him again and again. Each thrust produced more wet desire, a pulse of unwanted pleasure, and a sweet muffled grunt from his throat. The blonde rocked her hips in slow languid circles, pressing her smooth warm belly down onto his, and he could feel the searing heat of her womb bake against his.

His toes curled into little foot-fists as his womb squeezed down on itself and he shook his head in denial, screaming into the gag for the girl to stop but that only caused the blonde to leer down at him and thrust harder as she renewed her punishing pace. Each thrust into that pussy brought shivering deep pleasure that crashed into and through him, and he could feel tears burning down his cheeks at the shame and betrayal he felt as his body reacted to the forceful assault.

The blonde laughed at the girl beneath her and Leroy’s pussy could only quiver and squeeze in pleasure. Leroy could only accept the thrusts, feel that hot throbbing thickness within her as her cervix was made soft by the firm poundings. The press of the soft warm girl above her slapped hips against plush ass; Leroy’s slick desire running down her ass cheeks as she could feel her climax building up within… As if sensing the dark girl’s impending climax, the blonde held still, precum-dripping clit-dick throbbing in that squeezing, clasping pussy.

Leroy wailed behind the gag, thrashing and groaning with unsated need. She was so close, but she was being denied, the blonde laughing at her struggles. Then she…

Leroy jerked awake in her bed, the air under the covers steamy, her panties soaked pussy and womb throbbing. She let out a small helpless moan, the face of the strawberry blonde girl with red eyes still fresh in her mind. Looking around in the muted light, she slid off the bed and pattered to the bathroom, sitting down, sliding panties down to one ankle. She unleashed her bladder, emptying it and allowing a different kind of pleasure to surge through her. But once that was dealt with, she planted one heel on the wash basin and brought her hands down to her flushed sex, burying two fingers into her tight plush, feeling her depths squeezing.

Panting filled the bathroom as Leroy rammed two slim slick fingers into her tight wet pussy again and again. Memories of how she was pinned down, helpless, just something to fuck, filled her pretty little head. She dug the heel of her thumb against her clit-hood, squishing her inflamed clit within. She was whining now, imagining each thrust of her fingers propelled by the blonde’s hips. Finally what she had been after arrived, and (biting down on her lower lip) she cried out sweetly, arching her hips to meet up invisible hips, vivid memories of the blonde’s lewd, pleasure-twisted face in her mind as a powerful orgasm rocked her own chocolate frame.

She could feel her pussy rippling and sucking on her fingers, her eyes half rolled up, and lidded, jamming her fingers in again and again while her wet desire splattered into the toilet and slicked her wrist. She kept going though, her sweet pussy happy to feel more pleasure, needing a greater release, yet it wouldn’t come.

Finally, with a whine of fatigued overstimulation, she drew thickly coated fingers out from her flushed plush pussy and sat there half collapsed, legs parted wide. She lifted her fingers to her lips and suckled, licking the sweet taste off as the needful heat in her sex slowly cooled down. Several minutes passed as she panted, her hand returning to her pussy to softly stroke it, coaxing delicious moans from her tight throat.

She had no idea how long she’d been sitting there, petting her kitten, when the door to the bathroom opened, and Kena, standing there in a teddy similar to Leroy’s own, looked down at her.