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(Chapter 6)
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(♫ Hata Hata - (少女前線)"裂变链接/SHATTERED CONNEXION"ED曲"Connexion")

Chapter 6: Unusual

Tags: f/g, petting, dream, rape, reluc

Perched on the toilet, Leroy’s legs were spread out, panties dangling from one ankle. Her smooth hairless pussy was on display, flushed with desire and glistening in the soft light cast by a crystal mounted on the wall. Kena stood silently in the doorway, ears swiveled forward, tail still, and Leroy could make out small palm-full sized breasts capped with puffy areolas and inverted nipples under the other girl’s transparent babydoll, as well as Kena’s plush puffy pussy perfectly outlined and revealed by her tight transparent micro panties.

Pulling her slick fingers away from her sex, the neo-girl felt heat suffuse her cheeks and ears, and she began to stammer out an apology, not quite in the right frame of mind to remember that the other girl would not understand a word she said.

Kena simply gave Leroy a smile, saying a few words that Leroy hadn’t learned yet, pointing from him to the sink, then motioned in a kind of come hither way before stepping out, closing the bathroom door behind her. The intent was clear; Leroy was to wash her hands and present herself for… something. Letting out a soft groan, Leroy slid off the toilet, stumbling slightly since her hips were so numb that her legs were wobbly. Getting caught by someone — a child of all people — while masturbating, as a guest in that someone’s home! Humiliating was too light a word, but there was little she could do besides comply. She flushed the toilet, then stood on tiptoes to rinse out her panties and wash her hands. Still reeking of femenine desire, she shivered as she pulled the soaked fabric up over her thighs, knowing she was hesitating pointlessly since the cat was well and truly already out of the bag, so to speak.

Opening the door, Leroy stepped out, right into Kena’s arms as the older girl scooped her up, hugging her close. A soft purr came from the soft chest as Leroy hung there, unsure what to do with his… her hands. The cat-girl nuzzled Leroy’s head, wrapping her larger body around her dark-skinned form like a soft blanket. As their thinly clothed forms pressed tightly together, Leroy found himself whimpering softly, the scent of Kena flowing into her lung; sweet and floral and warm. Leroy’s earlier desire and embarrassment were quickly overwhelmed by the soft cuddling, and she wrapped her arms around the cat-girl’s waist and nuzzled into her chest, yellow eyes heavily lidded as any ability to think about anything more than the intense comfort of the moment faded away.

Warm sunlight roused Leroy from sleep sometime later, and she blinked several times to clear the fog from her eyes, surprised to find herself in Kena’s bed, so much larger than her own. Her bladder was aching full, so she threw off the covers, the warm morning breeze caressing the thin baby doll and her bare skin. Murmuring a sigh of pleasure, she wandered into the bathroom, panties down to her knees as she unleashed another intense thick stream of pee. Once more a delicious shiver of pleasure surged through her and she wondered if she’d ever get used to the sensation, while a small part of her mind asked the rest of it if she really wanted to. After flushing and washing her hands, she opened the small box with the vials and swished some of the liquid inside her mouth to clean it before stepping out of the bathroom fully awake.

Checking the bedroom, she didn’t find any daywear waiting for her, and a glance down at herself had made her hesitant to head into the main area of the inn. Who knew what kind of… of… girls might be lurking in the common room, just waiting to… to… she shook her head to clear her trepidation and, taking another look through the bedroom, she found that her bed had been stripped, indicating that Kena must have found the wetness she’d left. The thought of being found to have wet the bed was bad enough, but the fact that that wetness hadn’t been pee brought a flush to her cheeks as she pursed her lips, shifting from foot to foot, uncertain what to do with herself. Finally, biting her lower lip nervously and hugging herself, she headed into the connected store room, peeking past the doorway into the main area of the inn. There was no sign of Kena, or the other girl from yesterday, though the vehicle the lavender haired girl had arrived in was still parked outside the inn.

“Kena?” Leroy called out in a tiny voice, perhaps the cat-girl was somewhere nearby? Somewhere close by and able / willing to help? A noise from upstairs caught Leroy’s attention, but after waiting what seemed like an eternity but was probably not more than ten seconds, no one had appeared. The little platinum-blonde swallowed hard, mentally bracing herself as she timidly stepped out into the main area, bare feet making barely a sound on the smooth wooden floor. Leroy quickly crossed the main floor and pattered up the stairs, the baby doll swishing with each step, and made for the door from yesterday. There were some muted words and some giggling as she approached, then soft moans followed by wet smacking, and more giggles. Leroy tensed, gulping nervously; she wasn’t sure what she could do dressed like this, wasn’t sure she should be left alone with her own body and idle hands, wasn’t sure she wanted to know what (exactly) was happening on the other side of the door.

Despite her doubts, she softly knocked on the door, holding her breath and trembling lightly, suddenly cold despite the warmth of the morning. There is a pause, two seconds or twenty Leroy didn’t know, before Kena let out a squealing giggle and there came the sound of someone crossing the floor inside the room… someone heavier than the cat-girl.

Before Leroy could lose her nerve and turn to run, the door flew open and Leroy came face to face with the mechanic, who was dressed in a loose spaghetti strapped top and boy shorts. Leroy’s eyes widened, she been expecting Kena to answer, not the other girl and the urge to run away caused her breath to catch in her chest. Small and young as the mechanic was, she was still bigger and, at least physically, older than Leroy, and those hands… she shivered in memory of them moving over her body the day before.

The mechanic’s blue eyes danced over the form of the chocolate-skinned elf before her, then she reached out to pat the little one. Leroy tensed as that hand closed, then relaxed as it settled softly atop her head. Both girls sighed softly, the mechanic in pleasure, the elf in relief, but that relief was short lived as, a moment later she found herself pulled into a hug by the much older girl.  A tiny whimper was all the protest Leroy could muster up before she melted into the other girl’s embrace, barely feeling the strong hands gripping her pert little behind and giving it some soft squeezes. The mechanic turned and asked a question, but even if Leroy had been aware enough to answer, it was in that alien language and clearly not directed to her. A soft giggle came from Kena as she stood from the bed, pulling her clothing on. She answered the mechanic’s question with one of her own and, getting an affirmative from her, the blue-haired girl stepped out, leaving Leroy in the lavender-haired girl’s clutches.

Fingers more used to caressing machinery than flesh dipped between mocha asscheeks, their tips feathering over a covered pink star, sending strange new and delicious shivers through the small elf girl. Leroy clutched at the larger girl, as that feathering became a probe, a fingertip slipping past panties to touch the flesh directly and toy with her puckered entrance, for what else could it be used for; she hadn’t used it for its traditional use since she’d arrived and felt no trace of discomfort from that fact. The white-haired girl’s sex squeezed down on itself as a pulse of wet heat rose within her, a sweet little moan from pretty little lips.

The mechanic giggled at the little-one’s reaction, but seemed content to only tease that asshole, tracing slow circles around it until Kena returned with a small pile of clothes. Reunited, the two larger girls set about stripping Leroy down and dressing her up in a semi-transparent summer dress and snug little panties, treating her as if she was a dolly for them to play dress-up with. They took turns cuddling Leroy, not letting the girl snap out of the cuddle induced fugue, chatting the whole while.  Once everyone was dressed and ready for the day, the duo headed downstairs with the elf in the cat-girl’s arms. Planting Leroy on the mechanic's lap, Kena loaded several trays with an already prepared assortment of breakfast foods. While they ate, the lavender-haired mechanic kept one hand resting on Leroy’s tummy, lightly digging the heel of her palm into the elf’s hidden womb, largely ignoring her whines and whimpers as they continued their conversation from earlier. Occasionally, one of the pair would hand feed Leroy a piece of fruit to nibble on as the mechanic rocked her hand back and forth, grinding sensitive womb walls against each other, leaving Leroy in an aroused but dazed state.

Sometime later, when the two had finished their meal, Leroy was set to the side on the bench, while Kena escorted the mechanic out to her machine. Freed of the distraction of that teasing, and the mind erasing warmth of the embrace, Leroy licked her lips, her awareness slowly returning. Out the open front door of the inn, she watched the pair embrace and share a deep passionate kiss. Breaking away from Kena, the mechanic hopped into the driver’s seat. The machine roared to life, the rumble able to be felt through the floor under the bench Leroy sat upon. The lavender-haired girl pulled her goggles down over her eyes, gave a wave, and guided her craft in a tight U-turn before heading down the road towards the forest.

Just as Leroy was thinking of getting up and looking to see where the machine went, Kena returned. The motherly… big-sisterly cat-girl slid a breakfast tray before her, gave her a head pat, then disappeared into the rest of the inn, leaving Leroy to eat in silence as she attended to some chores no doubt. As she ate, Leroy considered what had happened. She had no defense against such... cuddles? How had she been so helpless? How could her mind just blank out from the simple act of being held close to a larger form? She could remember everything that had happened, but hadn’t been able to do anything about it at the time. Not because she was helpless, but because she simply had had no motivation, no conscious awareness of what was going on. She couldn’t even have struggled!

Did it have to do with being an elf? Being younger? Leroy had no frame of reference; cuddling wasn’t something Leroy had done when she had been a little boy. Wait… she had been a little boy?

A soft moan past a strawberry as she realized she had been thinking of herself in the feminine for hours now, all morning in fact. When had he become she? She couldn’t remember exactly, but it made some kind of sense, she guessed. After all, she had no dick, no broad shoulders, no flat pecs, just soft smooth young elf girl flesh. All of her protests had been cute sweet little whimpers, groans, moans, and pouts. She didn’t know what it all meant, but one thing was clear; if she was going to be able to ask others to leave her alone, she needed to learn the language as quickly as possible.

The treatment by Kena and the Mechanic had been worlds apart from that she had suffered at the hands of the boat-girl, even if the Mechanic had been very forward by the standards of Leroy’s birth world. If she had been able to make a choice of who was going to give her her first female orgasm, the mechanic would have won by a landslide. Instead, she was being haunted by dreams of being raped! How unfair was that? Why was she even dreaming about that? Nightmares she could have understood, but this… this was… it was…

She shook her head to clear the all too vivid memories of both the act and the dream of the act, and as she moved her head, she saw her foot-wraps hanging over the post at the bottom of the stairs. Finishing the last of her meal, she got up and grabbed them, wrapping them around her feet and calves, before setting about cleaning the dishes.

As she did so, perched on a small wooden crate to make reaching the sink easier, she considered what she was going to do that day, wondering if it would be more of the same stuff as the day before… only without the mechanic to tease her. That made her realize that she hadn’t had a bath that morning, and she sniffed herself and flinched. Her skin fairly reeked of elfin desire! Hopefully there wouldn’t be any new guests before she managed to scrub herself down. She briefly considered using some of the dish-water to sponge herself off, but decided that would just make her smell like wet breadcrumbs and pineapple custard mixed with overheated elflass.

Just as Leroy finished the last of the dishes, Kena entered the common room, setting down the books, scrap paper, and pencils on the recently vacated table. Pursing her lips in an unconscious pout, Leroy watched her caretaker sit down, their eyes meeting in a moment of silent communication. With an inward sigh, Leroy dried her hands on a slightly scratchy towel, then padded over, licking her lips nervously, then sat down on the cat-girl’s lap.

Kena uttered a soft giggle, patting the little one on the head before opening the largest book. The lessons went on all through the day, with breaks now and then for lunch, chores, and dinner. Leroy managed to learn a number of basic words, chief among them being the one for “no”, a fact that she was thankful for. So thankful that she hugged Kena fiercely and snuggled against the bigger girl for a moment before bouncing about snapping “No!” at random things and pointing fiercely at them. “No book!” “No Table!” “No Bottle!” “No Bench” “No Pencil!”

That display of childish glee earned Leroy a soft smile, another pat on the head, and a giggle from Kena. Then the cat-girl sent her off to wash up.

“NO BATH!” she giggled, then tried to dodge her caretaker, but she wasn’t fast enough and ended up being carried to the bathing chamber and dumped, unceremoniously, into the tub and firmly told to stay while the innkeeper fetched the water and soap. Of course, Leroy hadn’t really been objecting to the bath, but it had felt good to pretend.

Once left alone with hot water and sweet smelling soap, Leroy washed away the scents she’d built up over the day, then dried off, wrapping up her hair in a little towel turban. Less worried now that the inn was empty and she no longer smelled of overheated girl sex, she looked herself over in the mirror carefully. She had a slim small frame, with a light hint of hips, but she was more toned than she’d first thought; she just had to flex a muscle to see the traces of definition hidden under the baby fat. She did not gaze long at her own sex, the sight of that smooth hairless plush pussy with its perfectly sculpted slit was still a bit too much for her. Part of her was still an adult, and she had thirty years of taboos to work against. Her chest was nothing much of anything, just soft flesh with cute little pink nipples. Her face  was another matter; she was cute if not outright adorable. The pouting came easy and the smiles had a hint of allure to them that (to Leroy at least) seemed out of place on a child’s face. Leroy’s eyes were almost alien, an inhuman yellow, with an iridescence that would catch the light and seem to glow just a little. She’d expect Kena to have eyes like that, being a cat-girl, but she hadn’t seen any refraction in the older girl’s eyes when they’d been together in the dark.

Nodding to her own reflection, and pleased that she had managed to look herself over without freaking out, she slipped into the pink teddy and matching panties that Kena had provided, then made her way to the innkeeper’s bedroom.

Before she could climb into her soft bed however, Kena’s hand fell on her shoulder, and the cat-girl said something Leroy didn’t understand. Looking up, the girl saw that her caretaker was gesturing towards a small stack of towels. Kena then pulled the bed sheets back to show that one had been laid out already in anticipation of a third bedwetting incident.

Blushing furiously, Leroy uttered an embarrassed groan. “Thank you,” she whispered, earning her a quick hug from the blue haired cat-girl, who closed the curtain behind her as she left Leroy alone in the deepening gloom of twilight.

Sliding under the sheets and snugging them in tight, Leroy lay there quietly, staring up at the ceiling as she thought about all that had occurred in the past week and a half. This was all some strange mystery and the number of unknowns was vast. When she’d woken in this world, she’d assumed the truck she’d been driving had been hit by one of those two trains… but now she was not so certain. Being hit by a train didn’t usually result in being turned into a prepubescent elf girl… at least she was fairly certain it didn’t. Yet that was how she had woken up in this world, alive and well and changed. But what had happened to Elisabeth, her dear little sister in that oversized sweater that made the brat seem so much cuter… she blushed as she pictured her sister’s body. She hadn’t paid much attention to it as an adult male… but now she found herself mentally comparing her sister’s form to her own.

She shook her head to clear it of that vision, and for several minutes, her thoughts were still, focused only on the sounds of night birds chirping, and the soft purring breath of the sleeping innkeeper. Finally, she allowed herself to return to the question of what was going on and how she’d gotten where she was. She’d crawled out of a hole in the ground, alone, naked, far from home, and somehow she’d survived days wandering in a desert.

A pulse of panic lanced through her heart, her eyes going wide at sudden realization. She had been in such a delirium that she could have been wandering the desert in endless circles before stumbling across the crashed airship and the mesa. She wasn’t sure she could ever find that… that tomb ever again. How would she find her sister?! She hadn’t forgotten about her little sister, she hoped she was alright! What if Elisabeth was still trapped down there? What… what if she’d stumbled to the surface too and… and wandered in the desert, scared, confused, thinking Leroy had abandoned her! Leroy shook himself. Somehow, he doubted she’d been down there. He hadn’t seen her, hadn’t seen any traces of her. If she was still alive, and he hoped against hope that she was, need to believe that she was, either she was sealed like a sleeping princess in the tomb, or she’d been transported to this world in another location. Or perhaps Elisabeth had woken in the tomb and, unable to find her brother, had left before Leroy had and had found some help. Still, Leroy realized that she would need to learn more about this world before she could dream of attempting a search for Elisabeth without risking herself.

The first step would be learning the lay of the land and the language and customs. From there, she could begin to catalogue the differences between this world and her old one… aside from the presence of tweenage cat-girls who ran their own inns and futanari airship lolita rapists. As it was, those requirements are going to take her some time. The thought of stepping onto those sands once more sent a shiver through her, not one of dread, but anticipation. She’d have to find means through that trackless desert, one that didn’t rely on travelling by foot… on that provided shade and a supply of food and water. Only once she had an idea of what she was doing and was properly outfitted could she return to the tomb and begin the search for her sister. Once they were reunited would she worry about how to get home. She fumed in thought for a while longer, the same thoughts racing in circles in her mind round and round. Finally, letting out a long sigh, she closed her eyes and, with an act of will, forced her mind clear and her breathing to slow.

Sleep claimed Leroy almost instantly and, at first, his dreams were muddled and meandering. But as if guided by an unseen hand, she soon found herself in a dream version of the inn, walking up the stairs, unable to turn away. At the top of the stairs was only one door, light burning behind it, and Leroy found he could not help but open it. Beyond, Leroy saw his new self utterly bound on her bed, legs and arms up above her head, plush pussy on display, the strawberry blond boat girl kneeling on the bed before her, ready to guide that fat clit dick into the trapped girl’s pussy.

Lunging forward in an attempt to forestall the inevitable, Leroy found himself falling, falling, falling into that elfin body just as the red-head slammed her cock into his/her sex to the hilt. Leroy wailed and thrashed helplessly as once more she found herself pinned and helpless beneath the hammering cock of her assailant, only able to squirm as it battered against her cervix with firm unrelenting thrusts. Leroy could do nothing more than accept and yield, giving pleasure to her rapist, and crying out as her own body betrayed her, feeling pleasure despite not wanting any of it. Hours passed as the older girl unleashed load after load into Leroy’s depths, that mocha tummy enlarging more and more as hot spunk was poured into it, taking on a tear drop shape as more futa-cum was shoved into Leroy then had ever happened in the waking world. At that realization, she noticed that she was floating once more in that bubble of energy in the gray mist, that the futa, the bed, the inn, that all of it was gone and she was alone… so alone.

With a start Leroy woke from her nightmare in the early morning light. She shoved a hand down, palming her flat belly, then further to cup her soaked aching sex as she uttered a sweet little whimper. Encountering wetness, she yanked her hand away before she could do more than have a feel. It was just a dream or nightmare, she wasn’t a victim of that girl again. With a whine, she threw the covers off and slid off the bed. The harshness of the dream was fading and she was already calm by the time she stood up. Resting on the footlocker was a fresh set of day cloths, and a robe.

Pulling the robe on, Leroy went to see to her aching bladder and morning mouth care, then snatched up her day clothes to find one of the washing rooms ready for her. Sometime later Leroy stepped out, dressed for the day. She quickly found and greeted Kena with what she hoped were the correct words, earning her a smile and a pat on the head. Then the two of them set forth on a day of chores and lessons. The next night was a repeat of the previous one, as was the one after that, and the one after that. Again and again she would dream of dreams where she was assaulted in her sleep, waking up to a mess in the morning. This continued, day in and day out, chores, lessons, and nightmares.

Then, on the twelfth night, the dream-rapist spoke to her just before she woke. The red-head leaned down and whispered, “This can all end… all you have to do is-” but Leroy was suddenly in the bubble, panting and gasping, feeling chilled deeper than her skin. Somehow, she knew that the rapist would tell her how it could end the next night. She knew, and knew that, whatever the girl said, whatever the offer was, it would be disastrous to accept… and yet, she also knew that, if this went on long enough, eventually she would do whatever the dream-rapist demanded of her. Leroy woke with a start, a gentle hand rocking her by the shoulder. “Mena, wake up Mena,” Kena’s voice called out softly. Leroy blinked her yellow eyes open, but she felt like she hadn’t had a wink of sleep.

“Nnnn.. Kena? I just laid down..” Leroy complained softly, even as the older girl pulled her out from the sheets.

A look of concern graced the blue haired girl’s face. “I let you sleep in Mena, it’s just two hours until noon.”

Kena’s words made the elf’s eyes open wide, but before she could consider the implications, a pang from her belly imposed itself on her awareness. She squirmed and slipped from Kena’s arms, her bladder aching in outraged fullness. On tiny feet, Leroy ran into the bathroom with just enough time left to yank her panties down. The rush of peeing left her breathless and dazed until a knock on the bathroom door brought her back to lucidity. “I… I’m sorry Kena, let me freshen up?” Leroy begged softly, with the innkeeper making an affirmative sound on the other side of the door.

Kena left Leroy alone letting the white haired girl wash and change and replace the towel on her bed. When, at last, Leroy was feeling able to deal with the rest of the world, she found the cat-girl sitting at the table, a light luncheon laid out for the two of them. She motioned silently for Leroy to join her, then tucked in to her own repast.

Kena watched Leroy eat, waiting for the younger girl to get a few morsels and gulps of juice in. “Mena, what’s wrong? It’s been getting harder for you to wake up each morning since you came here,” she asked with a soft tone of concern.

Leroy looked over and pursed her lips as she considered Kena’s words. How could she tell the cat-girl about the dreams? That she was dreaming about being raped every night? Her sex pulsed with wet heat, and she squeezed her smooth thighs together. Kena was… was still a child! She couldn’t… couldn’t… no. She shook her head to clear those thoughts away. As the days had passed, it became harder for Leroy to see Kena as a child, but the idea of admitting the truth of the issue was making her cheeks and ears flush. “Yes well, ah. It’s really embarrassing... it has to do with that girl I came here with.” Leroy couldn’t look up from her tray. “I… I think I liked what she did. I keep dreaming about what she did to me.” Leroy’s voice was tiny, almost a whisper.

The cat-girl let out a mrrr of concern. “That’s not.. Leroy you’re a bit different from little ones your age. I understand this. But what she did to you was wrong. Is that all, you’re just dreaming about her?” Kena laid a hand over Leroy’s, her words soft and caring. “Is there anything else?” she added after a time. “Anything you’re not telling me?”

Leroy was quiet, looking up from that hand to the worried look on Kena’s face. “She… the one in the dream… She started to talk to me. She said she could make it end, but you woke me up before she could tell me how.” Leroy’s voice had a bit more energy to it now, Kena hadn’t reacted badly to the information.

Kena shook her head and said a single word Leroy did not recognize. “Was there a gray mist? Maybe you saw a sphere around you?” At Kena’s question, Leroy nodded. The cat-girl let out a mrring sigh and patted Leroy’s hand. “Finish your breakfast and do the dishes, then come to our room when you're finished. I’ll do my best to explain what’s happening.” Kena stood up as she told Leroy, “You did nothing wrong, little one, I’m just surprised it happened when you were so young. But you are not a normal child.” Kena left Leroy with that, heading into the back of the inn.

That was something Leroy had learned during her lessons, though she hadn’t been able to fill in all the holes in the puzzle that was this world. Kena had explained that there were five age groups in this world, and for some reason, Leroy was part of the youngest, while the oldest were the age of Hana the mechanic, an adult, no matter how young she seemed. Kena was considered a young adult, or so she claimed. Was it possible that, in this world, there weren’t any babies? No toddlers? No true adults? Just girls, futanari, and maybe boys between the apparent ages of eight or nine at the youngest and fifteen or sixteen at the oldest? It seemed so bizarre to think about… but thinking was hard. She was soo tired. Still… she reached up and touched her head, waiting for the skull plate to ache, but she just felt a normal skull under her hair. Of everything that happened, that was somehow the one concrete thing, the one thing she should accept at face value… and if that miracle had happened, maybe everything else was real too.

Drying off her hands, Leroy got down off the stepstool and headed for the room she shared with the cat-girl. The curtain to Kena’s bed was closed, while the curtain to the always closed alcove was open. Taking up a central part was a large gold or gold plated skull affixed to a stone base. Though it was heavily stylized, it was recognizable as some kind of sheep’s skull and looked to be some kind of tribal witchdoctor’s mask.

Flanking it were two round white marble tablets with words in the local language painted on them in golden letters. Although she’d been studying it for almost two weeks, Leroy’s understanding of the language was almost entirely oral, meaning that she could handle little more than the basic words. What was written there was far too complicated for her to figure out.

Off to the side, there was a wooden pole with pegs set into it and it looked as if something that had been hung had been removed. Just looking at the entire display was making the back of Leroy’s eyeballs itch, forcing her to look away. The curtain to Kena’s bed parted and the cat-girl stepped out. She was dressed in an open front short kimono with a single-piece swimsuit beneath, toed stockings and sandals. The kimono was white while the trim, swimsuit, and stockings were a soft blue.  “Cute!” Leroy exclaimed. She wanted to say more, but she didn’t quite have the vocabulary for that yet.

Kena grabbed her own tail nervously and smiled at the dark skinned elf. “I used to be a priestess before I became an innkeeper,” she offered by way of an explanation before stepping over to the smaller girl. Leroy returned the smile, then let out a long yawn that caught both of them by surprise. Kena giggled for a moment before stopping herself, her expression becoming serious. She headed over to the religious memorabilia and pulled a metal-reinforced tome from a shelf beneath the idol. Opening it, she flipped through the pages until she apparently found what she was looking for. She turned the book around to show Leroy the contents, a picture of a shimmering bubble floating in gray mist, while several shadowy shapes wrap around it. The picture was surrounded by text that likely explained the image.

“The mortal world overlaps with the dream world,” the catgirl began. “When a person sleeps, they form a pocket banjuan around them, one that they have some control over. Among the many creatures that exist in the dream world, there exists a creature called a Figment. They are spirits, bits of energy with enough shenzai to be self-aware, and a tiny amount of will. They are formed by the dreams of mortals. Under normal circumstances, a Figment can brush up against a dreamer’s dream and help shape it, gaining a bit of vinoc in return for influencing the dream. Do you understand so far?” There were a couple of words that Leroy hadn’t caught, but the gist had been clear enough. Banjuan clearly meant something like realm or dimension, while shenzai must mean something like complexity or raw intelligence… or maybe both. As for vinoc, that must be vitality, or life-force. “I… I think so,” she agreed. “Please, go on.”

Kena gave her a tight-lipped smile, then nodded before continuing. “Occasionally Figments can enter someone’s dream. This is easiest if that person has lost some of their dinkia… their mind strength? You understand?” Leroy nodded. “Such a loss can be from bad thoughts or painful events. When a Figment gets inside someone’s dream, they can change it much more than when they are outside, stealing more vinoc than they would normally be able to. Once the dreamer wakes, the Figment is usually expelled… but sometimes there are instances when the Figment remains, draining lots of vinoc from the dreamer, and eventually taking control of the dreamer in the waking world. They then change the dreamer’s physical form to match that of the Figment.”

“I don’t like that.” Leroy declared, feeling frightened. She wanted to say more, but that was all she could express with her limited command of the language. The boat-girl had been cute, even attractive, but she didn’t want to have the same face that had been leering at her for days in her dreams. Losing control of her own body was something too terrible to contemplate.

Kena nodded slowly, placing a hand on the smaller girl’s shoulder to comfort her and show her that she understood. “Come, rest on your bed. I will drive the figment out. It will not hurt,” she said softly, her tone gentle and reassuring, leading Leroy to her cot and helping her lay down. “Please try not to fall asleep for as long as you can,” Kena suggested.

Leroy promised she’d try, though the comfort and fatigue were kept at bay only by the fear of what might happen if she dozed off. As Leroy fretted and tried not to let her nerves get the best of her, Kena performed a few sharp gestures and uttered two sharp words. All at once, the itching Leroy had felt behind her eyes when looking at the idol earlier spread across her entire body.

It was almost like pins and needles were poking at her in a back and forth wave. The sensation was intense, uncomfortable, just shy of pain, and it caused Leroy to cry out and grip the bed sheets in fists so tight the knuckles turned white. She groaned and arched her back as the sensation grew more and more painful.

Eyes wide, chest tight, Leroy saw that Kena’s face was contorted with a look of alarm, and then the catgirl began to perform a series of sharp gestures, ones that almost made it look like she was picking up and placing down pieces on an invisible board.

Leroy’s perception shifted suddenly. She was not on her bed but floating in the silvery bubble of energy. Then she fell, thudding on a floor made entirely of gray mist. A moment later, she was being pounced on by the boat-girl. No, not the boat-girl, but the spirit; the Figment, with the boat-girl’s face! Where the Figment was gripping her, Leroy felt a coolness, a draining sensation that signalled how much of her lifeforce the creature was stealing from her. The Figment leered down at her as she had been doing every night, and for several moments Leroy was overcome by panic. She was going to rape her! Again! And there was nothing she could do to stop her! “No!” Leroy bellowed, then slammed a tiny chocolate fist into the creature’s face, sending her reeling. Both Figment and elf were stunned for several moments, then the spirit lunged at Leroy once more. Leroy shoved her foot into the Figment’s gut, sending it flying once more, while climbing to her own feet.

“I don’t know what’s happening…” Leroy’s panic and fear were shifting, falling away as anger blossomed in their place. “I don’t care if you look like a child, but if you don’t fucking leave, I’m going to beat the everliving tar out of you!” This time it was Leroy making the charge! While the Figment was taller than Leroy, this was a dream realm, where things were not based on the physical, and Leroy had memories of being bigger, stronger, tougher! Big Leroy grabbed the boat girl Figment, and slammed her against the barrier. The Figment howled and clawed at Leroy, who noticed in passing that she was still female and mocha-skinned despite being twice the Figment’s size now. “GET OUT!” she roared, shoving hard, the barrier stretching behind the creature.

Kena had said the creature had some sort of will, and it transformed, from that of the boat-girl into Leroy’s little sister. Steely anger ran through Leroy. “Don’t you dare! Don’t you ever dare!” With one final shove, the Figment was pushed out into the mists beyond, where it was snatched up by some ethereal wind and torn away from Leroy’s grasp. Within the blink of an eye, it was gone, lost in the endless haze of the dream world.

“Mena, everything will be alright, I’m here!” The sound of Kena’s voice caused Leroy to spin around, finding the blue twin tailed cat-girl standing there in her robes. “You’re not going to trick me again!” Leroy bellowed, and Kena yelped as Leroy pounced her. However Leroy did not feel the cool draining sensation.

“K-kena!? You’re.. I’m sorry I thought she had somehow got back in!” The gray landscaped shifted to a big fluffy bed, and Leroy shifted her grab to a hug. Kena let out a cute squeak of surprise, then gave Leroy a return embrace.

“Oh you’re so much easier to understand here. You drove the figment out, all by yourself?” The cat-girl asked. Leroy nodded, as another Leroy materialized and joined the two. “That’s st-good! Oh oh dear!” Another Leroy appeared, adding to the cuddle pile. “I’m going to leave now before this gets out of hand.” The pinned cat-girl declared, and vanished from under the growing pile of naked dark skinned elf girl bodies.

Back in the waking world, Kena stood up from the chair she was sitting on. The small elf girl was sleeping soundly, without a troubled or exerted expression on her pouting face. “You can take a long nap, and I’ll wake you in a few hours.” She whispered to the girl, leaning down to kiss her on the forehead. “However did you drive the Figment out? Oh but you are a curious girl.” Smiling to herself, Kena pulled the bed sheets over the small form, and closed the curtains behind her.